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Monday, January 31, 2022

Canadian Truckers, Jericho Trumpets, and the Avalanche of Revolution


American Congressional elections are supposed to occur this coming November, but events are developing so quickly I don't think we will need to wait that long.

I wrote some time ago that things were escalating. On October 8 last year, I wrote a post titled "As we approach the denouement...". Now it is January 31, and the denouement is truly unfolding. (Only took what, four months?)

The Canadian Freedom Convoy
The Canadian Trucker non-violent protest is magnificent. And it is the opening gambit. When they blew their horns as they arrived in Ottawa, Canada's federal capital, many pointed out it echoed the trumpets the invading Israelites sounded at Jericho. And this is how true revolutions begin, my friends: seeming spontaneously. Something as simple as a large public protest gets "out of hand" for the authorities. For some reason, the big shots seem startled, or helpless, their schemes and power enervated.

Perhaps that is a result of the spiritual war going on in these high events, but most of us can only feel, faintly sense, or get a hint of these indirectly. We have to base our suppositions on what we can see in this world.

As for the truckers, of course, their "big rigs", their 18-wheelers, anchor the people's non-violent civil disobedience. They serve the people as an armored column of tanks would serve advancing infantry. You can order a line of thuggish police to contain a pedestrian protest easily enough, or order them to beat up the protestors in small groups (to encourage the rest), but you can hardly use such "police" effectively when the protestors are in among and crowded around these huge rigs! It's like the tanks in Moscow when they turned against their Soviet masters.

The scale of the Canadian protest, as it has evolved – and solidly anchored on the trucks – has certainly caused the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, to panic. His pebble-sized insect brain (that he didn't inherent from his father, Fidel Castro) produced only one thought: run. He fled the city before they even arrived and now rumor has it (info from Israel, curiously enough) that Trudeau is hiding in the U.S. He can join Biden in the latter's bunker. (And then we can pave it over for a parking lot, a trucking parking lot!)

The Bad Guys Have No Leaders
The truckers' protest is well-organized, but it is also spontaneous, too. Truly, it caught fire like a wildfire. Lightning in a bottle. There's now an American attempt to repeat it in the U.S., and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But obviously there are highly intelligent people – folks not needing PhDs, BTW, but who possess the straight-out human intelligence of people who are real people, and live among real people, in a real world. They are behind this spontaneous success. They are true leaders.

Yet there's no comparable leadership for the Globalists in Ottawa right now. Oh, certainly, the actual puppet theater string pullers are there, or in Europe, still, and they still "own" the politicians they bought and the media they prostitute, but those politicians and "journalists", the "front men" and "public face" of the puppet masters, they are now a liability. Because master-class string pullers have to remain hidden, mikado-like, they must move through these public figures who are so hackneyed and pathetic. The Masters are stuck inside their mannequins. They can't put on the play they want us to see without using their puppets, and the puppets they used and still need are, in essence, covered in our contemptuous vomit.

We all see the puppet strings
Thus, the Canadian puppet has fled. Well, the "second string" comes up, as the Conservative Treehouse reports on here. They'll fall on their faces in their turn.

So, then what? Will George Soros or Klaus Schwab go now on Canadian television and issue the "government's response"? Or Xi Jinping? The state-run Canadian media has humiliated itself with the ridiculous lie that "Russia! Russia!" is directing the truckers. I assume few Canadians believed them before (except the 20 percent or so of each nation who always remain totally brainwashed, the lumpenproletariat of human consciousness). So, now what? It looks like the fast-developing revolution has no "official" opposition; i.e. no formally elected, constitutional authorities to oppose it. The same is true in the U.S.: the elected rulers (president and congress) are incompetents, mannequins, a Potemkin village of government. Chuck Schumer and "Aunt" Lindsey Graham, both "Uniparty" are vomit inducing (Graham destroyed himself in an interview this past weekend. Compared to these cockroaches, Donald Trump attracted a crowd of 50,000 (FIFTY-THOUSAND) in Texas over the weekend. That puts the real string pullers in a bind.

