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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Sovereignty. The election was stolen. What was stolen is our Sovereignty.

Beannachtaí Dé, everyone, (and we need God's blessings, now and ever!)

Bad news, the past few days. As John Zmirak so appropriately says, America is a kidnap victim. We are Patty Hearst. We are being beaten, robbed, and raped. And we're being robbed of our sovereignty, our right to rule ourselves.

I hate being right, but the election was stolen, brazenly. Of course, a great many commentators and people blogging have warned that it would be stolen. Biden admitted as much in his smug confidence in recent days. Before the 2020 election, he also smugly boasted they'd win easily. He knew.

So, we were right. We should have expected it because in Pennsylvania and Arizona, nothing was done to correct the voting irregularities of 2020. Because, according to the Powers-That-Be, there was nothing wrong with that election.

For details of the steal, myriads of proofs exist, and Emerald Robinson has a compendium of events here. Check out Robinson's article for its many charts and grafts showing sudden Democrat ballot dumps in various places. It is preposterous. Brazen. In-your-face, but they did it anyway.
  • RINOs
  • And they could not have done it without the help of the RINOs, the right-wing of the UniParty, who did the best they could to sink MAGA Republican candidates and are now howling for Trump's blood.
  • The RINOs want DeSantis for president, of course, because they control him in terms of their big-money donations. Trump, they cannot control. DeSantis (or anyone else), however, will not get elected nationally without the help of the MAGA Republicans.
  • As the RINOs loathe the MAGA, and vice-versa, we cannot expect anything but disaster going forward.
And anyway, in general, you know the voting has been rigged when just about every poll, Leftist, Middle, or Right, show tremendous public dissatisfaction with government yet these unhappy legions of voters unaccountably vote the people responsible for their misery back into power. You also know something is up when in states like Florida and Ohio, states possessing sensible, same-day voting systems, Republicans win big, very big, actually, in both those states; yet Democrat states having "election seasons" rather than "election days" take days to count and candidates whom all polling shows enjoy large leads (again, general Left-leaning pollsters to pollsters with platinum track records, like Trafalgar) see their leads evaporate. Even professional gamblers predicted a "Red Wave". So, what happened?

Bottom Line: Ballots, not Votes
This is no longer about voting. It is no longer about candidates being likable, intelligent, or arguing for smart policy proposals. Biden doesn't even know who he is half the time, and now this literal idiot elected senator in Pennsylvania is quasi brain-dead (his wife will replace him). That state elected a Democrat state legislator who died back in October. What a hell-hole. (Sam Faddis describes what happened in Pennsylvania here, and it involves RINOs.)

No. It isn't about all that stuff, which is so passé. It is about ballots. Ballots, ballots, who has the ballots? Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse has an excellent column on this here. This is a highly important article for one to read if one wishes to grasp what's going on here.

My long-held thesis
My long-held thesis is that an individual or group (like a political party) that intentionally accepts or "believes" or embraces such obvious contradictions like abortion or Covid or climate change, go crazy. They become demented. They are cursed, as the Belbury bigshots were cursed in C.S. Lewis' novel, That Hideous Strength. They were turned into vicious subhumans by the Curse of Babel.

This is like with abortion, and Covid, and Climate Change. Advocates for these abominations do not want you to look at facts, either of biology, embryology, the unscience that is virology (and it is a joke), and climatology. They lie to you, right into your face. Abortion is the best example. "That's just a clump of cells, not a baby." Utter Stercus tauri. Where is Sterculius when you need him? (BTW, Every pro-life republican governor who signed an abortion ban won re-election.

My thesis is that in trying to act as though you believe something so obviously not true, your moral and intellectual underpinnings begin to fray. Sooner or later you become a moral homunculus. Over the years, I've known individuals who seemed to lose their identity because they became abortion supporters. One guy wanted to advance in the Democrat Party and over time went from a regular guy to a nasty piece of work. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?" (St. Mark 8:3)

Sovereignty, who has the Sovereignty?

Another elemental, fundamental truth that needs to be intellectually apprehended is that the Authoritarians, whether Communists or Nazis or "Watermelon" Fascists, is that they do not care for your sovereignty. If you don't get this, you will NOT know what's going on.

Sovereignty is the ideal about where the right to govern lies. In Ancient Egypt, it lay with Pharaoh, who was a god. In China, for millennia, it lay with "Heaven", which bestowed it on a ruler who was ruthless enough to seize it and keep it. The same was true in Islam, from its inception. In Ancient Greece, it lay solely with the citizens of a city-state. Most of the people who made up Classical Athens' population were slaves; only the citizens had the power to vote and partake of rule. In the Roman Republic, it lay both with the Senate and the popular house, the plebs, who over time had gained rights, so the Roman Republic resembled the American one (because the Americans modeled theirs after Rome).

Then Christianity came along. In Ancient Judaism, sovereignty lay solely with God, yet they wanted a king, so God gave them one, but told them they wouldn't like this transfer of sovereignty from God to the state. When Rome converted to Christianity, the already sovereign Roman state became sovereign directly because God made it so. The "divine" pagan emperor became a divinely appointed ruler. But in the West, with no empire surviving, sovereignty still rested with God, and it was administered by the Church. The Church made and unmade kings. The Church also recognized guilds of tradesmen and manufacturers. These "lower classes" always had more political clout in the West than in the East. Parliaments had their nobles, yes, but also their "Commons", not individuals but communities.

Then post the Reformation, wherein kings decided what religion would be allowed, sovereignty shifted more to the kings, and finally the Divine Right of Kings became the rule. It was first promoted by the Protestant James I of England, but more fully embodied in the Catholic Louis XIV. Yet the Bourbons made such a mess of Europe that this theory was overthrown and replaced with two very different, and eternally contending views. 
  1. One, sovereignty was seen to lie with the people, in general. Englishman John Locke did the most to promote this, and the U.S.A. is in essence his child, his creation. 
  2. The other, sovereignty lay with those who had the guts and willpower to seize it, whether the French Revolutionary Directory, or Napoleon, or whoever.
N.B. Over time, the Left came to control this idea of sovereignty. Basically, their ideology became sovereign. We live to bring their utopias to birth. We live to labor for the state in order to fulfill the ideology. We live to keep those who rule the state in luxury. We have no rights except what the state decrees. But of course, no one of the ruling class really believes the ideology (workers' paradise or National Socialist breeding farm or stone-age "green" utopia).
2020 & 2022
Today, in the U.S., the issue really is who has the sovereignty. If it is the people, then votes count. The people employ the state and can dismiss it. But we are not seeing that, are we? Not at all, not in the slightest. These elections of 2022 and 2020 show that the people cannot dismiss the state. The state, the Deep State, impersonates God. It manufactures fraudulent ballots, and then counts them. Voting is meaningless. Those who have seized power are the ones who count.

Please, everyone, understand this. It is our reality.

Can we defeat it? Maybe. I'll be highly interested to see if Kari Lake wins Arizona. She'll be a major weapon against our enemies. But as of this writing, that election is in Limbo.

 An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.


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