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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Impeach private citizens? Are the Democrats Creating an Inquisition?


At Senator Rand Paul has pointed out, what the Democrats are doing in the U.S. Senate (with the support of "RINO" Repubicans) is illegal. Impeachment is a political process to remove elected officials while they are still in office. 

Therefore, what the Democrats are doing is more aligned with what happened during the French Revolution or Stalin's show trials. It is also a sign that the functions, tools, and processes of the American Republic are being trashed out, completely.

N.B. The Inquisition itself didn't exist in the Dark Ages ("Dark Ages" being from mid-400s to mid-700s, give or take). The Inquisition was founded in the High Middle Ages – beginning in the 12th century, a remarkable time of extraordinary advances in mathematics, architecture, art, philosophy, economic developments in banking and trade, and a host of other areas that made possible the better-known empirical science advances during the Renaissance. There would have been no Renaissance or rise of Western Empirical Science without the High Middle Ages. 

The Inquisition was founded to try people for promoting religious heresy rather than just letting local mobs hang them (a common occurrence in both Christian and Muslim lands – if the local Muslims heard that a traveler was a Sufi, for example, they would put him to death forthwith). When modern people conjure up the Inquisition, though, invariably they're thinking of the Spanish Inquisition, notorious for its extent and severity – but what people don't know is that the Spaniards were desperately afraid of Muslim re-invasion of Spain (to this day, Muslims talk openly about re-taking Spain) and that fear of a "third column" was why they so heavily promoted their national Inquisition. It was more political in that way than religious.

The Democrats and the Left in general have no religion except politics, the unholy grail of which is simply power. If they don't repent, may they be consumed in their evil. (Something likely to happen as it becomes obvious even to the dullest clod what they are up to.)

An Préachán

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