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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Important: New Research Shows 388,000 Americans Died of Covid Vaccines


Please review Steve Kirsch's article about the 388,000 Americans dead from the Covid vaccines and how he arrived at this figure. NO ONE will argue with him, not the CDC or FDA or anyone else; they just say he's mistaken and make no other comment. If they could produce actual arguments against Kirsch's findings, they would. They can't.

Also, this figure comports with other researchers' findings, especially using the numbers from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS"; you see it referred to as "CMS" with one M). That's been big news for us so-called "tin-hat" conspiracy nuts for some time. Kirsch's numbers match those. 

Mainstream New Media won't touch it either (of course they won't) nor will Congressional staffers. I'd be amazed if Tucker Carlson runs a report on this; simply amazed. It would cause a nuclear explosion. And if it sounds too fantastic, see this article about a Columbia University study.

Why is it so difficult for anyone to broadcast this? I see in other news that Bill Gates made $35 billion the past couple of years from the Covid "plandemic". Gates already had $50 billion in his "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" and that was used to buy politicians around the world. My friends, these huge sums of money buy a LOT of silence.
  • It's also nearly impossible to get Big Pharma to publicly admit it made a mistake or proffered bad drugs, as this short documentary by Dr. Sam Bailey discusses about the 1930s "miracle drug" that gave women cancer and deformed babies' genitalia. The drug was the infamous "DES" (Diethyl-Stilbestrol; even the name is ominous: "die" "Ethel" and give "still births). There are many such examples historically, of course, of "fully approved" and "safe and effective" wonder drugs that turned to be horrendous diasters. Yet still we need to be reminded, it seems. 
  • (All of Dr. Sam's videos at Odysee are worth watching. I highly recommend her.)
Gates himself is a very rich man, thanks to Covid-19, but he's also a "...narcissist monopolist megalomaniac who partnered with Fauci, a man with a similar personality disorder, to dominate international health care policy as a health care policy and epidemic-fighter übermensch," as the author of this review of Robert F. Kennedy's new book on Fauci puts it: Kennedy's book is definitely a must read. We MUST NOT let Gates and Fauci and Soros and Klaus Schwab get away with this murder. Over the next few years, we're going to be drowning in sick friends, relatives, colleagues and children. This is the biggest crime since the Dictators of WWII murdered tens of millions.

Kirsch has published the word is out. Many independent researchers will be checking and correlating and "running the numbers" in audits of Kirsch's work, and the pressure will build till it is a tsunami. But you need to know what's going on now, today; and you won't be told by the Mainstream Media.
We have been had. More than screwed. Far worse than ripped off. We've been murdered. Three-hundred thousand, nearly four-hundred thousand, killed. 

Isn't that worth a Congressional or Parliamentary hearing?

Spread the word.

An Préacháan

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