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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The upside down medical world Americans live in (a must-read)


This is one of those articles one just has to read in full. It's titled:

It is on of those articles you-all HAVE to read to understand how insane medicine is in America today. A true SNAFU. An endless maze of bureaucracies on the lookout for a doctor who breaks from the herd on anything, even doing charity work. Had I gone into medicine, I would have had to get out. I simply couldn't function in an upside down nut-house Hell such as standard medicine in the U.S. has become (and I imagine it is not much better in the most of Europe).

I'm not going to post an excerpt, because the whole piece needs read. I'm going to post another about a presentation Dr. Peter McCullough did recently on how American doctors, and the CDC/NIA system of bureaucracies actually refused to engage in the normal procedures used when a new disease appears. That's a video. McCullough details how not only actual "medicine" procedures and protocols were shut down over Covid, but how the mass of you-all were herded into taking the vaccines (of which even the CDC's VAERS reporting system now how over 15,000 vaccine deaths in the U.S. and over 700,000 "adverse event reactions" short of death.

Put both of these together, and you will understand just how evil, twisted, and hopeless the modern governmental management world is.
  • N.B. "CMMS" refers to "The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services", obviously a nasty bureaucracy to get on the wrong side of.
You'd think the Churches, especially the Catholic Church, which invented hospitals and has its own extensive hospital network, would be in the forefront of demanding massive change, if not elimination, of this perverted system. Yeah, right. There are plenty of Jewish hospitals, as well. Everyone seems on board with the current unmedical racket. A doctor like Vladimir Zelenko is as on the outs with the medical establishment as Fr. James Altman is on the outs with the Catholic Church.

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