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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Now I finally know how they "isolate" the Covid-19 genome. It is absurd


Old Saying: If you love law and sausage, don't look into how they are made.

There's a lot of Covid news out this week, much of it about the vaccines, with the Johnson&Johnson vaccine being stopped while "further studies are made". But that's not why I am writing. I've been looking for some time into how SARS-CoV-2 was "isolated" so they knew what sort of monster they had to deal with, and why the lockdowns and the endless vaccines were needed to combat it. But the result is like the old saying about law and sausage. It's all a fraud and a con. Therefore, I'm writing this essay to explain how the Covid Sausage is made.

I keep poking around in the Covid literature, sort of a grey-bearded Advocatus Diaboli, always searching out "the Minority Report" just to be contrary, because, after all, there's always a Minority Report. Always. Besides, the "big megaphones" control the media and we usually get only the propaganda we're supposed to hear. We know what they want us to know, and in the 20th century, the result was governments telling us what they wanted us to hear resulted in them killing over 100 million of their own citizens. We need to remember that. Especially as our governments today seem to be turning into true authoritarian states.

Yet it is easy to do a bit of searching and discover a completely different narrative than the official "party line". Also, I loathe the way the "big megaphones" have instilled such fear into people. We live in a different world now than it was a year and a half ago. Right now, it seems, the U.S. government is letting big corporations create vaccine passports. True fear. I see it in the way people behave; I see it in their faces – what I can see of their faces behind the masks. (Masks! Didn't anyone take high school biology? Breathing your own carbon dioxide is going to make yourself sick. Or ever wonder why states and countries with the strictest mask mandates have the highest sickness and mortality rates? This should not be "rocket science".) Yet contrary to this world-wide propaganda creating all the fear, a different "narrative" lies out there, my friends, an "undiscovered country" that is easily discovered. Searching as I do, I keep finding out all sorts of simply shocking, unbelievable fraud being perpetrated.

That's the reason we have a growing wave of people countering the Covid narrative. Doctors, scientists, lawyers, everyday folks. It is why we have the Great Barrington Declaration ( As time drags on, more sign on to it. The criticism of the whole Covid story is not going away. Whether one cares about such individual observations by experts, or (as with The Great Barrington Declaration) groups of people, we must recognize a Minority Report is collectively growing, and that something is going on in order to produce such severe criticism. It makes you realize why the famed lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is busy proceeding with his Nuremberg 2.0 lawsuit
More power to him.

As for myself, after a lot to digging, I've learned via a scientific paper done in Australia on just how they did the genome "isolation" of the Covid virus. The chief author of the paper is Leon Cally, and it was published back a year ago on March 9, 2020, and titled:  
There is a lawsuit being developed there against the Aussie government's lockdown policies, and this paper is important evidence of the fraud.
  • To say I was sickened by the fraud I found is an understatement.
The more I know about Covid research and, indeed, the more I know about the whole historical 'Germ Theory of Illness', the more I reject it. (Not completely, of course. But the learning  process taking some time.) Yet at least EVERYONE should know how they claim to "isolate" Covid, so you can draw your own conclusions. Just understanding how they "isolate" the Covid genome, by itself, should shock anyone out of believing any of the virus "narrative".

