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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

What do Virology, the Federal Reserve Board, and the USSR have in common?

They were foisted on us by the same people.


The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. – Niels Bohr 

 We live in a world of lies and mirrors. This 2022 election is a prime example for that, so was the 2020 election. Massive forces in America, including the institutional Republicans, pretend no cheating occurred. It is odious and insulting. But it is par for the course. We just get lied to continually.

The simultaneous rise of virology, the American National Bank (sketchily named "The Federal Reserve Board" (what is that supposed to be?), and Communism in Russia, were the products of collusion between Big Business combines and governments in the U.S. and Europe. Virology began to enslave us to the idea that we are at the mercy of microbes in a mortally threatening natural environment. The second devalued our money (throughout the 19th century, a dollar retained its worth; after the FRB, it began to shed value), and giving Russia – an incredible natural resource-rich world unto itself – to the Communists removed a major competitor to the Western Trusts and monopolies.

Those three developments were the then Latest and Greatest manifestation of the institutionalized greed that "makes the world go 'round". Today we have their latest iteration in the World Economic Forum and the mainstream science and political parties whose collusion enslaved us with the Covid fraud and that are fast creating a cashless utopia in which we can all be penniless slaves. (Sterile, childless, peons.)

Protestantism started it
How did this start? First of all, with lies. For generations, we've been taught one thing when the reality was something else. One big, enuring lie has been about the Protestant Reformation. We were taught how necessary it was, and how healthy for the Christian Faith, when in fact it was simply a revolt of the rich against the poor. The religious trappings of it, the theological disputes, the ecclesiastical fireworks, served as the smoke and mirrors. It was the beginning of the emergence and dominance of the nation state, of course, and the end of the Church's independence (whether that of surviving Catholic Churches in France and Spain, or the new nationalist Protestant Churches). Theologically, it was the "spiritualizing" of Christianity from being a God-Incarnationally-physically-present-with-us to a sort of Christianized Islam, no Real Presence but instead a holy book we could all argue endlessly over. Yet above all, it was a revolt of the rich against the poor, for the Church was the only "social services" administration going. The Church kept the rich humble and elevated the poor while honoring the middle class with their guilds. No one was cut adrift; it was a holistic society with everyone living in God's Incarnational Presence.

All that was stripped away. Life in post-Reformation Europe became a sort of Darwinian dystopia. The West has always valued individualism more than the East, back to Helen having more value in herself and worth a war over. (The Trojans said, what's your problem? She's just a ho. Get another.) And it is one reason why Christianity matched so well with the Western spirit. But with the Reformation, individualism became absolutely dominant. Martin Luther, a young academic rushed through a one-sided (Nominalist) education could publicly declare his personal opinion on Scripture was more valuable than that of a Church council! That's just nuts, and it is pure narcissism. (It can be no wonder that Narcissism is the fundamental trait of "moderns".)

And this was also the foundation of the world we have today where Big Corporations, especially banking concerns, run governments. On a global scale.

Holy Russia's place in the modern world
Two interesting articles at OnePeterFive, pieces that don't fit with that publication's usual line, discuss Russia's place in Christian history in light of the Fatima Prophecies. The second in the series is titled Christian Russia and the Western “Errors of Russia”, and the third is Russian Errors in Bolshevism, Vatican II and Schism(Oddly, I can find no title or link to the first entry in the series.)

A note on this magazine: OnePeterFive is now a product of the Peter Kwasniewski, Timothy Flanders (1P5 editor), and Eric Sammons (editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine) wing of American Traditional Catholicism. That's the group of mainstream, younger leaders who insist Bergoglio is actually pope, but who argue he's a bad one and that the papacy has to have its wings clipped and its power reduced in order to counter Bergoglio. They do not tolerate the argument that Bergoglio is not pope at all. Along with Ann Barnhardt, I think it manifestly obvious Bergoglio is no more pope than the local Lutheran pastor, and their ideas on circumscribing a pope's authority are, shall we say, egregiously wrong-headed.

Founded by Steve Skojec, who has become an agnostic (long story), today OnePeterFive is something of a clone of Crisis Magazine. Yet 1P5 still is very worth perusing because of the range of interesting articles beyond their pet papacy peeve that Flanders sometimes publishes.

