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Monday, January 31, 2022

Canadian Truckers, Jericho Trumpets, and the Avalanche of Revolution


American Congressional elections are supposed to occur this coming November, but events are developing so quickly I don't think we will need to wait that long.

I wrote some time ago that things were escalating. On October 8 last year, I wrote a post titled "As we approach the denouement...". Now it is January 31, and the denouement is truly unfolding. (Only took what, four months?)

The Canadian Freedom Convoy
The Canadian Trucker non-violent protest is magnificent. And it is the opening gambit. When they blew their horns as they arrived in Ottawa, Canada's federal capital, many pointed out it echoed the trumpets the invading Israelites sounded at Jericho. And this is how true revolutions begin, my friends: seeming spontaneously. Something as simple as a large public protest gets "out of hand" for the authorities. For some reason, the big shots seem startled, or helpless, their schemes and power enervated.

Perhaps that is a result of the spiritual war going on in these high events, but most of us can only feel, faintly sense, or get a hint of these indirectly. We have to base our suppositions on what we can see in this world.

As for the truckers, of course, their "big rigs", their 18-wheelers, anchor the people's non-violent civil disobedience. They serve the people as an armored column of tanks would serve advancing infantry. You can order a line of thuggish police to contain a pedestrian protest easily enough, or order them to beat up the protestors in small groups (to encourage the rest), but you can hardly use such "police" effectively when the protestors are in among and crowded around these huge rigs! It's like the tanks in Moscow when they turned against their Soviet masters.

The scale of the Canadian protest, as it has evolved – and solidly anchored on the trucks – has certainly caused the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, to panic. His pebble-sized insect brain (that he didn't inherent from his father, Fidel Castro) produced only one thought: run. He fled the city before they even arrived and now rumor has it (info from Israel, curiously enough) that Trudeau is hiding in the U.S. He can join Biden in the latter's bunker. (And then we can pave it over for a parking lot, a trucking parking lot!)

The Bad Guys Have No Leaders
The truckers' protest is well-organized, but it is also spontaneous, too. Truly, it caught fire like a wildfire. Lightning in a bottle. There's now an American attempt to repeat it in the U.S., and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But obviously there are highly intelligent people – folks not needing PhDs, BTW, but who possess the straight-out human intelligence of people who are real people, and live among real people, in a real world. They are behind this spontaneous success. They are true leaders.

Yet there's no comparable leadership for the Globalists in Ottawa right now. Oh, certainly, the actual puppet theater string pullers are there, or in Europe, still, and they still "own" the politicians they bought and the media they prostitute, but those politicians and "journalists", the "front men" and "public face" of the puppet masters, they are now a liability. Because master-class string pullers have to remain hidden, mikado-like, they must move through these public figures who are so hackneyed and pathetic. The Masters are stuck inside their mannequins. They can't put on the play they want us to see without using their puppets, and the puppets they used and still need are, in essence, covered in our contemptuous vomit.

We all see the puppet strings
Thus, the Canadian puppet has fled. Well, the "second string" comes up, as the Conservative Treehouse reports on here. They'll fall on their faces in their turn.

So, then what? Will George Soros or Klaus Schwab go now on Canadian television and issue the "government's response"? Or Xi Jinping? The state-run Canadian media has humiliated itself with the ridiculous lie that "Russia! Russia!" is directing the truckers. I assume few Canadians believed them before (except the 20 percent or so of each nation who always remain totally brainwashed, the lumpenproletariat of human consciousness). So, now what? It looks like the fast-developing revolution has no "official" opposition; i.e. no formally elected, constitutional authorities to oppose it. The same is true in the U.S.: the elected rulers (president and congress) are incompetents, mannequins, a Potemkin village of government. Chuck Schumer and "Aunt" Lindsey Graham, both "Uniparty" are vomit inducing (Graham destroyed himself in an interview this past weekend. Compared to these cockroaches, Donald Trump attracted a crowd of 50,000 (FIFTY-THOUSAND) in Texas over the weekend. That puts the real string pullers in a bind.

All this clearly suggests, when push comes to shove, the Globalists have no leadership. Or to put it another way, as the German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich says, the Globalists are collectively stupid as a box of rocks. Even the most elite of them, unless they in turn are merely puppets of whoever runs Blackrock or whatever couple of companies that control the world, are stupid. Soros, the creepy embodiment Star Wars' evil Emperor Palpatine, is not exactly stupid, but when you are out of contact with real people, something like the last generation of European monarchs were, or before them, Louis XVI, reality just can "blow you away", literally. You are not prepared for it. The Canadian Truckers are such a reality, a trumpety wind blowing clarion-like upon the shaky walls of the oligarchs. The "official" Canadian governments, national or provincial, were not ready for them, and apparently, remain frozen stiff in diaper-faced cluelessness.

World Economic Forum "Leaders" are not...
As for Bill Gates and I think Klaus Schwab himself, certainly the graduates of Schwab's World Economic Forum, ARE stupid. That physically ugly and mentally vacuous primer minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is mind-numbingly stupid. Riding in her van the other day, a crowd chased her to the curb, and I understand she's since claimed "close contact" of people possibly infected with the non-existent Covid virus, and has gone into hiding. Great, Kiwis! Keep at her. Don't let her horse-face come out above ground again. Ever. In fact, during the last Canadian election, Justin Trudeau himself was chased down the road a few times by angry mobs. These cretins could only win elections that were rigged. For the mental curtailed such as these, being chased by the tail has to be intimidating. Almost as intimidating as having a coherent thought!

