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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Biden tosses in the towel on Covid! A Christmas present to us or is he admitting the economy is about to collapse?

 Probably both!

Joe Biden Officially Taps Out on Covid Crisis "There is no Federal Solution". Here's the article at The Conservative Treehouse. This is an earthquake. It's the beginning of the denouement of the Covid fraud. 

Here's a related article at The Conservative Treehouse. 

An excerpt from the latter:
[Prequel: Hopefully y’all have done your preparatory diligence, and are well situated to assist your family, because everything in the U.S. economic system is now around 30 days from entering the SNAFU phase.  This CDC shift is predictably part of it.]

Last week the narrative was “the winter of death” is coming.  That effort didn’t faze anyone; the White House shifted messaging within days.

The latest public guidance from the Centers for Disease Control [full release here] gives the first impression of the narrative shift being laughable; however, when you go deeper into their motive a righteous sneer disappears quickly.

AnP again: Time to stack up on canned goods and get ready for the denoument of the Covid scam, my friends. At least, I pray it is it: in NYC, as you can also read about on The Conservative Treehouse site, the cops are arresting and shoving brutally around citizens who don't have a Covid passport. I've American friend who assured me "we are a good people" and it would never come to that. Right.

To this article, I wrote in the Treehouse Comments:
I remember reading about MacArthur's orders to the troops in Bataan: "When the food fails, you will attack". The old Viking/Norse way of courage was to fight on even when you knew you lost. The Sci-Fi show SG-1 had a character, T'ealc, who would say, when faced with death, "I die free."

"I die free". It may seem like a contradiction, but the only way to live free is to die free, to be willing to die free. The thing to remember about courage (and cowardice and brutality and stupidity, etc.) is that they are contagions that can spread. The bad guys on the other side, however, know they don't have the spiritual-moral guts to face courage. Cowardice and brutality do not take courage; they only thrive in its absence. And they wilt when confronted with it.

This is why revolutions often work, turning on a low-level major or colonel saying "NO" to orders. It happened with a tank commander in Moscow a few decades ago and it can happen now.

An Préachán

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