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Friday, October 7, 2022

Our rulers want a nuclear war – now it's up to God whether we're nuked.


With great sadness I must admit defeat. I've been trying to be positive about the world avoiding a "nuclear exchange", but every indicator points to Whoever Is in charge of the Biden Regime (WICeBeR) to be primed for such a war. Whether Russia technically "starts" it with a nuke demonstration somewhere in Ukraine or not, it is coming, unless the Lord God doesn't want it at this time. Indeed, it would take a miracle to avoid such a war, now.

For some time, I have been accumulating reasons for and against a war happening, but basically, since the idiot, loathsome WICeBeR (Biden Regime) bombed the Nord Stream pipelines, the launch sequence has been started. And right now, what with places as disparate as Poland and New Jersey gearing up for radiation sickness, there can be no doubt.

See Sam Faddis here for the widespread sale and positioning of anti-radiation drugs like Nplate and potassium iodide tablets in such diverse places in Europe and America. They're serious about this, in other words.

See the monkey (hat tip to a friend) about how the U.S. "did" the pipeline. Lots of detail and indications that the U.K. didn't participate.

In closing, I'll make a few observations, FWIW, and while I still can.
  • Had Hillary Clinton been elected in 2016 instead of Donald Trump, we would have had this war five or six years ago. It's been planned for some time now by whoever is running the world. All this Globalism, all this Big Pharma turning the entire human race into drug addicts, and the lies setting ourselves at each others throats: it is all of a pattern. One does no have to be paranoid to see how we always amazingly get what we absolutely do not want.
  • Getting involved in a war is a traditional way politicians "get out the vote" and "wave the flag" to stir up patriotism and get voters to "rally around" the incumbent. Now is the time to do it, if they are going to try this gambit. A true "October Surprise."
  • Historically, we, the collective American people, should have disbanded and forbidden the Democrat Party when we defeated them in 1865 after four years and insanely high casualty rates. As the joke goes, we've never seen Democrats so angry since we freed their slaves. They re-enslaved the Blacks via Jim Crow and the Blacks have been voting Democrat ever since because the Dems "feed them". "Lincoln freed us but Roosevelt (FDR) feeds us," was a Black political slogan. Lyndon Johnson said after the passage of his "Great Society" social hand-out legislation in the '60s "Them n-word will be voting for us forever." (Or close enough. Not surprisingly, it is difficult to find this famous quote.)
  • As now today with the evil (yes, pure evil, Moloch worshiping baby-murdering evil) Biden Regime, the Democrats have always gotten us into every major war we ever fought. Jefferson and Madison, "proto-Democrats" got us into the War of 1812, James K. Polk lead us in the Mexican War – General Ulysses S. Grant always thought and said the Civil War was divine punishment for the Mexican War – the Democrats made the Civil War an absolute necessity and then, like today, tried to destroy the nation; then they got us into both World War I and II, and the Cold War, then Korea and Vietnam. The two Bushes, RINOs in full, got us into the Mideastern Wars. The ONLY war actual Republican-Republicans got us into was the Spanish-American war, which lasted merely a few months (from April to August, 1898; and then it was William Jennings Bryan, a Democrat, who insured Congress voted to annex the Philippines and Puerto Rico).
  • The biggest political mistake of the 20th century – for the entire world – occurred when Calvin Coolidge, a very successful Republican president (who BTW only assumed the office because the RINO died suddenly), decided not to run again for president in 1928. That decision gave us Herbert Hoover as president during the Great Depression. Mind you, Hoover happened to be a good man and a great humanitarian who TWICE saved the German people from starving! But as president, it turned out to be a role for which he was unsuited; he didn't know how to handle the 1929 Stock Market crash; Coolidge would have known, and he had the absolute, unfettered love and confidence of the American people. Anyway, Hoover made possible the election of "that strange feline man" Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who would open the U.S. government to the Communists. "The die was cast" for the fate of the nation with FDR's election. Today's stark existential crisis follows as the direct result of that election.
  • Richard Nixon should roast in Hell because he didn't contest the 1960 election, which might have well be stolen. (The chances are high, but not certain, as we are with the 2020 stolen election.)
  • Richard Nixon was a RINO of RINOs. In the 1960s – the 1960s, mind you – we had real men who could have been president: Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, but the rulers of the Republican Party, then called "The Country Club Republicans" and not "RINOs", gave us Nixon instead.
  • It was the same crowd who insisted Reagan appoint the first George Bush to be his vice-president. That wast the biggest mistake Ronald Reagan ever made.  
  • Republicans who subsequently ran for President, until Trump came along, were all RINOs. The two Bushes of course (the first one lost he re-election bid), then Bob Dole and John McCain and Mitt Romney, the latter simply putrid. Putrid, as he has shown himself to be as a senator. McCain might have won in 2008, but refused to politically attack that wretch Obama, and thus Obama coasted to victory. It is often said the Biden Administration is Obama's third term.
So, my friends, it is no wonder the RINOs hate the MAGA Republicans. The two really are separate parties. The MAGA are like Meloni's party in Italy; the RINOs are like the English Tories. And the Democrats are now the full Communist Party (there exists a long-standing Communist Party USA or whatever factions it now has). And the Democrats are poised to face a historic defeat in this November 8th election. A titanic, party-crushing loss, in fact. Were it to happen. We're it to happen, it will be a true bellwether. If. The Democrats will do whatever they have to, including nuke the world, to keep power. (If a nuclear war doesn't occur in the next couple of months, in fact, the next few weeks, they'll arrest Trump and charge him with the Devil knows what. They're truly mad.

Think I'm over-reacting? After watching FBI agents commando-style arrest Mark Houck, that Catholic father of seven, pointing their automatics at him and his wife and doing all the heavy-breathing drama of a SWAT team taking down a Cartel lord – on a middle-aged father of seven of whom the state and local authorities would not bring charges – after seeing that (and only ONE Catholic bishop protesting it!), I'm convinced there's enough SA Camp Guards and Waffen SS-spirited men – enough KGB/Stasi types lurking in our Federal police and bureaucrats – that they would not hesitate to blow the American nation to pieces rather than see Donald J. Trump inaugurated again as president.

And they'd do the same to De Santis or anyone else unless they KNEW such would bend to their will. And anyway, should war be miraculously averted, the RINOs will run De Santis against Trump and split the vote. That's how the RINOs are, like that scorpion in the fable who stabbed frog to death after promising not to, and thus drowning himself as well. With his dying breath, the frog asked why he would do such a horrible thing, and scorpion said, "I'm a scorpion; it's what I do".

I've often enjoined everyone I know to pray till I sound like a broken record. But we can avert this coming catastrophe should we pray hard enough. But that's the only way.

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.



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