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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Oh Brave New WEF World that hath such Bug Eaters in it...


One part of the current push to spark off World War III reveals itself in the goofy propaganda about eating bugs as a solution of the world's food crisis.
  • This push doesn't come from governments per se, but rather non-governmental organizations that run the modern world's governments, entities such as the World Economic Forum. When a popularly elected government appears, as with Trump in 2016 or now Meloni in Italy or the new Swedish government, "the powers-that-be" raise all Hell to oppose them. (They tried "lawfare" for four years to remove Trump.) The truth is, we essentially live in a world run by ideological mafias.
  • And by the way, that's why the danger of nuclear war stands much greater now than during the "Cold War". Actual governments ran that "cold war", love them or hate them. Ideological mafias do not even have to pretend to represent "the people".
  • Therefore, now everything government-related consists of string-pulling by private actors working against the popular will. This is the result. (The past had a lot of that too, as with Freemasonry and powerful clubs like the Bank of England running imperial Britain, but today, it is out of control, and our civilization might fall because of it.)
But famine is coming, right?
Remember, the world's food crisis is wholly artificially created.
  1. The lie, the utter false witness that the planet's agricultural people – farmers – cannot maintain "sustainable" farming, stands as a bigger, more monstrous lie then that Joe Biden was legally elected, or that Jorge Bergoglio is the actual pope.
  2. It remains far more deadly in its scope, and indeed it involves the same lie as Global Warming/Climate Change. They are parts of the same Frankenstein pastiche of lies the mafias use to manipulate "the people".
  3. Covid was a great test case, proving that liars can control billions of people. Because of the supposed, non-actual, soapy-science Climate Change, non-governmental actors are creating famine.
  4. Look at what the Dutch government, run by Klaus Schwab's minions, is doing to Dutch farmers, some of the best agriculturists in the world.
Famine always overthrows mere governments, and it has often enough canceled entire actual civilizations. Famine is deadly to humans on multiple levels. Creating famine involves precisely the sort of thing evil masterminds who want to completely change the world would do. And we have plenty of those in the World Economic Forum, with its minions carefully seeded throughout Western governments. The Netherlands is a prime example of this, as are other agriculturally rich nations.

Eating Bugs is not Kosher
Dr. Sam Bailey has a video up here that everyone should watch. She gives a number of reasons why we should not eat bugs, and you need to know them because the pressure is inexorably rising to eat them. But as I wrote above, it is essential to know the behind-the-scenes context for this madness.

Assuming we survive the Biden Regime's rush to nuclear war, therefore, we always have the question, "What's for dinner?" Bugs must not be on the list.

Why? The primary reason undergirding all the others: We find eating small squirmy things and creepy-crawlies aberrant because it is not natural to us. We have to be conditioned or "groomed" for it.
  1. We can eat certain bugs if we have to, but NO HUMAN CULTURE around the planet does so unless necessity demands it. And these are almost always "primitive" hunter-gatherer – meaning hand-to-mouth – survival cultures. The invention of agriculture in the remote past sent us in an alternative direction. Eating bugs would be an intentional reversal of the past 6,000 years of human "progress".
  2. Many animals have hunter-gather cultures, as well. Crows have a degree of language and society, and they will eat "crow food" (as it is called in the excellent Warrior Cats novel series for kids; i.e. maggots, rotting flesh, certain insects) when they have no plentiful supply of their preferred victuals. That's generally true of predators. Birds of prey we know will only eat carcasses if they have to; vultures, however, seek out carcasses to eat as that is their nature. The people of no human culture eats far-gone rotting things outside of fermentation. That motivates the whole "horror" of the zombie myth: monsters eating rotten corpses is repugnant to us.
  3. Chimpanzees will eat termites, cleverly using sticks as tools to access the termites, but again, will they pass up more standard Chimp fare if it is available?
  4. Main Point: Hunter-gatherer societies, whether of animals or humans, will resort to eating bugs should necessity require it, but only in dire straights. Because of our nature, we all naturally refrain from eating insects and insect larvae if we can possibly avoid it. 6,000 years of agriculture has shaped human nature.
Contrary to Nature
One of the casualties of the modern world is the concept of Natural Law. Much mocked and derided, both by sexual deviants demanding access to innocents as well as average mainstream people, modern pagans seem driven to deny Natural Law's existence.
  1. Currently, the anti-pope Bergoglio and his Theodore McCarrick-trained pimps are arguing for an abandonment of traditional Christian sexual morality. Their reason? Science. They claim "science" has proven homosexuality's equality with heterosexuality. In fact, this idiocy derives from the pseudo-scientific claptrap the infamous Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) ginned up in his fraudulent "studies". Kinsey was the biggest fraud in "science" between Louis Pasteur and Global Warming, and the fact that this is not widely known shows how far the integrity of modern science goes.
  2. Today, we live in moral chaos. On many levels. Certainly sexual. It mirrors exactly what we know of Sodom. Currently, the craze is "transexism". However, men are not women, nor women men. No amount of hormone "therapy" or plastic surgery can change that. To insist one can change one's sex is delusional to the point of psychotic.
  3. Homosexuality, in the same vein, is abhorrent to those raised in traditional cultures imbued by nature and the natural law, cultures that grew and put down strong roots. Homoseuality, in contrast, always appears later, like a fungal rot in an dilapidated house, as a civilization decomposes. (A minister in the Spanish government, Irene Montero, says children should be allowed to have carnal intercourse with anyone they want.) It is as wrong as having carnal relations with animals would be. It's depraved.
  4. Yet many modern people, raised as they tend to be in sanitary, air-conditioned cubicles – too often intellectually sanitized! – and inundated with Kinsey-derived lies about all things sexual, definitely exhibit a moral incomprehensibility in these matters.
  5. I strongly suspect the whole "Eat bugs!" propaganda is sort of "Kinsey in the next stage of our cultural metastasis.
God didn't make us to eat bugs
Though most modern pagans would mock it, the Natural Law speaks clearly regarding this moral aspect of food. Humans cannot eat grass, for example. We can't do it, we're not made for it. Therefore a law mandating that we eat grass would be immoral. (Natural Law in a nutshell.) Insect eating, while possible, isn't our nature. This is codified in ancient dietary laws. Eating bugs is definitely not kosher, for example. This Chabad website (an excellent source for all things Jewish) explains how eating bugs is definitely not kosher.

