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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Placebo Documentary, Healing Yourself, and the Covid Fraud (Updated)


Listening to a discussion online wherein Dr. Andrew Kaufman was speaking, I noticed he mentioned a documentary "Placebo, Cracking the Code" from 2002, so I looked it up online and watched it. You can find it here on the Internet. Please do yourselves a favor and watch it (53 minutes long, divided into sections having about a minute of dead time between the sections).

Here's the online text describing it:
Featuring members of the Harvard Placebo Study Group, "Placebo: Cracking the Code" examines the power of belief in alleviating pain, curing disease, and the healing of injuries.
The placebo effect is a pervasive, albeit misunderstood, phenomenon in medicine. In the UK, over 60% of doctors surveyed said they had prescribed placebos in regular clinical practice.
In a recent Times Magazine article, 96% of US physicians surveyed stated that they believe that placebo treatments have real therapeutic effects.
Fascinating documentary about the science and psychology of placebos, centered on a gathering of the Harvard Placebo Study Group at a remote cottage in Ireland.

The Placebo Effect 
I think everyone needs to understand that "the placebo effect" (and its dark twin, the "nocebo effect") are real, and that your mind can cure a great deal wrong with your body, whether physically or mentally. It can also kill you. Placebos have been known to cure terrible, mortal illnesses, for example, and deep depression. They certainly can lessen pain. The term "placebo" can reference not just the usual fake pill, but one's act of mind and strength of will and faith. Hypnosis can be used to focus the mind for a cure this way, as well. This documentary reports on a number of examples of physical and mental healing, one quite famous in medical history (1950s, involving hypnosis) that unfortunately has been almost completely forgotten.

To appreciate these revelations, of course, you have to first know the placebo effect is real. Experts estimate it could reduce our modern reliance on pharmaceuticals and surgeries by at least 30 percent. Therefore, of course, "Big Pharma" and "Big Medicine" in general (as opposed to individual doctors, many of whom have always prescribed placebos) would naturally work overtime to denigrate the idea of the mind/body healing itself. And the documentary also has one strong example of a "nocebo effect" killing a man: A doctor thought a patient still had a cancer that they had tried to remove, and told the patient he still had the cancer, with the patient subsequently dying; then, to the doctor's horror, the post-mortem revealed they actually had been successful in cutting the cancer out! But the man believed he still had it and so died.

Covid a Giant Nocebo?
All that makes you wonder about the whole Covid fraud. Was it simply a huge "Nocebo"? Did The Powers That Be apply the nocebo effect to the usual annual flu in such a way as to ensure a lot of people dying in despair? A "conspiracy theory"? Think about it.

All that ridiculous talk about the spike protein (other small particles have such) and how Covid was "engineered" by evil virologists! China! Bio-weapon! Fauci and the Chinese are up to no good, naturally, but there are many ways they can make toxins besides viruses. The truth is the whole science of virology is evil, a fraud perpetrated on us since Pasteur and Koch, while all this time the evidence for influenza being caused by heightened electrical use had been plain since the freaking SEVENTEENTH CENTURY! (I'm going to have to write a report on that! But it is true.) To this day, remember, virology has never found virus virions (vesicles) in the body fluid of any human, even after literally injecting snot and body fluid of Spanish flu patients into naval volunteers in 1919; even literally rubbing it in their faces and putting it in their nostrils, all that, and they could not infect the volunteers!
  • A "virion" is the actual protein-coated active virus: technically: "a complete virus particle that consists of an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat sometimes with external envelopes and that is the extracellular infectious form of a virus' (Wikipedia). And NO ONE has ever found a Covid virion either in nature or in a person. There is said to be a couple of caches of smallpox virions in the USA and Russia, and a few other viruses here or there, such as the herpes Varicella-zoster virus (supposedly causes chickenpox). But as for Covid, despite it's supposed to be everywhere, it remains a purely computer-created concoction.
Consider how hard, how so desperately, desperately hard, how so unrelentingly The Powers That Be tried to instill abject fear of Covid, a true utter terror, pure paranoia into the world's population. Even now, in many countries, this continues. They even lied about how many people died "of" Covid as "with" Covid. It's a fantastic, world-record fraud. However, it had a purpose: the fear-creation was that seemed so reckless and insane was actually "cover" for what various political, economic, and social policies the Global Elites had planned for some time.
  1. Covid was the flu of the 2020 winter season, some versions of which were nastier and more dangerous than usual because it first appeared in Wuhan, a sickeningly polluted city and one totally wired for 5G...
  2. But The Powers That Be made it out to be a cross between the Black Death and the Spanish Flu!
  3. Yet that was nonsense as shown by national mortality rates. While national and regional mortality rates showed no change at all (except for a few spikes in early 2020 caused by government policy of putting flu-ill people into old folks' homes), and then because of the "vaccine"-caused deaths occurring an ever-increasing rise in 2021, the world has no excess mortality rates.
  4. So, there was NO pandemic till Big Pharma made it happen, promoting it through the infamous PCR tests, which were themselves a fraud.
  5. Then they sustained it by insanely over-vaccinating huge swaths of people and thus making later versions of the Covid Flu ("the Covid Wu-Flu") even more resilient, (though ever milder, it seems). One of virology's oldest tenants is you don't over-prescribe strong medicine because you just create "super bugs" by doing so!
  6. It is absolutely apparent that the goal was to get you to take the "vaccines", at any cost, and take them again and again and again. Why? 
So, my friends, this needs to be investigated, though of course the forces arrayed against commonsense and truth are very strong. Even Dr. McCoy commented in the 1960's Star Trek episode The Omega Glory, that "I find, Mr. Spock, that Evil usually wins, unless Truth is very, very strong." (From memory; it might be slightly different.)

I myself refuse to be afraid. To Hell with the lies. (Update: I see the Alberta provincial government got caught lying about Covid-vaccine deaths just the other day. It's grotesque. Governments just can't help but lie about Covid. Constantly. You cannot trust anything they say. They ceaselessly break the Commandment not to lie.)

We've taken no "vaccines" in my household and I wear cleverly gutted masks that I can actual exhale through, for two years now. No one in my family ever got remotely "Covid" sick these past two years and I thought that was because I used Vitamin D and know Covid is a fraud. But now I wonder whether it was also in part because of pure will-power, "the placebo effect". (If that was so, of course, it was through the grace of God to bestow on me that sort of mind.)

Knowledge, focusing the mind, and as ever, truth, drives out terror.

More on the placebo effect later.

An Préachan

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