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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Pope Francis, Taqiyya, the TLM, and Justice


'Justice' is traditionally defined as merely giving something its due. Treat a dog or horse as a man should treat these wonderful animals who are so close to us, and you do them justice. Leave your family inheritance to your cat, and you've not done justice to your cat (or your family!) any more than were you to beat your dog or horse.

The man who currently occupies St. Peter's throne, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, does not treat the Traditional Latin Mass justly. Bergoglio does not give the TLM its due. He is unjust to it, and continues to heap injustice after injustice on it and all its devotees. This is illogical because the TLM WAS the essential defining element of the Catholic Church since the "Dreamtime of the Church" before Constantine. It's current growing popularity is founded on many reasons, but one of them is precisely how "Catholic" and "Catholic defining" the TLM is.

Bergoglio's actions are also deeply immoral, and as Bergoglio proves himself on this subject to be "unreformable" (if I may "coin a phrase"), and refuses to change, to soften or ameliorate his obviously hurtful, cruel, unforgiving policies, then we can conclude Bergoglio is immoral. Put another way, he's a true Modernist (in ecclesiastical terms) and Modernists have ever and always proven they're willing to say one thing and do another to further their ends. They are like Lenin, who promised "Bread, peace, land" and instead created a slave state. This sort of behavior – promising one thing and doing another for some "higher purpose"  is a sort of ecclesiastical version of the Muslim principle of Taqiyya: lying to promote Islam. It's a principle Communists, Fascists (see: Covid) and Modernists have always embraced.

Bergoglio has Taqiyya as a well-established principle which he uses to abuse the Church; for example, he and his "peeps" such as the pathetic individual who is currently archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Cupich, lie profusely and continually about the ad orientem posture many priests want to say the Novus Ordo Mass in. The Vatican II documents they keep harping about and the 1970-establilshed rubrics for it, clearly indicate the Vatican II Fathers, and seemingly the author of the N.O. Missal, assumed the priest would be saying the N.O. Mass ad orientem, and not ad populum. So, any prelate insisting only on the ad populum is lying. Yes, lying. Far, far too much has been written about this subject over the years for them to pretend they never heard of these arguments. Thus, they're liars.

And Bergoglio, in his document Traditionis Custodes and his observations extra to Traditionis Custodes proper, continue to maintain Pope Benedict issued Summorum Pontificum ONLY to satiate the few old folks whom are the only people Bergoglio insists who want the TLM. These are lies. Bergoglio lies. Cardinal Roche lies. Cupich lies. On and on. Continually. It is classic Taqiyya. The recent Dubia created and answered in such a way to give Bergoglio reasons to crack even further down on the TLM were clearly made up. They were fabricated; they were concocted as a "false flag" operation to allow Bergoglio, through his minions, especially Cardinal Roche, to further limit the TLM.

So, clearly, Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, loathes the Traditional Latin Mass and will stop at nothing to "cancel" it. He loathes much of traditional Catholicism and will stop at nothing to cancel it. It has long been observed that the political and theologically Left Bergoglio likes everybody of every persuasion, EXCEPT orthodox Catholics.

Whatever the original Vatican II Council was or wasn't, its legacy has been totally fouled by the Modernists in the Church, of whom Bergoglio is the chief. For Bergoglio to insist on all priests and bishops and religious orders to "accept Vatican II" is a Taqiyya operation because in the past 50 years, Vatican II has been so stretched, distorted, and perverted, that no one can "accept" anything about it.

This upcoming synod, XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2023, will be their chance at the creation of a different Catholic Church, and the capstone of all their evils. Bergoglio has famously said that he doesn't want to create a new Church but a different Church. Notice the timing between Traditionis Custodes, the Dubiya, this coming March's yet further crackdown on the TLM, and then this Synod in October, are all evenly space out over a year. They've been planning this for a while, obviously. And it is time we stopped them.

How? Openly repudiate them. No more of this. We must, figuratively, take off our masks. Covid is finally ending in "narrative collapse" and so is "the spirit of Vatican II." Repudiate all this. We must. Whether Bergoglio was lawfully elected pope or not – and the evidence at least suggests he wasn't, and the continued existence of the mysterious "Father Benedict" reiterates that as does Bergoglio's antics since his installation – he's been a disaster for the Church. Bergoglio's pontificate is absolutely dodgy, from its start to today; it should go down in history as the Taqiyya Pontificate. But most of all, his evil, manifestly unjust behavior toward the TLM and its adherents, removes him from the papal office just as much as were he to "cancel" the Holy Trinity and assert a "Holy Duality" or ban the Rosary from all Catholic churches. Would either of those acts "wake up" the world's bishops?

Honestly. What more could he do to prove he loathes Catholicism as it has been understood since the beginning? And remember the one lesson we all should have learned since World War II: when a leader says he doesn't like you, whether it was Hitler talking about how Jews needed to be erased or France's Macron talking how he's going to hurt French citizens who refuse "vaccination", well, believe them! And believe Jorge Mario Bergoglio. 

An Préachán

See Rorate-caeli here for some spirited, admirable commentary, as in:
"No, none at all! The "battle" of the Catholic Mass was definitively and irreversibly won by Archbishop Lefebvre in the 1980s. There is no need to do what’s already been done! There are tens of thousands of priests throughout the world who celebrate the Gregorian Mass, and it is not the gesticulations of some Roman secretary or some residential bishop on overtime that will change anything. It is too late: we have won the battle."

Here, Anthony Stine has insight into the coming October Synod.

And then there's this excellent article at The Remnant. 
"As many knowledgeable Catholics recognized, there is a stunning disconnect here: if the anti-Catholic infiltrators who tried to replace the Tridentine Mass thought nothing of abandoning St. Pius V’s Quo Primum, why should we believe that their haphazard liturgical reforms — so full of scandal and disastrous fruits — are “irreversible”? And how is it that the reformers who have blasphemously blamed the Holy Ghost for all of their progressive innovations now declare that the Holy Ghost can never guide the Church back to tradition?"

Great questions, are they not?


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