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Monday, June 7, 2021

What drives the viral and vaccine business: Money, of course

Amici, a Chairde,

As we keep struggling along with the ramifications of Covid, as I sit on a bus, wearing a useless mask, which thanks to Tony Fauci's emails, we know HE himself knew how useless masks are, a fact that also fit any number of previous studies over decades. (Also about Fauci, see this article on how Fauci and important U.S. doctors conspired to disqualify hydroxychloroquine as a Covid treatment, thus condeming many to death.) 

In any event, I think it is important to remember that a serious argument exists which says the entire thing is a fraud, down to the idea that viruses cause illness.

Now, I know that sounds crazy but I've been researching it for some time, and the more you know about the history of the idea, and how it came to be so widely accepted, the more incredulous you become. Dr Andrew Kaufman is someone who carefully explains the many aspects of this question. He has an excellent and clear interview here with Søren Ventegodt.

They cover a LOT of material, much of it how science works, or is supposed to work, how scientists are supposed to function, and the history of virology. For example, from 6:49 to 9:15 there's a discussion of how researchers fraudulently "isolate" viruses, and it goes beyond that latter time stamp. We've generally covered this issue before, so I'll provide here my transcript of their discussion of just WHY they use the tissue culture method of virus "isolation" (remember, it doesn't remotely "isolate" any virus). The initial part of that discussion is the famous (or infamous) spike protein on the Covid virus casing, the protein the "vaccines" are chockablock full of and which are supposed to get the body to resist the virus, but also which doomsayers assert will start ripping up arteries and veins.
(N.B. Whether the vaccines eventually result in wide-spread death, as some are predicting, I have no clue: we have wait to find out; but as of now, over 5,000 vaccine-caused deaths are recorded and the CDC's VAERS pages. That's supposed to be between one and ten percent of the total, although were that huge number true, the MainStream Media would never tell us.)
However, should Kaufman, and Dr Tom Cowan, and the German scientist Stefan Lanka, among others, be correct, then whatever the "vaccines" are, they're not doing anything to stop a virus, because viruses either don't exist or do not cause disease. And they cannot stop Covid, in particular, because Covid was never isolated, as Kaufman patiently explains.

Then I skip ahead to Kaufman's explanation of just what makes the whole virus-is-deadly-and-needs-vaccines "narrative". The short answer is money, of course. Always, always follow the money.

The infamous "spike" protein
29:50 In order to say there's a spike protein – because that's what we're talking about that's from a virus – would be to actually take a spike protein right off the envelope of a virus and study it; then you can sequence that protein and match it up to a gene. If it matches a gene, you can do it that way. But these experiments have never been done; they've never ever taken a spike protein from a virus particle because they've never actually purified any virus particles. So what they did was, and they did this from the beginning, they came up with a theoretical genome based upon these crazy computer experiments but never taking the genetic material from a virus, only piecing it together from big mixture of lots of organisms with random fragments of genetic material. And the computer models this and comes up with this sequence and calls it a gene and says it's the spike protein. But how do we know it has anything to do with nature, because it's never been shown to exist in nature. (31:19)

What drives the viral business: Money, of course

37 minutes in:
Exsomes are cell particles that escape cells that are damaged or dying. They have developed procedures to purify those out of people. And there are lots of published papers – they've even taken them out of lung fluid directly. So if they can do this procedure so readily with exosomes, which are small in number in fact, according to the theory of what they are, they're supposedly fewer than viruses, a much smaller number than viruses, they should have no problem doing it (isolation) for a virus.
(37:46) They tried this, BTW, in the 1930s and '40s after the electron microscope had been invented but they gave up in the early 1950s because they came to the conclusion that all we see are random particles of dying cells. (An P: i.e., the electron microscope allowed them to look for the tiny disease-causes particles Louis Pasteur theorized 100 years before; however...) ...There's no one predominant particle that would represent one entity. (i.e. They couldn't prove Pasteur's theory). And so they gave up until this tissue culture experiment was created by John Enders in 1954.

(38:13) And that tissue culture isolation method combined with the (then) new theory of DNA and the recently reported double-helix to lead to this re-invigoration of the virus idea, which was re-conceptualized as having genetic material. They named this new experiment "isolation", which really obfuscated the true issue, and it really propelled the whole thing (the virus idea), the real kicker of why this thing took off. These tissue culture experiments that I told you are not able to prove a virus but they are offered as the proof, is also the technique for vaccine manufacture. So that same tissue culture experiment, they take the fluid off that and that is what they call a "live virus vaccine". And if they take that fluid and put it in another culture, grow that culture and take the fluid off that and grow it in another culture, and take that fluid, that's called an "attenuated live virus vaccine". (39:20)
So, in other words, with one experiment, you can both prove the existence of a dangerous virus and manufacture a vaccine for that dangerous virus. And THAT's what's driven the science of virology, really. Because remember there are no treatments that are successful for viral illnesses. (N.B. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are for parasitical infections, not viruses, though they work wonderfully well against Covid.) There are some very toxic drugs that are used but none of them claim to cure a viral illness, so the main industry is the vaccine industry that addresses these viruses, and it is one of the biggest revenue generators for the pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex. (40:02)

An P again:
This last point is significant. Since traditionally, standard medicine practitioners say viral illnesses can only be protected from vaccines, as opposed to commonly available drugs like Hydroxy or Ivermectin actually curing the illness – that puts the "Big Pharma" conglomerates in a wonderful money-making monopoly. So, clearly, they had every reason to hide the effectiveness of Hydroxy and Ivermectin against Covid. 1, We now know that use of these Lysosomotropic drugs would have meant no need for any vaccines, and so no money for Big Pharma; and 2, malarial/parasitical medicines working against a supposedly viral illness would have destroyed the entire Covid narrative, for it would mean that either Covid is not a viral disease or viruses don't cause disease in the first place.

There's a lot more to the interview than these bits, and especially fascinating (and depressing) is the history of how they "proved" a virus causes Polio or the insane (and unsuccessful) lengths they went through to infect volunteers during the Spanish Flu pandemic. So if you are interested in THE big issue of the day, you ought to listen to some of it, at least.

Truly, acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt.

An Préachán

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