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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

As "The World Descends into Darkness", a few reflections


The world descends into darkness,
China wields the ruling ring of Mordor
And Ringwraiths rule the world.
That's my death "rann" on the United States of America.

Friends, I feel emotionally like an old-time soldier who's just been shot. He knows enough to know it is fatal, but he's going to take a minute or two before he loses consciousness.

Welcome to the Darkness of the Reign of Mordor.

Across the board in the U.S., Civil Liberties are under massive assault. It is unprecedented, and Victor David Hanson, Dinesh D'Souza, and Harmeet Dillon discuss below what is happening and how horrible it is.

But as I've been saying since the fraudulent election occurred, precisely because it was so massive a fraud – made up of every fraud the Democrats have tried before, but all together, and on a scale so huge as to be staggering, although most easily seen in the big Democrat hell-holes inner-city America – that therefore they have to unleash all Hell to stop the revelation of it. They MUST create a police state to stop all discussion and revelation of the fraud, a police state so all-encompassing that the U.S. hasn't seen the like since Woodrow Wilson created the first Fascist state (even before Mussolini coined the word "Fascist"). They simply MUST cow the rest of us into silence. After all, we could watch in "real time" as votes added up for the Republican candidates in the Georgia run-off, and then watch as they were subtracted so the Democrats could win. Stalin once said that making Poland Communist was like saddling a cow, yet that's what the Dem's have done in Georgia. They'll do it to the whole nation.

It's going to get worse before it gets better, and honestly, it may never get better. And maybe we, as a nation, deserve that? (One could start with just abortion, but that discussion is for another email, as we huddle around oilcan fires, shivering from the cold and dark.)

At the Citizenfreepress site, I came across this discussion involving Victor Davis Hanson, Harmeet Dillion, and Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Victor Davis Hanson said, "We have descended into a collective madness that is a lot scarier than McCarthyism, whether it's trying – we've three times entered articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, and now they want to try him as private citizen. They've deplatformed him, they've banned his followers. We're hearing these creepy words (like) "de-Baathification" "deprogramming" "reprogramming", and Jeanine, these are not insignificant people. These are the levers of power in American society. These are five trillion-dollar Silicon Valley people, it's the corporate boardroom, it's Wall Street, it's professional athletes, it's Hollywood, it's the Media. These are considerable people.

"But Donald Trump has no voice now. He's not tweeting. He's not indiscriminately tweeting. He's gone. He has no voice. So there's going – Americans don't like bullies. They may get tired of sore losers but they can't stand bullies. And Donald Trump is taking this, and it's going to work in his favor. And I think you're going to have a backlash. You can't have a clarion call and say we're going to have blanket amnesty in a time of lockdowns...when people are terrified of this pandemic, and 8,000 people are going to cross the border without any background check and open borders.

"This is madness, and it is all about prepping for this new agenda that's going to come out in two weeks, and (this agenda) doesn't poll well, whether it's the green new deal or packing the court or a new national voting law. Smearing people as racist was a political ply to scare so they can steamroll this agenda in two weeks.
"I don't know whether Katie Couric prefers the Soviet, the Chinese, or the North Korean model (VDH is referring to Couric's call for "deprogramming" Trump's followers) but remember: Donald Trump did not surveil Associate Press reporters, he did not sic the FBI on the opposite political campaign, and he didn't weaponize the IRS to go after his enemies. When we have fascism, it does NOT come from somebody with orange hair and a long tie; it comes from somebody who's a suave, charismatic liberal and says he's a constitutional law professor. ...Take a look at the last administration where we really did have abuses of civil liberties on the part of the government, which was green-lighted by Katie Couric and others." 

Then Judge Jeanine spoke with Harmeet Dillon, civil libertarian and CEO of the Center for American Liberty, who said, "This is a civil right crisis of epic proportions, whether you're left or you're right, you should be deeply concerned about the weaponization of this corporate alliance that Dinesh mentioned against the citizens, and the idea that the FCC can control what's on the airwaves."

