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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Catholic Church Is Underground Now, Awaiting the Counter-Reformation 2.0 (PS added)

Friends, Amici, a Chairde,

One reads and hears it across the board of the Catholic bandwidth: The Bergoglians are getting ever more desperate. From ordaining women to the priesthood to the Vatican claiming Traditional Catholics are about to take over the Church, the false "Synodal" Church bigshots are panicking. All this is birthing just before "Pope Francis" and his henchmen (Cardinals Roche, Kissy Fernandez, etc.) drop the hammer on the Vetus Ordo, the Mass of the Ages.
  • A time comes in any war when one side realizes they've lost, that continued fighting is futile. Yet they often keep fighting insanely on: Ukraine has lost its war with Russia, most clearly, and the Battle of Gettysburg proved the South lost its war against the Union. The entry of the USA into World War I knelled the end for Germany, though they actually probably knew they lost as early as the end of 1914. The Vatican II types, now Synodal, surely know they've lost, and prove it by lashing out impotently. 

But for Now, the Truth Is, Real Catholicism Is Going Back to the Catacombs to Await the Synodal Church's Death Convulsions
The excellent Father David Nix has an important epistle here that everyone should read. Father Nix, a diocesan hermit under Canon 603, explains how more and more diocesan priests are willing to retreat from parish life, as he did, into the hermit life so they can say the Traditional Latin Mass and offer the Traditional sacraments. Father Nix writes in part: 
"I know it’s not what most of you lay people want to hear for your good priests, but there are priests much less extreme than me that are saying the best priests are now leaving the priesthood and getting laicized because they can’t take the wokeness from the Vatican anymore. Better to be a hermit like me than get laicized because of an infiltration in the Church."
Meanwhile, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf posted an article here about laity-prepared home chapels in which the TLM can be said after Bergoglio orders all dioceses to cancel the TLM.

Some blame the Germans, as here where the Rhine flows into and floods out of the Tiber, but the truth is the rot, the stinking septic tank overflow has deeper roots. It is essentially, quintessentially, Protestant. 
  • Protestantism always constituted a desacralization of the world and the Faith that the Reformers thought necessary to be more purely "spiritual". Wasn't that the argument for iconoclasm during the post Vatican II period? In the 16th century as well as today, mostly zealous young academics thought all the beauty, liturgy, the "lived holiness" and striving for holiness of the Traditional European Christian culture "cluttered up" their purely spiritual "leap of faith". They possessed a failed anthropology. What they failed to realize is that humans, being psycho-somatic unities, naturally sanctify and "clutterify" their physical world. "All that clutter" constituted flying buttresses holding up the Faith's walls and colorful windows. They knocked them down, in an iconoclastic frenzy in order to get at "the real Faith", and the Faith collapsed. After a few generations, Protestantism of any stripe leads to atheism, and atheism leads to nihilism, a civilization surrendering itself to Muslim hordes who themselves do no have faith, but only submission. (Judaism is about inheritance, Islam about submission, and Christianity is about Faith.)
In this context, a review of Gavin Ashenden's arguments about the "decoy" Anglican Church and the Reformation is very definitely worth the review. In the same way, the Vatican II Church was a decoy intended to lead us to ever deeper Protestantization. It was for "our own good", the Reformers thought.

All this indeed conjures the English Reformation and stories of home Masses, priest holes, and St. Edmund Campion (1540-1582) and so many like him. I wonder whether we'll have anyone like Cardinal William Allen (1532-1594), who organized the underground missions to Tudor England. Perhaps Bergoglio's attempt to cancel the Mass of the Ages will finally bring about the avalanche of grace needed to truly start a Counter-Reformation 2.0, and raise up new Campions and Allens. We can pray for that avalanche. Archbishop Viganò might well be the start. Please Cardinal Müller, please Cardinals Burke and Sarah and Zen and Bishop Schneider! Join Archbishop Viganò! Bergoglio cannot resist you all together!
(We've had the Reformation 2.0; now it is time for the Counter-Reformation 2.0 and la Reconquista!)
  • Of course, they fear for their lives. It turns out that Cardinal Pell was quite likely smothered to death; that's how a corpse gets its nose broken. We have as evil a crew in the Vatican now as Rome sported in the 10th century!