But regarding leadership – and I mean the string pullers, not the puppets – consider: if you spend all your time "behind the scenes" and "string-pulling", far away from real people, something like the denizens of the CIA or the FBI and the Deep State in general do, then when real people confront you, you are truly just a naked ape (more likely naked monkey) and when confrontation with real people (truck drivers, plumbers, carpenters) you'll have a strong urge to run off screeching into the forest.

Stolen Elections and Covid 
There's been some incredible developments in the American 2020 election saga in the past week, and they are the tip of the iceberg. More scalding truth lava is erupting from the caldera of corruption every day. The same is true with Covid. Watch closely the revelations from the Defense Department and their medical record system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). It is horrifying, and seems to confirm all those doctors who have been crying "genocide" for a year, now.

Not even the American MainStream Media (MSM) can lie about all this any longer. The monster has just too many fronts. The sheer magnitude of the revelations is overwhelming. Like an avalanche, they just keep increasing in weight and speed. As I wrote at first, it is getting to the point that I don't think "the situation" will wait till the next elections. It hangs in the balance. We'll find out soon. How it plays out we won't know but this article is quite worth the reading about that: "Now is the timee for mass resignations from within the ruling class". 

One final thought:
Remember, the enemy themselves bring their doom on themselves via pushing their rule, their mandates, their diktats, just a little too far. It's a "one straw that broke the camel's back" denouement. A simple example: For me, a Trad Catholic, Bergoglio did that long ago, but he's pushed so far now that even John Paul II Catholics are protesting. I think when he issues his further anti-TLM dictates in March, that might be enough to bring him down, too. It's the final straw for those who retain a shred of the Faith. And anyway, Church Progressives have just ignored official Church teaching since Humanae Vitae, so surely we can ignore them when they issue their orders.

The Left always over-reaches. They can only win when people ignore them, and that bad habit on our part allows them to advance far. But the irony is, their hubris has pushed us all into a corner so that we can not ignore them. They push until all we have left is to simply mount our our trucks and run over them.

And maybe, in the end, they want that. Thanatos, the death desire. Their selfish, narcissistic, and puerile desires are one thing above all: boring. Just as with pornography and self-abuse, it all becomes an unbearable bore. Only their cruelty excites these degenerates, as Bergoglio's loathing of real Catholicism excites his dying mind. Unfortunately for them, they eventually become bored with even their cruelties.

May it be so, now.

An Préachán 

Friday, January 28, 2022

The best interview I've ever seen about challenging fraudulent 3 Nov 2020 election


This is out-and-out the best interview discussion-statement about the 2020 election I've ever seen. 

Wisconsin state representative Tim Ramthun talks to Steve Bannon about Ramthun's bill in the Wisconsin House of Reps to recall Wisconsin's 10 presidential electors, and how the RINO House leadership openly says they're going to kill it.

Ramthun is absolutely dead serious, has his fact thorough marshaled and at hand, and asks people to call their Wisconsin reps to get the attention of the dead-beat Republican leadership. This is the kind of Americans I grew up with and the kind that fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. It is an inspiration to me.

For those of you who aren't American, Ramthun represents the core American spirit, the core attitude that created the country. That it still exists is uplifting and hopeful of real change coming to the benighted, hamstrung U.S.A. Biden and the Democrats (and do-nothing Republican "RINOs") cannot face such determination and courage.

An Préachán

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone on the universal vaccination strategy: we're breeding super bugs

 Friends, you-all had better hope those who say viruses don't cause disease have been right all along. Dr. Robert Malone explains (below) how insane the universal vaccination strategy is in light of what standard virology claims about virus mutation. If the standard theory is correct, then the universal vaccination therapy is breeding super-super-superduper bugs.

An Préachán
PS On the other hand, why should I care? The world is getting so absolutely evil that maybe it is time for it to end? 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Placebo Documentary, Healing Yourself, and the Covid Fraud (Updated)


Listening to a discussion online wherein Dr. Andrew Kaufman was speaking, I noticed he mentioned a documentary "Placebo, Cracking the Code" from 2002, so I looked it up online and watched it. You can find it here on the Internet. Please do yourselves a favor and watch it (53 minutes long, divided into sections having about a minute of dead time between the sections).

Here's the online text describing it:
Featuring members of the Harvard Placebo Study Group, "Placebo: Cracking the Code" examines the power of belief in alleviating pain, curing disease, and the healing of injuries.
The placebo effect is a pervasive, albeit misunderstood, phenomenon in medicine. In the UK, over 60% of doctors surveyed said they had prescribed placebos in regular clinical practice.
In a recent Times Magazine article, 96% of US physicians surveyed stated that they believe that placebo treatments have real therapeutic effects.
Fascinating documentary about the science and psychology of placebos, centered on a gathering of the Harvard Placebo Study Group at a remote cottage in Ireland.