So, in the modern world where we have supposedly risen above hunter-gather societies – although still not above allowing ourselves to be ruled by idiot shamans and futurist charlatans – we have NO reason to resort to eating bugs. That is, unless our elites create famine, which is exactly what they're trying to do.

General Reasons for Not Eating Bugs
Dr. Sam Bailey mentioned other good reasons, as well. Such as:
  1. You are what you eat. Insects are scavengers. They're nature's "clean-up crews" as Dr. Sam says. The same is true with bacteria, of course. But bacteria are small enough the insane Bill Gates-Klaus Schwab madmen can't make the argument for us eating bacteria directly. (We actually have more bacteria cells in our bodies than human cells, as it is. We could not live without them. Antibiotic drugs kill them as well as harmful bacteria.) Dr. Sam references a science paper that investigated what bugs being raised for food themselves eat, and it is of course totally revolting; it is not anything a human would want in themselves – but it is natural food for insects. Feces, dead bugs and animals, moldy food, raw meat: all good bug viands; insects doing their natural clean-up duties eat this stuff. N.B. Insects often harbor parasites; I've seen video where a researcher removed a long, long parasite from the abdomen of a large wasp: the parasite was longer than the wasp! All these would be "ground up" along with the insects that are raised for food.
  2. Chitin Speaking of grinding up: Insects exoskeletons are made up of chitin. Mainly found in lobsters and the like, in insects, it "may be present in amounts ranging up to 60% in special parts such as the flexible portions" according to one online source. Humans cannot metabolize it easily, though as Dr. Sam says we have some enzymes that can break it down. But studies show we have allergic reactions to it, as well. She details some of that and I've easily found reports on the internet about such reactions, as well. It's not a secret except to those who don't bother to do a little research. No, nobody eats lobster shell, but it is not possible to separate the chitin in insect exoskeletons during processing the insects, so we would be inundated with chitin if we widely ate insects. One can conclude, as I do on my own, that eating insects would produce all sort of bad reactions in humans because although some humans do indeed eat insects in restricted circumstances, that is traditionally out of necessity, as noted above. No human culture, I shouldn't wonder, will be found that eats bug out of choice. Dr. Sam also raises this point, and clearly it is grounded in basic human nutrition and food digestion.
  3. Protein Humans have enough of a high protein diet as it is. Eating bugs is touted for being good for high protein diets, but as Dr. Sam points out, humanity is widely suffering obesity. And in any event, a high protein diet is already easily available without having to eat insects.
  4. Eating bugs IS NOT REMOTELY necessary. All the talk about not feeding the Earth's human population is a stercus tauri ginned up by the Bill Gates-George Soros crowd hyping Malthusian/Paul Erlich "we're all going to starve to death" bubulum stercus propaganda that Erlich, for one, has been promoting since he published his 1968 book, "The Population Bomb". All this is a deception, as much a falsehood at Global Warming/Climate Change. In fact, as I noted in the beginning of this essay, they're tied together.
These four reasons not to eat bugs could be fleshed out further or new reasons added. Together with the primary reason regarding famine creation, however, it is simple enough to understand: we're being lied to and we have to stop the lies. We have to say, enough! As I write:
  • Just say no to Climate Change. Say no to Covid. Say no to the 100+ year fraud of virology. Say no to a host of manufactured crises that they keep springing on us. (I'm going to have to add "and famines" after "crises".)
Bottom Line: The manufactured crises definitely include eating bugs.

   An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Biden blew himself up underwater; and maybe the rest of us, too.


The American embassy in Russia and consulates have just warned all Americans to leave Russia immediately. War could come – it's been on a while, actually – at any moment.

Only yesterday I wrote an essay about the Biden Regime's unconscionable push for war with Russia over the Ukraine.

Now he's blown up the Nordstream pipelines. Of course he did it. Biden had boasted he could, and if Russia invaded Ukraine, he would. His close associate in promoting war (in general and in the Ukraine in particular), Victoria Nuland, would not hesitate. Both of these people are on video boasting they would do this.
  • But yes, "hardened eco-terrorists" might try something like this, although this involved a very sophisticated dual-attack operation. We must face it: only governments have capability of do such a thing and only a few of them.
  • Could Muslim terrorists do this? A remote possibility, more like an impossibility, and why anger Russia in this way? Russia has tens of millions of Muslims; such a Muslim terrorist attack would jeopardize them. It could not further Muslim aims in any way except an overall destruction of the West.
  • The World Economic Forum: this could be their opening gambit to truly start a nuclear-exchange. Their leadership is "bunkered down", so why not? They do not need to do it, however, as their operatives control most governments (as we saw with Covid). They can do this at a remove.
  • China might have some complicated game involved, but that is as likely as Russia doing the bombing themselves in a "false flag" operation. Ockham's razor demands the simple answer: the Biden Regime used America's capabilities to do this.
For a detailed review of why it had to be the U.S., see this erudite essay at Gateway Pundit. For Tucker Carlson's opening statement from last night, see the Conservatie Treehouse here
As I write, as so many are saying, war could begin now at any time. Most of us can only pray. If that's all you can do, do it. The Blessed Mother has repeatedly warned of this possibility, but we ourselves elected – we allowed an election to be outright stolen – and "elected" an utter reprobate who has brought in devils far worse them himself. 

