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Friday, December 24, 2021

Donald Trump Is Preparing His Own Political Crash and Burn via Covid Vaccines


Thanks to Dianne for sending these links, i.e., from Lifesite News (Trump Doubles Down on Covid Shots), Twitter, and The Dailywire (Unscripted with Donald Trump).

AnP again:
Over at The Conservative Treehouse, "Sundance" has this article up: President Trump doesn't support mandates

Sundance is trying to salvage the situation, but Trump is doing himself in, signing off on his own political doom, and he Just. Doesn't. Get. It.

I wrote a comment there that I'm passing on here (with slight modification), in my reply to R. Iacoveo and Variable Man, who see exactly what's going to be happening to Trump.
You're right on the money, R. Iacoveo and Variable Man. Truly, President Trump will be 'left holding the blame' and '2022 will become the year of “Blaming Trump for the vaccines that don’t work.” And this narrative will continue on into 2024. By then he will be accused of genocide; he will be a criminal against humanity.'

Can we possibly forget how the Dems can turn on a dime, no matter how illogical or inconsistent their maneuvers are? Can we possibly forget they own the MSM which will turn with them. Can we possibly think they won't "flip" a "narrative" if expedient? President Trump is VERY foolish for keeping this up. People opposed to the so-called "vaccines" are opposed precisely because they WERE rushed and not properly vetted. That's the whole point. But this is something he doesn't seem to understand. They're even more opposed now that EVERYONE can see the "vaccines" do not work. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet he seems unable to realize they don't work.

President Trump was VERY foolish for fooling about with vaccines to begin with, as they take years to audit and vet, and have a bad history; i.e., Edward Jenner's famous smallpox vaccine didn't work: England had its largest smallpox epidemic 70 years after Jenner, and 20 years after Parliament passed TWO acts making Jenner's Jab mandatory! (An early case of doubling down on a failed medical policy.) They eventually rescinded those laws and civil hygiene improved the cities (and horses left the streets) and smallpox became very rare, indeed. By 1900! And Polio appeared after the introduction in the later 1800s of an arsenic-based fruit spray, and it disappeared after DDT was discontinued. Etc., etc. This is history not taught. It runs counter to the vaccine "narrative".

So at the very least, PDJT should have said "Vaccines just take too long; we can research them and begin the long testing process, sure, but we must find other cures for right now, for the situation today, because if we rush the vaccines, then perhaps millions could be injured, even possibly more than are saved. My fellow citizens, remember as the medical oath has it, 'First do no harm'." Simple.

Simple. Very simple. And bringing up the Spanish Flu, which Trump does! Can it not escape anyone's attention that "vaccines" were applied like crazy to it, and indeed, to U.S. soldiers, the "Doughboys" of WWI. These were actually drowned in multiple vaccine injections BEFORE it appeared. That contagion, or part of it, was probably CAUSED by the primitive vaccines they used in those days. It was madness. But that's the history. And after all that insanity, all that push-push, the contagion, whatever it actually was, disappeared on its own. ALL these contagions do that, even the Black Death that killed just about every third person! After a brief time, poof, it vanished.

As for perhaps the best president in the nation's modern history (next to Calvin Coolidge, at least, in peace and prosperity), this is very sad, what they're going to do to him. But do it they will, and they'll do it without hesitation.

And he's making it easy for them.

An Préachán

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