The Placebo Effect 
I think everyone needs to understand that "the placebo effect" (and its dark twin, the "nocebo effect") are real, and that your mind can cure a great deal wrong with your body, whether physically or mentally. It can also kill you. Placebos have been known to cure terrible, mortal illnesses, for example, and deep depression. They certainly can lessen pain. The term "placebo" can reference not just the usual fake pill, but one's act of mind and strength of will and faith. Hypnosis can be used to focus the mind for a cure this way, as well. This documentary reports on a number of examples of physical and mental healing, one quite famous in medical history (1950s, involving hypnosis) that unfortunately has been almost completely forgotten.

To appreciate these revelations, of course, you have to first know the placebo effect is real. Experts estimate it could reduce our modern reliance on pharmaceuticals and surgeries by at least 30 percent. Therefore, of course, "Big Pharma" and "Big Medicine" in general (as opposed to individual doctors, many of whom have always prescribed placebos) would naturally work overtime to denigrate the idea of the mind/body healing itself. And the documentary also has one strong example of a "nocebo effect" killing a man: A doctor thought a patient still had a cancer that they had tried to remove, and told the patient he still had the cancer, with the patient subsequently dying; then, to the doctor's horror, the post-mortem revealed they actually had been successful in cutting the cancer out! But the man believed he still had it and so died.

Covid a Giant Nocebo?
All that makes you wonder about the whole Covid fraud. Was it simply a huge "Nocebo"? Did The Powers That Be apply the nocebo effect to the usual annual flu in such a way as to ensure a lot of people dying in despair? A "conspiracy theory"? Think about it.

All that ridiculous talk about the spike protein (other small particles have such) and how Covid was "engineered" by evil virologists! China! Bio-weapon! Fauci and the Chinese are up to no good, naturally, but there are many ways they can make toxins besides viruses. The truth is the whole science of virology is evil, a fraud perpetrated on us since Pasteur and Koch, while all this time the evidence for influenza being caused by heightened electrical use had been plain since the freaking SEVENTEENTH CENTURY! (I'm going to have to write a report on that! But it is true.) To this day, remember, virology has never found virus virions (vesicles) in the body fluid of any human, even after literally injecting snot and body fluid of Spanish flu patients into naval volunteers in 1919; even literally rubbing it in their faces and putting it in their nostrils, all that, and they could not infect the volunteers!
  • A "virion" is the actual protein-coated active virus: technically: "a complete virus particle that consists of an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat sometimes with external envelopes and that is the extracellular infectious form of a virus' (Wikipedia). And NO ONE has ever found a Covid virion either in nature or in a person. There is said to be a couple of caches of smallpox virions in the USA and Russia, and a few other viruses here or there, such as the herpes Varicella-zoster virus (supposedly causes chickenpox). But as for Covid, despite it's supposed to be everywhere, it remains a purely computer-created concoction.
Consider how hard, how so desperately, desperately hard, how so unrelentingly The Powers That Be tried to instill abject fear of Covid, a true utter terror, pure paranoia into the world's population. Even now, in many countries, this continues. They even lied about how many people died "of" Covid as "with" Covid. It's a fantastic, world-record fraud. However, it had a purpose: the fear-creation was that seemed so reckless and insane was actually "cover" for what various political, economic, and social policies the Global Elites had planned for some time.
  1. Covid was the flu of the 2020 winter season, some versions of which were nastier and more dangerous than usual because it first appeared in Wuhan, a sickeningly polluted city and one totally wired for 5G...
  2. But The Powers That Be made it out to be a cross between the Black Death and the Spanish Flu!
  3. Yet that was nonsense as shown by national mortality rates. While national and regional mortality rates showed no change at all (except for a few spikes in early 2020 caused by government policy of putting flu-ill people into old folks' homes), and then because of the "vaccine"-caused deaths occurring an ever-increasing rise in 2021, the world has no excess mortality rates.
  4. So, there was NO pandemic till Big Pharma made it happen, promoting it through the infamous PCR tests, which were themselves a fraud.
  5. Then they sustained it by insanely over-vaccinating huge swaths of people and thus making later versions of the Covid Flu ("the Covid Wu-Flu") even more resilient, (though ever milder, it seems). One of virology's oldest tenants is you don't over-prescribe strong medicine because you just create "super bugs" by doing so!
  6. It is absolutely apparent that the goal was to get you to take the "vaccines", at any cost, and take them again and again and again. Why? 
So, my friends, this needs to be investigated, though of course the forces arrayed against commonsense and truth are very strong. Even Dr. McCoy commented in the 1960's Star Trek episode The Omega Glory, that "I find, Mr. Spock, that Evil usually wins, unless Truth is very, very strong." (From memory; it might be slightly different.)

I myself refuse to be afraid. To Hell with the lies. (Update: I see the Alberta provincial government got caught lying about Covid-vaccine deaths just the other day. It's grotesque. Governments just can't help but lie about Covid. Constantly. You cannot trust anything they say. They ceaselessly break the Commandment not to lie.)

