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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Yet More Good News, and France's Horrific Confiscation of Chloroquine

Amazing news!

Of course, I know many will say this is an eccentric Jewish doctor, and the proper clinical tests have not be run in these 699 patients, and all that. That it's just "spin", in other words.

However, proof, I think, that HydroxyChloroquine actually works is found here, in this AsiaTimes artice:
To the extent this article is true, and the article has a lot of detail about the connections with government figures and "Big Pharma", wow, the French government is complicit in the deaths of people H-C could have helped. It is outrageous, but that's the politics of all this. (I suppose they might say it has not been tested for this, but it was patented in 1934, and its side affects are well known. In a crisis, there's no excuse for the French government's behavior.)

Also, an important caveat about this treatment: I've been reading in the blogs that Zelenko's success is because he gets a patient who just exhibits symptoms, and before the patient is sick enough to be admitted to a hospital. THAT's the key.

There may (or may not) be another drug combo that helps hospitalized COVID-19 patients, reported on here:

Also in general recommendation is using vitamin C, and zinc, along with various other mineral and vitamins. anything that stops or slows down viral replication in cells. Unfortunately, from what I see, zinc is getting out of stock everywhere. Hard to find right now, but not impossible. (It'd probably encourage my kidney stones to grow, for myself, but I'll try it out, anyway.)

An excerpt from the Zelenko article:

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