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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Democrat Party Moral Meltdown: Bloomberg Booed for Defending Capitalism


There can be no question as to how former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg got on the Democrat debate stage in Las Vegas. To get there, the hyper-wealthy Finance Capitalist "oligarch" simply paid off the venal Democratic National Committee; however, there really ought to be a good number of people asking the obvious question as to how a contender for the Democrat Party's presidential nomination can be booed – as Bloomberg was – when he defended Capitalism. (And as a corollary, how the debate's moderator, MSNBC's idiot Chuck Todd, could be such a pro-Communist talking point martinet for the entire evening.)

N.B. Bloomberg is actually a variety of "Crony Capitalist", technically I suppose a J.P. Morgan-type market-manipulating "financier", and those are often closely enough related or interwound with socialism to be extremely dangerous. They certainly tend to be social "progressive" in the extreme. Finance Capitalists want "Capitalism" for themselves, no doubt, but for us hoi polloi, Socialism will be our lot. 

With that distinction in mind, then, how did the Democrat audience snigger and boo at Bloomberg's (rather weak) defense of Capitalism? The Democrats have gone full Marxist, that's how. And just how did that in turn come about? This has been a classic Commie "Long March through the Institutions" since the 1930s. A book that goes into detail about this is "In Their Own Words", by Terry Turchie and Donagh Bracken. 

Like maggots, or termites, or cancer, the Communists have been eating away at both the Democrat Party and the Catholic Church (so historically aligned with the Democrats) for ages. Bella Dodd warned about what was happening in the Church back in the 1950s, and the same was true for the Democrats.

And then there's abortion: in their support of Roe v Wade, the Dems lost all moral authority; they've been twisting themselves into moral and intellectual knots defending baby killing ever since. The result, literal madness. Those who defend an incoherent thought/philosophy end up incoherent retarded zombies, basically.

An Préachan

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