Why can so few see this? All those endless complaints about "stupid" Trump, all those commentaries about how he could get us into a nuclear war. Biden has done exactly that, all while leering at and pawing little girls. In front of cameras. What kind of people have we become? 


Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Michaelmas and the doom of nuclear war...


As World War III looms over us – yes, a nuclear World War III – perhaps it is good to remember that today is Michaelmas, as those of us of the Old Rite still celebrate it. It's been a Church Feast for the Warrior Archangel since the 500s, as The Feast of the Dedication of Saint Michael the Archangel, originally a feast celebrating the dedication of a basilica in St. Michael's name. That church itself is long gone, as is another famous St. Michael-dedicated church, the Michaelion, fabulous basilica in Constantinople, demolished to make a fortress as the Turks closed in (St. Michael is not unused to war, is he?). But the feast remains in the West (the West that's not Protestant nor Bergoglian False Church). In the Roman Church, it stood listed as a holy day of obligation from 1234. That obligation was removed in the 18th century. The post Vatican II iconoclasm swept the feast away completely, replacing it with a hodgepodge "feast" for all three archangels. (Yet another Spirit of Vatican II iconoclasm.)

But today, the illegitimate American political regime is pushing for war with Russia. Sam Faddis has the details here. Somehow, the both evil and insane "Powers-that-Be" in the American Security State, the colloquially termed "Deep State" that Eisenhower once warned us about, have decided for war with Russia, even as the American "leaders" are Chinese puppets. When Trump was elected, the Deep State cried it up that he only got into office via help from Putin. They poisoned whatever means had existed for the U.S. and Russia to get along, and they continued – since that anti-Christ Obama's terms in office – to dig themselves deeper into the Ukraine. Now, clearly, they are saying they will not give up Ukraine to be a neutral buffer state (that conditition has not hurt Austria or Sweden or Switzerland) between the West and Russia. Russia gears up for war even as Russian men flee conscription. They're "voting with their feet" in Comrade Lenin's phrase. But Russia has weapons Lenin never dreamed of. To "win", he has only a button to push. (If you call Armageddon winning.)

From the Biden Regime's narcissistic perspective, now is the time to strike. A war often raises support at home for the current government, for one thing. For another, the Democrats are headed for a disastrous Cannae-scale political crash on November 8. The Deep Staters, mostly "war hawks" and promoters of international strife, can't fathom that American are sick to death fighting wars in all the world's corners. They're too "diabolically narcissistic", as Ann Barnhardt says, to have any sense. They foolishly want to fight now on Russia's doorstep, indeed, in it's entry hallway. Russian conscripts may flee, but the American military is depleted in both weapons and morale. It's personnel have been guted by the Biden Regime's crazy Covid decrees. Yet the wealth of Ukraine (and even Russia, if they collapse that government) entices them onward.

So, therefore, pray to St. Michael (after you get yourself to confession) that this war is somehow averted. Unless, of course, it is God's will to eradicate our wretched selves. See this about drag queens in school and little girls, if you can stomach it, for proof of how depraved we've become. 

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.


Friday, September 23, 2022

Iran in revolution; Putin and the Ukraine war...


The "world in ferment" keeps heading for a meltdown – and no, not a global warming meltdown except in Western nations that remain in thrall to that absolute fraud of frauds: Climate Change.
  • Just say no to Climate Change. Say no to Covid. Say no to the 100+ year fraud of virology. Say no to a host of manufactured crises that they keep springing on us.
There's much chatter about the coming "Climate Change Lockdowns" but I suspect that might be the stick to break the camel's back of people's tolerance of this WEF/2030/New World Order fetid putridity. 
Speaking of camels, something interesting seems afoot in old Iran, that Indo-European outpost athwart the Mideast:

Iran is in extreme ferment after the government "morality police" thugs killed Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, on Sept. 16, for not wearing a hijab Muslim hair garment. The Iranian people seem to have had enough. (Until at least the "government" starts shooting them en masse.) The pointless murder might be the flip of the switch that sends that particular Islamic regime straight to Muhammad's hell, where jinn amuse themselves by pouring molten iron down the throats of the damned.

The Jerusalem Post has detailsIran protests: Casualties rise amid gov't crackdown;
At least 17 casualties were reported as protests spread to over 80 cities across Iran. See also Amnesty

Putin and the Ukrainian War
Meanwhile, Russia has slowed or stopped the recent Ukrainian offensive in part by the simple expedient of liquidating Western mercenaries. It's no fun being a merc and have yourself bullet-kicked straight into Hell, is it? (A true merc, fighting solely for money and the adrenaline kick, probably won't get to sing in the Courts of the Prince of Peace, would he? One wouldn't think so.)