We've taken no "vaccines" in my household and I wear cleverly gutted masks that I can actual exhale through, for two years now. No one in my family ever got remotely "Covid" sick these past two years and I thought that was because I used Vitamin D and know Covid is a fraud. But now I wonder whether it was also in part because of pure will-power, "the placebo effect". (If that was so, of course, it was through the grace of God to bestow on me that sort of mind.)

Knowledge, focusing the mind, and as ever, truth, drives out terror.

More on the placebo effect later.

An Préachan

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Pope Francis, Taqiyya, the TLM, and Justice


'Justice' is traditionally defined as merely giving something its due. Treat a dog or horse as a man should treat these wonderful animals who are so close to us, and you do them justice. Leave your family inheritance to your cat, and you've not done justice to your cat (or your family!) any more than were you to beat your dog or horse.

The man who currently occupies St. Peter's throne, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, does not treat the Traditional Latin Mass justly. Bergoglio does not give the TLM its due. He is unjust to it, and continues to heap injustice after injustice on it and all its devotees. This is illogical because the TLM WAS the essential defining element of the Catholic Church since the "Dreamtime of the Church" before Constantine. It's current growing popularity is founded on many reasons, but one of them is precisely how "Catholic" and "Catholic defining" the TLM is.

Bergoglio's actions are also deeply immoral, and as Bergoglio proves himself on this subject to be "unreformable" (if I may "coin a phrase"), and refuses to change, to soften or ameliorate his obviously hurtful, cruel, unforgiving policies, then we can conclude Bergoglio is immoral. Put another way, he's a true Modernist (in ecclesiastical terms) and Modernists have ever and always proven they're willing to say one thing and do another to further their ends. They are like Lenin, who promised "Bread, peace, land" and instead created a slave state. This sort of behavior – promising one thing and doing another for some "higher purpose"  is a sort of ecclesiastical version of the Muslim principle of Taqiyya: lying to promote Islam. It's a principle Communists, Fascists (see: Covid) and Modernists have always embraced.

Bergoglio has Taqiyya as a well-established principle which he uses to abuse the Church; for example, he and his "peeps" such as the pathetic individual who is currently archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Cupich, lie profusely and continually about the ad orientem posture many priests want to say the Novus Ordo Mass in. The Vatican II documents they keep harping about and the 1970-establilshed rubrics for it, clearly indicate the Vatican II Fathers, and seemingly the author of the N.O. Missal, assumed the priest would be saying the N.O. Mass ad orientem, and not ad populum. So, any prelate insisting only on the ad populum is lying. Yes, lying. Far, far too much has been written about this subject over the years for them to pretend they never heard of these arguments. Thus, they're liars.

And Bergoglio, in his document Traditionis Custodes and his observations extra to Traditionis Custodes proper, continue to maintain Pope Benedict issued Summorum Pontificum ONLY to satiate the few old folks whom are the only people Bergoglio insists who want the TLM. These are lies. Bergoglio lies. Cardinal Roche lies. Cupich lies. On and on. Continually. It is classic Taqiyya. The recent Dubia created and answered in such a way to give Bergoglio reasons to crack even further down on the TLM were clearly made up. They were fabricated; they were concocted as a "false flag" operation to allow Bergoglio, through his minions, especially Cardinal Roche, to further limit the TLM.

So, clearly, Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, loathes the Traditional Latin Mass and will stop at nothing to "cancel" it. He loathes much of traditional Catholicism and will stop at nothing to cancel it. It has long been observed that the political and theologically Left Bergoglio likes everybody of every persuasion, EXCEPT orthodox Catholics.

Whatever the original Vatican II Council was or wasn't, its legacy has been totally fouled by the Modernists in the Church, of whom Bergoglio is the chief. For Bergoglio to insist on all priests and bishops and religious orders to "accept Vatican II" is a Taqiyya operation because in the past 50 years, Vatican II has been so stretched, distorted, and perverted, that no one can "accept" anything about it.

This upcoming synod, XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2023, will be their chance at the creation of a different Catholic Church, and the capstone of all their evils. Bergoglio has famously said that he doesn't want to create a new Church but a different Church. Notice the timing between Traditionis Custodes, the Dubiya, this coming March's yet further crackdown on the TLM, and then this Synod in October, are all evenly space out over a year. They've been planning this for a while, obviously. And it is time we stopped them.

How? Openly repudiate them. No more of this. We must, figuratively, take off our masks. Covid is finally ending in "narrative collapse" and so is "the spirit of Vatican II." Repudiate all this. We must. Whether Bergoglio was lawfully elected pope or not – and the evidence at least suggests he wasn't, and the continued existence of the mysterious "Father Benedict" reiterates that as does Bergoglio's antics since his installation – he's been a disaster for the Church. Bergoglio's pontificate is absolutely dodgy, from its start to today; it should go down in history as the Taqiyya Pontificate. But most of all, his evil, manifestly unjust behavior toward the TLM and its adherents, removes him from the papal office just as much as were he to "cancel" the Holy Trinity and assert a "Holy Duality" or ban the Rosary from all Catholic churches. Would either of those acts "wake up" the world's bishops?

Honestly. What more could he do to prove he loathes Catholicism as it has been understood since the beginning? And remember the one lesson we all should have learned since World War II: when a leader says he doesn't like you, whether it was Hitler talking about how Jews needed to be erased or France's Macron talking how he's going to hurt French citizens who refuse "vaccination", well, believe them! And believe Jorge Mario Bergoglio. 

