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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter, and will he restore free speech to it?


Massive speculation exists on whether Elon Musk is both sincere and capable of restoring freedom of speech to Twitter. We'll have to see. Doing so would rob the U.S. Government "Deep State" of a titanic portion of its propaganda power. (The world Deep State, as well.) Twitter is actually probably run from U.S. Government servers and is a "Deep State" operation as its server requirements are planetary-scale huge and it can't possibly make money for profit, as does FB, etc. Twitter, FB itself, and so on, were probably set up by the U.S. Intell people to begin with! (If that idea is true, Elon might quickly be compromised, or disappear.)

So, what now? Tucker Carlson talks to Glenn Greenwald about it here. Greenwald, an old-fashioned Leftist-Liberal, lays the options out pretty well, so it is worth listening a couple of minutes to. 

There's a theory, amici, that the moment, the need, the crisis, creates the man. That's where we got Caesar, Constantine, Pope Leo the Great, Pope Gregory the Great, Otto the Great, William Wallace, St. Joan of Arc, and later George Washington, Napoleon, Lincoln, and so on. The idea is that a perilous situation somehow conjures up the guys to fight for its good resolution. If true, this is metaphysical, and of course spiritual, but I think it is often true, but then, those who responded and failed might not be remembered at all.

As we sink – apparently hopelessly drown – in the putrid flood of The Great Reset/Communism Revivus/One-World tyranny that has nearly engulfed us, the need for freedom may have called out across the world. It's a crisis obviously demanding a hero, and Musk might be the one man who heard it and who could also do something about it. (The Church should be doing something about it, but it is not, thanks to the Modernist occupant of the See of Peter.) That has to be an exhilarating feeling. 

We'll see. Honestly, we need to pray Musk is the right man for this and does the right thing, though they will definitely try to destroy him if he does, because we've never been so close to surrendering to Satan and his crumple-brained monkeys (Schwab, Soros, Gates, the occupants of the U.S. Deep State, not to mention Bergoglio and The Homosexualist Anti-Church, etc.). 

Now, we need a Gregory the Great Revivus Restorer Ecclesiam for the Church. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

"Twenty Years of Living in Fear..."

 A Chairde, I found this in the comments section of Steve Kirsch's newsletter; the commentator being "Russ D":

20 Years of LYING and FEAR by our government and media!!!!!

2000-Y2k is going to destroy everything!

2001-Anthrax is going to kill us all!

2002-West Nile Virus is going to kill us all!

2003-Sars is going to kill us all!

2005-Bird Flu is going to kill us all!

2006-Ecoli is going to kill us all!

2008-Financial Collapse is going to kill us all!

2009-Swine Flu is going to kill us all!

2012-The Mayan Calendar predicts the world ending!

2013-North Korea is going to cause WWIII!

2014-Ebloa Virus is going to kill us all!

2015-ISIS is going to kill us all!

2016-Zika Virus is going to kill us all!

2020 Corona Virus is going to kill us all!

2022 The Russians are coming!

By the same Commentator:

No vax for HIV/AIDS after 40 years of research. No vax for cancer after 100 years of research. No vax for the Common Cold, And yet a virus mysteriously appears and within 12 months a vax is found by FOUR Big Pharma companies all within a week and they are trying to mandate us to take it?!?!?!!?!?!?!?


My own observation on the latter – after all those decades of being lied to about all those impending doomsday scenarios, the Powers-That-Be have finally created generations of absolutely terrified and manipulable "sheeple".

Controlling one's fears (not ignoring or discounting them, but controlling them) is as important as controlling your emotions, your lusts, your hatreds, because with all of these animal-derived influences, if you don't control them, they will control you. They will triumph over your rational mind and your immortal soul and reduce you to a true animal state. 

And as has been taught for millennia, animals don't go to Heaven. 

But beware. To control your casts of mind you must practice self-discipline, and not enjoy – nor trust in – ignorance.


Friday, April 15, 2022

"Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event Ever"


A worthwhile article (a vignette from a book) at The Federalist is worth review. It is titled, "Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event Ever". (The 'ever' tacked on the end gives it a sort of adolescent quality, but still...)

Scott S. Powell is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design policy think tank in (what remains of burnt-out) Seattle, Washington. Non-Christian scientists call Intelligent Design "pseudo-science" but look what our "scientists" KNOW for certain, i.e. Covid, et al. Ask a "scientist" to please produce an actual virion of the Covid-19 virus and see what sort of reaction you get.

