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Monday, December 13, 2021

5G and Covid Eternal, Ireland Occupied, and The Year of Jubilee


An older person I know who is quite smart about many things but wholly given over to "us vs them" politics, recently wrote me the following line, in great glee:

"Republicans are dying of Covid at an alarming rate".

This is utterly silly and indeed, juvenile. No such fact is true, of course. Airplane pilots and athletes and everyone "vaccinated" are in trouble (for samples of the first two, see: (Hat-tip to TR) Scoring cheap political points as the world's Big Tech and Big Banking is about to snuff out our lives? Petty, indeed. Besides, "Left" and "Right" are deceptions these days; it's all "Uniparty" now, and the Uniparty around the world worships "The Jab" (for me and thee, of course, not them). This radiated, polluted world is the future they've planned for us. Or I mean, for those of us who refuse the "vaccines" poisons they're demanding we take.

The Truth About Covid: Once Again
I'll write it out again, as obviously it must be repeated: Covid doesn't exist. Never has. Sounds crazy, but consider: there's no CDC or Health Ministry or even private lab in the world that has SARS-CoV-2 virus vesicles in their lab, found-in-nature virus vesicles containing the full genome of this virus, isolated and characterized. Not one. Let me repeat that: There's no CDC or Health Ministry or even private lab in the world that has SARS-CoV-2 virus vesicles in their lab. Not one. It is said two labs in the world (supposedly only two) have a few Variola virus vesicles in a freezer, though I don't know if they're Variola major and Variola minor. Variola virus is supposed to cause smallpox. And recently Bill Gates and even Biden has suggested a new smallpox epidemic is possible. (Gee, imagine that. They're clearly planning something nasty.) But NO ONE has SARS-CoV-2, even after supposed millions of deaths and millions more sick from it, even after frenzied world-wide study of it, etc. That's because "Covid-19" is a product of computer programs cutting and pasting bits of genetics obtained from the messy "cell culture isolation" method. And that method is a joke.
  • "However, all of the computer models in the world don’t change the fact that the detected genetic sequences and proteins have never been shown to be part of a pathogenic virus. Due to its ongoing failures to demonstrate that alleged viral particles are capable of causing disease in a living host, virology is becoming nothing more than computer simulations. Omicron is the latest update in their virtual reality that is becoming increasingly disconnected from the natural world." Dr. Sam Bailey 
Virologists Themselves Affirm This
So, once again, the damn thing doesn't exist. At a recent symposium, a Chinese virology expert (20 years as the virology institute in Wuhan and 20 at Yale's virology department) was forced into admitting that the sputum of TEN-THOUSAND Covid-infected patients would not be enough to produce a sufficient supply of Covid viruses to be seen in an electron microscope. Maneuvered by Dr. Andrew Kaufman into admitting the sputum of two people, then five, then ten, then a hundred, etc., wouldn't be enough, Dr. Kaufman asked him if 10,000 people could provide enough sputum, and the virologist lamely said, "It's too small" and would answer no more questions.

Clearly, Covid is a fraud, and virology too, apparently. On February 16, 2016, the former virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka proved to the Federal Supreme Court of Germany (BGH) that virology had no evidence proving the measles virus existed. But Lanka, a true Richard Feyman or Kari Mullis type scientist, might as well "gone fishing" because the German government later re-mandated the measles "vaccine" for German children anyway. On top of that, ask any virologist anywhere whether a virus as ever been found (isolated and characterized) in any human being's body fluid. Ask them. It never has. In over 100 years of virology! This is one little window into the lying, deceitful "Alice in Wonderland" world of virology.

So, Why Do We Vaccinate?
I've written here before how Jenner's "vaccine cure" for smallpox actually didn't work, and how Polio just got itself renamed "Acute Flaccid Paralysis", which is "clinically indistinguishable from Polio." So let's cut to the chase:
  1. For decades, Big Pharma via bought and paid for government officials have been pumping us full of God-only-knows-what and we just can't escape this trap Big Pharma and Big Government have sprung on us. We may live a bit longer in "developed" countries than our grandparents did, but we're far fatter and less healthy than they; we're overweight and full of allergies and chronic health conditions that were unknown even 100 years ago. Autism has gone from one in ten thousand to one in thirty or twenty-something, and in a couple of decades every other kid will be Autistic.
  2. The Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex has us as trapped as the banks have us caged, if you consider our situation even for a moment. Today, we're all wage slaves in our own countries, hopelessly in debt, paying and paying and paying ever exorbitant prices (right now, especially so), and never catching up, like rats on an exercise wheel. And now the endless "vaccine" booster shots mimic even that. Charging interest rates on loans (traditionally known as usury, a sin) inevitably eventually places all the wealth of a nation's wealth creators in the hands of bankers (who never had to work to make anything).
  3. The history of the Netherlands and Poland is the history of wealthy nations slowly growing broke as bankers concentrated their wealth in their own hands. Bankers sparked the American Revolution by getting Parliament to cancel the Colonies' colonial script money. 
  4. Now Ireland is in the same Purgatory. The Irish are slaves in their own country, paying impossible prices for what their grandparents could easily afford; Ireland is a nation now ruled by multinationals and under occupation by foreigners from around the globe. Is it just a coincidence they are also in total lock down to Covid? They should arm themselves and drive out the banks like the American colonists drove out the British. Haha, right. They fought for 800 years to have Ireland for themselves and sold it away in half a generation. For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows. 1 Tim 6:10 Globalism kills, my friends, just as thoroughly as Big Pharma does.
5G and Covid
Meanwhile, as the powers-that-be dangle Covid in front of us to distract us from what is really happening, we are literally straining the gnat and swallowing the camel. Covid, and all its paraphernalia: the masks, the "vaccines" and the lockdowns and the ritual humiliations are just a distraction. A distraction from what? 5G is soaking the planet and messing up our bodies, because all life – human and otherwise – is essentially based on water and electricity. We are electrical beings. Therefore, when Elon Musk completes his planetary army of orbiting space bots soaking the planet with even more 5G, we're all going to be coughing up our last breaths. That, and let's not forget the use of "bio-fuels" that come from crops sprayed with the herbicide Roundup. (There's now a GMO soy that has Roundup genetically programmed into it! They couldn't just use GMO to make hardier, more nourishing crops, like the American Indians bred maze; nope, that had to have crops producing their own herbicide!) Burning bio-fuels soaks the atmosphere in Roundup particles, and they've known now for some time that cities using a lot of bio-fuels have much higher "Covid" infections.

