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Monday, March 22, 2021

A dialogue about Allopathic Medicine, and where it might be going

 Street scene, current-day America

(John Q. is walking down the street, and stops beside an advertising board, looking at someone approaching from the opposite direction)

John Q.
Publicus! Oh no! Here to lecture me on something I don't care about. You've become an anti-vaxxer, you know! And a bore.

(Publicus approaches and stops, nodding to John Q. and looks at the board next to them, which has an image of a huge needle above the words: "Love the jab!")

I'm getting there, maybe, John Q. Though maybe "non-vaxer" would be closer to the truth.

John Q.
"Just say no," eh?

Yep. I fear they're forcing everyone to take these vaccines for Covid, using various methods, like restraining you from traveling, and in general, of course, there's ever more and more vaccines. More and more and more vaccines. But what's the exit strategy? When will enough be enough?

John Q.
"Exit strategy"? What do you mean?

Just like they've no exit strategy for Afghanistan, nor had they one for Vietnam, for that matter. They're clearing gearing up for an endless vaccine regimen, for kids and adults. Forever. Or so it looks like.

John Q.
And just who is this "they"?

Government and Big Pharma. And remember, from 1986 on, Big Pharma in the U.S. is completely immune from lawsuits of any kind regarding children's vaccines...

John Q.
Surely not.

Drug companies cannot be sued for ANY bad results of their product, except through a special court that is a star chamber, basically. And recently government has fixed it so adults can't sure about vaccine products. Carte blanc immunity.

John Q.
Sounds unbelievable.

Yet true. There's some sort of special court for parents to sue about vaccines, but it is reputed to be a joke. But about the vaccines, when is enough enough? It's getting to be more of an "exist" strategy than an exit one. How we exist on this planet that is so "buggy" we'll all die without endless vaccinations? How many more are we going to have to take? Next thing you know, they'll start building the Axiom.

John Q.
That's a cute pop-culture reference, yeah. Wall-E, the movie. But it is medicine, Publicus. Medicine! We're the epitome of medicine's evolution! Allopathic medicine will save the world!

You don't think things are getting out of control, John Q.? Back in 1985, kids were getting about three vaccine shots, and not they're getting 72, as I understand it.

John Q.

And more are in the pipeline. They're essentially saying that without massive and invasive drug and genetic therapy, we simply can no longer live in the biodome we evolved in.

John Q.
We're our own aliens, then? Strangers in a strange land?

And then, consider the profit motive in all of this. A doctor gets a more than a few bucks for giving someone a shot, the company that made it makes money, so on and so forth. And the whole pharmaceutical industry has gone from 50 to 100 billion dollars to 1.3 trillion, and that's gotta be related to ever more people of all ages being loaded with vaccines.

John Q.
Whew, that's a lot of dough! And money is motive! But then also money makes the world go around, amigo.

Yeah, but honestly. In 2000, the vaccine profits of the overall Big Pharma business was about $8 billion a year, and now it it just over $60 billion. Unbelievable! That's got to skew whatever facts there are about vaccines. The same with Global Warming: write a scientific paper questioning Global Warming and you'll get no government money or grants, and you'll be called a shill for "Big Oil", maybe even fired. Write a paper about the world ending in ten years and you're set for life.

John Q.
You're a pessimist, you know. Always gloom and doom. Allopathic medicine is the most western, science-based, data collection-based, extensive drug testing-based, medicine in all of history. And it is also the most government regulated....

I know what it is supposed to be, John Q. It treats illness via drugs, radiation, and surgery. I know it has worked pretty well for the past 100 years or so; done miracles, in fact. But look at the world today? In 1910, the U.S. had no heart disease, but by 1940, it was one of the chief causes of death. And chronic diseases have multiplied nightmarishly, especially with kids. The meds developed since then seem to multiply along with the illnesses. All I see is endless vistas of forced drug use, forced vaccinations.

(The two start moving down the street, away from the poster board, but soon another poster board begins to come in sight.)

John Q.
Well, I don't think people should be forced to take vaccines, that's true; after all – it's a free country, right? But then, the other side of the coin is if so many people refuse the vaccines, we'll never get out of this pandemic. 

I don't believe that is true....

John Q.
Why not?

...Because of the universal past history of contagions.

John Q.
How do you mean?

These contagions always fade out after no more than two years. Even the Black Death did that. It killed – some estimates say, though we can't be sure – one-third to half the population of Europe. Imagine such a thing today!

John Q.
No thanks!

Yet even it faded away – though it had smaller region-specific flare ups here and there like the big one in 1666 in London, till the last was in the early 1700s. But they never had a vaccine for it.

John Q.
Wasn't there some English doc who "saved the day" with a vaccine?