But whatever about that, Powell, probably a Protestant, details a concise review of the evidence here about the Resurrection being truly historical. So, at this Easter, while one can read a classically orthodox Catholic essay on Our Lord's Passion, as with Fr. Zuhlsdorf here at OnePeterFive, I think it is always interesting to read about certain Christian episodes from a Protestant perspective. It shows how close and how far, how familiar and unfamiliar, the difference Protestant denominations can be from Traditional Catholicism (Vatican II Catholicism is basically the Anglican Church speaking Italian, with lavender ruffles and flourishes).

For instance, this Powell article has some full-throated recognition of the significance of the report in First Corinthians about the witnesses to the Resurrection. I.e.:
The New Testament provides accounts from multiple sources who witnessed Jesus firsthand after the resurrection. In fact, Jesus made ten separate appearances to his disciples between the resurrection and his ascension into Heaven, over a period of 40 days. Some of those appearances were to individual disciples, some were to several disciples at the same time, and once even to 500 at one time.
Powell got this from First Corinthians, an epistle famous among Catholic apologists for defending the divine nature of the Most Holy Eucharist in the second-half of chapter 11.

It is from chapter 15 that Mr. Powell got his references above. I.e.:
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

This reference to Our Risen Lord appearing to St. Peter (Cephas) and then the Twelve leaves out the women. Christ first appeared to Mary Magdalene (Mk.16:9, Jn. 20:15-17). He next appeared to: "Joanna and Mary, the mother of James, and the other women with them" (Mt. 28:9-10). But St. Paul doesn't mention that. Women's testimony had little worth in Semitic cultures. In the second chapter of the Quran, Al-Baqarah, verse 2:282 provides a basis for the rule that two women are the equivalent of one man in providing a witness testimony in financial situations. In some Muslim traditional cultures, even this is too much; they do not accept women's testimony at all, unless a man can testify along with them.

Alright, so aside from that, St. Paul, in this earliest written (spring of 56 A.D.; cool how they can know that) reference to the Resurrection (unless the "Hebrew" version of St. Matthew's gospel existed then) lists the men to whom Our Risen Lord appeared. St. Peter and the Apostles, naturally, but who were the 500? "A public appearance mentioned only here in the NT" is the note of a Catholic Study Bible I have. I've read other interesting commentaries in certain writers about who these 500 were and that they had been gathered for the purpose. The Catholic Study Bible's note (Curtis Mitch) only says: "For Paul, such a large group of eyewitnesses adds to the credibility of the Resurrection especially since some were still living and could verify the facts."

Yeah, but that's pretty basic. Mr Mitch is not a Classics scholar, alas. St. Paul was conversant with Classical Greek pagan literature. St. Paul would have known that in Athens, in the Periclean Age, the jury size for a man accused of a capital crime was 500. None of the writers recording Socrates trial detailed the jury size, probably because they assumed everyone would know. So, what St. Paul is saying is the he had enough witnesses to Christ's resurrection to satisfy the jury requirements of the Mediterranean world's famous city-state, Athens, in its heyday.

St. Paul, I believe, quotes from three pagan philosophers, Epimenides, Menander (who seems to have actually gotten the quote from the tragedy Aiolos by Euripides), and Aratus. St. Luke makes such quotes a couple of times in Acts. Whether these were direct quotes or just Shakespeare-like well-known commonly circulating phrases, they indicate some degree of familiarity with the Classics. St Paul in particular in his letters uses them to explain Christian teachings via the use of concepts from Greek philosophy. One scholar has noted that "1 Corinthians 12 may have been partly inspired by a similar image conjured up in Plato’s Protagoras 349c, in which Socrates uses the example of how the different parts of the face all perform very different functions from each other and from the function of the whole and yet, through the combination of all the different parts working together in harmony, they each contribute to the function of the whole." 

If true, wow. This would tie St. Paul's 500 witnesses even closer to my idea that St. Paul was thinking of a jury trial of Socrates (as well as referring to an otherwise unrecording meeting).

The Protestant historian and New Testament scholar, Gary Habermas, has "dedicated his professional life to the examination of the relevant historical, philosophical, and theological issues surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus." 

I once listened to him explain on video how St. Paul stressed the importance of his testimony here in chapter 15 by using the phrase: "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received...", as Mr Habermas says this was a sort ancient version of "I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God." This is a great insight and heightens (if any heightening is needed) the importance of St. Paul's testimony here. But what Mr. Habermas didn't say is that in chapter 11, about the Holy Eucharist,  St. Paul says, "23 For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread...". This time St. Paul ups the ante. "For I received FROM THE LORD what I also delivered to you." Just amazing the power of this oath that St. Paul offers. And yet Protestant scholars – or at least Mr. Habermas – miss it.

