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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Extremely important Tucker Carlson opening: must see about Biden's Ukraine lies

Amici, friends,

More crazy news about Ukraine, and most of it we cannot believe. To go against "the narrative" the MSM and the Biden Regime are promoting can lead to one's "cancellation." Tucker Carlson must be therefore angling for Fox News to fire him. He really lambasted the Mainstream Media and the Biden Administration, and the Republican big shots, too, here. Tucker is all monologue here, and he is scalding. (The guy must have kids; he does, of course.) This is the proverbial "must see" video. (And also see Carlson's interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor here. This will also get Carlson fired. After all, if they fired Lou Dobbs, they'll fire Carlson.) 

One Nota Bene: since Carlson's segments ran last night, so far as I understand it, the Polish government has put a stop to the insane U.S. idea of "gun-running" fighter jets from Poland to Ukraine. Either they were going to and quickly backed out, or the Biden Regime was out-and-out lying. (What else is new?) If that is true, thank God; we might avert a world war yet. It seems the Europeans are going to have to get tough with the reckless Biden regime, one way or another. At least, if the Euros want to continue living. Otherwise, they're going to have a full-scale war in Europe, brought on (so strange to write this!) by Americans. What do they want war for? Wipe out Europe, so it is like it was in May, 1945? Or what? Or is Ann Barnhardt right, and this is the Sodomite revenge on what remains of Christian Europe? And if that sounds "tin-foil hat country, look at these pics. (Zelensky is full abortion, full deviant rights, etc. At this point, my friends, I'm willing to believe anything.)

Carlson brought up a number of essential things, and one of them is food production, but a great article on the upcoming mass famine is here, a Mike Adams article:

Mainly, Carlson talked about the warmongers' moralisms. I'm beyond repulsed over the faux moral outrage about Ukraine being invaded. Drop the moral outrage, MainStreamMedia, drop the phony pity, American government. It's total hypocrisy. They treat the actual Ukrainian people no better than they treat their own!

And Carlson asks if war is so outrageous for them, why don't we read anything about the war in Yemen or the one in Ethiopia, or the 100,000 killed in Mexico over the drug cartel wars. (In contrast, 50,000-plus Americans were killed in the over-a-decade involvement in the Vietnam war. Mexico is a slaughterhouse.) And other "regional conflicts" exist just as brutal, right now, going on today. We never hear about those. But because Biden and Friends of Biden and corrupt American politicians like the Obamas and the Clintons (the latter have shamelessly restarted their "foundation"), and the RINOs and various business people have an apparently bottomless money pit well gushing dollars from Ukraine into their pockets, we only hear about the Ukraine.

Carlson asks, isn't anyone paying attention? Biden is getting NO push back. Biden apparently and the people who run him, i.e. Democrat, Republican, Deep State, World Economic Forum leadership grads –  for them, it's a Globalist World – so, these people want war. It'll will reduce world population and liquidate the nation-state. But if we crash the Russian economy, stop their exports of food and fertilizer – we will DESTROY THE WORLD. Hundreds of millions might starve, even if no missile is ever fired. In revenge, the Russians will just send both food and fertilizer to China and Iran, and open new markets in other parts of the world, because, or so I've heard it said, people need to eat.

Another Note Bene: some say Putin wants to conquer all of Ukraine, but that's not his stated terms for stopping the war. He could very well be lying, but what, do we continue the slaughter rather than find out? Others say that Russia will never give up Kiev, birthplace of Russian Orthodoxy. Maybe. Still others say that by hook or by crook: total conquest or "Findlandizing" Ukraine, he wants the wonderfully fertile soil of that region. It is as important a breadbasket for the world as is the mid-western U.S./Canada states/provinces. But then Mother Russia herself, as it is, remains a major world foodstuff exporter. And of course Putin sits on incredible oil and gas reserves. So, whatever. Time will tell.
But what IS it with the Biden Regime? Is the American government both trying to start a world war and also bankrupt the West – or as much as the world that doesn't go along with this insanity? Already the price of urea fertilizer in the U.S. has gone from $200-something a ton last year to $800 this year. We are all going to starve, thanks to the Deep State. Of course, the Bottom Line almost certain is the World Economic Forum wants to use all this to create a One World Government/Great Reset wherein we're all slaves. But as those people are not elected, we've no way to remove them from "office" (which they don't bother to have). Then again, America's leaders are fraudulently elected, and we can't remove them.

As Carlson says, the American government should be trying to de-escalate this war, but instead we're trying to escalate it. We could STOP this stupid war by stopping all plans of bringing Ukraine NATO or the EU. Simple. Putin only invaded right Ukraine after Kamala Harris, the Hetaira to Priapusian Democrat big shots (well, more a street-corner drachma type), when visiting Germany a fortnight ago, openly encouraged Ukraine to join NATO. This is true. Check the timeline. Putin invaded just days later. And he's warned for at least a decade or more that he would act in just this way were the West to try to get Ukraine into NATO/EU.

Moralizing Idiocy
And enough of this damned "Moral Panicking" shtick. First it was BLM and then Covid for the sake of which we were supposed to be morally outraged for – and in both cases, anyone and everyone who questioned the "narrative" was silenced, deplatformed, made "unpersons", etc. But almost none of the bull excrement propaganda narratives about either of these absolute fiascos were true, and now the new moral panic is "Russia, Russia!" So the solution is crashing the world economy and destroying the dollar and plunging the world into destruction like we didn't see even in the Great Depression!

And all for...hypocrisy, in spades
WHY? Because Putin wants Ukraine to be a neutral buffer state? Jack Kennedy nearly plunged the world into Nuclear War in 1962 because Khrushchev put missiles into Cuba. How is Putin's demand any different? One does NOT have to be "pro-Putin" or a "Putin puppet" to see Russia's point here. One does not have to condone Russia's actions to see that if Jack Kennedy had a point, so does Russia. Putin's issued his terms on what Russia wants from Ukraine to stop fighting, and they are fait accompli: mainly simply that Ukraine be formally politically and militarily neutral. (And formally recognize the Crimea as Russian and those two new "republics" Putin has declared are to remain, with the unstated desire of course for the Ukraine to be Putin's client state.) So...


Oh, wait, we no longer have representative government. Our votes are useless. Our will is ignored, and our sovereignty vanished. We're slaves already.

We apparently missed the memo.

"Naturally, those who know nothing about Ukraine's politics and history, are the ones with a Ukrainian flag on their Facebook profile. They're also the same ones who tell others to get the jab.
"It's not about understanding anything. It's about signalling one's virtue. Displaying one's superior sense of morality to the world. Following the herd and looking like a good person. Being woke while simultaneously being asleep.
"In other words, like former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov warned about during the 1980s in an incredible interview, the West's cultural Marxist shallowness will lead to its own demise."

An Préachán

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