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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Is a U.S. Civil War Coming? "The signs of the times..."

For some time, various commentators (and I mean, both Left and Right, high up the pundit food chain to down low) have been suggesting a new U.S. Civil War might develop, or is developing as we look at it. That may sound extreme, but oft times the Cri de coeur one can find in blog comments "says it all" as to why such a thing might happen.
People are at their wits' end, and of course that's why Trump was elected. They took a desperate gamble. "The powers that be" loath him and they're trying to unseat him, pig-headedly ignoring all the social unrest warning signs against doing so – the middle America that elected Trump is far more armed than Hillary's supporters. Therefore, depending on how the November elections go, we can expect things to reach a boiling point, either from the Left or the Right.
(Because of the daily demands of life, most people don't have time to think about all this: but serious social disruption may be coming and knowing "the signs of the times" is necessary for simple survival.)

Regarding this possibility of civil war, I found both of these Comments I've included further below at The Conservative Treehouse. (The "young girl" referenced was one Mollie Tibbetts. Highlights are mine, of course, but every line of both Comments need highlighted.)

N.B. "Angel families" (also mentioned below) are those with loved ones killed by illegal immigrants. Debates rage about just how many people are killed by illegals, and obviously more are killed by U.S. citizens. But the point is, all illegals commit the basic crime of entering the country illegally; they should not be in the U.S. in the first place, so when some of them commit murder, rape, drug dealing, and so on, legal citizens naturally are outraged. "We have enough crime of our own; we don't need to import it." 
In Europe, with many of the various governments importing Muslims (mostly younger Muslim men), the resulting crime overwhelms their "multi-kulti" thinking, as now intense crime occurs where before it was very rare; for example, Sweden now being "the rape capital of the world". Of course, whether that is true is quite complicated, as reported here. For example, in Sweden, a husband can be accused of raping his wife, which can increase the rape statistics, whereas in Egypt, which has the lowest reported number of rapes, that's apparently because of Islamic law's attitude toward women (women can be out-and-out murdered by their Egyptian husbands if the husbands accuse them of adultery, and so on). And that's just women. Boys are raped all the time in Islamic lands, as reported here:
Such is the world we live in. Ignorance of it is no excuse.
Jan says:
Before I get emotionally wrapped up in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings after Labor Day, are the damned Republicans going to vote to confirm Kavanaugh or are they going to withhold their vote based on Schumer’s command that Pres. Trump is an unnamed co-conspirator in a crime & so voting on anything now stops until Pres. Trump is impeached before or after the mid-terms? I saw Kevin McCarthy stand up for the president tonight, and that’s about all I’ve seen of our “Republican leadership”. Sessions/Rosenstein approved a plea agreement where the defendant plead guilty to 2 non-crimes, naming a “candidate” who told him to do the non-crimes. And the Dimms think it’s okay if a man here illegally or legally beats a young girl to death; so long as we allow all illegals to enter our country and we must let sex traffickers take unaccompanied children who are not their children with them AND then we must find the parents of these unaccompanied kids because it’s our fault.
I am heart broken for the Tibbetts family and all American angel families. And I am heart broken that our unAmericans hate their country, our President & us Americans so much they would rather see us dead and America a s**t-hole country. Underneath all this is cold anger, but what happened to Mollie Tibbetts should never have happened; yet it does, every single day. And we have to make it stop. And we have to stop the unAmericans before they kill us.

tjm says:
“We are faced, not with a situation that can be overcome by rational or moral arguments, but with an unleashing of emotional forces and ideas engendered by the spirit of the times… The dictator State has one great advantage over bourgeois reason: along with the individual it swallows up his religious forces. The State has taken the place of God; that is why, seen from this angle, the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship. But the religious function cannot be dislocated and falsified in this way without giving rise to secret doubts, which are immediately repressed so as to avoid conflict with the prevailing trends towards mass-mindedness. The result, as always in such cases, is overcompensation in the form of FANATICISM, which in its turn is used as a weapon for stamping out the least flicker of opposition. Free opinion is stifled and moral decision ruthlessly suppressed, on the plea that the end justifies the means, even the vilest.”
–C. G. Jung, The Undiscovered Self (1957)

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