From the link above:
  • Russian news site Lenta claims Russia has eliminated mercenaries fighting for US Private Military Company (PMC) Academi (former Blackwater) and “Kraken” irregulars attached to the far-right Azov Regiment in the Kherson offensive (Gateway Pundit reported). If true, this may explain why the Ukrainian counteroffensive seems to have stalled. The strikes were announced by Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov...
Meanwhile, as Tucker Carlson reports (he's been outstanding lately, even I, jaded corvine that I am, must admit), that the Western Powers, esp the U.S., seem insanely pushing for nuclear war.
As Tucker says, the U.S. could stop the war tonight by dropping funding to the Ukrainians. Yes, that would allow Putin a "win" but then the West guaranteed itself a loss from the beginning. The Western "leaders" maneuvered themselves into defeat by their stubborn and stupid decisions before the war – i.e. they were as smugly stupid about thinking Putin would never invade as they thought he'd never turn off their oil and gas. All Putin had to do was call their bluff and invade – invade with the intention to win – and the West had then to necessarily look idiotic unless they truly pushed for an actual nuclear war, which is what Tucker Carlson says they seem to be doing. In other words, they're still stupid.

We must throw these idiots out of our governments, route them out entirely. I'm praying Italy on Sunday follows Sweden's lead.

   An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Ukraine in the history of coups d'état from 1953 on


The Deep State is an enemy of the people. (As the corresponding Deep Church is an enemy to the laity.) President Dwight Eisenhower said as much in his farewell address to the nation, broadcast on January 17, 1961, referring the "military-industrial complex", the terminology of the time. The rulers of that "Intelligence-military" state-within-a-state would have said, and perhaps many believed, they were doing what they did for "democracy". 

Someone wrote me the other day, speaking of the Ukrainian war: 

Who the hell wants dictatorship when they could have democracy?

Upon reflection, I wrote back that the Ukrainians haven't got democracy; the Europeans don't, either: "Europe" is mostly a totally bureaucratic wage-slave empire run by unelected elites via an overwhelming (actually, an underwhelming, cement-brained) bureaucracy. Hungary, so far, as kept itself from going the full European route, which garners it abuse by the European Parliament (a powerless, window-dressing body of political eunuchs). Ireland is supposed to be a democracy but the Irish had no control over Covid dictates and I see tens of thousands are emigrating from the country because they can't find jobs. After a century of independence (of a sort), they still can't figure out how to fix this. Their "democratic" government doesn't give a damn. Ireland could be the Singapore of Europe if they'd get out of the E.U., as a first step. I'm not holding my breath. 

Americans themselves have no democracy. The Great American Republic is a train wreck. Full socialists, as in Communists, infiltrated the American Federal government after Franklin Roosevelt recognized the Soviet Union on November 16, 1933. Today, the voting systems are corrupt and the people are being divided by the Biden regime and civil war is imminent. The Democrat-controlled cities are unlivable – Chicago and the others are horror shows and murder matrixes – the Federal government controlled border lies wide open, spread supinely open to assault. American youth are being poisoned to death by Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine, which floods the country through the open borders and is killing thousands. 

Justice is notoriously "two tiered". We have "January Sixers" awaiting trial after two years! Imprisoned for two years for walking into the Capitol when the building's police opened the doors and invited them in, spider-trap like. We have opposition party people, Maga Republicans, being rounded up and their papers and phones confiscated while RINO Republicans meekly watch and stay silent. We have have a recent president suffer his home invaded and his papers confiscated papers he had every constitutional right to de-classify before he left office and do with as he saw fit. On top of all that, we have endless sexual deviants trying to force kids and adults into toilets belonging to the other sex and they're also presenting "drag shows" to even little kids in school. This sodomical madness should not be presented to ANYBODY, especially children of any age. 

Insanity. All this is utter dystopia. The United States of Dystopia. If such stands as a product of "democracy", who but the "crotch-minded" would want it?

  • And why isn't the Catholic Church in America calling down fire and brimstone on all this? Because they are so gutless a bench of bishops they'd make Henry VIII's bishop bench look like the Achaean heroes before Troy. 

Back to Ukraine and coups d'état: Ukraine stands emblematic of the modern, immoral world. It's become a football to be kicked around by the Big Powers. And right now that is all it is. Cut the "window dressing", cut the pretense; we're seeing both West and East in a naked power grab squashing between them a helpless people. 

My interlocutor wrote me about the former Ukrainian president Yanukovych, whom the CIA staged a coup d'état against in 2014 (he refused to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, obviously a "high crime and misdemeanor" to the American Deep State), saying that:
The CIA couldn't have ousted him without the consent of the majority of people.

 After a face-palm – when has a majority welcomed sudden, violent change, at least since they cut Nero's throat? – my initial thought dwelt on the fact that still, it was an illegal coup and the Ukrainian people have not been in control of their destiny ever since. It is a maxim in life: once other people or countries intervene in your affairs, they strongly tend never to leave. Check Irish history for proof of that. Check Hungarian history for proof of that. Look at what China is doing today in Africa and South America and the Pacific. They clearly do not intend to leave. 

And we're not in Ukraine because of any reasons other than greed. That region, and much of next door Russia, consist of natural resource nirvanas. That's why the Europeans want it, that's why the Chinese want it, that's why the Russians want to keep it. And this remains how the world operates. We need to take the golden-shaded sunglasses off.

Coups in the last half of the 20th century
As for coups, they're usually never supported by the majority. In the American Revolution, only about a third of the American colonists supported creating a fully independent country. Even fewer supported creating the Constitution of 1787 and the powerful national federal government it created. Assemblies were organized in each state of like-minded individuals who voted for accepting the Constitution. The states of the time did not hold a state-wide vote for or against adopting it! The state governments didn't vote for it. A minority of Southerns supported breaking away from the Union in 1861, but "secession conventions" were organized where it was voted for, regardless. 

