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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Official confirmation that CoVid-19's death rate is NOT what the WHO said it was...

VERY important news.

Dr Birx, on Trump's Coronavirus team, confirmed what a number of people (usually called idiots, hacks, "deniers" and what not) were right all along.

An except:
On Tuesday Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed our earlier allegations that the WHO was wrong with their coronavirus predictions.
The actual mortality rate will be significantly under 1%.
President Trump: I think the main factor is the mortality rate. We talked about the mortality rate when we first started, people were thinking about 3 and 4 percent and now they’re talking about a much lower number. I think it is a number that will be a lot different than people thought.
Dr. Birx: The mortality rate is driven almost exclusively by what we have been talking about by people with preexisting conditions and older. So that has become from the very beginning that was our emphasis. When we started two or three weeks ago talking with one another our focus has been how do we protect those with preexisting conditions and the elderly…
President Trump: It’s a lot lower than we originally thought. Frankly, it’s a lot lower.
Dr. Birx: Yes, you know the estimate in Wuhan was originally. It was over three percent. When they (Chinese) looked outside of Wuhan it was 0.7%. In South Korea it was 0.7 to 0.8%. That’s like a tyranny of averages. That’s probably missing 50-60% of the data because no one was testing asymptomatics. Remember in every country you had to be symptomatic to get a test. So we’re making case fatality rates when we’re missing a significant part of the data.
The Gateway Pundit was right.
And we were first with this news.

The media and medical experts have not yet discovered the absolute irresponsible comparisons coming from the World Health Organization Director that set this global economic panic into motion.

Ron again:
For a very detailed analysis of the virus's death rate, and all sorts of related issues, such as how many people will get it, how long it might last, etc., see:

So many amazing bits of info, I can't begin to excerpt anything.

An Préachan

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