An Préachán

See Rorate-caeli here for some spirited, admirable commentary, as in:
"No, none at all! The "battle" of the Catholic Mass was definitively and irreversibly won by Archbishop Lefebvre in the 1980s. There is no need to do what’s already been done! There are tens of thousands of priests throughout the world who celebrate the Gregorian Mass, and it is not the gesticulations of some Roman secretary or some residential bishop on overtime that will change anything. It is too late: we have won the battle."

Here, Anthony Stine has insight into the coming October Synod.

And then there's this excellent article at The Remnant. 
"As many knowledgeable Catholics recognized, there is a stunning disconnect here: if the anti-Catholic infiltrators who tried to replace the Tridentine Mass thought nothing of abandoning St. Pius V’s Quo Primum, why should we believe that their haphazard liturgical reforms — so full of scandal and disastrous fruits — are “irreversible”? And how is it that the reformers who have blasphemously blamed the Holy Ghost for all of their progressive innovations now declare that the Holy Ghost can never guide the Church back to tradition?"

Great questions, are they not?


Friday, January 21, 2022

War with Russia, or divide up the country?


The Democrats are going to categorically deny Republican wins this November, in whatever way they have to. This will eventually lead to war, civil war, just as it did when Democrats refused Lincoln's election in 1860. That is, unless Biden gets us into a war with Russia first. Both wars are very possible and war is what Democrats do, historically. The list is long:
  1. The War of 1812
  2. The War with Mexico
  3. The U.S. Civil War
  4. World War I (when they first ran totally roughshod over Americans' civil rights)
  5. World War II
  6. The Cold War (not a shooting war, or not much, but still...)
  7. The Korean War
  8. Vietnam 
  9. (I dunno, does Kosovo during Clinton's years count as a "war"?)
The Republicans* got us into:
  • The Spanish-American War
  • Iraq 1
  • Iraq 2
  • Afghanistan
*One might argue that the Republicans only came into existence in the 1850s, but before that, the Whig Party filled the same opposition role, and they were against the Mexican War, etc.

The Spanish-American War was William Randolph Hearst's doing, a mainstream media-created war (mainstream media then was called "yellow journalism") and the other three the miserable Bush family hatched when they ran the U.S., i.e., in other words, "Deep State" wars. Had the pitiful Al Gore been installed in 2000 instead of the second Bush, he would have started a war, too; it's what Democrats do. It's their fall-back position. The Bushes and Obama/Clinton and now Biden, are all "Uniparty" hacks. So essentially, that leaves us with eight Democrat wars versus one Republican war. (The Spanish-American War was called "the splendid little war", BTW.)

This article in The Federalist goes into detail about how the Dems are psyching themselves up to reject any Republican wins this coming November. Many such articles probably are being published. But this paragraph is quite telling:

Once you discard the idea that Republicans are relatives, friends, or neighbors who may disagree with you about politics but who also mean well and instead view them as the moral equivalent of Germans who voted Adolf Hitler into power, talk about defending democracy becomes a life and death struggle. That means defeat can never be accepted and must be averted at all costs, no matter what it takes.

In other words, "demonizing the Other." So, get ready for war. It would be beneficial to just split the country up, wouldn't it? Like cutting off a gangrene infection. We could give the entire Federal Government to the Democrat-controlled new country, along with New England and the urban megaplex of the "Acela Corridor" (Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C.). Grant all that to the Dems, along with the coastal fringe of the three Pacific states, and of course putrid Chicago (no one wants Chicago or Detroit!). But of course such a "Democrat Communist Republic of America" would be instantly broke, as the only people "making" anything would be the Federal employees, and they are only capable of just making more bureaucracy. They don't make wealth. Basic economics: wealth has to be created by competent manufacturing/farming people; wealth does not consist of goods or money traded or taxed; it consists of goods created, goods that people want.

This putative new country's only other population would be a perpetually grievance-spouting, rioting Lumpenproletariat burning down their own neighborhoods, and snooty cultural elites, a perverted, mostly childless population who – regardless of their actual individual education levels – can't screw in a light bulb. All Leftists are like that: incapable of maintaining our industrial civilization, or even feeding them selves. Do you think Lenin or Trotsky or Mao or Pol Pot could have fixed a house's plumbing or raised a crop, if necessary? But they sure are capable of endless moralizing and the bossing of other people about, staffing a "Deep State" and taxing the rest of us to death. Why can't we get rid of them? They're parasites. Grubs. Larva.

However, the imbecilic Biden and his utterly incompetent foreign policy team are about to stumble us into war with Russa. So, war is coming our way whether we want it or not. Maybe. Keep praying!

Regarding such a Russian war, see this quite interesting article for some unique insight. 

The current propaganda meme in Washington is that Russia is going to “invade Ukraine” and absorb it. It will not: Ukraine is a decaying, impoverished, de-industrialised, divided, corrupt and decaying mess; Moscow does not want to take responsibility for the package. Moscow is fully aware that while its troops will be welcomed in many parts of Ukraine they will not be in others. Indeed, in Moscow, they must be wishing that Stalin had returned Galicia to Poland rather than giving it to the Ukrainian SSR after the War and stuck Warsaw with the problem. This does not, however, rule out the eventual absorption of most of Novorossiya in ultimo.