In more modern terms, the American "Deep State" staged a coup that overthrew the Iranian government in the 1950s (1953: Mosaddeq) and installed the Shah, and propped him up thereafter. We let the Hungarians hang, on the other hand, in 1956 because the Deep State didn't plan that uprising. We tried to overthrow Castro (Bay of Pigs, which didn't work because JFK redrew the plans at the last minute and the invaders could not link up with anti-Castro forces waiting for them; thanks, Jack), and we overthrew the Vietnamese government (1963 in the ousting and assassination of South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm). Do you really think Kennedy's assassination a few weeks later was what the government and media said it was? Diệm's assassination sickened Kennedy and he wanted out of Vietnam, but LBJ, the vice president, had military-industrial contracts and wasn't going to tolerate a withdrawal. (No two American politicians hated each other more than those two, Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy is said to have planned to arrest Johnson but Johnson struck first.)

In 1973-4, the Democrats and the MSM overthrew Richard Nixon – who had been elected by a large majority of Americans – for doing no more in the 1972 election than Lydon Johnson did in the 1964 and 1968 elections! Nixon's removal was a farce and a true coup 'état. (And he stupidly played right along into it; perhaps he was some sort of political sadomasochist.) Reagan himself was nearly assassinated (so conveniently) in March 1981 right after taking office. Just a fluke, right? C'mon, as Joe Biden would say. In 2020 the Deep State ousted Trump, whom 80 millions love and voted for and installed a mentally non compos Biden, who could not during the election, nor now, get anyone to attend his rallies or public gatherings. Biden is mocked and loathed, even by the MSM. The Brits mocked him in London. "Let's go Brandon!" The Brits sat him and his cultureless wife (she wore a cheap-looking bow instead of a hat; I'm actually surprised she didn't wear fish-net stockings) in the back corner at Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral. Some months ago that worthless Deep Stater John Bolton boasted on TV that he had overseen many coups d'état. Boastful fool. A proper interviewer would have flayed the hide off of him for admitting that. But it's what the Deep State does. They're despicable.

And I hardly need write about the two Gulf Wars, or Obama in Libya or Clinton in Serbia, etc.

To lay it all out like this is to see the patterns. This is the evil world we live in.

Russia, no stranger to strongman regimes and brutal "regime change" (ask Tsar Nicolas II), does its own assassinations and coups (via the Bulgarians, they tried to assassination John Paul II in 1981) From the time of the Moscow duchy, Russia has always been an aggressive power, but now they have nukes. Nukes, and oil, the gods of modern industry. Messing about with them will freeze Europe this winter and might bring nuclear war next year.

It all that worth adding Ukraine to the European hive-mind economic collective? Is all that worth swamping Ukraine with sexual deviants and "groomers"? Ukraine's youth are already the prey of sexual predators of all stripes. That is the modern West, even in the Church!

So, it it worth it? I think not.

How much misery need we put people through before we stop this madness?

Europe could have kept on paying for gas, oil, and foodstuffs from Ukraine and Russia. It's a symbiotic relationship. Ukraine would have been better off than it is now. Far fewer people dead, far less infrastructure destroyed. Far fewer children raped or basically sold into carnal slavery. None of this was necessary. Any sane political leader would be trying to tamp it all down and defend the symbiotic relationship, to restore energy flow before Europe erupts in revolution.

But we have leaders known only for their greed and stupidity. Joe Biden, the bought-by-the-Chinese, is a perfect example. Yet he's merely the product of coup in a century of coups. 

As the saying goes, "There's an app for that." Well, surely there's now the similar saying: "There's a coup for that."

    An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Monday, September 19, 2022

"Soon humanity will realize that the worst thing ever to happen to it, has taken place."

Well, the worst thing since the Fall of Adam and Eve*, but yes, Naomi Wolf reports on the wildly terrifying news about what the Covid "vaccines" are doing to women, especially regarding childbearing. It's a slaughterhouse. Miscarriages, stillbirths, infertility galore, on a planet-wide scale. (Those Malthusian fools who for years said the planet was too overpopulated meant it, you see?) Everyone needs to be cognizant of this news. Wolf is doing just phenomenal work on exposing the horrors of the Covid "vaccines". So, read it here and pass it on.

An excerpt:

Our 3,250 research volunteers, in 39 fully cited reports to date, have documented evidence of what I’ve been calling “360 degrees of harm” to reproduction.

The Pfizer documents reveal monstrous damage to menstruation, harm to the testes and epididymis, harms to the penis, horrible harm to the ova and ovaries, mechanisms for compromising the placenta, contamination of amniotic fluid, and damage to newborns. They reveal that four women’s breast milk turned blue-green. They reveal injuries to at least one newborn that extend to death (or murder) from ingesting tainted breast milk. They reveal horrific levels of miscarriages. They reveal that Pfizer defined “exposure” to the vaccine as including sexual intercourse, especially at conception. They reveal a weird focus on mammalian sexual and reproductive issues.

All of these horrors make extended appearances in the Pfizer documents, which were never expected to see the light of day.

Soon humanity will realize that the worst thing ever to happen to it, has taken place.

AnP again:
Pass this on. To everyone you know.

