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Monday, March 30, 2020

France and the U.S. FDA both approve Chloroquine for immediate use / other news

Great news regarding HydroxyChloroquine developed over the weekend.

and the U.S. FDA:

These moves are apparently predicated on news from French Dr. Didier Raoult's most recent test, first reported on three days ago. 

And also on NYC Dr Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko's astounding news
this is great news, indeed.

Late-breaking news on the H-C front again stronglz suggests that "the powers that be" expect great things from the drug combo. 

Now, I know some say I'm just reporting useless "spin" and these tests haven't been clinically verified by the FDA and the host of government agencies (like the CDC) and so on; however, the fact that both France's government and the FDA has now approved H-C (Hydroxychloroquine) indicates that the evidence exists for H-C's use.

Two caveats. First, H-C is used successfully in combination with an antibiotic, azithromycin (Z-Pak), and zinc sulfate. It is not just H-C by itself. Secondly, these high success rates are based on getting the patients medicated early, not long after they exhibit CoVid-19's symptoms. ("CoVid-19", "COVID-19", etc., re: spelling.) If one waits too long, success is not as pronounced, and fatalities can occur. That was the case with Dr. Raoult, wherein an 86-year-old died, being relatively far gone when the test began.

Also, significantly, two other aspects of this to keep in mind. Doctors (and nurses who can get it) are using H-C as a prophylactic to prevent them from developing CoVid-19. You see this in the blogs and the Comments sections. And also, on Tucker Carlson the other night, this past week, Carlson was interviewing a NYC doctor who, toward the end of the interview, mentioned he himself was taking Plaquenil, a brand name for H-C. Carlson had asked the doc how the doc was avoiding infection, and Carlson missed the significance of the reference, and ended the interview. But I caught it, and so did Carlson's producer, who told Carlson but too late to ask the doc about it.

Obviously, the medical professionals who are "on the front line" are not messing around waiting for FDA/CDC approval (which has now been given).

The other significant point to make is that a good number of clinical or quasi-clinical tests began last week with H-C, in many quarters, most particularly NYC, and we'll be hearing a lot about that in the immediate future. Be on the lookout.

Finally, Drs Fauci and Birx over the weekend, in TV interviews, made extraordinary claims about fantastic fatality projections: Fauci saying we could possibly see 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the U.S. and Birx saying COVID-19 would  have killed 1.6 to 2 million Americans if the U.S. government had not established the lockdown and cratered the economy.

These numbers seem to contradict what both individuals have said very recently, and published (for example, Fauci in the New England Journal of Medicine). Caution is required, because the media is crying up "Disaster! Woe!". Fauci has to be listened to at length, and was basically saying we are not ready to let up the lockdown (to the extent one formally exists, the less shocking term being "social distancing") quite yet, that we need more widespread testing in regions not hit so hard. (That's because we don't really know how many have actually had the virus and were not been too adversely affected by it -- we need to do massive testing with new tests that show whether one has had the virus of the past few months; such tests are being made available now.) Clearly, such testing can’t be in regions such as New York and New Orleans and other cities, currently flooded with the virus. As for Fauci, in his Sunday interview on CNN, he seems to be doing a lot of "hemming and hawing" (as the old saying has it) and not saying much anything definite. Also, important to point out, Facui did say these computer models are based on assumptions and, in his experience, the worst case scenario rarely happens.

However, it is these models -- such as issued by Neill Ferguson at the Imperial College, London (now massively reconfigured downward), and by the U.S. Democrat group "COVID Act Now" were what caused such panic in the first place.

At American Thinker, Clarice Feldman as a good article here: in which she provides long quotes and links to an even better article by Daniel Horowitz. Always, remember, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. A good article showing how the MSM "spins" these statistics is here:
Quite fascinating, actually. The same data can be presented in myriads of ways. And I know some friends of mine will be quick to say that Drs Raoult and Zelenko can alter their stats too, but in their case, we will be quickly seeing whether their info is reliable; certainly, the governments of France and the U.S. think so.

One interesting point was made in a comment at the blog Wattsupwiththat about hurricane predictions. Hurricane prediction models often mispredict where the hurricane is going, until the storms get closer and closer to shore, and also, somehow, rates of success of such predictions are calculated over an 80-year period. Certainly the Global Warming predictions of 20 years ago (tempus fugit) are all wrong in general, and most often in detail. It is a commonplace, however, that you just never see MSM reports on how so far off these predictions often were. Remember the Global Overpopulation scare of the 1980s? Same with the COVID-19 predictions.

