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Sunday, October 16, 2022

A bizarre conversation with a quasi-Leftist – and the natures of all Leftist evil

As operation Steadfast Noon roars on across Europe, ending on October 30, with nuclear war staggering along the rim of Hell, and as I see the Dutch government trying to feed Dutch children worms and insects, this abomination in perhaps the richest agricultural nation in Europe, I happened to find myself in a conversation about Hershel Walker's senatorial campaign with a middle-age Leftist who insists she's not all that Left.

No disconnect exists here...
Maybe, pounded our insane reality, I am losing my own mind, to speak to such people. Or maybe it is quite apropos. She loathes Trump, Republicans, all that, but on other issues, especially about many aspects of European and Hungarian life, she's not too bad. It is as though she was some sort of bipolar answering machine.

But I have tired of her harping on Hershel Walker. Nothing that man says or does serves. He's a right bastard to her mainly because she insists he is a hypocrite. (Plainly, she also thinks he is a stupid "field hand" and not a "house Negro," as Warnock seems to be to her) It's not that Walker has arranged abortions or did whatever mayhem. It's that precisely because he's changed his mind on all that – he's just a hypocrite and a hypocrite stands infinitely worse than a guy actually currently promoting abortions of children of his own race, as Warnock does.

She'd rather vote for Warnock, the evil Moloch preacher than Walker, the reformed non-politician. And she accuses me of hypocrisy because I support Walker for senator. So, finally I wrote:

Two candidates for senator: both Black, both have records of promoting abortion, etc., but one has changed and the other stays on the all-things-Left side, including supporting the slaughter of Black unborns.

You are OK with murder...of infants? Black ones?

Meanwhile the social progressives/Democrats/even-mild-middle Leftists that Warnock belongs to are OK with money-hungry doctors cutting off teenage girls' breasts and gentiles off of teenage boys, and you say the Repubs are bad?!?!?

Bottom Line: the Nature of Leftism considered
My friends, being a Leftist isn't about clear thinking, reason, rationality, OR morality.

It IS about seeing the world, human life, our place in existence in a very different way than the rest of us do, which stands based on 1000's of years recorded human experience.

A naturalist or traditional natural "conservative" accepts life as it is: men are men, women are women, we all have but a few years, if blessed, to do and achieve what we want to, so long as our goals fit into the eternal verities.

Eternal verities. The Left rejects eternal verities as it teaches we are the product of evolution. One of verities is we must work in life, for work defines us. A man builds his own life and not boss about others on how they live their lives, and to achieve this, we create laws that remain necessarily based on the wisdom of the ages and specifically the ancient Jewish, then more profound traditional Christian, understanding of morality. Long, long before the UFO query, "Are we alone", man knew he was most definitely NOT alone.

The Left says we ARE alone, and thus there's no one to hear you scream when they come for you.

A Leftist truly lives in a "Twilight Zone". His thought devolves down from that hedonist Rousseau, on through the Satanist (and he was) Marx's fevered economics (Chesterton said "Economic Determinism is like saying, because we have feet, we only walk around on them to find shoes for them."). Then, it got bifurcated into political systems of repression, parties-that-rule-all, especially your life. It takes over countries and kills 100s of millions. Whether Black Communism, the racist sort of the Nazi or the modern Black Lives Matter kind, or the Red Communism of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Party kind, or the "Watermelon" kind, that uses ecological concerns (green) to cover their real goals (red all through).

And bizarrely through all this menage of madness: one MUST obey authority. One MUST obey the Party. One has no will of one's own, and can never disagree or change one's mind. (This woman I refer to is, in a small way, an excellent example of this.) As Tulsi Gabbard found when she went against the Democrats' warmongering. And that very thing lay behind Trump's betrayal by the RINOs, as well. This coming war is coming now for a reason.

What is it all for?
And why all this blood? Why all this soul control? For aping the Christian doctrine of charity. See Matthew 5:42 and 25:35-40; Communism, Marxism, Socialism, whatever you call it, takes Christian charity and turns it into murder and civilizational destruction. It is, definitely, a Christian heresy, and when the Church was religious, it dealt with it like that, up to St. Pius X and Pius XI; afterward, increasingly, it treated Leftism as a political or social movement as Pius XII treated Nazism, and has today almost succumbed to it.

Many things distinguish Leftism, but perhaps unreality is the most profoundly horrifying. And the most ridiculous. It's all so ridiculously stupid, and yet it has killed over 100 million people in the 20th century and is ruining the lives of 100s more.
  • 70 years ago, this was the urgent world-saving scenario for which people needed to die:
  • "What! You are taking my cows for the 'greater good' and "From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs? Go to Hell! Leave them alone!" The Left's answer back then was:
  • Bang-bang, you're dead.
  • Today, the urgent world-saving scenario stands on the non-existent "climate change": 
  • "What! You're taking my fertilizer and starving us to stop global warming? And instead, you're making my kids eat bugs! Go to Hell!"
  • What do you think the Left's "solution" will be?
None of this is rational. It is no more "scientific" than the Voodoo about Covid.

For example; as I note to the Leftist lady above: doctors, physicians, prestigious medical schools, are crazily, diabolically mutilating children for life. The psychology behind it is vomitingly awful, the worse kind of pseudo-"science" – but definitely the metaphysics is non-existent. You cannot change a man into a woman biologically or psychologically any more than you can change the shape of the soul, for it is the soul that what gives the body form, and when the soul departs, the physical body thus returns to its chemical parts.

Very, very few, vanishingly few, doctors – almost no lawyers or politicians – even know what metaphysics is. The Supreme Court in general and certainly in the latter half of the 20th century, constituted the least informed or curious group of attorney's in history. Medicine has become the same. The Roe v. Wade decision was a howler of nonsense, it constituted an ersatz group compilation, and the history of it, and the sources, have to be read to be believed

When you read this shocking history that reveals Roe's farrago of idiocy, you'll be tempted to despair. Justice Harry Blackmun was clueless. He asked his modern and expensively, elite school trained daughters what they thought of abortion. (Guess what their answer was.) He "wrote" the opinion with hacks and abortion partisans; he consulted no embryologists, no geneticists. He could have polled a dozen each, but "consulted" these deadbeats who happened to be in his orbit.
  • For this? 45-50 million babies murdered? The Demon Moloch again worshiped throughout the world. The moral fiber of the nation turned into mud and the Democratic Party impaled on the hellish contradiction. Insanity. We suffered through half a century of hell because this group of mental imbeciles mashed together the Roe opinion?

Aye, here's the rub...
Ah, but you see, however the Left connives to get a stooge like Blackmun to give them straw, they bake nearly imperishable bricks of evil out of it with which to wage their "Long March Through the Institutions", their "war of position" through Western Culture, in order to gut it for their eventual triumph. Saul Alinsky wrote about the method, and Cloward-Piven explained it in detail. It is the same method the Ogre Bergoglio uses to destroy the Church, as Cardinal Mueller explains. In fact, it is what the Frankfurter Schule Communist intellectuals back in the 1920s ginned up.

And it has so profoundly infected people like the one above with whom I sometimes correspond, an "iron curtain" of the human mind as impenetrable as walls of Barad-dûr.

   An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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