All this clearly suggests, when push comes to shove, the Globalists have no leadership. Or to put it another way, as the German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich says, the Globalists are collectively stupid as a box of rocks. Even the most elite of them, unless they in turn are merely puppets of whoever runs Blackrock or whatever couple of companies that control the world, are stupid. Soros, the creepy embodiment Star Wars' evil Emperor Palpatine, is not exactly stupid, but when you are out of contact with real people, something like the last generation of European monarchs were, or before them, Louis XVI, reality just can "blow you away", literally. You are not prepared for it. The Canadian Truckers are such a reality, a trumpety wind blowing clarion-like upon the shaky walls of the oligarchs. The "official" Canadian governments, national or provincial, were not ready for them, and apparently, remain frozen stiff in diaper-faced cluelessness.

World Economic Forum "Leaders" are not...
As for Bill Gates and I think Klaus Schwab himself, certainly the graduates of Schwab's World Economic Forum, ARE stupid. That physically ugly and mentally vacuous primer minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is mind-numbingly stupid. Riding in her van the other day, a crowd chased her to the curb, and I understand she's since claimed "close contact" of people possibly infected with the non-existent Covid virus, and has gone into hiding. Great, Kiwis! Keep at her. Don't let her horse-face come out above ground again. Ever. In fact, during the last Canadian election, Justin Trudeau himself was chased down the road a few times by angry mobs. These cretins could only win elections that were rigged. For the mental curtailed such as these, being chased by the tail has to be intimidating. Almost as intimidating as having a coherent thought!

But regarding leadership – and I mean the string pullers, not the puppets – consider: if you spend all your time "behind the scenes" and "string-pulling", far away from real people, something like the denizens of the CIA or the FBI and the Deep State in general do, then when real people confront you, you are truly just a naked ape (more likely naked monkey) and when confrontation with real people (truck drivers, plumbers, carpenters) you'll have a strong urge to run off screeching into the forest.

Stolen Elections and Covid 
There's been some incredible developments in the American 2020 election saga in the past week, and they are the tip of the iceberg. More scalding truth lava is erupting from the caldera of corruption every day. The same is true with Covid. Watch closely the revelations from the Defense Department and their medical record system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). It is horrifying, and seems to confirm all those doctors who have been crying "genocide" for a year, now.

Not even the American MainStream Media (MSM) can lie about all this any longer. The monster has just too many fronts. The sheer magnitude of the revelations is overwhelming. Like an avalanche, they just keep increasing in weight and speed. As I wrote at first, it is getting to the point that I don't think "the situation" will wait till the next elections. It hangs in the balance. We'll find out soon. How it plays out we won't know but this article is quite worth the reading about that: "Now is the timee for mass resignations from within the ruling class". 

One final thought:
Remember, the enemy themselves bring their doom on themselves via pushing their rule, their mandates, their diktats, just a little too far. It's a "one straw that broke the camel's back" denouement. A simple example: For me, a Trad Catholic, Bergoglio did that long ago, but he's pushed so far now that even John Paul II Catholics are protesting. I think when he issues his further anti-TLM dictates in March, that might be enough to bring him down, too. It's the final straw for those who retain a shred of the Faith. And anyway, Church Progressives have just ignored official Church teaching since Humanae Vitae, so surely we can ignore them when they issue their orders.

The Left always over-reaches. They can only win when people ignore them, and that bad habit on our part allows them to advance far. But the irony is, their hubris has pushed us all into a corner so that we can not ignore them. They push until all we have left is to simply mount our our trucks and run over them.

And maybe, in the end, they want that. Thanatos, the death desire. Their selfish, narcissistic, and puerile desires are one thing above all: boring. Just as with pornography and self-abuse, it all becomes an unbearable bore. Only their cruelty excites these degenerates, as Bergoglio's loathing of real Catholicism excites his dying mind. Unfortunately for them, they eventually become bored with even their cruelties.

May it be so, now.

An Préachán 

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