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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Bergoglio receives Pelosi, ignores the Dobbs decision. The Ogre has "jumped the shark"


When the Dobbs v. Jackson U.S. Supreme Court decision was announced last Thursday, June 24, it was the biggest Supreme Court decision in decades, probably since the original Roe v. Wade (that itself was subsequently followed by a decision removed what restrictions Roe had imposed (Doe v. Bolton, also 1973), and then by Casey decision (Casey v. Planned Parenthood, 1992). N.B. For good review of what the Dobbs decision argued, see Margot Cleveland's comment at The Federalist in this article.

Bergoglio and Dobbs
But Bergoglio, the false, fake, fraudulent pope, the flagrant anti-pope, the Ogre, didn't publicly acknowledge it. Didn't even say, "Thank God that abortion will be at least a bit more restricted in the U.S. than it was." Didn't even say, "I heard something from the U.S." Nothing. Crickets. Actually, he response gives a new meaning to "The Sounds of Silence".

Or, at least that was so until "San Fran Nan" came to town. Nancy Pelosi visited Bergoglio in the Vatican. She went to Mass where the anti-pope was officiating, and a bevy of "con-celebrating" priests. (Sorry, I detest those clown shows.) Apparently, she received Holy Communion. In fact, her own archbishop, the Most Reverend Salvatore Cordileone, back in San Francisco banned her from receiving Holy Communion mainly because of the old witch's over-the-top support of abortion. So, "Pope Francis" gives it to her. By this act, the scapegrace sticks his crozier in the eye of the archbishop Cordileone , and pretty much all Catholics everywhere who worked to stop it to her. (I hope the good SF archbishop has a large, private, retirement fund, and wasn't expecting to be made a Cardinal, at least in this life!)

Notice how Bergoglio has alienated one section of the Church's ranks after another. Certainly, he's gone out of his way to alienate the Trads, but also the JPII "Conservative" Catholics, and every shade in between. He's seems to actually LOATHE real Catholics, i.e. Catholics who adhere to the Faith as taught for centuries and who worship the traditional way. As I say, he does the same to middle-of-the-roaders. The only people he seems to like are the deviants and Leftist government bureaucrats.

But the anti-abortion crowd contains all kinds, every shade and hue, except the most Leftward, anti-Christian "Catholics" that exist. He's backhanded everyone but the Hard Left. He's an awfully confident ogre!

Church online commentator Taylor Marshall has an interesting take on all this here. He says Bergoglio DID indeed, comment. How? By publicly receiving that future denizen of Hell, Nancy Pelosi (in theory, she can repent, but as with Fat 'Arry 8, or a skirt-chasing manager I used to have, the more one sins the less likely a repentance can be expected), in a public Mass. Marshall is outraged. Myself, I'm too Irish and jaded. It's what I expect these evil people to do. As soon as I read about it, I said to my wife, "Of course she did; just the thing for Pelosi and Bergoglio to arrange!"

Bergoglio is evil, plain and simple, and that's obvious by his actions, regardless of whether his election was valid. Pelosi sold her soul so long ago her face already looks like it's been gone since Jack Kennedy was president. And anyone, anyone, who tells you "It doesn't matter" or some sort of "God wills it" who (or what) the "pope", smack 'em for me.

But Marshall goes on a fine rant!
12:20 in: Taylor Marshall speaking initially in a alternate voice: "Yeah, but Tailor, you're so hard on Francis." (And then in full voice) We gave him a chance. 2013, 14, 15, 16, amoris, scandals, financial, sexual, McCarrick, lies, hiding, Pachamama, restriction of the Traditional Latin Mass, restriction of traditional sacraments, suppression of beautiful, holy, cloistered nuns, suppression of budding, beautiful, traditional religious orders, (smashes right fist into left palm repeatedly). Francis is constantly, constantly beating against the life and the growth of good things in the Church. And it is absolutely shameful.
"Yeah, but Taylor, just give him..." NO! We have given him chances. He has taken off his mask. He has shown us who he is. This is his response to you, right here. (Shows photo of beaming Nancy Pelosi and crazily grinning husband being greeted by the Ogre.) (13:20)
I pray to God his shames me. He comes out with – someone in Rome watching watching this right now, show this bit to Francis right now. I pray to God he says, "You know what? I'm going to troll those Trads. I'm going to troll Taylor Marshall; I'm going to come out and praise it (Dobbs) and praise it." Please do. I would love to eat crow on it. But as of right now, Wednesday after everything has been going down, this is what we get? This is a PR stunt. It is all over social media. (14:00)
(Later) "See, you can be a devout Catholic and be pro-Abortion." That is what this is all about. That is what this is all about. Total wickedness." (16:21)
AnP again:

Yes, indeed. Total wickedness. Of all the nasty, stupid, idiotic things certain popes did historically, this has to rank with Maffeo Barberini, Pope Urban VIII, (reigned August 1623 to his death in 1644), infamous today mostly for the Galileo affair, but actually, his siding with the French and Cardinal Richelieu, who sported the Protestants in the Thirty Years War, lost the Counter-Reformation. All because Barberini hated the Habsburgs.

In something of the same vein, Bergoglio is trying to lose the entire Church. So, I suppose he's even worse than Urban VIII! "Amoris, scandals, financial, sexual, McCarrick, lies, hiding, Pachamama, restriction of the Traditional Latin Mass, restriction of traditional sacraments, suppression of beautiful, holy, cloistered nuns, suppression of budding, beautiful, traditional religious orders, (smashes right fist into left palm repeatedly). Francis is constantly, constantly beating against the life and the growth of good things in the Church." That's is the wretched Bergoglio's legacy.

Can we all finally agree that this monster is no pope? He is vile, simply vile, and intolerable. Look at his latest ploy to eradicate the Latin Mass: new papal apostolic letter Desiderio Desideravi: On the Liturgical Formation of the People of God. Read about it here at OnePeterFive

It just never ends with "Bergi" and his gay and Commie creatures and hangers on.

No, no, infinitely no: the Argentinian is not pope and we're no more obliged to obey him than were we members of a very conservative anti-abortion Protestant congregation, should our minister invite an abortionist politician to our church to promote abortion. We'd toss both o them out. On their ears. Regarding Pelosi, it is as Taylor Marshall put it, "Pelosi, you didn't move the needle, you pulled the level, on making abortion on demand."

Marshall ends his talk with this observation:
"We need cardinals in Rome to like Cardinal Burke, and continue admonishments and to call for a trial, a system, to address tyranny and heresy those two questions have to be resolved." (36:50) He quote the famous 16th-17th century Cardinal Bellarmine, who wrote about how to go about formally removing a bad pope, who could be removed over heresy and tyranny (and Bergoglio has racked up multiple examples of both!

But I can't see them doing it. They blew their chance. They could have smacked Bergoglio down earlier, "reigned him in" when they owned the corral, i.e. when there was more of them above ground and not in the next life. Not many of that type are left: Bergoglio has been naming reprehensible replacements at every level. All the remaining orthodox Cardinals are waiting now for Bergoglio to grunt out what's left of his life in sinful mental squalor, and they'll not try to get him to convert. They would not dare to try to save his porcine soul, miserable as that must be. No. Let him croak. They're jockeying for who to replace him.

But unless the Lord God of Hosts Himself intervenes, Bergoglio 1 will be replaced by a younger Bergoglio 2. The old devil himself has seen to that. Although I strongly suspect that by dissing the Dobbs decision in the way he has, Bergoglio has crossed a line where the next stop is true schism.


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