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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Covid lies just keep coming, thick and fast...


Lies and falsehoods (half-truths) about Covid just keep coming. This Dublin genetics professor, Dr. Dolores Cahill, professor of molecular genetics, School of Medicine at University College Dublin, and chairwoman of Irish Freedom Party, is trying to raise the alarm about what's happening regarding the mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Cahill says, in part:
Now you’ve made yourself into a genetically modified organism, and so the immune system that is meant to push the viruses or bacteria out… now the autoimmune reaction is attacking your body low grade.

Now months later when you come across the virus that stimulates the immune system to get rid of the virus and when the immune system sees that you have viral proteins in your own cells and organs, then about a week later (the adaptive immune system kicks in, the mechanism that makes specific long-term memory antibodies against a pathogen) and you go into organ failure.

Because your immune system is killing your own organs. Those patients will present as sepsis initially. Then later you die of organ failure.

If you have one or two co-morbidities, the energy the immune system requires will make the older person very tired and exhausted and they don’t have the capacity to survive if you have underlying conditions.

Normally, because the mRNA is in every cell of their body, it’s almost unstoppable. It destroys the heart, or the spleen, or the lungs, or the liver because the mRNA is expressing the protein in every cell.

Just as a solution, what we urgently need, just as a repository, 1 in 100, or 1 in 200 vaccine vials injected, to be set aside, especially into the elderly in the care homes. They need to be stored in a biorepository of the vaccine vials randomly, so when the people start to die, we can actually see what is in this vaccine. We should be doing this now.

I am concerned that there are maybe multiple mRNAs in this vaccine, not just something for coronavirus.

As one Commentator to the article succinctly writes:
This is essentially what Dr Francis Boyle says. This mRNA will produce an antibody for Covid but it is the wrong kind of antibody. If this was intended to help people it would produce an active antibody but this shot will produce a passive antibody which will cause an autoimmune response to one’s own body. The sick and old should avoid this like the plague. We all should refuse this and support efforts to hold the people behind this accountable for what they are trying to do. Most important issue in all this Covid madness.
An P again:
Francis Boyle drafted the Biological Weapons Act. A lot of high-level genetic doctors and scientists dispute the mRNA vaccines and do not recommend their use. Dr. Teresa Deicher is a Stanford Ph.D. and hold now some 40+ medical patents. She was on Patrick Coffin a while back saying she would not take ANY Covid vaccines, as they are totally unnecessary in terms of what the disease this virus produces, and she certainly wouldn't recommend the mRNA vaccines. 

The Columbus Dispatch somehow got me on its mailing list and sends me these daily "updates" that go into my spam box. I glance at the headlines before I delete them. One of the commonest headlines is just howling about all the new Covid cases and new Covid deaths, like this one: News alert: Ohio adds 4,334 COVID-19 cases, 57 deaths on Monday.

I just don't believe a word of it, my friends. 60 people dying from one virus on one day in one middle-sized state? The mortality rate nationally would be staggering! HOWEVER, the actual mortality stats for the U.S. are NOT higher now for 2020 than they were for 2019 or 2018, and on back. So just WHO is dying? Just WHO were these 57? Were they old folks dying "with" Covid or "twenty-somethings" collapsing in the street? What's going on with the statistics? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLU? IT SEEMS NOW TO HAVE VANISHED FROM THE WORLD! Why is the Dispatch furthering panic and paranoia??? If this is a "pandemic", we have plenty of "panic" being fed the "demos" but little of the rest of it.

Meanwhile, Covid is long past being a "pandemic" and has been in "endemic" territory for months. It is everywhere. Just about everyone has had it the virus, or will get it, and/or "testing" becoming a complete a crock. (And issues remain with the testing system in use, as well, but you won't hear that from the "MSM".)

Of course, as usual, the bureaucratic denizens of government and "Big Pharma" use Covid to make themselves rich. Here's a new article by Michael Thau, who has been reporting on Covid since it showed up.

An excerpt:
Yet, somehow, hardly anyone in America is even aware that the CDC managed to get their initial $8 billion budget for 2020 increased by a factor of six to a whopping $46 billion by relentlessly honking the COVID-19 panic-horn. (H/t, RedState reader, Kurt Schulzke.)

Moreover, the flagrant accounting shenanigans the CDC used to generate their generous windfall are sitting there hiding in plain sight on their website so that—not just that New York Times reporter’s mentally defective brother-in-law—but even the reporter himself wouldn’t have had much trouble finding them had either bothered looking.

You see, in March of 2020, the CDC announced some changes to the way they wanted doctors to start filling out death certificates. And a few weeks later, the CDC issued some new diagnostic guidelines.

But these changes turned out to be very narrowly focused, indeed.

The didn’t affect how heart disease or cancer deaths were diagnosed or reported.

Nor did physicians need to change the way they report or diagnose the flu or any other manner of disease, accident, homicidal intention, act of God, or any other conceivable way that a human being can wind up meeting his maker any differently except for just one special ailment.

For some strange reason, the CDC decided that COVID-19 alone among all mortal perils was to get its own unique method of accounting devised especially for it.