Horowitz, in the article linked to in the Conservative Review piece linked to here makes an excellent point that it is stastically impossible for COVID-19 to only have arrived here in the West at the end of January. Because of the volume of traffic from China (and less to China) it is certain that it got here in December. A lot fo the people who died in January and February and are listed as having died of the flu (which is a killer), but they could have had COVID-19. No one here was looking for it and assumed it was just a flu death. 

We just don't know. But it is possible, therefore, that we are seeking peak virus infections now. Interesting idea. We've no way of knowing. But were it true, it means COVID-19 kills at a low rate indeed, in terms of what has been shouted from the rooftops of the MSM, at least.

Now, I am NOT denigrating SARS CoVid-19. It is causing havoc in the medical systems of every country that it gets a hold in. And it got a hold in Italy (because of Italy's close connections to China) and the U.S. (in Seattle first, then NYC, from a European-derived strain of the virus) before anyone really grasped what was going on. That's the fault of China, and once this mess is cleared up, there will be repercussions, serious ones.

Also, COVID-19 is deadly to older folks and people with pre-existing conditions like myself (COPD in my case), and it can kill younger people:
But there also has to be a balance between protecting (and curing) people and crashing Western Civilization. That cannot be our two options. Right now, we seem to be cutting off our nose to spite our face, or as one internet wag put it, committing suicide because we fear dying.

Most important point to make: Everything these days is political, even the weather! (I.e., Global Warming.) Marriage is political ("same-sex" marriage) and even the nature of the sexes, being male and female, is political. It's all insane.

There's nothing not soaked in politics. Why has the MainStream Media (MSM) be so opposed to Hydroxychloroquine, for example? Because Trump is for it. This "politicking" the coronavirus is ubiquitous. Now Nancy Pelosi is suggesting Trump should be impeached for his handling of the virus breakout!

Therefore, one must be extremely skeptical of a great portion of the news about the virus. I suspect H-C might be a civilizational life-saver, but I don't know that, and anxiously await news this week of how the current tests turn out. But the governments of France and the U.S., their announcements reported over the weekend, seem to strongly indicate H-C does work as advertised.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Yet More Good News, and France's Horrific Confiscation of Chloroquine

Amazing news!

Of course, I know many will say this is an eccentric Jewish doctor, and the proper clinical tests have not be run in these 699 patients, and all that. That it's just "spin", in other words.

However, proof, I think, that HydroxyChloroquine actually works is found here, in this AsiaTimes artice:
To the extent this article is true, and the article has a lot of detail about the connections with government figures and "Big Pharma", wow, the French government is complicit in the deaths of people H-C could have helped. It is outrageous, but that's the politics of all this. (I suppose they might say it has not been tested for this, but it was patented in 1934, and its side affects are well known. In a crisis, there's no excuse for the French government's behavior.)

Also, an important caveat about this treatment: I've been reading in the blogs that Zelenko's success is because he gets a patient who just exhibits symptoms, and before the patient is sick enough to be admitted to a hospital. THAT's the key.

There may (or may not) be another drug combo that helps hospitalized COVID-19 patients, reported on here:

Also in general recommendation is using vitamin C, and zinc, along with various other mineral and vitamins. anything that stops or slows down viral replication in cells. Unfortunately, from what I see, zinc is getting out of stock everywhere. Hard to find right now, but not impossible. (It'd probably encourage my kidney stones to grow, for myself, but I'll try it out, anyway.)

An excerpt from the Zelenko article:

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Some more good Chloroquine news


That French doctor/prof who ran a Chloroquine test a couple of weeks ago with 40 patients has now run one with 80, and had the same good results! (Well, one of the 80 died, but he was 86 and pretty far gone when he came in.)

This is FANTASTIC news, my friends. You will be reading more about it in the coming week, I'm sure.

An Préachán

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 news as of March 25, 2020


Today, March 25, has produced a list of interesting articles.