In any case, Mr. Powell's contention that the historicity of the Resurrection is on very firm footing, to put it mildly. But let's up the ante in a Catholic way, something you probably won't hear from a Vatican II trained cleric.

The Mass, the Sacred Eucharistic Liturgy, is above all a miracle, our participation in the actual Incarnation of Christ, made present to us so that as God Incarnated Himself into man, so man, through partaking of the Eucharist, can be Incarnated into God. This is the basic Christian message. It's why God didn't just declare, Allah-like, that an individual is saved upon uttering the Shahada ("I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.")

There has never been a formal Christian Shahada. Romans 10:13/Acts 2:21 are often quoted as a type of Shahada. They consist of the verse, "For all those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved", and they constitute the most Protestant verses in Scripture. In context, the Romans verse is embedded in: …12For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, 13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach." The context of the second is in St. Peter's famous sermon to the crowds on Pentecost.

To be "saved", one has to be "born again of the water and the spirit" (St. John's gospel: 3:5, following on verse 3 about being born again). St. John and St. Paul both stress one has to be a "new creation in Christ" St. Paul's writings are full of these. For example:

·   John 1:12 “But to all who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave power to become children of God; 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (Obviously, a new creation.)
  •  2 Cor 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (Again, a new creation.)
  •  2 Peter 1:4 might well put it best;
  • See also Romans, 6:4, 7:6, 12:2; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:8-12.

St. John wrote his gospel last of the four (all scholars, whether believers, agnostics, atheists, agree on that, even if they vary wildly in just when it was composed) and he knew that he had to emphasize the profundity of this Incarnational new creation theology, so he wrote out, very carefully, the sixth chapter of his gospel in which he reports Our Lord clearly saying that one must eat His flesh and drink is blood if one is to have God's life within him. And St. John also emphasized that Christ was not being metaphorical, as He let many – if not most – of His followers walk away.

But the point I wish to particularly stress about the Holy Eucharist is in relation to St. Paul's formal oath-giving testimony to the Resurrection: for the Holy Eucharist is a sacrament, meaning an oath, in itself. It is a blood oath, the most profound kind, wherein Catholic bishops and priests from that scene in 1 Corinthians 15 down to this day swear, and swear on the very Body and Blood of God, that "for I received FROM THE LORD what I also delivered to you" that we saw the Risen Christ, met with Him, spoke with Him, and ate with Him.

The Most Holy Eucharist is not just the means of our salvation, but also a blood-oath we Historical Christians (Catholics, the 14 Orthodox, the Oriental Orthodox) have been participating in for 2000 years. It is a witness of the most penetrating kind, with the most unfathomable consequences for our souls.

So, my friends, this might be worth a bit of reflection this Easter season, as we stand on the brink of horrible war, unprecedented global propaganda, and Deep State/Great Reset-generated civilizational collapse.

Christus vincit, 
Christus regnat, 
Christus imperat!

An Préachán

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Fr. Charles Murr and a new book detailing Freemason activity in the Vatican From Pius 12 to JP2


The Catholic Church has always attracted enemies. And, as with Judas Iscariot, it has always carried enemies within it. In more modern times, Communists have been bent on destroying it, at whatever the cost. Bella Dodd alleged they successfully infiltrated it and nearly destroyed it over the past half century. She should know. She was organizing it.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Scott Ritter and Alex Thomson on Ukraine, Russia, the Western military and propaganda


We keep being inundated with this Western gov propaganda about the Ukrainians and Russians. To my disgust, a lot of people I would otherwise respect buy into it wholly, like Streiff at RedState, here and here

In any event, check out this Reiner Fuellmich interview for some counter-argument.

Reinder interviews wo experts, American Scott Ritter and Englishman Alex Thomson, who have long-experience in these subects, talk a lot of truth about Russia, Ukraine, and especially the duplicitous West. It's a real eye-opener. Of course, all this is anathema to the mainstream narrative; it's the equivalent of calling out the lies of Covid. They lay it all out. Ritter and Thomson detail how the CIA is manufacturing the lies about Russian military morale and how the stories coming out of Ukraine can't possibly be true – they do so on a technical level, explaining the details so those of us ignorant of how the Russian Army works, especially how they manage each soldier's private communication – to disprove the constant lies about Russian soldiers and their morale. They also discuss how the West cannot possibly fight Russia, how except for the American military, NATO is defenseless, the extent to which the German Army is a joke, etc., and how weak too the U.S. military itself has become.

