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Monday, July 31, 2023

The Evil that Bergoglio Does Affects Us All: St. Barnabas Parish


If Bergoglio isn't an antipope, then what is he? He's bringing Hell and Death onto the Church from every angle, and I'm sorry, I've lost patience with Trad Catholics who keep insisting this monster is a valid pope.

Read this article, from a typical Trad site, OnePeterFive, and tell me I'm wrong. 

Because of a stupid, and most heartless, thug bishop Bergoglio has appointed to St. Louis, one Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski, installed in 2020, a flourishing TLM that saved a parish which was going to be closed over a decade ago, is being cancelled right now. The thug ordinary gave the Catch-22 choice to the priest whose parish it was to either transfer to another parish or retire. Either give up the Mass of the Ages or jump down a rabbit hole. He chose retirement in order to be close to his aged mother.

Archbishop Mephistopheles Rozanski will close down the TLM St Barnabas parish (which also offered 'orthodoxly' celebrated NO Masses), mixing this thriving parish in with a gazillion failed NO parishes. Clearly, an attempt at CYA. Just read the article for details. And note the mealy-mouthed commentary the article's author quotes from Ross Douthat.

No, no, no, a thousand times no. We have to tell these diabolical bums we don't believe their garbage about the TLM, we don't believe they are remotely honest with themselves, let alone us, and we don't believe the current "pope" is anything but a servant of the Hater of God and His Holy Church. In short, their "Ape of the Church" as Fulton Sheen called it, is NOT the Catholic Church. Our failure to confront them is pitiful. But they strike where we are weak. They strike us who are burdened with many responsibilities and obligations. They know the parishioners of TLM parishes have large families to tend to, homes to maintain, jobs to keep. We can't just go and stage a massive parish-wide sit in at the church itself and dare them to drag us out. (That would be the best protest against them.) They're cowards, liars, and leeches. 

We need a Crusade against these imposters, a Holy War of peaceful confrontation and prayer, some form of protest where we occupy the church they want to close and garner media attention to our plight – because they themselves are waging a Hell-inspired jihad against us and what remains of the Catholic Church, 24-7.

         An P