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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

How likely is nuclear war, really? Do you really want to find out? Or is this just rope-a-dope?


How likely is a nuclear war right now? Sam Faddis has a good article on it here, and Tucker Carlson has said a number of times now that it is very possible, and is actually saying it is likely; indeed, unavoidable. Carlson's biting sarcasm is excellent and I recommend the video for that alone. But at 4:30 in, he says this act of blowing up the pipelines, perpetrated by the Biden Administration, leaves us no off ramp to avoid total war with Russia. "There's no off ramp now, no way out. We are all in, no matter what that means, no matter where it goes."

That's probably true, but maybe not.

Faddis, in his essay, demands de-escalation. The old CIA hand minces no words about the absolute necessity of de-escalation. But of course, Obama or Victoria Nuland (or whoever is running the show) want escalation, not de-escalation. They are FINALLY where they want to be, in a position they've been lusting for and they're not going to give it up. They are the lords of life and death, Sauron come again. They're either monumentally stupid or hand-in-glove with the WEF and the like, whose ogres lust for a nuke war to wipe a large chunk of the human population. THEY'LL be safe in their bunkers in Switzerland, they think. Maybe. And maybe the world's survivors might dispatch them without compunction.

This war was planned years ago
I hope you all realize that had the Hag, Hillary Clinton, been elected in 2016, we'd have had this war four years ago or five. She would have produced bogus "evidence" that Putin tried to elect Trump and pushed it till it exploded. These people are sick. They are demented in the diabolical sense of being possessed or under demonic oppression. They'll do whatever they are told. And China is telling them how to behave, since they intend to benefit from the Fall of Europe and the West. Our government is in the hands of orcs, as one blogger put it. (Where there's a whip, there's a way.) And of course, the Democrats need a war before November. It's the oldest play in their book.

Perhaps I'm crazy, but I think old Colonel Douglas MacGregor is closer to the mark here in this interview. He says the Germans are unanimous in not wanting war with Russia. In fact, in all of Europe, only Poland wants war with Russia, he asserts, and a few people in Washington, D.C. MacGregor says that should Biden try to go to a full war such as Carlson predicts and Faddis fears, NATO will break into pieces. To put it simply: a war like that is NOT why they joined into NATO! "What?! You mean you want us to actually fight?!"

Living here in Europe, I think that's true. The last thing the Euros want is a WWII-style war, let alone a WWIII. Going nuclear also terrifies them, of course, in an "icing on the cake" way; large numbers of Russian men are trying to flee their country for the same reason. Only Poland is straining at the bit, and their hatred of Russia and Russians goes back far beyond WWII or WWI. And are the Americans going to fight it by themselves? Of course the American military is a disaster area, crushed by political correctness, "wokeness", trannies, and Satan knows what else. The vaccine "mandates" alone have gutted the services: they are all short of pilots and sailors and real soldiers. See Gateway Pundit for details. (Look at the picture of the current recruits!) Besides all that, we've emptied our war wallet and our armories to supply Ukraine since February. What weapons are we going to be using? That's how idiotic our "leaders" are!

MacGregor also points out what Faddis does not; i.e. that until now, the Russians in Ukraine have been few, relatively speaking. There's been more (or there was more) Ukrainians in arms against them. Now, I believe the Ukraine's recent offensives that the Western media keeps blathering about are not what the media says they are. These attacks are manned and managed by the CIA and mercenaries. Conversely, Putin has consolidated his Ukrainian holdings and if the Ukrainian government doesn't back down – and they can't because the pathetic little Ukrainian dictatorship stands totally in thrall to the American regime – Putin can pour in a lot more soldiers after performing an American military-style "Shock-and-Awe" attack. Russia remains capable of bombing Ukrainian targets with conventional weaponry to a horrific level; they can destroy Ukrainian infrastructure like the U.S. did in Iraq. Then pour in what reserves the Russians have. Why nuke? And should that mean taking all Ukraine, why not?

So, what if Putin tries this "full-on" American-style scenario, or even used a "tactical nuke" in a specific spot? The United States of America has a demoralized, literally hen-pecked military and NO ACTUAL elected political leadership. And we're out of conventional ammunition. Should Putin go "shock-and-awe", I think the bigshots of the Biden Regime would wet their diapers and bend over and grab their ankles. They're counting on Putin to be bluffing and to be out of mojo. Maybe. Or he might just be playing rope-a-dope.

Do we really want to find out?

As I and so many others keep saying: PRAY!

    An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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