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Friday, July 1, 2022

Cardinl Sticker's post Vatican II Confessions, the New Mass, destruction of the TLM


Alfons Cardinal Stickler's essay a about the shock of seeing his Vatican II actual Council work being undone, indeed, eviscerated, in the later 1960s has been republished just now by the New Liturgical Movement

I couldn't read all of it – I just go rabid-dog crazy. Stickler and his contemporaries KNEW by 1967 that what was going down was adult male bovine excrement. They knew precisely because they had their heads so far up Vat II's derrière  that Montini and Bugnini were screwing them over. Sticker reports on his going to see old Cardinal Benno Gut, and they sit around, like so many others, shaking their heads, wringing their hands, crying in their soup, a bunch of helpless prey for obvious mountebanks and charlatans. (And Freemasons, of course.) And Montini (if that guy's an actual saint, I'm the Prophet Muhammad "peace be upon me") would cry around even more than the others, and complain when confronted with the Bug's liturgical realities, but never reverse the mess, and exiling the Bug to Iran was far, far, far too little too late.

Did you ever hear of the time Archbishop Lefebvre tried to actually see that miserable Montini? Montini was absolutely terrified of Lefebvre. Just terrified. And had his major lackys keep Lefebvre away until the most important one of those was on vacation and inside-the-Vatican friends of Lefebvre got him into the pope's presence. Montini had to see him briefly and was visibly in utter terror. Absolutely, utterly, comprehensibly pathetic. And Lefebvre, known for his kind demeanor, was a real man – had spent most of his career in Africa in the missions. His father had been in the Resistance and was murdered by the Nazis.

So then after "The Weeper" Montini, we get John Paul I, who got himself killed only 33 days in, and then Karol Karol Wojtyła, an actual man (imagine!) and hero against both Nazis and Commies, him they tried to bump him off three years after electing him (okay, the Russians tried it via the Bulgarians, but still), leaving him half the man he had been, going about kissing the Koran and apologizing to all and sundry, especially Jews, who took it to mean apologizing for trying to convert any Jews in the last two millenna! And then we get Benedict, Ratzinger the Intellectual, smartest man in the office since Leo III. Ratziger knows the score; he prays for protection from the wolves after he's elected, and HE gets tossed for promulgating Summorum Pontificum. And THEN THEY INSTALL BERGI! THE OGRE Peronista! This recent, pathetically written, utterly asinine new Bergoglio document, the impossible to pronounce Desiderio Desideravi, full of lies, direct lies, and repeated old hoary lies like a drunk's vomit is full of puke, as see here

My friends, this dying Vatican II church is one huge SNAFU mess, and its decline has happened and is happening right before our eyes. 

Just unbelievable. But reality.


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