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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Part 2 A world without the Traditional Latin Mass: our culture's violence and hatred exemplified


I'm considering why, today, in 2022, we have such outrageous, Hieronymus Bosch-freak show-level deviants rioting in the streets, demanding, DEMANDING, the right to murder babies and promoting deviant sexual carnality that always preceded a civilization's collapse.

1970 to 2022
One major social and cultural element that paralleled the moral collapse of Western society in the last half century was the trashing out of the Traditional Latin Mass.
  1. This deconstruction of the Holy ("set apart") Liturgy began in 1964 with the closing of the Second Vatican Council, the official documents of which called for some liturgical change but only change deemed absolutely necessary.
  2. It could be said to begin earlier when the Communist Frankfurter Schule's plan for social and familial dissolution began to show manifest progress.
  3. It appeared over a decade after the U.S. in its attempt to keep Germany down, began to promote pornography and immorality in Germany (E. Michael Jones details this).
  4. It manifested when the children born post-war, children who did not experience the privations and hardships of the Great Depression or World War II, came of age and found themselves awash in money and porn.
  5. And most of all, it occurred in a Catholic Church trying to find a reason for its existence, unable to justify its conduct in either World War I or II, and prodded by Modernist theologians and their nouvelle théologie, the central tenant of which was everything evolves, even God.
All this lay behind the full occultation of the Traditional Latin Mass. (Thank God, like a full occultation of the moon, it did not – and could not – last.)

For decades after 1970, however, one simply could not find it. This sacred liturgy lived on in the memories of its forlorn, cast adrift adherents, of course, and in the Heavenly Liturgy which it represents. But it was otherwise non-existent except for the work of a handful, such as the incomparable Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the SSPX in that pivotal year 1970.

But the people, the demos, the Church's hoi polloi, the public of the Church's res publica, kept the pressure on for its return. Finally, with that miserable effeminate recluse Paul VI finally dead, Pope John Paul II could let up on it a bit, although he met resistance and did not move too far. Pope Benedict XVI, though, opened the Church doors wide for it, and got deposed for it, too (believe it). Now the anti-pope Bergoglio is doing his damnedest to get rid of it again. He clearly hates it, and has gathered to his black standard those who loathe it. Currently, I see one of his American cronies, Wilton Gregory of D.C., is considering banning it from his archdiocese. Oh Lord God, save us from these imps and hobgoblins of Satan!

As far as I am concerned, as far as most traditional morality goes, a law that is immoral is no law, an order that is reprehensible (like, "Soldier! Shoot those Jews!") is no lawful order. Bergoglio and his homosexual lavender mafia have thus abdicated their positions in the Church by their actions, regardless of whether they were lawfully installed in the first place. (See this article at Ann Barnhardt's blog for an excellent essay on why Benedict's abdication is invalid.)

I think John Paul and Benedict acted the way they did regarding the TLM because they could easily see that the mainstream Church was collapsing in numbers: ever fewer active Catholics, ever fewer baptisms and marriages. Ever more divorces. Fewer and fewer laity believed in the Real Presence. These statistics were known. In 1963, 3/4s of Catholics attended Sunday Mass, by 1983, that was almost exactly reversed. So they pragmatically let the TLM in the back door. But for Bergoglio and his ilk, they're terrified of the TLM's success. That would invalidate their entire lives. "Latin Massers" may be still few in numbers compared to mainstream Catholics in raw numbers, but they still total in the many millions. They also have large families; the Mass and its adherents attract converts. (Bergoglio infamous called proselytizing "solemn nonsense".) AND they are much more likely to believe in the Real Presence and attend Sunday Mass without fail. They're a crack, elite unit of Catholics, a Catholic Marine Corps or Guards Army, and are leading the way to the Faith's Restoration. So of course, they have to be smacked down. Humiliated. Scourged.

It is highly significant that the evil Bergoglio has so far (as of this writing) said nothing about the Dobbs decision. No thanking God, no praise for this great work. (Haha, certainly no word of thanks to a certain Donald John Trump!) The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has commented, as have bureaucrats in the Vatican, but all that has so far been relatively muted. You don't need to be a Richard Feynman to realize they're not overjoyed by Dobbs. They are thus driving yet another nail in the mainstream/mainline Church's coffin because a large number of Catholic Christians have labored long to get ride of Roe, it's been the life's work and thousands, and now that it is gone, these heroes notice the crickets' muted chirping in the ruined choirs of the hierarchy.

What's so important about the TLM? Our Religious Hard-Wiring
What the Traditional Latin Mass did, besides wonderfully celebrate the Seventh Covenant, the New Covenant, the Most Holy Eucharist by participation in which we are saved (see St. John's Gospel, Chapter 6; St. Luke 22:19-20), was put people's mental framework in order. It reminded people – indeed, it actually leads people – into the threshold of the Divine World, the Other World of the Holy, the Sacred, the Divine Real Presence. 

