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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Dr Robert Malone interviewed by Stew Peters: you must see this


Please, please watch this Stew Peters interviews Dr. Robert Malone

You simply must watch this. The fraud of Covid and the machinations of government, academia, the military, and Tony Fauci, etc., Malone touches on all of it.
  • About Covid "vaccines", Dr. Malone says the cost-benefit-risk analysis now unequivocally shows none of the mRNA 'vaccines' are worth taking. They're far more harmful than beneficial.
  • At thirty-two minutes in, Malone explains what the "vaccines" are doing create blood-clots. Just an absolute horror.
  • At 34:11 to 35:55, Dr. Malone talks about "The Big Kahuna, Reproductive Toxicology," and specifically what this means for girls. If this doesn't make you extremely angry, then nothing will.
  • N.B. The interview itself begins at 7:21 minutes in, but the first seven minutes are excellent, too. Peters discusses the total media blackout of Robert F. Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and the censorship of Dr. Malone, much else besides.
See also Dr. Malone's website article for a thorough report on the Indiana Insurance Company One-America's CEO J. Scott Davison's report about a 40 percent jump in deaths among 18-64 year-olds in the U.S. This is truly unprecedented news because nothing remotely like it has happened before in all history. "Covid" is not listed on their death certificates, but the illnesses caused by the "vaccines" most certainly are.

Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress about to destroy the U.S. voting system; if they succeed, there'll be no more free, honest elections in the U.S. True revolution will result. Elections are a safety valve; take them away and an explosion will become a necessity.

Finally, indications exist suggesting that in the U.S. (and Europe, too?) food supply chain mechanisms are about to crash completely after two years of endless harassment and government intervention. It makes perfect sense when you consider all the harm lockdowns and PCR testing has done. Food stocks are very low and this year's crop isn't even planted. But just getting the food from farmers to your table might prove impossible, precisely with the CDC in the U.S. is issuing insane new guidelines rendering common cold symptoms enough to "lock you down' from work for weeks or months. Already the shortage of medical personnel who resigned rather than be "jabbed" is causing the hospital system severe stress.

We'll know about two weeks from now how dire this food situation will be, or begin to know. It depends on many factors, of course. But I ask you all: after two years of intentional destruction of social feeling and common compassion resulting from Covid and government propaganda to induce mass paranoia, not to mention the rise of BLM and Antifa burning out cities, do any of you think the general population, when actually put to starving, is going to be anything but absolutely feral?

The denouement of the Age of Covid is about to crash in upon us. And as the saying is, "reality bites".

An Préachán

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