Review: The Virus Theory
  • First, remember what viri (one of the plurals for 'virus') are supposed to be: a peculiar type of genetic material boxed in a protein cover. (In Covid's case, this is RNA wrapped in a protein cover.)
  • They're peculiar indeed as apparently most scientists don't think viri are "alive" or could be classed as "organisms". They're a sort of undead parasite. (Yes, that's the theory: bacteria are actual living organisms; viruses are not. Historically, we treat viruses that prove particularly deadly, like Smallpox, with vaccines, and treat bacterial infections with antibiotics.)
  • Viri go about through life – some of them not harmful, some harmful, à la bacteria. We have more bacteria cells in our bodies, possibly, than human cells, and altogether we have an amazing amount of cells. (The count comes to around 30 trillion. Yes, that's a lot.)
  • But when viri are harmful viruses, they attack a host's cells: brutally attack, they mount, "rape" the cells (no better description) and "impregnate" them with their own faulty RNA/DNA, etc.
  • After being violated, the raped cell then begins to produce new versions of the rapist virus, so much so the cell explodes, utterly destroyed. The undead virus' genetics take over the host cell, use it to reproduce itself, then blows it up; that's the theory.
  • The newly generated viri of the exploded cell acquire a protein shell for each of themselves, then go off Frankenstein-like, to rape more of your cells and start the process over again.
  • Now, remember, all this aggressive behavior is on the part of non-living organisms. This sounds insane, however, the theory is Darwinian, i.e. the Theory of Evolution teaches that life came from non-living things, and viri are sort of an in-between element in that developmental arc.
  • Your immune system recognizes the foreign invader and tries to coat the virus with antibodies and render it inert.
  • So the battle for your soul – er, cells – rages on and you are sick until the contest is decided, with you either alive or dead, depending.
Two Competing Theories of Nature
This virus tale belongs to the theory that Nature is ceaselessly competitive. It is "red in tooth and claw", animated solely by a brutal law of the jungle in which death and destruction are permanent. Darwin based his Evolution theory on this life-view: kill or be killed, fight ceaselessly to survive and succeed by leaving offspring, or fail. (A Saudi prince with dozens of concubines and hundreds of kids is a Darwinian hero.) In fact, evolution can only occur at times of great stress, Darwin taught, when survival is at stake.
This is opposite the theory of nature as being essentially cooperative and that life isn't a ceaseless consumption, but rather a ceaseless reinforcement, a harmonious symbiotic interdependence. Competition does exist, carnivorous prey on herbivores, and herbivores prey on plants, parasites of all kind prey on everyone, but it isn't the fulcrum of life. Interestingly, the harmonious theory would define life in the Garden of Eden; the competitive theory defines life of the cursed outside Eden. So this is, ultimately, a religious question.)

Louis Pasteur
Remember also this fighting-attacking eternal war Germ Theory of Illness was developed by Louis Pasteur, first with bacteria attacking you, and then when he couldn't account for all illnesses via bacteria, he thought up the idea of viruses. He (as it were) raped the Latin word for "poison" and made it his concubine for his idea that there existed a much smaller intruder than bacteria attacking your cells. This was his supposition. About four decades after Pasteur in 1895 went to the great Academic Review Board in the sky, scientists invented the electron microscope (which, remember, only sees dead, unmoving, things) and researchers found bits of genetic material detritus lying about diseased and dead flesh – a very much smaller version of what Pasteur had seen bacteria doing in his microscope – and they said, "Voila! Here are Pasteur's viri!"
  • However, so far as I know, no one has actually seen viruses behave as insane rapists in real time. It is all supposition.
  • Maybe Pasteur was right about the bacteria, or maybe he was only correct sometimes since we know how helpful many bacteria can be, Pasteur found a house on fire and assumed the firemen (the bacteria) were there to start the fire instead of putting it out! (Yes, every coin has two sides, Monsieur Louis.)
  • This idea of Pasteur's was then (germ-like) replicated when the new technology (electron microscopes) came online: viruses were found –  but contra Pasteur's theory, perhaps they were not the cause of the illness, rather the unliving genetic detritus left over in the wake of the illness.
  • This version viruses at least has the virtue of saving us from believing unliving bits of genome can cause such havoc, and also saves us from the ultimate point Germ Theory is making today: that we cannot survive in the biosphere we evolved in (or God set us in), without massive, continuous, and ever-expanding man-made chemical and genetic interference in our very beings.
The Australian Paper
Now, I was recently arguing these issues in a series of Comments at OnePeterFive, when someone who asserted he knew the science told me how stupid I was, that one does not "isolate" a virus like one "isolates" a bacteria, and that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had its genome thoroughly and scientifically isolated. Genetic isolation, I was told, is FAR more secure and sure a procedure than the old methods using centrifuges, and all that. I responded with a bit of what I'm going to provide below, and they never wrote back.