Scott Ritter has just been banned from Twitter for doubting the Bucha massacre. That Indian diplomat whom I sent around a while ago, M. K. Bhadrakumar, didn't believe it either. Many men with sterling backgrounds in military and espionage don't. I can't forget that 50 such "experts" in espionage swore that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russia deception. So, always always always, there's more than one side to a story. Only far-stretching endless time will reveal the truth.

Here's Scott Ritter's amazing background. He had extensive experience in the Marines in combined arms (that the U.S. is no longer is expert in after all our Mid-East insurgency wars, and in also being a U.S. Weapons of Mass Destruction Investigator. 

From Treehouse commentator Sherri Young (bf mine):

No great surprise that Scott Ritter would get the ban hammer from Deep State Twitter. He frustrated Cheney/Bush by delaying their incursion into Iraq. Ritter was the UN chief weapons inspector who pushed back against the neocons. They were itching to go into Iraq. The narrative was that Iraqi scientists were not cooperating with the weapons inspections, so there was no point in waiting any longer. Ritter would not be pushed. He continued flying around Iraq, going from site to site and reporting that he was not finding caches of WMDs.

When the narrative changed to say that the inspections needed to end because the inspectors were at risk, Ritter stated that he did not feel sufficiently at risk.

The inspections stopped only after the company that insured the helicopters used by Ritter and his team notified the helicopter company that their coverage would no longer be good for such missions in Iraq. A couple of weeks after the weapons inspectors were forced to pull out, that very same helicopter service was flying the same helicopters in Iraq. At the time, AIG was the largest insurer of commercial helicopters. Five years later in the Great Recession, AIG was bailed out by the Fed. (Funny how those things work./sarc)

So, in general, my friends, how many times do we have to be lied to before we finally get our minds around reality? Well, the powers-that-be won't let us do that until the entire system collapses, and we embark on a Mad-Max type dystopian world, where life will be, as a certain Englishman once said: solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Another article exploring the same themes is here at The Gateway pundit. 

An Préachán

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

It isn't just me: many think U.S. foreign policy under Biden is Demented, as is his war against children and girls


Check out this mainstream conservative article at The Federalist: Biden's lack of strategy for Ukraine

The Federalist is pretty "mainstream" as mainstream conservative online publications go. So for them to be as agitated as their top author John Daniel Davidson writes between the lines that they are, well, trouble is coming. (Yes, I know, it is already here.) Davidson writes (boldface mine):
All this suggests Biden has no idea what the American national interest is or what our national security strategy should be — in Ukraine or anywhere else. He seems only to have a vague sense that large and powerful countries should not invade their smaller and weaker neighbors. But when they do, how should America respond? What goals or national interests should guide our response? What should our priorities be? Biden and his advisors don’t seem to know.

Then check out Ambassador M. K. Bhadrakumar's piece here about the Bucha massacre fraud. Bhadrakumar has thirty years of diplomatic and ambassadorial experience for India. What he writes, too, is chilling. He explains many things in detail, and most of it is a complete alternative to the propaganda we get hourly via the Western media. I don't know how correct Bhadrakumar is, but after two years of Covid, I'll never trust the Western MainStream Media again. Remember when the media showed pictures of people falling dead on the streets of Wuhan in early 2020? All fake, all fraud. Remember the daily death tolls? All fake, all fraud. Remember all the garbage about "the Jab" being safe? Al fake, all fraud. The Jab is deadly, as these fully vaccinated tennis players prove

Especially observant is Bhadrakumar's comment:
The alacrity with which Macron and Scholz consumed the fake news is a harbinger of a new phase in the information war. Succinctly put, there is a sober awakening in Paris and Berlin that the Russian operation is successfully meeting the set objectives.

Meanwhile, China has locked down Shanghai to the point you must have food delivered to you there. You are not allowed to leave your flat! And food isn't readily coming. See LifeSiteNews here about the situation, wherein a Westerner living in Shanghai explains how he's tried to get food delivered for two days. And if you cannot pick and choose your own food, how good could the quality of the food they deliver be? Absolute madness.

There's more, my friends, much more. Like this U.S. Army captain's incarceration for speaking the truth: his incarceration in a mental hospital! That's what the Soviets used to do! If you tell the truth now, they lock you up in the loony bin!

And no end in sight seems to exist for the most perverse child abuse governmental ideas in the U.S.! NYC mayor lures Floridians back to NY so their kids can be taught sex stuff. Their kindergarten kids! And also, in Florida itself, Sodom sues to "groom" kids! 