And on Biden's foreign policy team:

Unfortunately the Blinkens, Sullivans, Farkas’, Nulands and others who seem to be driving USA policy don’t understand any of this. They remain convinced that the US is a mighty power, that Russia is feeble and fading, that Putin’s position is shaky, that sanctions are biting, that Russia’s economy is weak and so on. And that they understand modern warfare. Everything in the past twenty years contradicts their view but they hold to it nonetheless.

Take, for example, Wendy Sherman who was the principal American negotiator in Geneva this month. Look at her biography on Wikipedia. Social worker, money raiser for Democratic Party candidates, political campaign manager, Fanny Mae, Clinton appointee to the State Department, negotiator with Iran and North Korea. Is there anything in that record to indicate any knowledge or understanding of Russia or modern war? (Or skill at negotiations for that matter?) And yet she’s the one on point. Jake Sullivan: lawyer, debate preparer, political advisor, ditto.

As Biden might say, c'mon man!

See this article here for a more "mainstream" consideration: 

So much for our "happy new year", huh?


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Covid-19 Case-Rates Graph per 100K Population by Vaccination Status in England, January 2022, & Guglielmo Marconi


Pass this graph on to anyone you know dumb enough to want a Covid "vaccine" or a "booster" shot:


Hat-tip to Steve Kirsch.

In case it isn't big enough, the green is the non-vaccinated; the red, the triple or double or triple-vaccinated/boostered.


Really, of course, the entire Covid Interlude is fraudulent. Why? First of all, the results of any PCR test are utterly useless (if you don't know why that is, I've been writing about it for two years, as have a host of others: it is truly "old news"); therefore, we haven't a clue about the real extent of "Covid", which is itself mostly the yearly flu made nastier than usual by 5G electromagnetic environment poisoning and Roundup herbicide pollution via "bio-fuel". Second: all flu is generated not by viruses but "electro-smog", something proven over the past 150 years. And I mean proven in detail. See The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life, by Arthur Firstenberg for the amazing details you have never been taught. (The powers-that-be DO NOT want you to know how dangerous they've made the bio-sphere of Earth!) From the early experiments with electricity in the 17th and 18th centuries, down through mid-19th century fast-track electrification of urban areas, all this evidence was carefully recorded by doctors. It culminated in the terrible Influenza pandemic of 1889, after which, for the first time in history, the flu became annual. Before then, sunspot activity could often predict when the flu would strike. Flu-like symptoms occurred in the early researchers and the public who participated their electrical demonstrations. The medical history of the famous radio and microwave inventor Marconi is shocking; I'll probably have to write it up. (By 1906, Marconi's radio stations on the Isle of Wight killed almost every honey bee on the island, and attempts to transplant new bees failed until a few bee survivors created a genetic line that could stand the radio!)

So, the "Covid narrative" and apparently all "virus" talk is just the latest big distraction, a red-herring, and we're the ignorant ones who buy into it.  

An Préachán

Monday, January 17, 2022

Neil Oliver outlines the fractured trust of the people with Government


This is a commentary that must be heard: Neil Oliver outlines the fractured trust of the people with Government. Sundance has it posted at Conservartive Treehouse. 

It speaks for itself so I will say nothing except take the few minutes to listen to it.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"... the Trads held the same fundamental beliefs that we cherished—"

 "... —the same beliefs that were now everywhere under attack."

From a most excellent Catholic article by Phil Lawler that I highly recommend to all interested in the Church's situation.

I've said for some time now that the current Vatican regime must necessarily drive the great middle Church, the "conservative" or "Magisterium" or "JP II Catholics", to the Trads. Phil Lawler explains how he, himself, is now living proof of that.

An excerpt:

We [conservative Catholics] could no longer simply reject these [Modernist/anti-continuity] arguments, when they came from the Sovereign Pontiff. We had to take them seriously, and ask: Was there really a radical discontinuity between pre-conciliar and post-conciliar Catholicism? Because if there was, then we would be forced to ask a second serious question: Had the Church veered off the authentic Catholic tradition? Or to put it differently, were there some aspects of the Council’s teachings that required at least clarification, if not outright correction?

So we asked these questions—which our traditionalist friends had been asking for years already. The answers drove us still further toward the Trads. We could not ignore that, whatever our past differences, the Trads held the same fundamental beliefs that we cherished—the same beliefs that were now everywhere under attack. We could not ignore that traditionalist communities were growing, at a time when parishes were shrinking and dioceses were “restructuring” by closing the doors of vacated churches. Above all we could not ignore that the Traditional Latin Mass was celebrated with reverence, and conveyed the rich heritage of our faith.

Within the past week I have spoken with a half-dozen other Catholics who, like me, have begun regularly attending the Traditional Latin Mass. In every case, their movement toward the TLM began during the current pontificate. We did not move toward traditionalism because the Trads attacked the Pope; it would be far more accurate to say that we moved in that direction because the Pope attacked us.