The first is shocking. (As in, "I'm shocked, shocked to find gambling going on in this establishment!")
Read it and weep. Why, why, oh why do we let ourselves get bamboozled by Leftist political hacks with an agenda?
An except:

Countering the lies and hype, yesterday, Dr Birx, on Trump's Coronavirus team, confirmed what a number of people (usually called idiots, hacks, "deniers" and what not) were right.

An except:
On Tuesday Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed our earlier allegations that the WHO was wrong with their coronavirus predictions.
The actual mortality rate will be significantly under 1%.
President Trump: I think the main factor is the mortality rate. We talked about the mortality rate when we first started, people were thinking about 3 and 4 percent and now they’re talking about a much lower number. I think it is a number that will be a lot different than people thought.
Dr. Birx: The mortality rate is driven almost exclusively by what we have been talking about by people with preexisting conditions and older. So that has become from the very beginning that was our emphasis. When we started two or three weeks ago talking with one another our focus has been how do we protect those with preexisting conditions and the elderly…
President Trump: It’s a lot lower than we originally thought. Frankly, it’s a lot lower.
Dr. Birx: Yes, you know the estimate in Wuhan was originally. It was over three percent. When they (Chinese) looked outside of Wuhan it was 0.7%. In South Korea it was 0.7 to 0.8%. That’s like a tyranny of averages. That’s probably missing 50-60% of the data because no one was testing asymptomatics. Remember in every country you had to be symptomatic to get a test. So we’re making case fatality rates when we’re missing a significant part of the data.
The Gateway Pundit was right. And they were first with this news.
The media and medical experts have not yet discovered the absolute irresponsible comparisons coming from the World Health Organization Director that set this global economic panic into motion.

An Préachan again:
For a very detailed analysis of the virus's death rate, and all sorts of related issues, such as how many people will get it, how long it might last, etc., see:

So many amazing bits of info, I can't begin to excerpt anything.

And if you're wondering about Italy, this one should enlighten you: This one contains not only info about Italia, but also about Korea, for a friend of the author, a friend who resides in Korea, writes a long Comment explaining how Koreans are keeping the virus down.

Meanwhile, in China:

Gee! How could that happen? I thought the Chinese were exemplars at all this medical and CoVid-19 related? Surely this must be "fake news?" /sarc

And wow, if you're Chinese, you had better not be critical, or remotely report the truth:

That's right. They just vanish.

And the accounts of tens of thousands -- indeed, apparently millions! -- of cell phones and land lines have been cancelled in China in the Wuhan area. What happened to their owners?

Also, about the World Health Organization:

Oh, and there's this:
How do the Chinese get away with bullying the world? It is just jaw-dropping incredible.
An excerpt:

And so it goes. And it goes so consistently; it is easy to become paranoid.

For some paranoia-building vitamins, check this out:
An excerpt:

An Préachan again: Despite all the (to a very large extent, false) bad news, I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful because I think the HydroxyChloroquine will either live up to the studies and trials already done with it, or its results will at least be close enough we can all relax a bit.
Otherwise, we're facing financial/economic Armageddon. We won't have to worry about some "Wuhan Flu" killing us -- starvation and the "law of the jungle" will do that just fine.

And do you notice how few articles there are out there addressing the mental health/suicide issues this incredible lockdown is building up? Silence.

An Préachan

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Official confirmation that CoVid-19's death rate is NOT what the WHO said it was...

VERY important news.

Dr Birx, on Trump's Coronavirus team, confirmed what a number of people (usually called idiots, hacks, "deniers" and what not) were right all along.

An except:
On Tuesday Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed our earlier allegations that the WHO was wrong with their coronavirus predictions.
The actual mortality rate will be significantly under 1%.
President Trump: I think the main factor is the mortality rate. We talked about the mortality rate when we first started, people were thinking about 3 and 4 percent and now they’re talking about a much lower number. I think it is a number that will be a lot different than people thought.
Dr. Birx: The mortality rate is driven almost exclusively by what we have been talking about by people with preexisting conditions and older. So that has become from the very beginning that was our emphasis. When we started two or three weeks ago talking with one another our focus has been how do we protect those with preexisting conditions and the elderly…
President Trump: It’s a lot lower than we originally thought. Frankly, it’s a lot lower.
Dr. Birx: Yes, you know the estimate in Wuhan was originally. It was over three percent. When they (Chinese) looked outside of Wuhan it was 0.7%. In South Korea it was 0.7 to 0.8%. That’s like a tyranny of averages. That’s probably missing 50-60% of the data because no one was testing asymptomatics. Remember in every country you had to be symptomatic to get a test. So we’re making case fatality rates when we’re missing a significant part of the data.
The Gateway Pundit was right.
And we were first with this news.