And what do you know?

As an outfit called Children’s Health Defense (CHD) noted way back in July, these new criteria for diagnosing COVID-19 and listing it on death certificates turn out to so preposterously lose that they were bound to create a massive but wholly illusory increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths than would have been reported had this new disease which the CDC so successfully raised funds on not been given this exceedingly strange special treatment.

An P again: I'm so sick of the lies that I "crossed the Rubicon" prayer-wise and pray every single individual who has lied about Covid – all the bigshots calling shots and setting policy – I pray they all go to Hell. Yep. They are ruthless, ruthlessly dishonest, and ruthless callous to what horrors their lies are doing to people psychologically and spiritually. (As for those who stupidly swallow the swill they're endlessly spoonfed, well, they're on their own.)

Honestly. I detest Bergoglio, it is true, but I pray for Jorge Mario Bergoglio that he either convert or die, since we need a Catholic in the papacy, not a second-rate Mondernist. I usually include Biden as Bergi's "sidekick" in false Catholicism, but of course Biden's mental state won't allow him the clarity to convert, not now. He had plenty of time for that for decades, and chose to "milk the system", regardless. However, St. Paul admonishes us to pray for those in power, whether "elected" or not.
See 1 Timothy 2:1 I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men:
2 For kings, and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
So there's nothing wrong with praying for the early – and natural – death of those whom God knows ARE NOT going to come to the knowledge of the truth in order that they not persecute us. Of course, St. Paul also wrote in Romans 13:
1 Let every soul be subject to higher powers: for there is no power but from God: and those that are, are ordained of God.
2 Therefore he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist, purchase to themselves damnation.

But I think Sacred Tradition has made it clear over the past two thousand years that we must resist immoral governmental orders, not participate in them, and pray for the (natural) removal of those trying to implement them. Were St. Paul actually trying to frame an early version of the Führerprinzip, that he would be no more moral than some German officer saying at the Nürnberg Prozesse that, "Hey, I killed those Jews because I was just following orders, so let me go."

Yeah, right. Issuing an immoral order is a crime; so is following an immoral order.

In any event, for these people spreading "Covid Panic Porn", I'm not going to be so nice. People like Anthony Fauci and so many others have been responsible for unimaginable job loss, psychological distress and suicide, entire nations turning into paranoid psychological retarded zombies. My wife Zsófi endures endless harassment for not wearing a mask, a legal right she and other Asperger/Autism types in Europe have. Covid "Panic Porn" have made many of her fellow countrymen cruel, vicious, and it has exasperated the national affinity for envy. (I suspect envy and spite drives their reaction, for they know, deep down, that if one class of people don't have to wear the masks, then the masks aren't very important to begin with.)

And let's face it. Humans seem to have a root programming NOT to be inquisitive, to be too easily credulous, to accept what they're told and not to make waves. We like to think of ourselves as eternal searchers, a race on a quest, explorers in every way headed for the stars.

But the truth is, most people are herd animals. They'll go with the flow. They like what everybody likes, think what everybody thinks. They certainly have no clue about managing the flow of life, no insight or even desire to live in the flow to their fullest possible life.
The Ancient One, speaking of magic: You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own.
Dr. Strange: Control it by surrendering control? That doesn't make any sense.
The Ancient One: Not everything does. Not everything has to.

Unlike those possessing such insight – represented in the Dr. Strange movie by The Ancient One, modern people like Dr. Strange think all things can be beat into submission, forced into what we want them to be. He's a high-level surgeon and he'll force the body to be well. So prevalent is this attitude that some think they can even change their sex from male to female, etc.! And when they finally learn the brutal truth that they cannot "beat life into submission" to fit heir whims, that they must "surrender" to the human life God has given them and learn its innate power and truth, they give up – they surrender to indifference and boredom, just floating along as bits human flotsam and jetsam, until the tide of death carries them to an Eternal Destiny they're clueless about.

Would even Hell be interested in receiving such detritus?

Dr. Strange learned the ancient wisdom, and of course thereby ceased to be the shallow, egotistic modern he had been. Few today "go there", and alas, that's often true with Churchmen of all types. How many modern bishops (and popes) "surrender" to the Holy Ghost and let it empower them as He floats them along the River of Grace that the Faith can give? Some do. But few.

So for all the Anthony Fauci's out there (and I suppose, upon reflection, that includes Joe Biden and so many cold-blooded narcissistic power-hungry Democrats), here's a mash-up of verse 3 of Psalm 94:
"How long, O Lord, will the wicked be jubilant? How long will they be allowed to cloat?  How long will they exult? How long with they triumph?" As the Douay-Rheims has it: "How long shall sinners, O Lord, how long shall sinners glory?"

Biden and the Socialists "glory" right now, but Nemesis approaches, just like in an Ancient Greek tragedy, or as it did for Israel and Judah. So it always does.

Here's the whole psalm in the Douay-Rheims (where it is number 93).

Excellent spiritual material for sobering the mind in fevered times.

An Préachán

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