Edward Jenner, but that was with small pox and at the end of the 18th century.

John Q.
So who cured the Black Death?

God. No human did. We don't even know for sure what caused the Black Death.

John Q.
The Bubonic plague did.

Some late-19th century French bacteriologist named Alexandre Yersin claimed it was Bubonic plague, and most people since just follow along with that, like sheep, much like they follow along today about Covid, in fact.

John Q.
I am feeling woolly.

But aside from both Bubonic plague and the Black Death having buboes (swollen lymph glands which occur with other sicknesses, too), that's about it. It moved too fast for the Bubonic plague, which is carried by rats and fleas, and was a lot more deadly than the Bubonic plague, as well. It in fact was a lot more like Ebola...

John Q.
Who cares? I'm going to take my vaccine and be cured of Covid! Covid is special! Very dangerous! I hear it every day, after all. Endlessly.

Oh, c'mon. ALL such contagions, all pandemics, burn out after two years. Historically, that's true. The Spanish flu is a classic example. And it is certain that that contagion was a series of different ones, as it acted differently in different regions. You know, Covid is doing the exact same thing.

John Q.
You must believe in "herd immunity" (snorts, snickers).

"Herd immunity" is probably it. Or if it isn't that (and I know various worthies argue endlessly about it, round and round – honestly, do we really know anything much?), something is. There is obviously some mechanism – completely natural, clearly – that makes these contagions follow the same bell-curve pattern. World-wide. Through all history.

And in any event, because this Covid has only a 0.03 mortality rate in the overall population of those who actually show symptoms (whether that is as opposed to the PCR test-derived "cases", is a bit murky), why "vaccine" for it at all? Especially odd is this "bum's rush" to push-push-push vaccines. None of them are properly tested, and they're only approved for emergency use.

John Q.
Oh, you c'mon. Those PCR tests are perfect, sublime, saving the human race! (John Q. snorts as he says this.)

You don't sound convinced. Actually, the guy who invented the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who even won a Noble for it, was recorded recently saying the test can't work for this Covid business, and that the sainted Fauci didn't know squat about anything.

John Q.
Covid is deadly! I've been told to memorize that, you know. It's the national meme. Deny it at your peril, Kemosabee.

The international meme, I would say. The mortality almost entirely involves older folks, those who precisely don't have naturally occurring vitamin D build up. Ever notice that? Same with chronically ill folks whose bodies can't produce the necessary vitamin D, and other elements that naturally enhance the immune system. Such unfortunates, by definition, can't get out in the sun and soak up a few rays, can they?

John Q.
Well, whatever. So YOU say. I for one can't hardly wait to get my vaccine, so I can stop worrying. Maybe get out a bit, live again. I know they're dangling that as bait, but I can't help it. I'm going insane with lockdowns.

Fauci says you can't stop worrying, though; that you have wear masks and social distance until next year. I think he's a fraud but whatever, that's certainly what he's saying.

John Q.
I'm sure he's not saying that, 'cause it wouldn't make any sense! Why vaccine then? And anyway, when are YOU going to get YOUR vaccine?

I myself can't recommend vaccination to any of my friends, whatever their ages. I sure won't take it myself.

John Q.
Okay, don't do it then. But leave the rest of us alone. We want to save Granny!
(They had come up to the second poster board, which sported a large computer drawing of a smiling elderly woman with grey hair, giving the "thumbs up" signal. Under the caption the slogan read: "Save Granny!"

Speaking of saving people, you know that world-wide, these vaccines have killed a good few people. I think about 2,000 now, isn't it? Probably more. In the U.S. it is officially just under 2,000. And there's a lot of reporting of bad side-effects. It would seem logical if something makes you sick when first introduced to you, it will make you sick later, as well. Maybe, maybe not. It is a possibility, though. These things are extremely complicated meds, highly machined and calibrated bio-weapons, in fact. They're like hired gunslingers, and they're supposed to kill on the bad guys, magically. And they've only be authorized for emergency use. It takes a year or so at least for any serious testing of them to be completed.

John Q.
I can't wait a year!

Compare the rush to use these vaccines with what they done with the long-standing, cheap Lysosomotropic drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. These have been around for ages, the former from the 1940s and the latter from 1975. And the powers-that-be hemmed and hawed and delayed their use and delayed their use, tested and tested again, and now finally they're being used to....

John Q.
I can't wait any longer! I want the vaccine! 'Cause, mainly, I want to get out and about, yeah, but still! So, they can just give me the vaccine and I'll be on my way....

Remember there's no one vaccine: there are several, and they're quite different, too. Then look at Europe: what is available in Hungary, for instance, is usually the Russian one or the Chinese. I think it would be utter madness to take either, though propagandists are now saying these are healthier than the Western ones. Who knows? The Western European authorities are talking about not recognizing these vaccines for travel permits. But then again, the Western ones are themselves having a lot of problems, as well. So, it is a complete mess.

