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Friday, October 27, 2023

Vatican II Destroyed Western Civilization: the Proof

My friends, amici,

To write "Vatican II Destroyed Western Civilization" sounds hyperbolic in the extreme, perhaps, but it is true, and here's the proof.

Vatican II allowed unprincipled, depressed and a number of very, very stupid people to attack the Traditional Latin Mass, and indeed, do their best to erase it. The root of that destruction precede Vatican II, but the project was fully launched via individuals thereafter

Why the depression? 
  • The Church's impotency to effect anything regarding World War I and World War II (I think it could have but the pope's involved took their own counsel, and chose caution when their martyrdom would have better served the Faith, and Europe) left a great many Catholic VIPs on the Continent of Europe depressed, morose. 
  • They thought a Church Council would be a pick-me-up and a "new beginning", usher in a "new Pentecost" – an inherently blasphemous idea, that God's Pentecost had run out of spiritual steam! (I wish someone had told Pope John Paul II "This is blasphemy!" the minute he first uttered such nonsense).
  • So, in their pride and unwisdom, these VIPs thought they'd make Catholicism attractive to Protestants by making its central rite Protestant-like, and together they would all march into a glorious new Pentecost sunrise singing Kumbaya.
What these desperate, fevered optimists didn't understand was that the entirety of Western Civilization was a superstructure built upon the hull of Catholic culture, and the very keel of Catholic culture, from time immemorial, was the Traditional Latin Mass. (Pope Gregory the Great, died 604, did not create it; it predates him: it comes from the "dream time" of the Church in Rome and Latium, and is actually the oldest liturgy any Church has.)

How the Mass Created Western Civ
Cult is always the root of culture, etymologically and anthropologically. Look at it this way: if your cult is the Twelve Olympians, you are going to have a different culture than if you worship the Aztec gods, with their demand for endless human sacrifice. Or if you adhere to the cults of Vishnu, or Brahma, or Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds (my fav Hindu character), you're going to have a very different culture than if you worship Allah via his "prophet" Muhammad. But when the central cult is gone, collapsed, or retired and replaced by a new cult, then the culture goes too. When NO cult replaces the old, however, then your civilization dies, as well.

A great example is Japan. They worshiped the emperor as a god. No one, and I mean NO ONE could be less "godlike" than Hirohito, but in Shinto, he was their god. After the war, he was allowed to stay as emperor but quickly ceased to be seen as a deity – not exactly hard to do! Now notice Japan today. Wealthy, yes, prosperous, certainly. Technologically very advanced, with their own space program. 
  • But a depressed society of people who won't reproduce themselves. 
  • The Japanese are going extinct. 
  • Why? 
  • Well, it is obvious! Their cult is gone, their culture has lost its focus, and neither Christianity – or anything else – has been able to gain their allegiance. (Buddhism has coexisted with Shinto for centuries but never replaced it as the national cult of Nippon. In fact, they kinda-sorta blended together.)
Compare Japan to Islam. Backward, violent, barbaric, completely misogynistic, the religion of the Prophet is the strongest retrograde force on Earth, according to Winston Churchill. Yet bomb them, slaughter them, do what you want to them, Muslims keep coming back. And back. And back. They're spreading throughout Europe and the world beyond. Move every Muslim Arab from Gaza to Egypt and voila! You've moved an intractable problem 25 miles away. Good luck with that. Islam will keep coming back and back and back, martyring you and martyring themselves in ever increasing numbers! 

  • Because their central cult is still intact! 
  • The black-draped Kaaba in Mecca (only women wear black in fully Muslim cultures), with its vulva-shaped silver orifice in which you can see the Moon Goddess' back rock will never cease having millions of Muslim men Haj pilgrims swirling and dancing around it in ecstasy. 
  • As long at the cult is intact, that unstable lunar witchcrafty culture will remain. Forever. 
Catholic Church Destroyed Western Civilization
So, cult is the source of culture – with "civilization" being an intentional, planned superstructure built on top of culture, a construction that, unlike one's basic, inherited culture, you have to be educated into. (One has to be taught to like fine art, high literature, or classical music – something most of our current educators have no clue about.) Yet the unprincipled, depressed and ignorant people who created the Reformation 2.0 of the Catholic Church in the decades after 1962, knew none of this. Or they knew, and wrought evil intentionally. 