Case in point are these two Russian articles by Caterina Lorenzo-Molo, PhD. L-M's basic point is fascinating: that Russia represents that last Christian country, i.e. one not affected by the secularizing acid of Protestantism, the Enlightenment, and the consumer economy, or not until of course the Communists seized it. And of course that's why they were so anxious to seize it. An element of Modernism, Marxism and Modernism remain the greatest Western Christian heresy (Islam being an eastern heresy against the Incarnation). It is Christianity's "kill shot" and Russia was THE perfect target.

The aspect of this most significant to me lies in the second article (Christian Russia and the Western “Errors of Russia”), wherein L-N details how the Communist Revolution was funded by Western corporations and approved by Woodrow Wilson. Plenty of evidence exists for this, and it is one of the most important bits of Western history everyone should know, but that very few seem to (and we who do are treated like cranks). L-N links to the work of historian Antony Sutton, who in his Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974) lays out the evidence, some of which L-N reports on in her article. 

History no one wants to know

And this is my point here: American megabusiness interests in precisely the last pre-WWI decades created the modern world and its pathologies. Is it any wonder that "big corporations" unanimously support all the sexual perversion drowning Western culture? There's a reason for that.

In December 1913, just half a year before the war broke out, Congress created the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. It took control of our money. Serving as America's equivalent of the Bank of England – an institution that has ruled England since its creation – was not called "National Bank of America" because throughout U.S. history, the American people rejected such an entity. Such a bank existed for a short while until Andrew Jackson put an end to it in 1833. (Notice how the author describes Jackson; the author is definitely a "beta".)

Its 1913 re-creation represented the collusion of what today we call "the UniParty" in the U.S. politics, the big business elites of both the Democrats and Republicans working together to further their own interests and those of the wealthy. These people are not American politicians, then or now, but globalists, and their economic policies do not protect "main street" but "Wall Street". Today's globalists are direct inheritors of the early 1900s' elites who conquered Russia. (Regarding the Federal Reserve Board, see E. Griffin's (2010): The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, for the depressing story.)

Russian-Japanese War

Speaking of Russia, the Tsarist government was weakened by the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905). Japan was winning the battles but was utterly bankrupt, so the New York bankers (many of them Jews) got a loan together to keep the Japanese government solvent till a peace advantageous to Japan could be negotiated. These bankers loathed the overtly Christian government of the Tsar and especially its treatment of Russian Jewry.

    N.B. American President Theodore Roosevelt brokered the peace talks, probably in full knowledge of this banking collusion. The Japanese people, however, did not, and they deeply resented Roosevelt and American "meddling" in a war they thought they had won. They felt the Americans had betrayed them. This animus played a role, emotionally at least, in their decision to attack the U.S. in 1941. Had the Russians themselves known about Japan's predicament, they could have held on a bit longer, and Japan would have had to fold, producing a very different subsequent 20th century history.

Also in this same era, John D. Rockefeller, the oil oligarch and Bill Gates of his day (even to being a eugenicist), was investing heavily into medicine because his scientists discovered they could make many meds from petroleum. The "science" of virology was created by the same big business interests fighting Russia and creating an American national bank.

We have met the enemy, and ...

All this revelation demonstrates the truth of the cartoon character Pogo's famous 1971 comment, "We have met the enemy and he is us." That regarded pollution, but it is actually true about the Western World's spirituality. The Western world is materialistic, hedonistic, and atheistic. Five hundred bloody, depressing years downstream from the Reformation, that's our wretched world we wallow in. We're are the end of a river flowing down through Late Medieval Nominalism and its 16th century progeny Protestantism, the 18th century's destruction of logic (embodied by David Hume and Immanuel Kant, the Wallace and Gromit of philosophy), and on into Marxism and Darwinian materialism, and then broadening out into hedonism and greed enshrined in popular selfish and particularly narcissistic ideologies. Narcissism in probably the dominant character trait of the "modern" world.

And against this culture, even the image of a "Holy Russia" is intolerable. Caterina Lorenzo-Molo writes in the third article:
    In addition, Pope Benedict XVI’s opening to Russia, his favorable opinion of Putin, and closeness with Patriarchs Hilarion and Kirill, alerted the US and according to some documents from Wikileaks, prompted them to stir up an internal revolt within the Church.[20] Indeed all things Russia always seems to alert and heighten sensitivities from the powers and principalities.

The sad thing is, my friends, after two stolen national elections now, and the one in Brazil, and the evil fiasco in Ukraine, we can easily believe such things to be true, to have happened, and to be ordering out lives against our wills today.

Maybe the coming mass death will get their attention. Or those who survive. 

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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