*N.B. Naomi is a liberal, and for decades she promoted abortion as a woman's "right" but it seems that the moral debaucheries of the Covid fraud is changing her thinking on many levels, certainly forcing her to challenge herself, and though this remains an ongoing process, she's realizing that those whom she though supported her "rights" do not support them at all, not the ones most important. It might even convince her of the reality of Original Sin. Naomi is also Jewish, and Jews don't believe in Original Sin: or recognize it, however one wants to put it, because many versions of Judaism exist, and regaring Original Sin – they mostly think the snake in the Garden was just a reptile – though as Chesterton said, Original Sin is the one Church doctrine anyone can prove by merely opening the daily newspaper.

    An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

There won't be a November election, or the Repub winners will be arrested...


A message of doom and gloom. (Maybe.)

Those of you who have not been paying attention, or who only attend to the MainStream News, do not know that the American Left, meaning the Democrat Party and the mainstream "RINO" Republicans – what are called the UniParty" – are in full mode to cancel the American experiment, i.e. the Constitutional government that has survived – through various permutations – since 1787. (Or so says Senator Rick Scott, and I think he's right.)

That old American system was a self-governmental system. Self-government by the people for the people now crumbles under final "war of position" assault by bureaucratic government, i.e. a rule of government for government, with "the people" being serfs whose lives exist to fund the government. And this bureaucratic government remains very "Left", i.e. anti-individualism, anti self-rule, anti-freedom in the sense of allowing people to govern their own lives and be responsible for their own failures. That is the essence of Leftism: You are not allowed to fail, everyone must be equal or life isn't fair. According to Leftist dogma: if you fail, it cannot your fault but "racism" or "sexism" or whatever's fault. The only self-government this Leftist tyranny allows consists of self-depravity: you can choose any depravity you want, sexual, drug-induced, psychotic, diabolical (Marx was a Satanist) except you cannot "impose your morals on others" if those morals are traditional Christian.
  • N.B. This is par for the course because Jean-Jacques Rousseau came up with the Leftist proto-idea precisely to create an all-powerful governing bureaucracy that would allow you to live a life of sexual hedonism. People just living in sexual hedonism, like Rousseau did, end up starving in the gutter. I've met a good few over the years.
The November Election?
As many of you know, I've been saying for some time that a November 2022 election would not be held, or it would be so egregiously stolen that it might as well not be held. The Biden Regime is out of control and the so-called opposition party does nothing. The Democrats are so out of control because the Republicans "do nothing". More importantly, the governors of the states are doing nothing. They're really the only ones who have the power to stop federal overreach, if they wanted to. The various states are primary to the Federalis, though few seem to remember that. Ron DeSantis in Florida might do something, but he's angling for mainstream Repub endorsement for a presidential run in 2024, and the-powers-that-be will not (most likely will not) allow Kari Lake in Arizona to win the governorship there. Ohio's governor, I'm sorry to say, is so much mental compost, a younger version of Biden, kinda-sorta, without the sexual depravity.

So, were one to read widely, as I try to do, one would see the USA is becoming East Germany. (A banana-republic version of it, at least.) Here is a list of articles about the Biden Department of Justice and FBI attacks on American citizens.

Mike Lindell's phone is seized at a fast-food stop:
And while the Biden Regime uses federal law enforcement to do all this Stasi/KGB type stuff, life has become simply unbearable in the large U.S. cities:
Tucker Carlson… Civilization is collapsing before our eyes…
  • N.B. That latter was exactly the goal of the Frankfurter Schule Communist theorists of the 1920s. It is why Soros has funded all these worthless attorneys general in state and urban elections. Make things so bad that people cry out for a dictatorship. And it seems all going according to plan.

My friends, there was a time I would have thought the following commentator, Ben Armstrong, leaned out too far over the edge (esp from the 15-minute mark), but now I don't think so. Read through a few of the above articles and tell me the  Biden Regime would not hesitate to arrest MAGA Republicans who won their elections this November. In Michigan already, MAGA Repubs were driven off the ballots. I think now that the Biden Department of Justice and FBI would not hesitate to arrest any newly elected Congressmen they want to.

Certainly, the Covid lockdowns were NOT about Health, but about establishing precedent for mass control of the masses. And with Biden's signature on an Orwellian Executive Order
on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, we see "Health" becoming the other arm of a huge pincer movement designed to entrap and subdue us all. 

The Catholic Church should be standing four-square against all this, but the Modernists who run it have turned it into a worthless NGO, and Bergoglio is just spouting drivel.”THE TWO STRINGS OF THE DOMBRA ARE A CALL TO FASHION HARMONY FROM TWO PARALLEL STRINGS.” - AGED FRANCIS EMITS CHEESY GLOBALIST BLATHER AT KAZAKHSTAN (see for details).

Such is our world. Pretty much a case of Stercus tauri. Where's Sterculius when you need him? 

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

In Ireland, an insane increase in ER visits over a year ago...

A Chairde,

Some bad news as Éirinn.

The Covid "vaccines" are truly causing health havoc among those who took them. A new study says "Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus". (That's a bizarre metric considering the virus has never been proven to exist in the first place, though the "vaccines" are all too easy to prove.) This is one of those elite type of Big Media "approved" PhD research studies that usually kowtow to the Covid "party line". That this one doesn't, and that it got published at all, is amazing in itself. (Either the death toll is out of control for hiding it any longer, or the Powers-that-Be are only allowing it some airtime because they're setting the stage to bring Trump down for his "Trump-time" approval of "killer vaccines". Just watch for that.)

But take a smaller example, this one from the once beloved Ireland
In Ireland, 719,000 people visited the emergency room between January and June 2022, up from 115,000 the previous year.