  1. Destroying the Traditional Latin Mass cut the keel out of the hull of Western Civ. 
  2. Think just of the great churches, the cathedrals and monastic churches that were built from the Dark Age on through the early Middle Ages and on into the High Middle Ages, right up till the Reformation put an abrupt halt to it in much of Europe. 
  3. Or think of the Baroque gems created from the Counter-Reformation on. Magnificent. All "stage-sets" for the Traditional Latin Mass! 
  4. And beyond the architecture, think of the exquisite music, the philosophy, the grand theology, the paintings and sculpture and carvings in stone and wood! 
  5. ALL that, the very STUFF of a civilization, its heart, its soul created to house, adorn, honor, glorify that Traditional Latin Mass and the Real Presence of Christ within it, to defend it and promote His Presence.
All to be replaced with a quasi-Methodist knock-off service having some Catholics prayers shoe-horned in.

Words fail.

One can go to that excellent website to read the many articles detailing the collapse of Catholicism. I see the Church is going comatose in Poland, with fewer and fewer seminarians for every year Bergoglio does his "Emperor's New Clothes" shtick. And via Canon212 I read a comment the other day in Fr Z's blog about how the Faith has fled "Atlantic Canada" and how the author expected it not to survive in the western Provinces much longer. Anyone reading this from Europe or the U.S.A. also can attest to the simply jaw-dropping fall-off in Mass attendance, and the growing imbecility of sermons in the Masses they do attend, and the general meretriciousness of the Novus Ordo "liturgy" and the bishops who promote it. (No one is more meretricious than Bergoglio.)

I do not counsel despair. Fr. Mawdsley has an excellent podcast titled Can you stand? Endure the Church's passion, enjoy the victory of the resurrection. Christus vincit! It isn't exactly easy right now to be Catholic, but it wasn't easy for the first 300 years of the Church, either, or for much of the rest of Church history. Wars, invasions, great heresies (Arianism, Islam itself, Protestantism) have afflicted us since the beginning. Think of the persecutions Christians are suffering today, in all manner of ways. "Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matt 16:24-25) And "If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you." (John 15:18)

Fight Back Knowing this about the Mass
But at least we can fight back for the Traditional Latin Mass. Knowing its civilizational importance; we can demand it be returned to us and categorically refuse the false web of wizardry the "Lavender Mafia" has woven around it, and us, for 60 years. We don't just want our Mass back, we want to save what's left of our civilization, and everyone from your local parish priest to Bergoglio has to know that we know exactly just what the Traditional Latin Mass is, and how our civilized world depends on it. For just as the Church took the heart from Western Civilization, the Church can restore it, with God's help.

Not to mention our salvation. Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi. The law of prayer is the law of belief. If we pray like Catholics, we'll believe like Catholics.

How hard can this be to understand, Tio Jorge?


1 comment:

  1. Quo Primum 1570... The Latin Mass can never be taken away... Catholics gave it up through false obedience... The hierarchy was hijacked... I watched it happen from 1970 onward when I was exposed to both the New and the Old... Even in our little minds we knew something was very wrong about the new mass... Questions were asked... The answer was Don't Ask just Obey... It doesn't matter... Catholics still have the True Mass if they so choose not to ignore it... It's all in Quo Primum 1570... Get the Missal, the Breviary and the Catechism of the Council of Trent and Catholics have it all... And what do Catholics do when they have no priest... Do what Catholics did during the French Revolution when Catholics did not have priests... The 1801 Letter of Father Demaris to Catholics who have been deprived of all describes the situation we find ourselves in now... We do not have to ask permission from a Fake Pope and his minions who have lost their minds and probably souls permission for what we have already inherited... Simply stay out of the false church and home school / home church yourself in your own religion... Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance... One or two ideas may just come to mind... I+N+R+I.