The media and medical experts have not yet discovered the absolute irresponsible comparisons coming from the World Health Organization Director that set this global economic panic into motion.

Ron again:
For a very detailed analysis of the virus's death rate, and all sorts of related issues, such as how many people will get it, how long it might last, etc., see:

So many amazing bits of info, I can't begin to excerpt anything.

An Préachan

Monday, March 23, 2020

Quarantine, Muslims, Europe, & SARS, plus the numbers of Chinese in Italy


First, the latter Italian stats, just for the record

About Quarantine per se, see also:
An excerpt:
Quarantine only works early, before the virus escapes. The University of Southampton has found that the Chinese delay in quarantining Wuhan led to massive increases in the worldwide spread of Wuhan flu. Had they acted even one week earlier, the epidemic would have been reduced by two-thirds. Three weeks earlier, when it became clear that something bad was going on, the worldwide reduction would have been 95%, allowing other areas of quarantine to be beneficial. Once you enter that vertical phase, broad quarantine doesn't work. Even if every person with symptoms was locked up, there would still be three or four others out there with the virus, spreading the infection. It can't be stopped. It's "in the wild."

This is a long article, but worth it.

Here's the University of Southampton link:

But whatever about all that, France has an immediate SARS CoVid-19 problem, and it might not be what you would think.
An excerpt:
The heavily migrant-populated Seine-Saint-Denis area is proving to be a tough area for police to enforce the nationwide anti-coronavirus quarantine ordered by French president Emmanuel Macron, with police officers admitting that they are overwhelmed.

A man guarding a local pharmacy told newspaper Le Temps that many of the residents do not even believe the virus is a threat to them at all

“They do not understand anything. Some even say that this virus is a fable of whites to force them to desert the street,” the man said.

Other areas of Seine-Saint-Denis also saw people gathering, including a local shopping centre where a number of minority teenagers chatted with each other, some wearing masks, others not.

Police say that enforcing the law in the area is “impossible” and that if they try to impose the 135 euro fines they would not be able to contain the potential backlash, and that the risk of a crowd forming would only increase the chances of spreading the coronavirus.

“We are not going to give up. But we also know where these people live and how they live. Strict containment, for them, is just impossible,” an officer explained.

On Wednesday it was reported that 10 per cent of all the fines for breaking the quarantine in France were given in Seine-Saint-Denis, per Fabienne Klein-Donati, the public prosecutor of Bobigny.

The quarantine measures were also largely ignored by residents in the highly migrant-populated 18th arrondissement in the north of Paris, with crowds of people walking around the area despite police orders to stay in their homes.

The coronavirus outbreak has also led to pharmacies becoming targets for burglars, as in the city of Colombes just outside of Paris, where a man from Seine-Saint-Denis was arrested for stealing medical face masks and hand sanitiser.

In Seine-et-Marne, meanwhile, drug dealers donned masks and other medical gear and were seen strolling along the streets of the Almont district of Melun, even creating a video for social media advertising that they were still selling drugs, regardless of the quarantine and coronavirus outbreak.

So, you know, it occurs to me that all that talk about the Muslims inundating Europe and destroying it, might turn out to be only too true, but not exactly in the fashion so many have surmised.

An Préachan

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

St. Patrick, The Forgotten and Found

Being an Irish-speaker, and one who has lived in Ireland (working in an Irish-language bookstore, even, for a year or so, and descendant of all sorts of Irish) and so on, wandering long along the streams and fields in the twilight (Ireland herself, never, ever, leaves you), a life-long student of all things involving the second largest British Isle, I have to say:

We know nothing about Catricius (the Irish couldn't pronounce the P-sound in those days) except what he, himself, wrote. All the rest is legend written down at least a century and a half later, and by Irish clerics in Armagh who wanted to lay claim to be the principal church/monastery in all Ireland. By that time, Ireland was (kinda sorta, more or less) Christian entirely. The Pope had sent Palladius, though we've not clue how successful he was -- he was only supposed to be a bishop to already believing Christians. And St. Brigid had been responsible for converting Leinster and lands about. But Patrick – up to then, in a freshly all-Christian Éire – was unknown, unmentioned. He had been as forgotten as one could be. Then suddenly, the Armagh crew was crowing. It's as though someone discovered his two surviving documents in an attic somewhere, because there seems to be no memory of him until suddenly, poof! His documents are there and published, and the fabulous history hastily written up by the Armagh crowd.