What follows is a few of the headlines of past few days, headlines the MSM might decline to publish.
  • Vice-President Pence, Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader McCarthy won't attend Trump's good-bye ceremony YET Trump's approval rating hits 51% the day before Biden's inauguration. (Yes, either the Republican leadership is suicidal – politically – or they really are "Uniparty" and not Republicans at all.)
  • Even after U.S. Capitol riots, a CNN poll (CNN, mind you) shows 75% of Republicans believe the election was stolen from President Trump.
  • Joe Biden talks about his death during an emotional farewell speech to his home state.
  • Chuck Schumer says the Senate will vote to bar Trump from ever running again. (Remember Schumer's comments about Kavanagh and Gorsuch back in March of 2020? No? Refresh your memories here (with video). What Schumer said was absolutely direct threats to the Justices. But he can get away with that, of course. He's a Democrat. Trump tells his followers to protest peacefully and he is impeached.)
  • Meanwhile, Biden is set to cancel Keystone Pipeline (Canada is frantic over this; great move by Biden who wants to show world how much better at international relations he is than Trump /sarc)
  • AND Biden will offer amnesty to TWENTY-MILLION illegals in his first week in office.
  • CIA chief Gina Haspel, a John Brennan protégé, resigns as CIA director after successfully covering up Chinese involvement in our 2020 election.
  • The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Biden's plan to raise minimum wage to $15/hour will kill off 4 million jobs. 
  • Mitch McConnell threatened Trump that if Trump pardoned Julian Assange, "We are much more likely to convict you".
  • Biden's nominee for Secretary of Defense says he'll "Rid our ranks of Racists and Extremists." (Hahaha, you know how stupid that is, especially when China's Red Army is the most "racist" and "extremist" army on Earth? They'll mop the floor with our "tranny" military. In general, the Han Chinese can be VERY racist, esp after being so prodded by the CCP.)
  • Biden'spick for Deputy Secretary of Education believes schools "Spirit Murder" Black children and that white teachers need to undergo "Antiracist Therapy".
  • "Tranny" Pennsylvania Health Director picked to be assistant Health Secretary. (That's so hellishly insane I need hardly comment.)
  • Retired general Barry McCaffrey says of Biden's inaugural: "I'd be worried about gun-carryingg Republican Congressmen being near the president."
  • Honduran heading to U.S. in caravan says Joe Biden is giving us 100 days to reach the U.S.
  • Speaking of immigration, Democrats are calling for the Capitol to be surrounded by a permanent fence. (Why not just do a Kremlin and build a high brick wall?)
  • Project Veritas has video of a Twitter Executive detailing plans for global censorship.
  • Creepy Bill Gates is buying up U.S. farmland and is now the largest owner of private farm land in the U.S. What is he up to?
  • Actor Alec Baldwin says he dreams of seeing President Trump hang (were a Repub to this about Biden, well, you get the picture).
  • A former Facebook Exec calls for OANN and Newsmax to be deplatformed: "We have to turn down the capability of Conservative influencers to reach huge audiences"
  • And Katie Couric, as VDH noted above, herself a former MSM talking head, says Trump supporters "need to be deprogrammed".

My friends, welcome to Mordor.

Here (while it is still up), Eric Metaxas remembers how his parents taught him about how bad Communism and Fascism was (as they had experienced it, losing their parents to it, etc.) and how when he first went to a regular American public school, how the American kids there were clueless to how awful the outside world could be. (Metaxas needs to get off YouTube; they cut a major interview of his with Mike Lindell yesterday.) But he details how in the past few weeks he himself has been falsely labeled – NPR spread these false reports – as promoting violence, with old friends outraged that he was advocating violence, etc., and how were the Democrats were actually convinced they legally won the election, they wouldn't be promoting all the lies, slander, and calumny against Conservatives.

This will be the "new normal" from here on out.

An Préachán

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