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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Violence, Hamas attacks, Israel, Bergoglio's Church Deconstruction

Yes, all four are closely related. Five, if you include the overthrow of the U.S. government that's going on. (Beware, my friends, the officially 7 million plus illegals who have entered the U.S. under Biden are quite possibly more like double that number or more, the majority being men of military age, many from the Mid-East. See at bottom for a thought on this.*)


Violence, Hamas attacks, Israel, Bergoglio's church deconstruction – not to mentioned the Left's ongoing seizure of power in the United States from the American people – are all indeed enmeshed in the dehumanizing will to power: to get what is wanted and to stop at nothing to get it. 
  • This is pure paganism, pure Islam, itself a Gnostic religion wherein 95 percent of the Muslims have no clue they're really worshiping Aliyat, the ancient Semitic Moon Goddess, not "Allah". (See Kennedy Hall interview Lloyd De Jongh here for details.)
  • Hamas has shown both an unprecedented and unbelievable level of organized sophistication in this attack. 
  • They have also demonstrated an unbelievable level of pure Satanic violence. The Mainstream Media will refrain from calling it that, but it is true. They hate the Jews and Israel in classic Muslim fashion. Muhammad is said to have murdered Jews non-stop, he hated them so; the Islamic tradition makes it plain that at a certain time Jews are to be killed outright: as Sahih al-Bukhari related in an infamous hadith quoted for the past millennium, Judgment Day comes about when Muslims rise to kill Jews: "The stones and trees will say 'O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him'."
  • And they're forcing Israel to reply with unfettered violence themselves. The Israelis must do so if they are to survive. Remember, for 1300 years Islam has taught non-Muslims, especially Christians and Jews, may exist as "dhimmis", powerless third-class subjects, but that status can – and has been – rescinded at will. 
  • Now new calls are being made for a general Muslim uprising en mass against Israel this Friday, October 13.
  • Kill or be killed. The absolute law of the absolute jungle. All our civilized niceties done away with. World War II actually taught us all that much, but we seem to have forgotten.
This is actually our world
Hamas – which some argue Israeli Intelligence created decades ago from religious fanatics to counter Yasser Arafat's secular Palestinian group, and is obviously now a mortal enemy to Jewish people everywhere – has attacked in the most savage, barbarian seventh-century Arab pagan-Islamic extreme style, slaughtering women, children, the aged, men, all and everyone, and taking others captive to use as human shields. 

Important: No matter whatever grievances the attackers might have, or think they have, no matter the complicated and bloody history engulfing that region of the world, this utterly, utterly heartless level of atrocity has to be met with an equal savagery, if it is to be ended. Not very Christian of me, I confess; had Our Sovereign Christ been listened to 2,000 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess. 
And I think the world would be very different indeed had Pope Paul VI not surrendered Christ's Social Kingship of the world in 1964, abandoning the Tiara Crown of the Vicar of the Universal King on the altar in the Vatican after a Mass on November 13, 1964, ostensibly to sell it to "feed the poor" (had he never read: "The poor you will always have with you, but not me"? Matt 26:11). By this act, Paul VI in reality de-enthroned both himself as Christ's vicar, and Christ Himself. The symbolism could not be missed. Abdicating kings toss off their crowns. Typical of his own idiocy and the Vatican II Church's shallow but always misinterpreted gestures, Paul thought he was being overtly pious, but in reality the hapless fool merely imitated Judas: (see John 12:5-6).
The Uses of Violence
Consider World War II. It has still lessons to teach. Had we and the Soviets not met German barbarity with its equivalent, the war might have gone on. Had we not met militaristic Japanese bloodthirstiness with its equivalent, they would have dragged out the war. They were actually counting on precisely that. They thought the more brutally they acted, the more horrified America would be. The Japanese leaders thought the USA was too multi-racial, too lazy, too interested in money (as it may now indeed be) to fight the level of warfare they calculated they needed to unleash in order to achieve their goals. 

On the other side of the world, at the same time, Hitler himself certainly thought so. It wasn't until near the end that he realized the Americans and Russians were not going to stop or be deterred, and when he did realize it, Hitler infamously ordered the destruction of Germany by the Nazis in order to punish the German people for being losers. (Albert Speer didn't carry out those orders.) Hitler also ordered Paris blown up earlier when the Allies were about to take it, but the German general involved refused to do it. This is the path of madmen: if they can't get their way, if they can't luxuriate in their narcissistic unbridled will, they'll destroy everything so no one else can have it. (What better simulacrum of Satan could there be?) Iranian leaders have boasted they'll use nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, which of course would kill millions of Palestinians. They don't care, or they think it will bring on the end of the world, Muslim Judgement Day. (It just might, but not the one they want.) Or they just say and do stupid things because they think tomorrow will be yet another copy of today. They are the damned. The "Flying Dutchman" of religions.