AnP again:
Wow, just wow. Old Bergi is a God-send; he's doing more for the TLM than most, and seems clueless that he's serving God's actual intentions while blowing up his own. Quite amazing, to be honest. But it is so obviously "a God thing", how this is playing out. He's like those leaders of the Sanhedrin who ordered Sts. Peter and John beaten, and then were amazed when the two went off praising God and filled with joy.
  • A microcosm mirror-image of this is the break-up of the Reformed Church in America, a 400-year-old Calvinist tradition that has gutted itself after surrendering to the homosexuals and feminists. Read the details here. The conservative Reform congregations have the membership and the money, and they've packed up and left, leaving the "official" Reformed broke, bankrupt economically and morally. It's a perfect example of the saying, "Go woke, go broke," and a mirror to the troubles and maybe the end of the Vat 2 Church.
BTW, rumors are out that Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche are planning a big anti-TLM attack for Ash Wednesday this year. An Ash Wednesday announcement would about evenly space out their attacks on the TLM during past half year, wouldn't it? Clearly, neither Traditionis Custodes nor the Vatican's later Respona ad Dubia have produced the desired result, so they are attacking again. What was it Princess Leia said in the first Star Wars movie to Governor Tarkin? "The harder you try, the more systems will slip through your fingers." Something like that.

Oh, finally, I see the the man most know as Pope Francis has said taking the "vaccine" is a moral obligation (originally in April of last year and often thereafter, and now a few days ago at a meeting with diplomats accredited to the Vatican). Reiner Füllmich, the German lawyer, is saying the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 is scheduled to open in a couple of weeks, and they have incontrovertible proof that these potions are designed to kill, as in murder, people.

They've traced batch/lot numbers of three of the major "vaccines" and know which batches killed a lot more people than "vaccines" from other lots. English scientist Micheal Yeadon has done excellent work on tracing down all this, and he'll offer expert testimony at the trial. They'll meticulously make the case for murder and when they're done, people will finally turn against all the madness. (That is something underway already, as we read daily in the news.) Füllmich says especially that all the people who carried water for the Covid fraud will not escape aiding and abetting murder; they're accomplices to murder, and I myself would think that would definitely include the Argentinian in the Vatican.

I pray it is true. Every iota. If nothing else, such revelations will vindicate Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Archbishop Viganò.

An Préachán

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Lots of Covid news, a Mountie writes common sense, and mask wearing

Friends, this essay below is a classic must-read (via Steve Kirsch's newsletter).

Meself, I chose this essay to share because it is so personal, and written by an "average guy" who caught on early that Covid was a fraud. But I could have chosen any number of major news developments that are occurring daily over Covid, such as New York State's new governor announcing that half of all "Covid patients" in NY state hospitals are not actually there because of Covid, and the CDC's Director Walensky is finally admitting the vast majority of COVID deaths had not One, not Two, not Three – But “At Least FOUR” comorbidities, that "they were really sick people", or that the Pfizer CEO is now openly admitting that two doses of his "vaccine" offers no protection against infection or severe Covid disease, and that a third dose may "reduce hospitalization" (er, would that be for people in the hospital who were there only "with" Covid as opposed to "because of" Covid?). Oh, and Project Veritas has now proven Fauci lied. (Well, honestly, who didn't know that?)

So, big Covid news is now erupting everywhere. (Except Europe, which seems doubling-down on the lie, such as in Italy. Although, c'mon, if the "Narrative" craps out in the U.S., can Europe maintain it very long?) When Biden blurted out that Covid was out of the Federal government's control, did he mean the Deep State could no longer maintain the lie?

An excerpt:

When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.

At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bull-[excrement]. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample.

  • At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die.
  • At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%.

Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic.

  • At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.

Despite this disease having a non-existent effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?

Because it’s not a [F-Bomb] vaccine!

AnP again:
Read the whole thing. Pass this on. Time to shed the fear porn. Time for EVERYONE to shed the "mask" of this lie. Permanently.
An Préachán
PS NOW they tell us mask-wearing is deadly! And I've articles now saying half or more of the Spanish Flu deaths were caused by mask wearing. Gee. NOW they tell us, even as mask wearing is still mandated in many places.

Forsooth, does it take a PhD in medical science to tell us we shouldn't breath our own bad breath? (And if a PhD does tell you to breathe your own bad breath, punch him in the mask!)


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Epiphany / Theophania and "Traditionis Custodes is a monumental and embarrassing admission of defeat..."


A blessed Feast of the Epiphany (what the Greeks call Theophania, "God Manifest") to you all. In these insane, lying, apostate times, we truly need this feast of the manifestation of God amongst us, do we not?

