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Friday, August 9, 2024

If it seems like Chaos is upon us, that's because "Normalcy" is a mirage......


Chaos is upon us, or the Great Tribulation itself – at least its opening salvos.

Our faith is being tested, daily it seems, and most cruelly by the unbelievers, especially those apostates in the Church who occupy the "seat of Moses". (Matt 23:2-3) So, under their relentless barrage, will we keep the Faith? It is a lot like being confronted with a dire medical diagnosis, isn't it? "You must have this operation or else." By the choices we make, we get to see what we're made of. And whom we trust.

Our commitment to truth, even whether we care that truth exists or want to know it, is being tested. We endure a culture built on objective truth from the teaching of Socrates to Aristotle on down, yet the elite of our civilization deny objective truth with a vehemence. To find it, like panning for gold, we have to wash away the dirt our selfish, narcissistic culture buries it with to find the gold nuggets of truth. Tolstoy says as much somewhere: you get truth by washing away all that isn't truth. And against this desire for truth is the desire for what Warren G. Harding coined as "normalcy", the normal state of things, its usual condition.

The radicals trying to change utterly both Church and State: they hate what we are, hate our identity and our traditions. They hate what we've taken for granted, our "normalcy." (They loathe their own bodies and mutilate them, and murder babies.) They don't know Christ or the spiritual freedom we've inherited from Western Christendom, nor the later political freedom our ancestors bequeathed to us. They want to overthrow everything for a murderous utopia of abject slavery, and they labor like orcs did for Sauron to achieve that. 

We "orthodox" want to believe in the world we were brought up in, however, that the World-the-Way-It-Was was good, with both Church and State looking out for us, wanting us to live to our full potential, whether in religion or the secular world. But washing away the detritus by panning it away, as though panning for gold, we now see that the world isn't like that. Not at all.

This hurts. We resist the conclusions. Looking back over my religious life, and reflecting on various Catholic people and relatives whom I knew, as I also contemplate the worship the Church provided for me since Vatican II, I can see how this mess we are in today is the logical conclusion of the lies they were fed back in the 1960s and '70s. As they disinherited me from 2,000 years of Western Liturgy, so they cut off my political inheritance. 

At the time, even as a kid or a young adult, I picked up on some of the Modernist falsehoods, some of the idiocy of what the Vatican II Church was promoting in my elders. Of course, now in hindsight, I see how our situation today had to play out. It is obvious now, but was not so then.

The secular world parallels that. Today, across the news spectrum, chaos is breaking out everywhere – not just in the Church. Those of us who pine for normalcy are told we can't have it, that it is bad, racist or sexist or killing the planet. That the human race is evil, and killing the planet. The lies are so thick they smother us entirely. Many secular governments, such as in the UK and France and Germany and Spain, show they loathe their own actual people and want to replace them with hordes of Muslim foreigners, people who have absolutely NO "mystic chords of memory" in these nations' living, historical culture. Replacement populations are being brought in and historical nations are being garroted to death. We are seeing it  happen.

It's insane. And pure evil. But we are watching it in "real time". Simone Weil says somewhere that Christianity is the religion for slaves, that "slaves can't help belonging to it", and of course, Islam exists because it is a slavers' religion, established to justify Muslim enslavement of all peoples. Is the Christian world therefore doomed to be enslaved and throttled to death by the Muslim Herrenvolk?

I usually write about the absolutely disgusting state of the official Catholic Church and the antics of its official "pope". We so want the Church to be "normal" that we are willing, just as with my relatives back in the '60s and '70s, to look away from the flagrant apostasy we see all around us. 

But again, all the evil Bergoglio and his imps engage in is replicated in secular governments and in culture – consider the absolutely putrid opening of the Paris Olympics and then the fact that men beating up women is now an official Olympic sport. All that, and "Pope" Bergoglio didn't condemn it till the Muslim ruler of Turkey shamed him into issuing a weak statement. A world upside down.