And because of the way he narrated his tale, in part, and because of the absolutely unique way he wrote in Latin, as some scholars have said, he might as well not have written anything at all. However, his documents are SO unique, there can absolutely no doubt Patrick wrote them. They're simply unbelievably rare and utterly precious.

For Patrick wrote Latin the way a fifth-century someone of his (much curtailed) education would write. As such, in the entire corpus of Latin literature, from it's beginning, Patrick's is the only example of a (relatively) unlettered lettered man writing in Latin. That makes it HARD TO READ for scholars, believe me.

We have his Confession, and His Letter to the Soldiers of Corotius. But though he gives the town where he was from, Patrick doesn't say what region it was in, or even what country; i.e. Gaul or Britain. The idea of writing that out, or saying what kingdom in Ireland he was enslaved in, simply doesn't occur to him. He was from The Empire, don't you know. Where in the Empire was of small concern to him. We generally assume he came from Britain, in the western area; i.e. modern Wales, or Cornwall, or Cumbria in the north, but we really have no clue. "My father was Calpornius. He was a deacon; his father was Potitus, a priest, who lived at Bannavem Taburniae. His home was near there, and that is where I was taken prisoner." 

Alright, Boyo, ceart go leor, m' bhuachaill, and just where was Bannavem Taburniae? And what sort of home? Probably a country villa, such as dotted Britannia (the Welsh: Prydain) in late Roman times. But we can't be sure of anything. He wrote in the Confession that he was enslaved to a man for six years, escaped through God's inspiration, and came back home (wherever that was), where he received a message in a dream from people living in the "Wood of Volcut" near the "Western Sea." (Modern translations mention "home in Britain" but I'd have to see the original Latin for that.) However, was he meaning the Atlantic, the Western Sea from an Irish perspective, or the Irish Sea, from a Britain perspective. We don't know. No clue. I believe it is generally assumed he was in and around the County Down, mainly, in northeast Ireland. His burial site is there, of course.

And so it goes. When Patricius escaped from Ireland, after a three-day voyage, he landed in a desolate land with the mariners, and traveled for 28 days through a "wilderness". Scholars say there's nowhere in Western Europe at that time that one could travel for a month in a "wilderness". This, of all the mysteries in the Confession, is the most obscure.

It is the only writing in the entire Confession, however, that we can doubt. Everything else he wrote in it, no matter how obscure, we can take for absolute fact. And note, too, that his tale is not one of astounding miracles such as defeating the Druids, or converting the High King (good luck with that!), or anything else. Crom and the Old Ones were secure, so they thought. He does report dreams, however, visions in dreams, intense bouts of prayer, but no miracles. Everything he writes is filled with his passion, too. It is amazing material to read, just astounding. But as noted, murky enough to leave us with more questions than answers. An exploring anthropologist he was not. Oh, though, had he been a British Herodotus! But no, no such luck.

Finally, Patricius seems most in a passion about defending himself, to be writing in defense of his mission. Brethren back home (Britain?) accuse him of misleading the Irish, cleaning out their wallets. Patrick, like Donald Trump (half-Scottish) doesn't take that. He fights back. That's the reason he wrote Confession and the Letter (written against a British warlord of carried off some of Patrick's flocks as slaves). But most amazing, perhaps, of all, we get a strong glimpse of the fact that Patrick might not even have been ordained – not as a priest, and certainly not as a bishop! THAT might have been the underlying issue all along. If so, it just adds more incredibleness, more astonishment, to Patrick's Tale.

And all that is, after all, far more interesting than out-druiding the Druids or sending ol' Crom Cruach and Lugh Lámhfada Samildánach packing! (Fionn stayed around, of course; ye just can't get rid of Fionn.)

An Préachan

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Why Has Italy Been So Hard Hit by the Coronavirus?