John Q.
(Piously) "To make an omlet, you have to break a few eggs!"

Publicus (eyes rolling)
And of course just as there is no one vaccine, there is no one virus. The virus in Italy and then New York City was remarkably different in how it acted than the one in California, the one that was directly derived from China. The people in Wuhan were supposed to be collapsing in the streets, but we never saw that pathology here. In short, there may be completely different viruses, actually, when you realize that their so-called "isolated" virus came from very few people.

John Q. (Walking on.)
Oh, c'mon! That's CAN'T be true! Even I can see how that wouldn't....

Publicus (Following him.)
It is, though. Maybe by now it isn't just one,of course. It's like a handful. And of course they used "laboratory culture" to "isolate" it, which involves mixing it with other bio-material, and then stressing it out, starving it, a whole host of things. The actual, formal, true isolation process takes a long time and involves getting samples from at least a thousand dispersed individuals. In that sense, you probably don't know this, but I've read where the chicken pox and Herpes viruses have been truly isolated, but measles and HIV have never been isolated. SARS-CoV-2 hasn't been, either, needless to say.

John Q.
But all those scientific papers?!?

All those endless "scientific" papers in the last couple of years that affirm the virus has been isolated, if you read the "Methods" section, each and all say "laboratory culture" mixture and they almost all work from the original single sample. 

John Q.
But medical scientists wouldn't lie to us!

Ever hear of lobotomies? Using mercury to fight illness? And I'm not talking a long time ago, as late as the 1930s they used drugs with mercury, one of the most poisonous elements for humans on the planet. I won't even mention the standard way they used to deal with breast cancer. Or look at the current sex-change craze; that’s lobotomies all over again. When the fad is over, the mess remains.

John Q.
That was then!

And they had mercury loaded into children's vaccines until the '60s! As a preservative. Mercury! Until someone took the time to add up the mercury doses and broadcast the alarm, so they stopped using mercury – haha, and they started using aluminum!!!! Insane! AND they didn't withdraw the mercury vaccines, but let them be slowly used up. Waste not, want not.

John Q.
I don't believe it. That's just too weird.

Look it up. Your Allopathic medicine too often treats life as the machine philosophy of Descartes called for, I think.

John Q.
We put "de cart" before the horse, eh?

Haha, yeah. Just dump more wrenches and bolts and screwdrivers into the engine and it will run better. But life is far too dynamic for that. An
RNA virus like a coronavirus, if it infects you and makes you (in some degree ill) and you pass it on to someone else, that virus isn't the exact same as the one that entered you. They mutate VERY fast! So we end up chasing a moving, mutating target with one (or a handful) of vaccines – clearly, it's a wild-goose chase. We can't "catch up", and there'll be "booster shots" every year – maybe sometimes twice a year – for eternity. It's like an insane merry-go-round you can't get off of.

John Q.
Er...well, I have heard of the booster shot business. But surely....

Also, ever notice how they'll say, "This vaccine in 95 percent effective" as if that's a good thing? There's FIVE PERCENT of the viri that shrug off the vaccine, and you can be sure that's the variety that will survive and multiply, forcing yet ever more vaccines – vaccines for ever and ever and ever.

John Q.
Well, I know they have that exact problem with antibiotics. But, well, whatever it takes.

You live in fear. I find myself disgusting, actually, to be honest, in that I am, in my own small way, adding to the fear porn. "Fear the vaccine!" "Fear the cure!" But fear....

John Q.
I don't fear the virus, but I take it seriously, as should everyone. I'm just careful. I'm usually holed up at home, in my own Fortress of Solitude, seeing no one, except the people who bring me my food. 

I see you are not wearing a mask nowadays, however. Why not? Does that make smoking easier?

John Q.
Even I could see the mask biz was bogus, Publicus. You've got viruses and bacteria that normally reside in your head, in the nose and mouth. Even fungi. They don't normally get into the lungs. But a mask collects those and won't let them disperse in the normal way, and so you breathe them back into your lungs, after they've had time to concentrate! You know I've been a smoker for decades, so I read up on this. If you have compromised lungs, asthma, COPD, if your a smoker like me, the mask can easily set you up for serious infections, and not from coronavirus but from things that normally live in your mouth and nose but do NOT belong in your lungs. Not to mention how it cuts down on your oxygen intake and uptakes, seriously uptakes, your CO2 levels.