That once-a-week hour worked on an individual on many levels. Almost all humans, of whatever culture, have some sense of the Sacred, the Holy, these words meaning literally: that which is 'set apart' from normal life. We seem to be hardwired to want that, although in theory this can be the only world we know. Maybe in small doses for most, but we want it. That's because we are hardwired to want God, to spend eternity with God, whether as adults we might reject God or not. Satan and his Fallen Angels were also made that way, and one of the worst pains of Hell is to still want that intimacy with the Divine yet be eternally denied it, eternally suffering Tantalus-like.

Now, I understand that not everyone has a strong sense of this desire for the Set Apart. Like curiosity or math ability, it is stronger in some than in others; but to be completely without it is somehow not to be human. And different Christian groups manifest different levels of desire for it. While never having been a Protestant, I grew up with them and believe I understand Protestantism inside and out. I work with them now, from time to time on editing projects. And in terms of the more "popular" versions, church-in-the-wildwood types I'm most familiar with, I can understand the desire to worship God out in the open air, as it were, so to speak, building an altar of unhewn stones and sacrificing the sheep and goats and oxen on it, setting the fire, and watching the smoke of the oblation ascend into the sky, "God-ward", my hands raised.

But then I also understand the innate desire to "Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, lets us ascend unto Jerusalem, for I rejoiced when I heard them say, let us go unto the House of the Lord", to enter the outer courts, then the inner courts, getting ever closer to the Real Presence. (I can only imagine the music they had in the great Temple! Harps, lyres, lutes, the 12-string psaltery, the shofar horn, trumpets of various sorts, flutes/pipes, double oboes, timbrels-tambourines, sistrums, cymbals, bells.) I certainly understand what God inspired Solomon to create. King David represents the former, simpler open-air inclination, Solomon the high liturgical one. And I too desire to ascend, as it were. (There's a reason why, despite a few certain exceptions, usually Anglican in some way, that Protestantism never developed a monastic tradition.)

What this means "in the world"
Many mainstream Catholics react negatively to Trad Catholics, sneering, "You think you're better than us, don't you? That the sacraments are more valid in a TLM." I actually rarely hear that, but I can say that for us the entire Traditional liturgy is more "set apart", heightened, elevated God-ward for those of us bearing this appreciation. That is just a truism.

And of course, a man or woman or child who frequents such heights remains for life a bit more removed, a bit less attached, to the things of this world. The Divine World makes itself felt. It takes a much greater act of rejection of God to shrug it off. A Novus Ordo Mass with its talky vernacular, its marching-band everyone-in-lockstep praying, its overall more casual, more mundane spirit, its no damnation/painless salvation is just easier to leave, to put it simply. It's rejection lies more lightly on a soul.

Therefore, the evils of the world, all the "sex, lies, and videotape", or more traditionally the world, the flesh, and the Devil, present less of a counterpoint to the Novus Ordo than the TLM does. Only rarely does the Devil go in for a High Luciferian Satanism. His demons usually offer a much more mundane, casual, relaxed way in their temptation to evil. "No drama damnation", as it were, to match the modern "No drama salvation".

The one thing in which the TLM is definitely superior to the Novus Ordo, and it stands profoundly superior, is that it presents to this mundane world we reside temporarily in the Holy, the Sacred, The Other in its every fiber. The Holy Ghost worked through Churchmen for centuries to perfect that sense. Bugnini and the designers of the Novus Ordo consciously rejected all that because they thought it "medieval", and that modern man would not tolerate it. So, "the Bug" turned his back on it as fully as Luther did. (Luther did so for different reasons, but still.) And "modern man" was represented for the Bug and his would-be Reformers by the then archbishop of Milan, one mousey Giovanni Battista Montini, who carried a business man's brief case about with him. To them, Montini was the way, and the wave, of the future. Honestly, the future Paul VI carrying a briefcase excited a LOT of comment in the press.

It was just silly. And vacuous, as was so much of Vatican II and the infamous "spirit of Vatican II" that followed. And the new, practical, nonsensical, spiritually business man Church, the Vatican II Church and its "just business" liturgy sat uncomfortably without any continuity in the timeline of the Church's 2000-year past. No wonder if failed, and is about to pass with the death of Bergoglio. Either a more Bergoglio-than-Bergoglio will be elected, and if so I expect the College of Cardinals to fracture as that would be intolerable, or some more "conservative" prelate with be elevated, which whatever they might say about it, will represent the high-water mark of Vatican II. It begin a drain away, an ejection that will inevitably accelerate as the world crashes through war, starvation, energy blackouts, and the final putting down and execution of the latest eugenics idiots who run the World Economic Forum, 2030, the Great Reset, etc.

Sounds a bit fanciful?
After all, in the face of the absurd Covid fraud, the entire Vatican II Church basically dried up like a desert tumble weed, and blew away. How could it possibly deal with a real world crisis? War? Famine? The lights of this technological civilization going out?

  An Préachán

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