In Ireland, the proportion of the fully vaccinated population is 81.1%. This share of vaccinations places them at the top of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

Talk about cutting off yer nose to spite yer face! Same thing is happening in The Netherlands, as the amazing Eva Vlaardingerbroek reports here.

All of this is just staggering. And remember, all this is just the beginning.

So heavy is the mortality rate, something like more deaths in one year than all vaccine-related deaths in the past 50 years combined (and that's only the official count), that it indicates entirely new parameters for human health for those who foolishly took the damned jabs. We've seriously compromised our general national health across the Western World for all age groups with these potions, and illnesses and earlier mortality will be commonplace now. Deaths and currently appearing health issues will just multiply over time, wrecking health care and health (and life) insurance massively, even were all "vaccinations" stopped immediately. And we're only beginning to get a notion of how widespread sterility will become. Nothing, my friends, will ever be the same again. So at least, get to Confession while you can, if you're inclined that way (and even if you're not).

Not least of the ramifications must be that we can never trust government or Big Med again. Or Big SCIENCE! Never. As someone wrote on Steve Kirch's Substack column:
5 hr ago

I’m sorry Steve. I think you do fantastic work in bringing this information to an audience who may be ‘on the fence’. But naïveté does not help and this has never been about anyone's health. Logic will not change these people’s minds. Loss of income/profit/power might still afford us some leverage and allow us to affect some change for the better. Our opposition has game-planned this for decades (longer in my opinion). Our only hope is Resist. Build community. Be self sufficient. Opt out of their $hi!!y systems.

And that grand "opt out", my friends, shall be the absolute necessity of life in the "modern" world.

An Préachán

PS Is it any wonder I am now officially "anti-vax"? But honestly, just consider the "Meek who shall inherit the earth" Amish. They do not, never have and never will, vax. And of course they're perfectly healthy. They certainly never had Covid. And I read a report the other day that when the lockdowns were in full force, the number of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths fell off. Was it because fewer children were receiving their usual "vaccines"? Of course today we're swamped with a new issue: SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. "Correlation does not equal causation" is the old chestnut, but what it should say is "correlation does not necessarily equal causation, but it cries out for investigation!"

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What Bergoglio wants to kill: "The liturgy is a glimpse ... of God at prayer."


Bergoglio and his merry band of Teddy McCarrick's slimey "sons" (some of the worst are now cardinals) are ratcheting up their antics, as reported by LifeSiteNews, and others. As John Henry Weston says, they certainly seem intent on creating a false Church on myriad levels. See John Henry here for details, with Liz Yore. 

I think it is time to pause and consider just what Bergoglio's antics are clearly intended to destroy. What is he out to kill? Today, I'll focus on the liturgy.
"The liturgy of the Mass is more than the proclamation of the teaching Christ. It is a great "Ecce homo": it exhibits and points to the silent Christ. It is infinitely more than the prayer of the faithful. It gives us a glimpse of something absolutely unthinkable: God at prayer."
So writes Martin Mosebach in his The Heresy of Formlessness; the Roman Liturgy and It's Enemy, page 74, in the chapter 'Liturgy is Art'.

I'm pretty sure none of you have thought of the Traditional Latin Mass as "God at prayer", yet it is a genius insight. Mosebach, throughout this collection of essays, explains how one doesn't "understand" the Mass, how one is not supposed to. The whole central point of the Novus Ordo Mass, i.e. something that could be understood by everyone, is utterly non-Catholic, and non-worshiping.

Our Lord Christ Himeslf set the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as our earthly experience of the Incarnate God, made Present to us on the Altar of Sacrifice. I would dare to tender the hope that most Christians understand Heaven to be the Beatific Vision, one's eternal contemplation of God in His Presence. The Mass is our foretaste of that, our first step into Eternity. So of course it cannot be flat, mediocre, prosaic, humdrum, banal – by definition it cannot be a liturgy designed to be "understood" anymore than one can "understand" God.

The Mass of the Ages does something more than teach: it allows one to contemplate God's Incarnate Presence under the form of bread and wine, understanding as an act of faith the miracle of the Mass, personally experiencing within it the Real Presence of God consecrated at the altar of sacrifice, Himself, Christ, offered perpetually in sacrifice unto God, the eternal sacrifice we read of in Revelation, the slain Lamb coming forward. (Rev 5:6ff; Revelation describes the Heavenly Liturgy, and so of course most modern people have no clue about its mysteries. Martin Luther wanted to excise it entirely from the New Testament.)

We'll be eternally contemplating the Incarnation and the Sacrifice the Incarnation consummated on earth 2,000 years ago, always filled with more comprehension in ever more Beatific Vision – and our own roles in that Incarnation – for by His Incarnation into the human race, God enabled the human race to be incarnated into God. Theosis, the Greeks call it. Scott Hahn somewhere described it as the "nuclear pile" of the Faith. This eternal Mystery will never be completely within our understanding.

And as one just does not "understand" this most Divine Mystery, one doesn't "understand" the Divine Mysteries in general. The one book in the New Testament (or the Old) that carries the title "Revelation", the Apocalypse, is the single most mysterious of all the holy library, after all, is it not? And mystery stands at the heart of all learning, and certainly all love. A young couple in love want to find out all there is to know and experience about each other, but if that wish ever seems to encompass them, should no mystery of one another remain, what happens to them? And a work of art, painting, sculpture, or literature piece we completely "understand" becomes a work of art we're not likely to keep thinking about, pondering, or want to see again. "Familiarity breeds contempt." In fact, it is an axiom that art is different from pornography in that pornography "leaves nothing to the imagination". And the same is true of propaganda. Nothing is more boring than either porn or propaganda (unless you become addicted to them, as many are addicted to Covid-19 "fear porn").