Wow, I'm impressed! A lot of bad pathology with these masks, right? But I would say one has to take one's health seriously, in the sense of knowing what a human's immune system needs (vitamin D, zinc, and so on). Do that and whatever causes illness can be kept at bay. But did you know the AMA journal – mainstream publication, absolutely – had an article a while ago stating that annually, about the 128,000 Americans died yearly from the proper-use taking of prescription drugs.

John Q. (Coming to a street corner, he turns onto a new street and walks down that sidewalk.)
So, they messed up their dosages.

Publicus (Walking with John Q.)
No, it was about people who PROPERLY used their meds.

John Q.
Well, that's not too many, if you think about it.

We lost 55,000 men in Vietnam. Abut the same again in Korea, a little less. So annually, more Americans die of proper drug use than in either of those wars. That's simply staggering!

John Q.
So, what's your point? I'm still taking the vaccine!

I'm trying to show how our Allopathic medicine system is almost certainly prescribing too many drugs. It is a drug-heavy medical culture, mostly consisting of looking up your problems on a list, checking what the list says are the drugs you should take for whatever illness they think you've got, and that's that.

It is certainly over-relying on vaccines. Did you know that over two hundred or so new vaccines are "in the works" of the "Big Pharma" giants?

John Q.
That many? Why?

They're producing vaccines for just about everything imaginable, and they have been working (not so much the past couple of decades) on a vaccine for cancer! Since the Nixon Administration! In any event, they are definitely gearing up now! They seem to be "set for life", with a perpetual market of a population apparently in need of ceaseless new vaccines, producing an ever growing number of vaccines for the world's population. Job security. But that simply can't possibly remotely be good for the human immune system. It's throwing endless wrenches into the gearbox. Common sense would dictate the system will be pushed and pulled and stomped on till the gearbox truly crashes.

John Q.
Yeah, job security for them, that's for sure. Well, though, you know, if we need the meds....

But like I say, can that simply can't possibly be at all good for the human immune system, John Q? Doesn’t common sense suggest there’s a limit? Surely it will stretch our immune system till it snaps. And here's something else to consider, something I never see discussed except by those who question the entire vaccine regimen. Every year, there are more vaccines we are supposed to take, and as noted, right? A LOT more are in the pipeline. Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines. Kids are just soaked in vaccines, and now adults. In fact, governments are clearly going to implement a world-wide vaccine regimen where you can't get a passport or travel without taking vaccines. You can't even get a driver's license in Argentina without "showing your papers" about your vaccination history.

John Q.
That'll never happen. Or if it does, so what?

It's happening now, though, here and there. In China, surely. So, what? The obvious observation to make, John Q., is that Western Allopathic Medicine is apparently determined to "vaccinate" the population, over and over again, against an endless variety – and an apparently ever growing variety – of viral or bacterial threats in the biodome we somehow evolved in. But how could the human race have evolved and existed on this planet in such an apparently poisonous "biodome" for the last million years or so? When anyone takes such a long view of this distinctive pattern, a "30,000 feet" view, it looks stark-raving insane. It's a merry-go-round we can never get off of.

John Q.
Maybe. Maybe not. Nothing lasts forever, does it? I don't care. I live my my cats and my dog. I really don't want to know about all this. Er, well...the masks, yeah, that was bogus.

(They come to yet another vaccine poster, this one covering a three-story wall, a huge computer drawing of super-healthy kids with super-smiles, all wearing masks and giving the thumbs up. They both gaze at it for a moment.)

Ugh. We're now in 1930s Germany or Russia. (Sighs.)

John Q.
It is, even I must admit, eerily similar.

I, too, don't mind being alone. However, it is hell and death for most people. Suicides are through the roof, domestic violence, depression, pornography, alcoholism and drug use, you name it. Society is crumbling under this suffocating security-blanket lockdown regime. It's like committing suicide to keep from dying, or the famous "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

John Q.
Sounds familiar. So, you're saying the same idiots that gave us Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan are...well, whatever.

Ultimately, and call me a conspiracy theorist if you must, but ultimately what I'm saying is that all we've been experiencing for the past year and more is just too stupid and extreme NOT to be intentional. It has to be planned. So, I'm ready to join Dr. Delores Cahill and her World Freedom Alliance because....

John Q.
Beware, though, Publicus. Beware! Too much knowledge is a burden. You're like the Lovecraft investigator who learns too much, and goes mad. (John Q. chants) "Yog-Sothoth is the key." (Back to normal, he says) Yet true or not, there's not a damned thing either of us an do about it.

So, the unexamined life isn't worth living, or perhaps, you're saying, not possible to survive in.

John Q.
I.... (He breaks off, looking at a person walking toward them.)

(It's a cop. The policeman approaches them. More copes appear.)

Excuse me, citizens. This street has a medical facility. Why aren't you wearing your masks? Let's see your papers, please.

An Préachán

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