The Dawning of Our Reality Now Floods Us with Blinding Truth
Despite the odds, and with Islam about to engulf us, I write this with some degree of the Virtue of Hope. We know now – now with the cascading revelations since Bergoglio was installed as "pope", and certainly since the death of Benedict XVI, after which The Ogre, as I call him (and I am being charitable, actually) "took the gloves off" and really began whipping the Catholic Church unmercifully – that the real Catholic Church is underground. Bergoglio & Company have driven it underground. 
  • But it was in the process of being driven off the stage and into the wings (as it were) since the Vatican II Council threw out the original schemas for documents that John XXIII's curia had prepared, and then went off the rails with the unreadable but malleable pseudo-"pastoral" cum absolutely-most-dogmatic-of-all-time documents it did promulgate, documents that apparently cancel all the previous Church councils entirely. (So bogus, so laughable, so cretinous.)
  • This was a process, I say, hard to fully comprehend at first, especially for Catholics, both clergy and laity, who were so vested in the Vatican I idea of Church as to resist seeing it. 
  • Even Archbishop Lefebvre took a few years for it to fully dawn on him. Same with Archbishop Viganò, though for him it took decades. John Paul II ever and always resisted seeing it, stubbornly, mulishly. Benedict – a Vatican II insider and ardent, though more middle-of-the-road, reformer – finally grasped what was happening and felt forced to counter it – which is why he himself was "countered" in the end. At least his poor 'hermeneutic of continuity" is well and truly dead. (If you don't grasp that, Bergoglio will flog you a bit more to get the point across.)
  • Now, with Bergoglio the Junta of One, all the illusions are swept away. "Bergi" is Emperor Diocletian come again, and just as with Diocletian 1800 years ago, the Argentinian has rescinded what previous emperors (popes) granted us. We have to go back to the old Vatican II pantheon, they say, but few will actually do that.
The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Were you to posit the Church as a theater and a stage, it serves as a drama house whose function was to put on the Traditional Latin Mass. This is not surprising as all drama originated as religious re-enactments, from Ancient Greek drama to medieval drama flourishing during the centuries immediately leading up to Shakespeare and his Spanish contemporary, Lope de Vega. The great Cathedral churches, whether Hagia Sophia in Constantinople or St. Peter's in Rome, or the Romanesque and later Gothic and still later the Baroque churches in Europe, all were built to be stages on which the Sacrifice of Calvary God makes present to us, and the veil between Earth and Heaven His angels draw back to make us all present at the eternal sacrifice and "coming forward" of the Lamb that was slain in Revelation (Rev 5:6). No, Protestants, no! Christ is NOT re-sacrificed, but God melts away time and distance so Our Lord's one sacrifice is brought bodily to us.

This is a miracle that all the Apostolic-founded Churches embrace and teach and celebrate in as much holiness and glory as they can muster. Protestants formally reject it, and are thus more akin to Jews and Muslims than they are to Apostolic Christians. To see this miracle, to comprehend it, to embrace and partake of it is a gift, a charisma of the Faith that saves us. But the Vatican II Reformers, the Modernists led by their Masonic allies, fight against it. Protestant-like, they retreat from this central sacrament of the New Covenant, the Seventh Covenant God has established more firmly than He established the first six, because this one God the Father established with His Son.

The Protestantizing Vatican II tried to reduce the Mass, break it down, emasculate it because...
The Heavenly Liturgy is glorious and noble and transcendent: simply real beyond our poor powers to emulate, and yet, by the grace of God, we can participate in it ourselves. The Holy Spirit guided us in all Truth (St. John 16:13) and called us to participate as well as we could, hence the noble traditional liturgies of East and West. But Vatican II, the Modernist cradle of the Ape of the Church, grew a baby – a non-Catholic Changeling Church – and that baby took a long generation to grow, now going on a Biblical lifetime. And Bergoglio serves as the midwife. The Synodal Church being established by the Modernist, non-believing hierarchy, is being finalized by the Synodal process, which merely stands in for a new Church Council, a "Vatican III", that will soon put paid to the True Church. Or that's the intention and reason for the endless attacks on the Vetus Order, the Traditional Latin Mass, and all the Vatican claptrap I noted in the first paragraph of this essay.