Mosebach returns to pondering art as that which intrigues us, moves us in ways we don't fully grasp. Great art has a soul, he says, and the Mass is the greatest art, begun when the Divine Master, after the Passover meal had been eaten, picked up a piece of bread and said, "Take this, this  is my body which will be given for you."

"When he utters the words 'This is my body,' should he not take a piece of the Paschal Lamb from the table (considering his impending sacrificial death as the Lamb of God), rather than a piece of bread? No, because the bread that has become the body of Christ fits in perfectly with what Jesus says, by way of preparation for Holy Thursday, about the grain of wheat; it also recalls the prayer in the Our Father concerning our daily bread and the warning that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God. Here, then, we have the bread that, at the same time, 'was the Word of God.' ... Is there not, however something of the Greek artists' ability to transform and elevate nature in the way Jesus chooses to elevate a piece of bread to the level of the real sacrificial flesh of the God-man? At the same time, of course, there is a crucial different between him and the Greek artist: the artist created his work 'after nature,' through contemplation and study, whereas Christ created the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass in anticipation of his very real execution, with all its attendant horrors. We could say that with his intuition and foreknowledge – for the meal of Holy Thursday is permeated with premonitions – he was painting a picture of his death, giving an artistic form to the pains of his execution, a form that perfectly and unmistakably manifested its profoundest core, that is, the love sacrifice that nourishes and redeems. (Page 71)
(See why I say you should read Mosebach?)

In all the squabbles over the Roman Catholic Church's liturgy since Vatican II, I think Moseback gets to the heart of the matter best, and with the fewest yet best-chosen words. A successful novelist, Mosebach's writing is superb.

But then, who will listen? The Second Vatican Council, in fact, called for some liturgical changes to be made only after great deliberation, and actually mandated Latin to be largely retained, along with Gregorian Chant being encouraged. Has the mainstream Church obeyed those strictures? Almost none of the things one pictures in one's mind about the Novus Ordo pastiche was actually requested at the Second Vatican Council. The Council "Fathers" did not vote for the total destruction-remake of the Mass that the Concilium committee on the Liturgy wrought. They did not vote for a Mass in the vernacular, especially a vernacular than everyone, from children to theologians to blue-collar working men to matronly ladies, all "understood" to the point of boredom. I always wondered why, what with the rich history of English, its means of expression, massive vocabulary – not to mention the literary variety between national English languages – the Church reduced whole of the Anglophone world to one single English vernacular, and a pathetic, flat, mumbling one at that. The reason was they did so by design. Their goal surely had been to turn off, alienate, cold-shoulder as great a number as possible.

Now, while it might be charitable to not try to think Bugnini and his crew were actually working against the Catholic Church by attacking and crashing the most Catholic thing in existence, the Mass, to view them as misguided idealists with "good intentions", it is much easier and I believe much closer to the truth to see all the disastrous changes after the actual Council to be the results of an anti-Catholic "war of position", a "long march" through Catholic institutions to bring them down.

If there is truth in such an assertion, it is easy to see how it started in the later 19th century via the Modernists, those clergy and theologians who rejected as passé the Church's traditional teaching. But then later, by the mid-20th century, Communists got involved, as Bella Dodd famously revealed after her conversion to the Church. Bergoglio and his henchmen are the last, desperate stand of an old guard, literally old men who either are wholly on board with anti-Christian Communism and Modernism, or are aged dupes who have never understood their "fellow-traveler" status.

And certainly their desperate endeavors to kill off the Traditional Latin Mass seems insane. Bergoglio has publicly stated he thinks Latin Mass devotees are either all old people themselves (the opposite is true) or they're mentally ill. (Yes, he's said that.) The one part of the Church that's actually Catholic, they want to drive out of the Church. That CANNOT be an accident. How could Bergoglio and his McCarrick deviants possibly go all Herman Melville on the young faith-filled families of the TLM? To go, as Melville had it, " the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." The Mass of the Ages is Bergoglio's Moby Dick.

It is just bizarre. And it is crazed obsession like that which is truly not understandable.

Read Martin Mosebach. You'll apprehend a great deal more about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass than by reading even the best intentioned theologians.

An Préachán


This Novus Ordo new order Mass was created by the Concilium, a bureaucratic body inaugurated to implement ideas in the Vatican II document on the Mass called Sacrosanctum Concilium. The Concilium worked from the Council's end to the 1970 unveiling of the Novus Ordo Mass. But in truth, the huge committee that the Concilium consisted of was merely window dressing. Hannibal ("Grace of Ba'al") Bugnini, the Concilium's secretary, and his closest associates, did almost all the new liturgy's creation, and they got Pope Paul VI approve most of what they recommended. (Bugnini would tell Paul VI that the Concilium wanted X, and when the pope said, "Surely they can't want that!" Bugnini would say, "Oh, yes, they all agree." Then he would tell the larger Concilium that the pope wanted X, and when they said "He can't possibly want that!" Bugnini would say, "Oh, he's adamant on it!" See Psalm 101:7 for judgement on liars. ) Thus, via such deceits, "The Bug" created a new liturgy altogether. It is only connected to the old Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass of the Ages (best title for it) by their own fevered fiats – by their saying it was connected. In reality, it was a new rite entirely.


Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.