So let me review two major points about the Australian paper and how they "isolated" the genome. (I am indebted to Dr. Tom Cowan for much of the following.)
  1. On page three of the Aussie paper, the researchers note that when they looked through the cell culture they had cultivated from a sick Australian, they didn't see any spike protein. (BTW, they have to try to grow viri in cell cultures cooked up in the lab because A, viruses are so small it is hard to find enough of them to study, and B, they're pretty fragile, so the great invader/attacker of life seems a weakling, actually.)
  2. They looked carefully where they thought the virus ought to be lurking, but no luck.
  3. So the paper explains how they then added trypsin, which is a pancreatic enzyme whose function is to digest proteins, which is what the outer covering of a virus is supposedly made of. (Dr. Cowan actually read this from the paper, mind you.) So the outer coating of the virus was partially digested by the trypsin.
  4. Cowan read that the "adding of Trypsin to the cell culture immediate improved the morphology of the virus." (The paper's words.) It was only then that they could see the spike proteins. (By 'morphology' they just mean the 'appearance' of the protein.)
Think about that for a moment.

Cowan says this would immediately make anyone think the only reason they could see the spike proteins is obviously because the trypsin disolved the coating, which would naturally leave little spikey things protruding out from the chewed on, half-wrecked membrane.
  • Dr. Cowan says that this is like one having a box full of wooden shapes of all types, but you want a star, and there's no star in your box, so you get a saw and cut a few wooden circles into stars, and then say, "Hey, I found stars! The stars were there all along, and I just had to help it a bit."

This is fraudulent, of course. It is "gaming the system" and "weighting the dice." Cowan summed up: "The fact of the matter is there was no spike protein in the culture, and of course the whole culture is nonsense. If that's not the wackiest thing I've ever seen!" Ah, yes, but this was a MAJOR Australian scientific paper by the premier virologist in Oz, Leon Cally. It was also possibly the FIRST such paper and parade marshal for those that followed. As Cowan added, "I that's not the wackiest thing I've ever seen, well, then came the next section of the paper."

Viral Genetic Analysis; the next section

So now that they fraudulently "created" the spike protein that is the hallmark of Covid-19, they then went on to verify that they had the right coronavirus. This is in the section titled Viral Genetic Analysis.

The material (snot, etc.) received from a patient is "cultured" or grown in a lab mix of biological and other materials (sometimes antibacterials are included!) in order to produce enough virus to detect. When they think they have the mix right, they put it with monkey kidney cells, the standard material they use in testing the lethality of the virus. If nothing happens, they up the ante, starving the mixture or even radiating it, until the monkey kidney cells start to die from all the toxicity.

At this point, the cultured mix is then fed through screening devices hooked to a computer. The computer then searches for the Covid-19.
  • To search for Covid, it has to have a template, a go-by, a paradigm. I can't think on its own, after all.
This in practice means the computer searches through 30-50 million or more base-pair nucleotides in the lab culture "brew" (that's what it is) for the 30,000 base pairs of RNA a Covid virus is supposed to have. Of course, the computer has a Covid template with which to search, and the result is, in effect, 100 monkeys typing out Hamlet on 100 typewriters, all of which just happen to be connected to a computer having the Hamlet template. As a new letter that fits the next template word of the drama is randomly typed (i.e. when a nucleotide is "discovered"), then the computer registers it, putting it in order according to the template, thus producing Hamlet. Or "recognizing" Covid! So of course the 30,000 Covid base-pairs get found.
  • This is, of course, absurd. But it is what passes for "science" today.
FWIW, as I understand it, the researchers acquired the original template for the virus from the Chinese – remember when it was solemnly announced by Chinese researchers that it came from bats? The Chinese alleged that in the beginning. And the template quickly went around the world so researchers everywhere could test patients for Covid in the same manner; patients who, miraculously, just happen to turn out to have the same 30,000 RNA pieces as the template has. Also, central to this, oddly enough, the computers usually get a tiny, tiny fragment of their matching wrong, like .01 percent or so: this is a standard sort of tabulating computer error. But here's the kicker, and I hope you are sitting down: when this tabulating error happens, the researchers shout, "Aha! It's mutated! We've found a new Covid variant!"