That new church is a different church, so of course it has different worship AND cannot tolerate the old, actual Catholic, worship. As this becomes ever more obvious – day-by-day it stands more glaringly obvious – they try harder and harder to crush it, Diocletian-style. As I have written before, they've abolished every discipline in the Faith except one, and that one discipline they demand we give them unreservedly because they are about to drop their guillotine blade: obedience. 

But we are not required to obey bad laws or bad rulers. That's true in the religious sphere as in the secular. And in the latter, people are now realizing elections are useless. 
  1. England recently held an important election, but voting is useless. The pro-English national Reform Party garnered 14% of the vote yet only gets 5 seats in Parliament; the Lib-Dem Party, a mild Labor Party knock-off, got 12% of the vote and yet seats 70 new members. 
  2. The people of France tried to elect Marine Le Pen's party to power in the National Assembly of France, but the Leftists rioted in the streets and Macron and the Communists connived to fix it so that Le Pen's party is blocked from power. 
  3. The Demo(Demon)crats in the U.S., stunned by Donald Trump's victory in 2016, stole the election in 2020; their old trick: they stole the 1960 election, and stole the 1972 election from Nixon after his incredible blowout victory. They tried to steal the 2000 election, too.
  4. Today, their zombie candidate – a subpar idiot and carnal maggot when he had his right mind and now is a walking corpse – as was Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in the 1944 election, actually – will probably be removed, but the Democrats have no one credible to replace him.
  5. In the same pus-filled vein, the Catholic Church has been taken over by carnal deviants and the most venal, evil partisans of Hell, slowly but surely, since the1960s. They are not Catholics. Not Christians. Yet they demand our obedience.
But we are not required to obey these bad rulers and their misrule. St. Thomas Aquinas leads a long list of theologians saying so. However the secular political issues will be solved, if they are solved, at least for the religion we can support Father David Nix and Archbishop Viganò, and all the new Edmund Campions and William Allens whom the Lord God raises up for us.

May the Counter-Reformation 2.0 come quickly, oh Lord!

The Ogre Pope keeps blowing things up, which I take as a sign of madness and desperation. Telling Muslims "all religions to be respected, free from proselytism" (June 26, 2024) is a renunciation of Our Lord's Great Commission, and yet another anti-Christian heretical kick in the head provided by Bergoglio. And telling that to Muslims, who have NEVER respected other religions or were ever "free from proselytism" is just cross-eyed cognitive dissonance. Bergoglio goes in for open cesspool lies, that's certain. The heretic witnesses against himself, daily now, basically. And can there be anyone who still cause this guy "pope"?

For God, Under His Mercy

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Res ipsa loquitur about Bergoglio, the Novus Ordo, and "The Grooming Church"


Res ipsa loquitur (Latin: "the thing speaks for itself") is an old legal adage in common law. And Bergoglio's actions, just as with those of the Biden Administration and the various European governments, all speak for themselves. Oh, in their talk, both Church and State babble all sorts of nonsense. But look at their actions. Both Church and State practice tyranny. They are all together thieves, liars, and braggarts, full of pride and avarice. And for them, indeed, "sin darkens the intellect", i.e., they are stupid. 
  • Proof of that? A VIP in the Church told Cardinal Müller that it would be better there were NO MASSES at all instead of the Traditional Latin Mass. Yep, that's proof, all right.

Ergo, this July 4th, we should declare independence from these frauds. More specifically and accurately, we are not Schismatics ourselves, but the Church bosses are in Schism with the Church as it has traditionally existed and according to its ancient teachings. We need to declare independence for the Church herself from these Schismatics.

For another example: