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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Saddest column I've read on the Church, along with other Corvinian observations...


Saddest column I've read on the Church, and that's saying a lot.... The estimable Anthony Esolen has a column that every Catholic ought to read. It's title is The Loss of the Heart of a Human Community.

I could describe it, but it is too depressing. Yet this vignette at Rorate Caeli gives a sense of it: 
In a few years, a heritage of many centuries was thrown down; thousand-year-old habits were forgotten, cursed, castigated, and condemned. Mrs. Michu [*the average homemaker], who had not read the Acts of the Council and had no intention of devoting ten seconds to it, observed with astonishment, in her parish:

 The abolition of the choir, that was all well and good but…
 The elimination of Latin; well, she didn’t understand anything of it, but the objective was for God to understand.
 The appearance of a table in front of the altar—it was her neighbor who had provided it!
 The celebration of the Mass facing the people, which made the celebrant turn his back to the tabernacle, which seemed incongruous to Mrs. Michu, but not to the celebrant.
 The distribution of Communion in the hand; Mrs. Michu had seen children put the host in their pocket.
 The upheaval of the calendar and the suppression of the patron saint of the parish. She learned that even St. Philomena, the favorite saint of the Curé d’Ars, had disappeared in the turmoil.
 The destruction of confessionals.
 The prohibition of kneeling.
 The suppression of Corpus Christi processions.
 The abandonment of the recitation of the Rosary.
And so on and so forth… Mrs. Michu did as another neighbor did; she decided not to go to church again, except for weddings and funerals. Her religion had been changed.

This vignette gets the idea across, alright.
The Church is in absolute freefall. From the putridly wretched Canadian bishop Esolen references in his essay, to the Evil Ogre "pope" Bergoglio's appointment of human dregs, such as now a pro-abortion atheist, to the Pontifical Academy on Life, the Church is just a quivering husk of anything it once was. Bergoglio even appointed a gay friendly (code for gay?) bishop to lead culture and education in the Curia.  

They need a good beating. Put in the stocks and cudgeled in an effort to save their souls by getting through to them. "Spare the rod and spoil the child." (Proverbs 13:24; 23:13-14) But no one will put them into stocks; until, that is, Satan gets around to it himself.

I suspect there's a revolution coming, though. Old Cardinal Mueller set off a earthquake with his interview with Raymond Arroyo the other day. Of course, the mainstream Catholic press ignored it. Mueller talked about Bergoglio and his obscene "Synod" being actually a hostile takeover of the Church. It is.

And now Bishop Athanasius Schneider has instituted a Crusader Cross. Dom Alcuin Reid has broken his monastery away from the local bishop. All are examples of the road to take, and suggest where that road will lead.

Something is up, that's for sure. The vast majority of bishops will play ostrich, and take what comes up the derriere. Most remaining Catholics – I mean the huge number of those outside of Trad circles or those few, very orthodox Charismatic groups – just won't "get it". They're clueless now. Most will remain that way. But it will happen. You can sense the sea change. The black-mantled ships are sailing upriver from Pelargir. How it will blossom and play out, I know not. But I pray I live long enough to see it.

N.B. Vatican II wrecked my Catholic life and nearly threw me back on "The Old Ones", but not quite (obviously). However, it is fascinating to read the original documents planned for Vatican II, which you can access via this enthralling article at Ann Barnhardt's. 
Some examples you can access:
Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on the Sources of Revelation,

Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution [on] Defending Intact the Deposit of Faith,

Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,

Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on the Christian Moral Order,

Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on Chastity, Marriage, the Family, and Virginity,

Draft of a Dogmatic Constitution on the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God and Mother of Men

But Roncalli didn't defend these; he folded like mushy spaghetti. And he made Montini a cardinal.

    An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

A bizarre conversation with a quasi-Leftist – and the natures of all Leftist evil

As operation Steadfast Noon roars on across Europe, ending on October 30, with nuclear war staggering along the rim of Hell, and as I see the Dutch government trying to feed Dutch children worms and insects, this abomination in perhaps the richest agricultural nation in Europe, I happened to find myself in a conversation about Hershel Walker's senatorial campaign with a middle-age Leftist who insists she's not all that Left.

No disconnect exists here...
Maybe, pounded our insane reality, I am losing my own mind, to speak to such people. Or maybe it is quite apropos. She loathes Trump, Republicans, all that, but on other issues, especially about many aspects of European and Hungarian life, she's not too bad. It is as though she was some sort of bipolar answering machine.

But I have tired of her harping on Hershel Walker. Nothing that man says or does serves. He's a right bastard to her mainly because she insists he is a hypocrite. (Plainly, she also thinks he is a stupid "field hand" and not a "house Negro," as Warnock seems to be to her) It's not that Walker has arranged abortions or did whatever mayhem. It's that precisely because he's changed his mind on all that – he's just a hypocrite and a hypocrite stands infinitely worse than a guy actually currently promoting abortions of children of his own race, as Warnock does.

She'd rather vote for Warnock, the evil Moloch preacher than Walker, the reformed non-politician. And she accuses me of hypocrisy because I support Walker for senator. So, finally I wrote:

Two candidates for senator: both Black, both have records of promoting abortion, etc., but one has changed and the other stays on the all-things-Left side, including supporting the slaughter of Black unborns.

You are OK with murder...of infants? Black ones?

Meanwhile the social progressives/Democrats/even-mild-middle Leftists that Warnock belongs to are OK with money-hungry doctors cutting off teenage girls' breasts and gentiles off of teenage boys, and you say the Repubs are bad?!?!?

Bottom Line: the Nature of Leftism considered
My friends, being a Leftist isn't about clear thinking, reason, rationality, OR morality.

It IS about seeing the world, human life, our place in existence in a very different way than the rest of us do, which stands based on 1000's of years recorded human experience.

A naturalist or traditional natural "conservative" accepts life as it is: men are men, women are women, we all have but a few years, if blessed, to do and achieve what we want to, so long as our goals fit into the eternal verities.

Eternal verities. The Left rejects eternal verities as it teaches we are the product of evolution. One of verities is we must work in life, for work defines us. A man builds his own life and not boss about others on how they live their lives, and to achieve this, we create laws that remain necessarily based on the wisdom of the ages and specifically the ancient Jewish, then more profound traditional Christian, understanding of morality. Long, long before the UFO query, "Are we alone", man knew he was most definitely NOT alone.

The Left says we ARE alone, and thus there's no one to hear you scream when they come for you.

A Leftist truly lives in a "Twilight Zone". His thought devolves down from that hedonist Rousseau, on through the Satanist (and he was) Marx's fevered economics (Chesterton said "Economic Determinism is like saying, because we have feet, we only walk around on them to find shoes for them."). Then, it got bifurcated into political systems of repression, parties-that-rule-all, especially your life. It takes over countries and kills 100s of millions. Whether Black Communism, the racist sort of the Nazi or the modern Black Lives Matter kind, or the Red Communism of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party kind, or the "Watermelon" kind, that uses ecological concerns (green) to cover their real goals (red all through).

And bizarrely through all this menage of madness: one MUST obey authority. One MUST obey the Party. One has no will of one's own, and can never disagree or change one's mind. (This woman I refer to is, in a small way, an excellent example of this.) As Tulsi Gabbard found when she went against the Democrats' warmongering. And that very thing lay behind Trump's betrayal by the RINOs, as well. This coming war is coming now for a reason.

What is it all for?
And why all this blood? Why all this soul control? For aping the Christian doctrine of charity. See Matthew 5:42 and 25:35-40; Communism, Marxism, Socialism, whatever you call it, takes Christian charity and turns it into murder and civilizational destruction. It is, definitely, a Christian heresy, and when the Church was religious, it dealt with it like that, up to St. Pius X and Pius XI; afterward, increasingly, it treated Leftism as a political or social movement as Pius XII treated Nazism, and has today almost succumbed to it.

Many things distinguish Leftism, but perhaps unreality is the most profoundly horrifying. And the most ridiculous. It's all so ridiculously stupid, and yet it has killed over 100 million people in the 20th century and is ruining the lives of 100s more.
  • 70 years ago, this was the urgent world-saving scenario for which people needed to die:
  • "What! You are taking my cows for the 'greater good' and "From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs? Go to Hell! Leave them alone!" The Left's answer back then was:
  • Bang-bang, you're dead.
  • Today, the urgent world-saving scenario stands on the non-existent "climate change": 
  • "What! You're taking my fertilizer and starving us to stop global warming? And instead, you're making my kids eat bugs! Go to Hell!"
  • What do you think the Left's "solution" will be?
None of this is rational. It is no more "scientific" than the Voodoo about Covid.

For example; as I note to the Leftist lady above: doctors, physicians, prestigious medical schools, are crazily, diabolically mutilating children for life. The psychology behind it is vomitingly awful, the worse kind of pseudo-"science" – but definitely the metaphysics is non-existent. You cannot change a man into a woman biologically or psychologically any more than you can change the shape of the soul, for it is the soul that what gives the body form, and when the soul departs, the physical body thus returns to its chemical parts.

Very, very few, vanishingly few, doctors – almost no lawyers or politicians – even know what metaphysics is. The Supreme Court in general and certainly in the latter half of the 20th century, constituted the least informed or curious group of attorney's in history. Medicine has become the same. The Roe v. Wade decision was a howler of nonsense, it constituted an ersatz group compilation, and the history of it, and the sources, have to be read to be believed

When you read this shocking history that reveals Roe's farrago of idiocy, you'll be tempted to despair. Justice Harry Blackmun was clueless. He asked his modern and expensively, elite school trained daughters what they thought of abortion. (Guess what their answer was.) He "wrote" the opinion with hacks and abortion partisans; he consulted no embryologists, no geneticists. He could have polled a dozen each, but "consulted" these deadbeats who happened to be in his orbit.
  • For this? 45-50 million babies murdered? The Demon Moloch again worshiped throughout the world. The moral fiber of the nation turned into mud and the Democratic Party impaled on the hellish contradiction. Insanity. We suffered through half a century of hell because this group of mental imbeciles mashed together the Roe opinion?

Aye, here's the rub...
Ah, but you see, however the Left connives to get a stooge like Blackmun to give them straw, they bake nearly imperishable bricks of evil out of it with which to wage their "Long March Through the Institutions", their "war of position" through Western Culture, in order to gut it for their eventual triumph. Saul Alinsky wrote about the method, and Cloward-Piven explained it in detail. It is the same method the Ogre Bergoglio uses to destroy the Church, as Cardinal Mueller explains. In fact, it is what the Frankfurter Schule Communist intellectuals back in the 1920s ginned up.

And it has so profoundly infected people like the one above with whom I sometimes correspond, an "iron curtain" of the human mind as impenetrable as walls of Barad-dûr.

   An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Our rulers want a nuclear war – now it's up to God whether we're nuked.


With great sadness I must admit defeat. I've been trying to be positive about the world avoiding a "nuclear exchange", but every indicator points to Whoever Is in charge of the Biden Regime (WICeBeR) to be primed for such a war. Whether Russia technically "starts" it with a nuke demonstration somewhere in Ukraine or not, it is coming, unless the Lord God doesn't want it at this time. Indeed, it would take a miracle to avoid such a war, now.

For some time, I have been accumulating reasons for and against a war happening, but basically, since the idiot, loathsome WICeBeR (Biden Regime) bombed the Nord Stream pipelines, the launch sequence has been started. And right now, what with places as disparate as Poland and New Jersey gearing up for radiation sickness, there can be no doubt.

See Sam Faddis here for the widespread sale and positioning of anti-radiation drugs like Nplate and potassium iodide tablets in such diverse places in Europe and America. They're serious about this, in other words.

See the monkey (hat tip to a friend) about how the U.S. "did" the pipeline. Lots of detail and indications that the U.K. didn't participate.

In closing, I'll make a few observations, FWIW, and while I still can.
  • Had Hillary Clinton been elected in 2016 instead of Donald Trump, we would have had this war five or six years ago. It's been planned for some time now by whoever is running the world. All this Globalism, all this Big Pharma turning the entire human race into drug addicts, and the lies setting ourselves at each others throats: it is all of a pattern. One does no have to be paranoid to see how we always amazingly get what we absolutely do not want.
  • Getting involved in a war is a traditional way politicians "get out the vote" and "wave the flag" to stir up patriotism and get voters to "rally around" the incumbent. Now is the time to do it, if they are going to try this gambit. A true "October Surprise."
  • Historically, we, the collective American people, should have disbanded and forbidden the Democrat Party when we defeated them in 1865 after four years and insanely high casualty rates. As the joke goes, we've never seen Democrats so angry since we freed their slaves. They re-enslaved the Blacks via Jim Crow and the Blacks have been voting Democrat ever since because the Dems "feed them". "Lincoln freed us but Roosevelt (FDR) feeds us," was a Black political slogan. Lyndon Johnson said after the passage of his "Great Society" social hand-out legislation in the '60s "Them n-word will be voting for us forever." (Or close enough. Not surprisingly, it is difficult to find this famous quote.)
  • As now today with the evil (yes, pure evil, Moloch worshiping baby-murdering evil) Biden Regime, the Democrats have always gotten us into every major war we ever fought. Jefferson and Madison, "proto-Democrats" got us into the War of 1812, James K. Polk lead us in the Mexican War – General Ulysses S. Grant always thought and said the Civil War was divine punishment for the Mexican War – the Democrats made the Civil War an absolute necessity and then, like today, tried to destroy the nation; then they got us into both World War I and II, and the Cold War, then Korea and Vietnam. The two Bushes, RINOs in full, got us into the Mideastern Wars. The ONLY war actual Republican-Republicans got us into was the Spanish-American war, which lasted merely a few months (from April to August, 1898; and then it was William Jennings Bryan, a Democrat, who insured Congress voted to annex the Philippines and Puerto Rico).
  • The biggest political mistake of the 20th century – for the entire world – occurred when Calvin Coolidge, a very successful Republican president (who BTW only assumed the office because the RINO died suddenly), decided not to run again for president in 1928. That decision gave us Herbert Hoover as president during the Great Depression. Mind you, Hoover happened to be a good man and a great humanitarian who TWICE saved the German people from starving! But as president, it turned out to be a role for which he was unsuited; he didn't know how to handle the 1929 Stock Market crash; Coolidge would have known, and he had the absolute, unfettered love and confidence of the American people. Anyway, Hoover made possible the election of "that strange feline man" Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who would open the U.S. government to the Communists. "The die was cast" for the fate of the nation with FDR's election. Today's stark existential crisis follows as the direct result of that election.
  • Richard Nixon should roast in Hell because he didn't contest the 1960 election, which might have well be stolen. (The chances are high, but not certain, as we are with the 2020 stolen election.)
  • Richard Nixon was a RINO of RINOs. In the 1960s – the 1960s, mind you – we had real men who could have been president: Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, but the rulers of the Republican Party, then called "The Country Club Republicans" and not "RINOs", gave us Nixon instead.
  • It was the same crowd who insisted Reagan appoint the first George Bush to be his vice-president. That wast the biggest mistake Ronald Reagan ever made.  
  • Republicans who subsequently ran for President, until Trump came along, were all RINOs. The two Bushes of course (the first one lost he re-election bid), then Bob Dole and John McCain and Mitt Romney, the latter simply putrid. Putrid, as he has shown himself to be as a senator. McCain might have won in 2008, but refused to politically attack that wretch Obama, and thus Obama coasted to victory. It is often said the Biden Administration is Obama's third term.
So, my friends, it is no wonder the RINOs hate the MAGA Republicans. The two really are separate parties. The MAGA are like Meloni's party in Italy; the RINOs are like the English Tories. And the Democrats are now the full Communist Party (there exists a long-standing Communist Party USA or whatever factions it now has). And the Democrats are poised to face a historic defeat in this November 8th election. A titanic, party-crushing loss, in fact. Were it to happen. We're it to happen, it will be a true bellwether. If. The Democrats will do whatever they have to, including nuke the world, to keep power. (If a nuclear war doesn't occur in the next couple of months, in fact, the next few weeks, they'll arrest Trump and charge him with the Devil knows what. They're truly mad.

Think I'm over-reacting? After watching FBI agents commando-style arrest Mark Houck, that Catholic father of seven, pointing their automatics at him and his wife and doing all the heavy-breathing drama of a SWAT team taking down a Cartel lord – on a middle-aged father of seven of whom the state and local authorities would not bring charges – after seeing that (and only ONE Catholic bishop protesting it!), I'm convinced there's enough SA Camp Guards and Waffen SS-spirited men – enough KGB/Stasi types lurking in our Federal police and bureaucrats – that they would not hesitate to blow the American nation to pieces rather than see Donald J. Trump inaugurated again as president.

And they'd do the same to De Santis or anyone else unless they KNEW such would bend to their will. And anyway, should war be miraculously averted, the RINOs will run De Santis against Trump and split the vote. That's how the RINOs are, like that scorpion in the fable who stabbed frog to death after promising not to, and thus drowning himself as well. With his dying breath, the frog asked why he would do such a horrible thing, and scorpion said, "I'm a scorpion; it's what I do".

I've often enjoined everyone I know to pray till I sound like a broken record. But we can avert this coming catastrophe should we pray hard enough. But that's the only way.

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.



Thursday, October 6, 2022

Anthrax, Pasteur, an the Never-Ending Fraud of Modern Medicine

A Chairde, Amici,

Still worried about viruses? Don't be. The charlatan who dreamed them up, Louis Pasteur, was SUCH a fraud that he'd make the worst sort of used car salesman look like Sir Galahad.

The estimable Steve Kirsch, who has been fighting the Covid vaccines like a hero but who himself still believes in the virus fraud, has an article up about the many reasons why universities should halt all "vaccine mandates" forthwith.

Kirsch writes as reason number one: "Mandates are unethical because the harms clearly outweigh the benefits; it isn’t even a close call." 


Let's think about this a second. Universities are supposed to be places wherein smart people dwell and work up smart solutions to the world's problems. By definition, they're supposed to be "egg factories" producing "eggheads" smarter than the rest of us. Yet look at how unutterably stupid the people teaching these intellectual havens of misrule seem to be. They totally miss Kirsch's "close call." What gives?

If such a thing were only an occasional flaw, we could say it's happenstance or coincidence. But it isn't remotely happenstance. It is absolute. Totally ubiquitous. So, as Bugs Bunny used to say, "What gives?"

Conclusion: Since this "missing the clues" is so ubiquitous a thing, we can conclude it is not accidental. Therefore, it is intentional. The Powers-that-Be are organized for our destruction in no small part by taking over our academic "egg head" factories to in order to produce rotten eggs. As I wrote in a recent essay, Monolith of Lies Cracking, our modern civilization is simply choking to death on lies. 

As a case in point: this article by Sally Fallon Morell, discusses the history of anthrax. In detail. Especially about that old fraud Louis Pasteur and his "anthrax vaccine" for sheep.

Anthrax was a common problem for European sheep back in those days (later 1800s). And in France a competition for a cure was developed and promoted – with big cash prizes – for anyone who could develop a "vaccine". So, off to the races! Scientists and veterinarians and whoever else tried to develop a vaccine on the pattern of Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine. I.e. they tried to attenuate anthrax down to a benign form so they could inject that into sheep in order for the sheep to develop anthrax immunity. Morell discusses how Pasteur cheated and falsified his findings in order to win. This is true. Much of it is in his surviving papers made public a few decades ago. After Pasteur celebrated winning, orders came pouring in for his anthrax "vaccine".

However, the stupid thing didn't work – of course – not from the beginning, and Pasteur received letters from all over Europe – even from Hungary where the Préachán currently roosts – about how sheep were dying en masse who had been given it. Now, the kicker is, anthrax mirrored arsenic poisoning, and as arsenic was removed from sheep dip over the following decades, sheep anthrax disappeared.

This story parallels polio. How polio appeared in late 19th century America after an arsenic-based fruit-tree spray had been introduced. When DDT replaced the arsenic-lead concoction, the polio changed to mirror that. Eventually, with the dropping of DDT, polio disappeared! And virologists took the credit! Gee, imagine that. (Actually, the polio fraud is incredible: the "vaccines" didn't remove it from the world, but where it still exists, as in India, the medicos changed its name; it is now called Acute Flaccid Paralysis, AFP).

So, my query is, why isn't this WIDELY known? What doesn't EVERY academic institution remotely involved with medicine know about this? It ought to be a famous case, on many levels. Pasteur was treated as a god in his day, but that was then. We OUGHT to know all this now. Yet all we get is crickets.

Again, this failure is too ubiquitous to be accidental. There's a great medical/health fraud being perpetrated on us all, for a century, while common sense seems to be completely alien to the discussion. It is like academia self-selects for sheeple, not people. And any actual people who try to get through the "sheep dip of academia" are in effect given Pasteur's anthrax vaccine.

An Préachán

Pasteur being worshipped.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

How likely is nuclear war, really? Do you really want to find out? Or is this just rope-a-dope?


How likely is a nuclear war right now? Sam Faddis has a good article on it here, and Tucker Carlson has said a number of times now that it is very possible, and is actually saying it is likely; indeed, unavoidable. Carlson's biting sarcasm is excellent and I recommend the video for that alone. But at 4:30 in, he says this act of blowing up the pipelines, perpetrated by the Biden Administration, leaves us no off ramp to avoid total war with Russia. "There's no off ramp now, no way out. We are all in, no matter what that means, no matter where it goes."

That's probably true, but maybe not.

Faddis, in his essay, demands de-escalation. The old CIA hand minces no words about the absolute necessity of de-escalation. But of course, Obama or Victoria Nuland (or whoever is running the show) want escalation, not de-escalation. They are FINALLY where they want to be, in a position they've been lusting for and they're not going to give it up. They are the lords of life and death, Sauron come again. They're either monumentally stupid or hand-in-glove with the WEF and the like, whose ogres lust for a nuke war to wipe a large chunk of the human population. THEY'LL be safe in their bunkers in Switzerland, they think. Maybe. And maybe the world's survivors might dispatch them without compunction.

This war was planned years ago
I hope you all realize that had the Hag, Hillary Clinton, been elected in 2016, we'd have had this war four years ago or five. She would have produced bogus "evidence" that Putin tried to elect Trump and pushed it till it exploded. These people are sick. They are demented in the diabolical sense of being possessed or under demonic oppression. They'll do whatever they are told. And China is telling them how to behave, since they intend to benefit from the Fall of Europe and the West. Our government is in the hands of orcs, as one blogger put it. (Where there's a whip, there's a way.) And of course, the Democrats need a war before November. It's the oldest play in their book.

Perhaps I'm crazy, but I think old Colonel Douglas MacGregor is closer to the mark here in this interview. He says the Germans are unanimous in not wanting war with Russia. In fact, in all of Europe, only Poland wants war with Russia, he asserts, and a few people in Washington, D.C. MacGregor says that should Biden try to go to a full war such as Carlson predicts and Faddis fears, NATO will break into pieces. To put it simply: a war like that is NOT why they joined into NATO! "What?! You mean you want us to actually fight?!"

Living here in Europe, I think that's true. The last thing the Euros want is a WWII-style war, let alone a WWIII. Going nuclear also terrifies them, of course, in an "icing on the cake" way; large numbers of Russian men are trying to flee their country for the same reason. Only Poland is straining at the bit, and their hatred of Russia and Russians goes back far beyond WWII or WWI. And are the Americans going to fight it by themselves? Of course the American military is a disaster area, crushed by political correctness, "wokeness", trannies, and Satan knows what else. The vaccine "mandates" alone have gutted the services: they are all short of pilots and sailors and real soldiers. See Gateway Pundit for details. (Look at the picture of the current recruits!) Besides all that, we've emptied our war wallet and our armories to supply Ukraine since February. What weapons are we going to be using? That's how idiotic our "leaders" are!

MacGregor also points out what Faddis does not; i.e. that until now, the Russians in Ukraine have been few, relatively speaking. There's been more (or there was more) Ukrainians in arms against them. Now, I believe the Ukraine's recent offensives that the Western media keeps blathering about are not what the media says they are. These attacks are manned and managed by the CIA and mercenaries. Conversely, Putin has consolidated his Ukrainian holdings and if the Ukrainian government doesn't back down – and they can't because the pathetic little Ukrainian dictatorship stands totally in thrall to the American regime – Putin can pour in a lot more soldiers after performing an American military-style "Shock-and-Awe" attack. Russia remains capable of bombing Ukrainian targets with conventional weaponry to a horrific level; they can destroy Ukrainian infrastructure like the U.S. did in Iraq. Then pour in what reserves the Russians have. Why nuke? And should that mean taking all Ukraine, why not?

So, what if Putin tries this "full-on" American-style scenario, or even used a "tactical nuke" in a specific spot? The United States of America has a demoralized, literally hen-pecked military and NO ACTUAL elected political leadership. And we're out of conventional ammunition. Should Putin go "shock-and-awe", I think the bigshots of the Biden Regime would wet their diapers and bend over and grab their ankles. They're counting on Putin to be bluffing and to be out of mojo. Maybe. Or he might just be playing rope-a-dope.

Do we really want to find out?

As I and so many others keep saying: PRAY!

    An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Monolith of Lies cracking? Publisher withdraws 100s of "science" papers, and Brazil's election


One of the essential problems we have had in this bizarre 21st century is the lies. Right now, in Brazil, a grotesque old lie is being recycled. Doesn't the Left get bored with their cyclical lies? Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is coming in second to a former president, a Socialist, convicted criminal Communist  Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva, and now they will face each other in a run-off election on October 30 – just the two of them. No spoiler candidates. Now the big lie: please note that all the voting in Brazil is done electronically, no paper ballots, and registered by machines from Smartmatic, initially from Venezuela. That sure inspires confidence! See this article for details; however, the big tell is Bolsonaro's party has won large majorities in the Brazilian congress and many governorships, so how is that Bolsonaro's party does so well except in his own personal election? Haven't we seen this movie before? Biden's Stolen Election Risen from the Unquiet Dead, that's the title of this Brazilian "remake".

Politics has always involved lies, but in the past few decades, lying has become a mortal disease to this entire civilization. Marriage vows (too often) mean nothing. The Hippocratic Oath is forgotten. And besides ditching all the Ten Commandments in general, moderns definitely excise the the 8th Commandment, Thou shalt not bear false witness (for most of Protestantism, that's the 9th Commandment). We are adrift in lies and falsehoods, sworn or casual, in private life to public life (not much change there, really), and in the Church, from the laity to the hierarchy. Bergoglio has to be the most massive liar in ecclesiastical history – at least since Judas.

But Covid has shown us we are definitely immersed in lies from the many fields of science, although peer review is perhaps more rigorous in practical science, such as the various chemistries, geologies, mathematics. If your plane crashes and your bridge collapses, people are going to kinda notice.

Now, however, in Covid's aftermath (its bloody afterbirth of insane vaccine mortality, injury, and sterilization rates), anyone with two cents of brain wattage is going to be looking upon the planet-wide catastrophe that Big Pharma and medicine, especially virology, caused, and demand answers. As ever more athletes drop dead and young people have hideous, manglely blood clots pulled from their arteries, people are asking questions. (Well, millions don't ask, and won't, but they're now mostly transhuman "Borg" prototypes anyway. See a Borg example here

News has now broken that Wiley, a major publisher of scientific journals, is retracting 500 science articles. Thomas Lifson has a detailed report here at American Thinker. Lifson, who has a history in academia, is fascinating here. Also read about the arrogant trans-bots at the UN preening they "own the science" – boasting "that the elites want people to follow the science because they 'own the science'". This article also reveals that these morons have partnered with Google "to to suppress or censor any opposing viewpoints" regarding "Climate Change". Climate Change is the biggest science lie since Pasteur dreamed up viruses.

You can imagine what they're doing with the developing Covid vaccine mortality-injury-sterility cover-up.

That's our world. What is galling is that we've known "the plan" for decades. For instance, see this article and this popular news-based one. The name of John Ioannidis is the one to search for. He reported on science papers being fraudulent years ago and was roundly attacked by those who wanted to defend the status quo. Those anti-Ioannidis articles pop up whenever you search for Ioannidis' name. When Covid became a thing, he started to raise questions and was slapped down. California now has jumped-the-shark as Governor Newsom has signed a law that making it illegal to raise questions about Covid and/or "settled science". "‘Unconstitutional, anti-science’: Newsom signs bill that punishes CA doctors who question COVID vax safety". '“That sound you hear is any sensible medical professional fleeing California,” the article reports one Twitter user wrote."'

My friends, this is all simply a continuing freak show, a hellish soap opera for saps. But ultimately it is all part of the long-established and long-running Cloward-Priven plan to bring down the West. See this essay at Gateway Pundit for details. An extract:
Obama is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Deep State, United Nations, World Economic Forum and China. The reason it’s important to know Obama is the real president is because Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983- where we learned the plan to destroy America.

That plan was called “Cloward-Piven.”

Obama learned it well. It’s happening today. Look around. The powers-that-be have just given it a different name: “The Great Reset.”

But the goals are the same- destroy America, make us into a socialist nation, make everyone poor and dependent on government to survive, and make us into a one-party country (Democrat Party) with no opposition or dissent.

Meself again:
Cloward-Priven were two Communist ideologue academics who merely carried over into the modern-world what the Frankfurter schule conjured up in the 1920s. Just as the Brazilian election is a Leftist fraud imitation of the American 2020 election, the Left never has any new ideas. They're just stupid adherents of the greatest heresy the Church has faced since the rise of Islam. We can deal with the Ogre Bergoglio easily enough, and his Modernist "Lavender Mafia" currently running the mainstream Church, though I suspect Bergoglio's real damage to the Church we'll discover once he's dead: i.e., he has broken Tradition in such a way (and lied about it) that the Church's governing system stans broken; something we saw taking shape in the reigns of Paul VI, JP I and JP II. But the Socialist heresy, like Islam, will not be so easily defeated.

Pray, as Archbishop Viganò calls for in this new essay

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.