Last night, the Eve of the Epiphany, was the "Twelfth Night" of the "Christmastide", the Twelve Day of Christmas, as in the Carol (an old Catholic carol, I understand, with each day's gift representing a Catholic teaching amongst the officially Protestant Englishmen). From this coming Sunday on out, each Sunday will be a "First, Second, Third" – to the "Sixth Sunday after Epiphany." Then Lent beings (i.e. after the three Sundays beginning with the Septuagesima "seventieth" Sunday, which neatly count down (approximately) to the beginning 40 days of Lent). The mid-winter Season of Epiphany includes Candlemas on February 2, when candles are blessed for the year. It is also the Feast of the Purification of Mary. February 11th is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. February 1st is the Feast of St. Brigid of Killdare, one of the three patron saints of Ireland. (Ireland is so sinful these days it needs 'em all three!) And of course, St. Valentine's Feast on February 14th (when I was a kid, it was always "St." Valentine's Day, but no longer). A beautiful and elegant season all to itself is Epiphany, giving color and light (pun intended) to the dreariest time of the year. Of course the Novus Ordo trashed it all out and turned it into "Ordinary Time", (as if any time after the birth of the Incarnate God could be "ordinary").

Which brings me to that quote: "Traditionis Custodes is a monumental and embarrassing admission of defeat...". A great line, isn't it? The estimable Dr. Peter Kwasniewski wrote it in this article at OnePeterFive, :  wherein Kwasniewski also quotes from a "rousing" article by one Gregory DiPippo, to wit:
    The surest sign that a revolution has failed, and chosen to take the easy path, is its fear of the past, its fear of the memory of what life was really like before the revolution. And this is why, in the midst of a tidal wave of crises within the Church, a hammer has been dropped where it has been dropped: not on the German Synodal Way, or the various Catholic institutions that have to all intents and purposes walked away from the Faith. The problem so grave that it must be met with the same furious scribbled-on-the-back-of-a-napkin haste that we remember from Fr Bouyer’s memoirs is not the long-standing persistence of grave liturgical abuses, the de facto absence of catechetical formation in once-Catholic nations, or widespread moral, doctrinal and financial corruption. The hammer has been dropped, rather, on the father and mother who were born at least 20 years after the last time a cleric used the word “aggiornamento” unironically, and on their children who are too young to remember the papacy of Benedict XVI.

    There can be no clearer sign that the post-Conciliar revolution is totally uninteresting to the rising generations, and knowing this, [it] grows deathly afraid, and resorts to doing by force what it cannot do by persuasion…. A dying revolution is not a dead revolution; it can still strike out and cause pain, and will likely do so. But in the very act of doing so, it confesses that it has failed and is dying. Do not be afraid. The revolution is over.

(I was going to highlight some lines but ended up highlighting all of it, so... :)

So let us rejoice now, from today on through the Season of the Epiphany. As the tide finally begins to turn on the infamous Covid lie, so the Vatican II Church senses a shift has begun against its intervention in the two millennial life of the Church. (Dare I say it? They've had an Epiphany. Ahem.) Of course, it's always "darkest before the dawn" so we need pray heartily, indeed.

Grásta Dé to all who accept it.

An Préachán

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Dr Robert Malone interviewed by Stew Peters: you must see this


Please, please watch this Stew Peters interviews Dr. Robert Malone

You simply must watch this. The fraud of Covid and the machinations of government, academia, the military, and Tony Fauci, etc., Malone touches on all of it.
  • About Covid "vaccines", Dr. Malone says the cost-benefit-risk analysis now unequivocally shows none of the mRNA 'vaccines' are worth taking. They're far more harmful than beneficial.
  • At thirty-two minutes in, Malone explains what the "vaccines" are doing create blood-clots. Just an absolute horror.
  • At 34:11 to 35:55, Dr. Malone talks about "The Big Kahuna, Reproductive Toxicology," and specifically what this means for girls. If this doesn't make you extremely angry, then nothing will.
  • N.B. The interview itself begins at 7:21 minutes in, but the first seven minutes are excellent, too. Peters discusses the total media blackout of Robert F. Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and the censorship of Dr. Malone, much else besides.
See also Dr. Malone's website article for a thorough report on the Indiana Insurance Company One-America's CEO J. Scott Davison's report about a 40 percent jump in deaths among 18-64 year-olds in the U.S. This is truly unprecedented news because nothing remotely like it has happened before in all history. "Covid" is not listed on their death certificates, but the illnesses caused by the "vaccines" most certainly are.

Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress about to destroy the U.S. voting system; if they succeed, there'll be no more free, honest elections in the U.S. True revolution will result. Elections are a safety valve; take them away and an explosion will become a necessity.

Finally, indications exist suggesting that in the U.S. (and Europe, too?) food supply chain mechanisms are about to crash completely after two years of endless harassment and government intervention. It makes perfect sense when you consider all the harm lockdowns and PCR testing has done. Food stocks are very low and this year's crop isn't even planted. But just getting the food from farmers to your table might prove impossible, precisely with the CDC in the U.S. is issuing insane new guidelines rendering common cold symptoms enough to "lock you down' from work for weeks or months. Already the shortage of medical personnel who resigned rather than be "jabbed" is causing the hospital system severe stress.

We'll know about two weeks from now how dire this food situation will be, or begin to know. It depends on many factors, of course. But I ask you all: after two years of intentional destruction of social feeling and common compassion resulting from Covid and government propaganda to induce mass paranoia, not to mention the rise of BLM and Antifa burning out cities, do any of you think the general population, when actually put to starving, is going to be anything but absolutely feral?

The denouement of the Age of Covid is about to crash in upon us. And as the saying is, "reality bites".

An Préachán