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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Bergoglio's Pectoral Cross – Photo evidence of his true allegiance

Amici, Friends,

What's happening in the Catholic Church is so tragic, and unnecessary, and more than anything else, so crazily odd, that is is incredible. (And how peculiar it mirrors what's going on in the U.S.A.'s secular government.) But it's been a long time coming, after all. We've seen it developing for years. Or we should have seen it.
  • Ditching the TLM was the most glaring sign 50-some years ago, and the current war against it serves as another. 'Tradition is the Deposit of Faith," as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre wrote. Didn't they see that? Yes, many of them did. The revolutionaries of Modernism knew precisely what they were about.
  • Indeed, the take over of the Council at the beginning of its first session from the men Pope John XXIII had set to moderate it served as a portent. A "gob-smacking" one, forsooth. The "Young Modernist Turks" who seized control ditched all but one of the proposed documents that John's Curia had worked on for years for the Council to adjudicate. Out went the one against Communism, the one on the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc., and they cast the one they kept in a very different light than it was intended to have.
  • John lost control of his eccentric "pastoral" Second Vatican Council and Pope Paul VI could only shut it down. Before he did, he took away from it the teaching on contraception that it was going to consider. He didn't want the Council in that minefield.
  • In 1968, three years after Pope Paul VI shut the lurching, unstable Council down, he promulgated Humanae Vitae, which taught the Tradition on contraception. It resulted in a very large portion of Catholic clergy, laity, and educators rejecting it, thereby rejecting the Traditional teaching that HV (rather lamely) proffered. That stood as a tremendously significant auspice, too. An "in your face" one. A new Church, essentially, was aborning. Now today the rumor wafts about that Bergoglio intends to "redo" Humanae Vitae in some manner, allowing artificial contraception: (A rumor begun by no less than the Pontifical Academy of Life!)
  • Bergoglio's insistence that capital punishment can no longer be countenanced is in itself mortally significant, because in 2,000 years the Church has always accepted the right of the secular authority to impose the death penalty. St. Paul preached it. Bergoglio is changing such a Tradition as that.
  • And pretty much everything Bergoglio says and does offers yet more signals; e.g. surely his constant support of homosexuality and blasphemers like Fr. James Martin, S.J. (what else but an S.J.?) remains one of the stakes that this upcoming "Synod on Synodality" will drive into the Catholic heart, one of the whips he intends to flay us with.
  • Now the latest Bergoglian Imbroglio involves his new chief at the Holy Office (Doctrine of the Faith, with some sort of yet newer name or other). This boss, "Tucho" Fernández, about to be elevated to the cardinalate, spouts that "Bergi" has Gnostic powers and his will looms paramount over both the Church in general and Tradition in particular. No, I'm not kidding. See Who are you to judge the Holy Father and its followup here: Quite Obvious to a Catholic.
So, in the midst of all that, the redoubtable Ann Barnhardt has a column about yet another, extremely obvious sign: Bergoglio's silver pectoral cross he wears. The corpus on it not only sports an ugly death-mask face, but it also has crossed arms – crossed arms! – and just unbelievably, its right leg is turned around backwards! Heel to front. Go see the photos Ann has. (And follow the link to an earlier article on Joseph Bernardin and Wilton Gregory. Must reads, all.)

It's clear. It's unnerving. And it's the same style "cross" the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin wore, the Satan-worshiping prelate that Malachi Martin wrote about in his novel Windswept House, and that Wilton Gregory – a protege of Bernardin and now archbishop of Washington, D.C., canceling Latin Masses everywhere there – wears now. And guess what? Tucho Fernández wears the same pectoral cross!

Ann B. details how this corpus is a Satanic code sign. She lists various Satanic groups signified and proclaimed by it.

So, the "pope" has been openly sporting Satan's Insignia since he was an archbishop, though then it was a gold one. Look at the photos of the one today and get "gob-smacked". Here's a close-up:

This is an augury, folks, a massive one. A plain omen. A warning. An exclamation mark.
What more does Bergoglio have to do to proclaim his objectives so that we get it?
It's one for all of us to see, if we look. And it appears in literally hundreds of photos. It's no joke (unless the joke is on us).

May God have mercy on us.


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