As Homer Simpson would say, "Duh!"
  • That's a short description of how Covid is "isolated".
  1. In short, we have no clue whether SARS-CoV-2 even exists.
  2. Also, since we have many people who test positive for it but never have any symptoms, and then again many, many others who test positive who have light symptoms – whereas others become gravely ill or die – perhaps we therefore should conclude we're dealing with different actual infections? (Or we could conclude that our bad medical practice caused the deaths, such as overuse of ventilators, and those who refrained from treatment were sometimes wise not to; it is a possibility.
  3. We could conclude that a wide-spread use of Vitamin D and a Lysosomotropic drug early on could have prevented most of the deaths. But Fauci and the WHO couldn't "think outside the box", as discussed here:
  4. The "Spanish Flu" is now, I believe, generally recognized as consisting of various contagions, not just one – it spread so fast and so globally, remember – and also, over the past year or so, the flu seems to have vanished, and little is said of pneumonia. (In fact, there's a new joke: "What's the one good thing Covid did? It made the flu nonexistent.") They probably contribute to "Covid deaths" totals, but that definitely doesn't fit the narrative. (Pneumonia is the greatest killer of humans, dispatching the old and infirm, which sounds like what Covid is said to do.)
  5. The early videos of people in Wuhan just collapsing in the streets has NEVER happened in outside China, so we were either conned by the CCP or they had a very different contagion. The cruise ships were perfect laboratories for the virus, but you notice how they're never mentioned? The facts they revealed didn't support "the narrative". About Wuhan (and China, in general) we know the standard, mainstream news narrative was definitely false.
  6. Or another possibility, as is said SO very often: the PCR tests for Covid are as useless as the guy who invented PCR testing says it is for Covid. This is probably the most outrageous truth getting the least attention! It is fundamentally important to the whole discussion because if it is true, then the entire Covid story has to be rewritten.
  7. Also, since the long-standing Lysosomotropic drugs (Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin) have such success with Covid (admitted now that Trump is gone), maybe what we collectively call "Covid" is in part caused by a parasite, since Lysosomotropic drugs work on those? Why conclude the villain is a virus? One reason is because the Germ Theory of Illness reigns supreme, of course. Standard medical people undergo an intense training, as is well known, but part of it could be compared to brainwashing, and those who question the orthodoxy are shunted off to "Kook-land".
Finally, we know from evidence such as I discussed above that one thing must necessarily be true: the "vaccines", whether traditional sorts or the new mRNA ones, can't possibly work. That's because the subject of their attention, what we call SARS-CoV-2 – even if it exists in some way – has never been "isolated" and thus the vaccines that are built upon a false "isolation" are necessarily wrong. Wrong, and possibly dangerous, and one doesn't even need to bring up conspiracy theories (which might prove conspiracy fact) that the vaccines are for sterilizing large swathes of people.

Smallpox note: The Smallpox vaccine was the first and greatest vaccine achievement, and nothing else comes close to it. Certainly not the polio vaccine, usually the runner-up (it is interesting that Jonas Salk gave it to humanity, though, and didn't patent it; these new vaccines are patented and you have patented material in your body, if you take them). Of the new Covid vaccines, we cannot ask, "What was the outcome of the Phase 1, 2, & 3 Trial?" Those fundamental, essential trials have not come about and the FDA has not given its certification; rather, emergency use was allowed for these new vaccines, on literally hundreds of millions of people, something forbidden by the Nuremberg Trials.

My point in this essay, however, is that whether the vaccines work or not or whether the Germ Theory is true (100 percent true or 50 percent true, etc.): we simply cannot expect much good to come from medical treatments on a disease vector we know so little about.

Bottom line: Whenever you read or hear someone say "We still don't know a lot about Covid" – haha, that's probably far truer than the commentator meant!

I don't know, of course, the whole truth. Will we ever find out? I don't know that, either. In fact, viruses might actually seem to be what they would look to be if you weren't yourself operating from Louis Pasteur's "template": i.e., avoiding his "red in tooth and claw" view and see viri as genetic detritus left over after some illness wreaked havoc on your cells, and not themselves the cause of the havoc.

It would take a paradigm shift in human thinking to even half switch to this belief, however, and although paradigm shifts have happened, one can never expect when they'll occur, because they occur so suddenly. Besides, from the looks of it, we're all about to be shunted off into George Orwell's 1984 dystopia.

I wonder how long I'll be allowed to write what I do, whether it is truth or fiction, or – as is so often the case – a good mix of both?

From the looks of it, we're all about to be shunted off into George Orwell's 1984 dystopia.

An Préachán

Viruses might actually seem to be what they would look to be if you weren't yourself operating from Louis Pasteur's "template": i.e., genetic detritus left over after some illness wreaked havoc on your cells, and not the cause of the havoc.


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