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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day, the Steal Is On, and the U.S. National Anthem sung by Brazilian singer

Hi Everyone,

Election Day is upon the U.S.A. And it is a blood-moon election day, at that.

First things first: I've linked to a great rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner, sung by Brazilian Dan Vasc in a sort of heavy-metal version. Senhor Vasc just belts it out; no nuance, no artsy-fartsy rendition, this. And Vasc belts it out like he means every last syllable. It's what Francis Scott Key must have actually felt seeing "Old Glory" waving through the smokes and bombardment targeting it from His Majesty's ships. Come to think of it, I don't easily remember hearing any man sing the anthem. That can't be quite right, but whatever, it is a notorious difficult piece to sing, and singers try to do their "musical" best, but Vasc just roars it out. The way he does it bestows on it its inherent bellicose meaning. Pride. Guts. Defiance. This is a war song. We need to hear it like this on this election day. (And just every once in a while, too.)

Second, of course, it is election day and as they day progresses, numerous people are reporting the steal is on. In highly contested districts, voting machines are malfuncting en masse, and chaos reigns. (An Orthodox Hasidic district in New York City seems to not have hired enough poll workers and incredible lines are forming. They all vote Republican.)

Emerald Robinson reports on the larger steal here. This article at American Thinker gives a good history of the recent election thefts, and a review of what happened in 2020. An excerpt:
So-called “bellwether counties,” counties that typically predict the winner, sided with Trump 18 out of 19 times. Before 2020, these 19 counties voted for the eventual winner of the Presidential election every time from 1980 until 2020.
This article discusses the "Red-Mirage" phenomenon. The article explains:
As early Election Day results come in on Tuesday, it will likely appear that Republican candidates vying for any number of the federal or statewide races appear to be leading their Democratic opponents, even by large margins.

Their leads will dwindle, or crumble completely, after perceived “dumps” of votes are recorded by state election officials who count mail-in and absentee ballots in the days — or even weeks — following Election Day.
All those Republican votes are mirages, you see. The bad guys need time to find out how big the Republicans won, then gin up the votes to beat them. Simple. And this is only one way that they cheat. That's the way the game is played. However, my friends, shame me once, shame on you, shame me twice... and now we know for certain how they do this, so we must stop it. Brazil knows the score. They must. We have to stop this vote corruption or Brazil will end up a province of China and we'll end up like John Zmirak so aptly describes:

I’m trying to manage my expectations of the upcoming midterm elections. If you asked me what I think the most likely outcome tomorrow, I’d say the following:
  • The Democrats win in every race, 99% to 1%.
  • Military vehicles fill the streets of the capitals of red states.
  • Fox News gets another “facelift” as it did on Election Night 2020. Tucker Carlson disappears into some CIA “black site,” and gets replaced without explanation by a sneering Chris Wallace.
  • The Fox news anchor blondes give way to stodgy men in brown paramilitary uniforms, who report the results in Romanian.
But call me a sunny optimist. Because if the Democrats were to reveal their final intentions that obviously, the average American might do something wild and rebellious, before it’s too late.
AnP again. They might, John. They might.

The Biden Department of Justice has announced it is sending around teams of "agents" to "monitor" the voting in key cities and counties. As commentators have said, were that to happen in other countries, the U.S. would rule those elections fraudulent. Interference from the hated central government! But it is happening here. The central government is "enforcing" its will.

An excerpt:
In a press release published one day before the midterms, the DOJ said it plans to send its attorneys to 64 jurisdictions in 24 states to monitor polling locations “for compliance with the federal voting rights laws.”
In explanation, they're still pretending modern America is no different than the Segregationist South of the 1950s, and Blacks need federal agents paratrooped in to enforce their "civil rights". What about the civil rights of those who find their votes discarded, or that they've already voted!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won't allow it. Good for him. I see another state's attorney general is protesting this, as others are beginning to.

The Democrats have sunk themselves in their effort to sink us.
The Bottom Line is that the Democrats have demonized the Republicans so thoroughly that they, the Democrats, cannot allow any Republicans to be elected. Their "logic" comes to zero sum. The Democrats have not run on their accomplishments because the American people – except for the Left – loathe the inflation, the high fuel costs, the endless race-baiting, the child genital mutilation, an all the rest of it. Lee Zeldin, running for governor of New York, says he's heard it a million times "If you are not elected, we're leaving!" Democrat-controlled states are losing millions of people. Well, the 2/3s of the whole country that works and maintains the rest cannot "leave". There's nowhere else to go to.

But here are the Democrats going scorched earth – just like they did in the 1860 election. (Old habits die hard.) They cannot allow "Nazis" and "Fascists" to "take over America", quite forgetting that they are psychologically projecting: it is they who are combining corporations to the state in one big group (goose)stepping conglomeration. For example, the Democrats are 100 percent into child sex mutilation and sterilization, and in the entire country, there's not a large corporation that opposes this "Transgender" abomination. In fact, bar Elon Musk buying Twitter, the billionaire tech people and their social platforms are all for child sex mutilation and sterilization. And abortion! The Democrats thought – they really did – that the country worshiped Moloch so thoroughly that Democrats would sweep the election on that one issue alone.

That factoid, by itself, shows how delusional they are. The following must be written: They are no longer our fellow countrymen. They're something else, an American zombie knock-off of the authoritarian-style of political thought that produced the Nazis and Communists, and first took over a nation during the French Revolution. You could say they demonize because they don't believe in demons. Their godlessness provides them with no restrictions to their passions, and the same was true of the Nazis, the Communists, and the radical French revolutionaries.

We, for our part, don't need to demonize them in turn. They need conversion to the Faith that built Western Civilization, though right now that Faith now needs to reconvert itself. Most of all, however, we need to understand them. Get our minds around (technically, philosophically to "apprehend") them so that we can finally agree we must treat them as mentally ill, or possessed, and never – never – let them near power again. 

They simply don't believe sovereignty rests with the people, or God, or Natural Law. For all intents and purposes, sovereignty for them rests in their goofy ideas, or in their passions: "I feel like a girl, though I am a boy; therefore, cut it all off!" kind of passion. That's insane, but it encapsulates all their doctrine, and their prophets, as well.

  An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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