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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Comment to a Column on Cardinal Pell at OnePeterFive

Excellent column at One PeterFive, as usual. And I appreciate especially the long quote by Marco Tosatti and the info on Dr. Anna Silvas's reaction. The Apocalyptic tone is great, too, because it is so real: "Becoming a smaller, purer Church may ultimately be a good thing. But we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking it’ll be a painless one. A chastisement is coming indeed."

Definitely. If for nothing else, we'll face chastisement for letting the Vat 2 Church make martyrs such as Cardinal Pell definitely seems to be. Look how Archbishop Lefebvre was treated, or Vigano today -- a man literally in hiding! Or consider the "martyrdom" of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. The pattern is clear. Very clear.

Yet something else is equally clear as this drama plays out: all this was foreordained by 'the Spirit (shouldn't I write "animus"?) of Vatican II'. Yes, we've written here ceaselessly about how the Vat II program threw the Church's windows open to the outside world just in time to let in the morally choking radioactive fallout fog of the '60s and 70s, etc.; but I mean more fundamentally this: the move into the vernacular spelled ipso facto the end of the "Roman" Catholic Church and the creation of a series of unruly, unorthodox, sex-obsessed national-language Churches.

The only thing that kept the western Catholic Church "Catholic" (i.e. 'universal') was the retention of the Latin and a papacy that supported Church life in that language. Otherwise, we'd have been like the Eastern Orthodox today, a cacophonous collection of "contemptlative" Churches who are, in theory, in Communion with one another, but in reality hold each other in profound contempt and distrust, as demonstrated by their 2016 fiasco "Council" on Crete. 

We, today, in the West, are well on our way to such a breakup ourselves. It is here, actually, in many ways, especially in how the German Church acts toward Rome, and the Spanish-language Church. The difference between the Polish Church and the German Church (and other western varieties) is profound -- already! (Had B16 not quit when he did, the German Church would soon have declared itself in Schism with him, I strongly suspect.)

Now, this is a reality that evidenced itself ages ago, long before the Greeks broke from the Latins in 1054. Centuries before that, the Syrian Church (speaking Syriac, as Christian Aramaic is called) and the Coptic-speaking Church in Egypt split. If you think all those obscure heresies about Monophysitism, the "miaphysite" position, and the orthodox dyophysitism stance were the main reasons for the splits, well, think again. They contributed to the splitting, just as the filioque in the Creed contributed to the Orthodox split from Catholics. But the real issue was linguistic. They no longer spoke the same language, they couldn't communicate. So the splits were inevitable.

We're facing that now. And even now, today, the only truly "Catholic" Church -- in the original sense of truly "universal" -- is the Latin Mass crowd. And as that recent survey reported on this website (and Liturgy Guy's) showed, those sorts of Catholic are indeed the most "orthodox" Catholics in their beliefs.

Thus all Catholics in the Vat II Church, as it capsizes with all the drama its lavender leaders can conjure, and especially in how it creates martyrs of Cardinal Pell, and Vigano, (and soon Cardinals Sarah? Burke? Müller?) will be given a clear choice between the various lifeboat Churches that float free. It was just inevitable once the vernacular took over, even had the many outrageous and terrible moral problems not manifested themselves at all.

An Préachán

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