In secular governments, England is falling to armed mobs (i.e. armed with knives rather than guns) of Muslim men while the British government uses its police to make war on white (i.e. native) Britons. Such has been going on in France for some time, and all the western European countries. We knew this would come. Islam is relentless, has always been. What we didn't know is that our own governments are relentless in trying to replace us. They clearly in no way represent the actual people of their nations. Equally clear is the fact that the governmental mechanisms for representing what the people want; i.e. voting, the courts, constitutions, are completely broken or compromised. This too, was inevitable, for "government based on consent of the governed" has no Divine backstop or safeguard, and is too easily manipulated.

The U.S. mirrors this: the tens of millions of illegal immigrants are not quite yet roving across the land in large armed mobs. They're in smaller units so far, but the UK treatment is coming. The illegals such as they are are murdering and raping and thieving on a grand scale with incredible brutality as it is, while of course the FBI keeps saying the "extreme Right" and/or "Christian nationalists" are the great danger they must crack down on. The American government spouts this hogwash because the American people are armed to the teeth, and bloodshed on a national scale is quite likely. So they now, today, try to head that off by calling patriots racists, etc.

But that's nothing in comparison to the U.S. "Deep State" – the entrenched bureaucratic rulers of the Intelligence Community agencies and the military-industrial complex – who have conspired to assassinate Donald Trump while staging a coup d'état against the brain-dead Joe Biden figurehead. They're now trying to promote a complete simpleton and a most unrepentant Magdalene as a viable candidate. It is obscene, on a number of levels. However, their obvious assassination attempt on Trump failed, purely by chance – or Divine Will – and things are not quite as desperate as they would otherwise have been.

Dire, indeed, but not hopeless, not yet.

I've waited a while now before reflecting on the attempted assassination of President Trump, and everything I see is the usual "smoke and mirrors". Silly, grandstanding Congressional hearings that achieve nothing; they amount to a modern version of the infamous Warren Report the federal government issued after John F. Kennedy's assassination. The Kennedy assassination parallels the Trump attempt in many ways.  

Americans should be old hands at assassinations by now. But once again, the federal investigative agencies do their usual cover-ups, and Congress lets them get away with it. The American people are helpless before the all-conquering bureaucracy. The will of the people doesn't count to those forces of Mordor. Their overturn/coup d'état of Richard Nixon's popular vote blowout victory in November, 1972, was the bookend to Kennedy's assassination, which they prefigured with as much brazenness as they murdered Robert F. Kennedy four years earlier, on June 5, 1968.

A little time offers a lot of depth-perception. IF ONE IS WILLING TO LOOK AT IT. Nothing has been "normal" in American or world politics since November 1963. In fact, it is our willful desire for normalcy that they use against us.

These political murders the government officially "sorted" except no one believed the official results (except the gullible, such as those who believed an untested gene-therapy "vaccination" was necessary for a non-existent pandemic). The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981, just two months after his inauguration, never raised too many queries, but as in all these assassinations – except Martin Luther King's assassination on April 4, 1968 –  a "disaffected" young white male loser perpetrated the crime. (King's assassin was 40 years old in 1968.)

If you reflect on all these assassination for any length of time, you surely must ask yourselves – how could we not see all this? After all, in his farewell address as president, Dwight Eisenhower warned his fellow citizens of the "military-industrial complex". He apparently had originally written "military-industrial-Intelligence complex". We've had one assassination after another, and certainly one major coup-d'état, in fact more than one if you consider the Iran-Contra Affair during Reagan's second term and then the endless caterwaul they vomited on Trump's first term, which included the ridiculous "Russia Collusion Hoax" and what, three impeachments? It's our hopeless desire for normalcy that blinds us, but we must let go of that mirage and get down in the steam and pan away the dirt to see the truth of what we are up against.

Both in Church and State, one thing is very true: with every passing day, it becomes more and more apparent that we are living in the most desperate times any of us have experienced or imagined. And in such an overwhelming confrontation, Faith will be tested and prayer is our most potent weapon. Prayer, the Sacraments, and what sacrifices we can make. May God have mercy on us. God always wins in the end. We must not fail the test while we wait for that victory.


1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, this will be Ron's last post. I just received word that he passed away in Hungary. For years he used to mail these posts out to a few friends and I said "why don't you have a blog?" He had no idea how to create one so I got him started here. Rest in Peace, Raghn Crow.
