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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Did Joe Biden threaten to nuke Americans?

 Has the Demented Idiot-in-Chief finally gone too far?

An excerpt:
Earlier today, as RedState reported, Joe Biden launched into another dementia-laden rant where he talked about nuking Americans and shooting deer in kevlar vests. No, I’m not being facetious. That actually happened (see Biden Accidently Makes Best Ever for Second Amendment in Speech Promoting Gun Control Initiatives).

An P again:
Has 'Zombie Zhou Bi-dumb' finally gone too far? He's a dithering demented senile moron, and before the onset of his dementia, he was a moron, a proven plagiarist, and he's ever been the definition of a corrupt politician, using his position to collect massive amounts of money illegally. (It's a family thing with him and his son; it's just come out that Hunter Biden used his father's credit card to pay for $25,000 to a Russian prostitute. That must have been some whore!)

As the author of this piece, Bonchie, goes on to say:
The truth is that if enough Americans felt the government had become tyrannical and rose up against it with arms protected by the Second Amendment, things would be a lot more complicated and gray than “well, the military has nukes.” We’ve seen that reality play out in foreign countries many times. Further, the very fact that Biden would threaten such is yet more proof the Second Amendment must be protected.

The fact is, however, that despite Biden being insane, this speech was quite intentional. As one Commentator to the RedState article put it:
Larrycas • 10 hours ago
It wasn’t a dementia-laden rant. His handlers wrote it and passed it around for redline edits. Many people looked at it and approved it. And the addle-brained Xiden practiced it. These people are insane.

Insane they are. Both the Global Warming fraud and the Covid hoax shows both how far they're willing to go to push their plans, and how far we've fallen that we let them do this.

And remember, this gibberish from Biden is more than equaled by absolute utter gibberish from the Chairman of the Joint Chief, Mark Milley, who went on a ridiculous rant about Critical Race Theory, White Supremacists, and boasted of having read Marx. Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse has a great article here.  

Remember Obama replaced the top military leaders of pre-Obama times, and replaced them with political operatives like Milley. The very Leftist French Republic in the decades before WWI also emasculated their military. Look what that got them. As another RedState commentator wittily put it, should a "woke" military give the order to fire on Americans:
 Usernotfound Colonel Race • 9 hours ago
Even if they did, an officer who got promoted for their gender confusion and pink hair is not likely to be very effective.
No, they're not. And China knows this. Expect an invasion of Taiwan any day.

Friends, this can't go on much longer. How it all comes undone, and whether we'll all be undone with it, we'll have to see. If they make "vaccines" mandatory, that will be a sign that they won't tolerate anyone who rejects their poison (pun intended). Tucker Carlson, commenting on the bizarre school board meeting the other night wherein angry parents confronted the school board members on Critical Race Theory, and the board chairman suddenly declared the session to be an unlawful assembly (simply jaw-dropping insanity, but it happened and so far they've gotten away with it) and the local sheriffs arrest two parents. Of this Carlson said, "They're gonna get a revolution if they keep acting like this."

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