Where is the Church?
These are the times we live in. And in this Hell-fraught times, when the Church should be in the forefront of these crises, preaching Christ, Him Crucified, and that the world is His, and that to survive, we need to live by His teachings and repudiate our narcissistic lusts; instead of that, on the very cusp of Armageddon (this Israeli invasion of Gaza could easily lead to a much larger war, very easily, depending on how the Arab factions and states react) we have an absolute oaf in the Vatican issuing the pathetic NGO "encyclical" "Laudate Deum", a follow-up of his infamous Laudato Si' from 2015. Christ is hardly mentioned, the Faith is not mentioned, none of this Global Warming claptrap they're so besotted with has anything to do with a pope's work or the Deposit of Faith. It is all a hideous violence against EVERYTHING Catholic. And here's also this unspeakably ridiculous "Synod on Synodality" that's ditching the very Deposit of Faith – forcibly so – in favor of spoiled Westerners and their demented and deviant carnal urges. That's it. That's the dying, being replaced Vatican II Church and its successor, the limp-whispered homosexualist Synoldal Church. We are being robbed of our religious heritage, before our very eyes.

Simply insane.

Such is our world.

Pray. Fast. Recite the Rosary.

We weren't going to live forever, anyway.

Not on this Earth.

*About the flooding of America with millions of fighting-age men, many from the Middle East

Muhammad probably didn't exist. There's one reference in one ancient document (i.e. Doctrina Jacobi) contemporary to his times that references an "Arab prophet with a sword" but no details, no name, no actions does it record. For the first century of the Arab Conquest of the Persian Empire and its near conquest of the Byzantine Empire, no commentator living at that time mentions Muhammad, Islam, Muslim, or the Koran. Coins minted by the Conquerors exhibited crosses and figures of kings, all absolutely verboten by the Islam we know. So, it is likely that Islam was invented by the Umayyad leaders toward the end of that Seventh Century to give them a divine sanction for their conquest and murder and enslavement of entire peoples. (Curiously, the succeeding Abbasid dynasty, 750-1258, always said the preceding Umayyads were not real Muslims! That might be more true than we know.)

Where did the Arab conquerors come from, then? They were already there. The Arabian peninsula never at any time had the population necessary to conqueror populous and prosperous empires like the Persians and the Byzantines. Or Egypt. Or North Africa. Nor India. But we know that thousands of Arabs began migrating from the lower peninsula into both Byzantium and Persia after the Romans emptied historic Israel of its Jewish population via three horrific wars against the Jews, the first of which began forty years after Jesus Christ's death, and it destroyed the Temple and all of Jerusalem.

So, for a couple of hundred years then, parts of Persia and Byzantium, what's now Iraq and Syria and Jordan, began to host large Arab populations. Today mostly unknown or uncommented on, the great Byzantine-Sasanian War began in 602 A.D. and lasted incredibly to 628. This existential conflict had deep roots going all the way back to Alexander the Great, truth be told. It even echoed the foundational legend of the Greeks against Troy. It turned out to be the final, most devastating of all those wars, and wrecked the Sasanian Empire of Iran. Muslims begin counting their years from the Christian year of 622, which is toward the end of the Sasanian-Byzantine war. Assuming Muhammad's passage from Mecca to Medina in 622 didn't actually happen (the usual reason for starting the Muslim calendar), this date does indicate an important time for the Arabs. Certain scholars posit that this commemorates when the Arabs began to seize sections of the two empires, displacing or subjugating the indigenous peoples.

That can easily happen now in the U.S. We are broke, bitterly divided, our military is "woke" and we've given away our military resources to Ukraine and now Israel. Our country-hating Leftists are already calling for the "decolonization of America". We can have Hammas and Hezbollaha and all the rest seizing the U.S., beginning at any time now. Why can't we "get our minds around" this? The same with France. The same with Britain and Germany, Sweden and so many of the Western European countries. (Thank God for Hungary!) It could easily happen, and probably will. The invaders would be just repeating what happened in the Seventh Century.

  An Préachán

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