But that is not on the evening news, is it? Neither is this:
  • Wuhan city, a massive metropolis inundated with all the modern industrial pollution a developing region can churn out, was the world's first metro area to be fully wired for 5G. That was completed in September 2019, and the first supposedly Covid pneumonia appeared just a month later. And also, Wuhan is on the mighty Yangtze River, which is actually the longest river in all Asia and third longest in the world (after the Nile and the Amazon). Wuhan is downstream on the Yangtze from the vast farming provinces that river drains, provinces where Roundup is sprayed thickly. Wuhan is also a center for bio-fuel use, coincidentally. (Cough, cough.) You don't hear that on the evening news, do you.
As Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell write in:
The Contagion Myth (pages 139-140)
"Without getting too deep into the engineering of 5G technology, the important thing about 5G is that the pulsed millimeter waves, this new "spectrum" that will run our phones and computers faster, need to be "organized" by placing hundreds of thousands of satellites right into the ionosphere of the earth. These hundreds of thousands of satellites will emit their own electromagnetic frequencies that essentially beam these new, man-made signals down to the millions of receivers placed in our neighborhoods, stadiums, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, parks, farms, lakes, forests, oceans, and everywhere else on earth. The intention is to blanket the earth with these man-made electromagnetic fields. We know that these millimeter waves interfere with the availability of oxygen in the atmosphere and hence will also interfere with the ability of the mitochondria (bacteria) in our tissues to convert oxygen into energy. This is the main feature of 5G, exacerbated by aluminum poisoning, glyphosate poisoning, general air pollution, and all the many other toxins in our modern world – all contributing to the symptoms of 'Covid-19.'

"But none of this can match the consequence of putting hundreds of thousands of satellites into the ionosphere of the earth. If this is allowed to happen, not only will all life on earth be subject to the constant toxic effect of these harmful millimeter waves, as if that isn't bad enough, but the direct consequence of this folly is that the cosmic waves that from the furthest reaches of our cosmos will no longer be allowed to maintain their integrity in their journey to the earth... [thus, rather than forming naturally as it has from the beginning, earthly] Life will become formed under the influence of the computer code written by the self-styled new 'masters of our universe.' And, all this so we can have faster download speeds for our cellphones.

"Humanity is at a crossroads, and although we can present mitigation strategies that will transform the energy fields that constitute 5G technology...we should be clear. Covid-19 is the first wave of disease created by the introduction of this new technology. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Officials warn us that more waves are coming. They know."

Please take the time to read Cowan and Morell's book. Truly, it is vitally important.

Year of Jubliee
What we need is a Year of Jubilee. In the Old Testament, the Israelites had the Year of Jubilee every 50th year, and its "jubilee" consisted in releasing people from their debts, releasing all slaves, and returning property to those who owned it. (See Leviticus 25:1-13) It was a safety valve God designed precisely to prevent what we have now: the rise of the modern world of debt and bankers, which itself began when the Spanish exiled Jews from Spain and many of these exiles went to the Netherlands and Poland and Germany to set up banking houses. Jews themselves couldn't own land, etc., so trade and trade in money (money lending at interest) was a major source of income for them: think of the rise of the Rothschilds and Shylock in Shakespeare's play, and even Ebenezer Scrooge; he's actually a London Jewish money lender, of which many existed in Dicken's day. We need a revolution in thought wherein interest rates are legally kept very low and a debt-cancelling (especially health-debt cancelling) Year of Jubilee is applied to everyone, Jew or Gentile. It's the only way to break the economic cycle that's impoverishing us. 

Alas, I'm not going to hold my breath for that.

An Préachán

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