This is truly an abomination before the Lord God and this mayor and these "rapists of childhood" in Florida or anywhere else deserve the hottest parts of Hell. Don't believe me? See this about Colorado and abortion. I guess if they can't rape children, then they'll just kill them at birth. N.B. There's a bill in California that would allow murdering newborns, too.

Bottom Line
God has been very generous in giving us extra time to repent, but that also give us ever more rope to hang ourselves. And we are, because it just goes on and on and on.

I can easily believe, though I hope I'm in tin-foil hat country, that we won't have 2022 Congressional elections, that somehow the Democrats (Demon-rats) will stop it or spoil it. All I can say is, Buíochas le Da the Hungarian people voted to keep Orbán for the next four years. Four years is about right for this Hellish insanity in the world to go long, long past critical mass.

Now is the time, however, to be afraid. Very afraid. The near future will bring some form of Armageddon. That much cannot now be avoided.

An Préachán

Monday, April 4, 2022

Part III Dr. Bryan Ardis, Catholics, and Jews, and just about everybody else...


Here's Part III of my rant involving Bryan Ardis and Catholics. It is also the end of the rant.

In these dire, dire times, it is sanity we need, not Jack Chick. Oh, yeah: And it's wrong to scapegoat.

Dr. Bryan Ardis asserting the Church is the mastermind behind the Covid farce and that it is "evil, pure and simple, from the eighth dimension" (if I may quote the famous Buckaroo Banzai comment out of context) stands as a truly lunatic observation. It's like saying Jews, as a group, are behind all the evil in the world. But "Those Jews! They did it!" remains a widely held theory about a lot of things because, like the Church and unlike the Freemasons (or since the latter are so secretive, maybe so), Jews are everywhere and often in positions of power and influence. (Freemasons might be, but they work to occlude themselves from sight.) Right now, Jews constitute the Biden Regime's top people, while in comparison, all most all U.S. Supreme Court justices are Catholics. Representatives of both groups seem concentrated in positions of great power and influence. That gets noticed.

Yet what does that prove, exactly?

Does it prove it is religion that's the issue? Very religious groups of Jews exist, but they are no more likely to be found in high levels of power than Trad Catholics would be. The "System", the "Deep State" loathes them. Thus, the more Orthodox Jew or Trad Catholic you are, the less likely you'll find yourself in "The Club". Biden himself, an immorally putrid man, is (supposed to be) a Catholic. Anthony Fauci was a Catholic at some point. George Soros was born a Jew. In any event, those kinds of bad Catholics rise to the top levels of power.

And all that is just one reason why many scapegoat either Jews and Catholics. The "religious" among them are spotlighted while the anti-religious ones (Soros is an example) are ignored. Interesting they're both also often accused of destroying the "Christian World", isn't it?
  • And regarding Jews and Covid: the classic paradigm of every Jewish mother is that she wants her son to be a doctor.
  • Jews play a stupendous role in both mainstream and non-mainstream medicine.
  • So, Dr. Ardis, why don't you suspect Jewish medical elites with foul play? Would that be racist? Or anti-Semitic?
  • It's no wonder Dr. Ardis demonizes Catholics and not Jews, any more than he why he refrains from demonizing Muslims. Neither Jews nor Muslims nor tolerate this paranoia, even in those cases where it isn't paranoid at all. (Evil people exist in every ethnic/religious group!) With the Muslims, such a accusations as Ardis makes will lose you your head; with the Jews, expect to be a lot poorer and marginalized. Alas, as E. Michael Jones knows all too well, any criticism of any Jews brings harassment and headaches only the strongest-willed can endure.
  • Yet it is precisely that sort of Jewish defense which only makes people who really hate Jews qua Jews hate them all the more. Bad players can use it as a get-out-of-jail-card. It is badly self-defeating for Jews, as Jones has so often pointed out. It was self-defeating for the Church to cover up the sex scandals. It is self-defeating for Black Americans to use it, as well, as in the case of George Floyd. (Actually, Freemasons used to do the same thing: my mother told me about a child-molester back in 1920s Columbus, Ohio, who was caught molesting children but he got off completely because he was a Mason.)
"Human shields"

Individual or groups of immoral men can use either the Church or the Jewish community or being Black to shield themselves from scrutiny or even the law. This is truly using fellow humans as "human shields". They know they'll be defended. That no longer works for the Church because the sex scandals were so indefensible and because the Church is so openly loathed by our hedonistic society. But Jews will stop at nothing to defend Jews, no matter how bad certain individuals or groups might be, because they think – or claim to believe – examples of Jews doing bad things will trigger the Holocaust all over again.

Catholic and Jewish parallels
Ironically, except that Catholics usually submit profusely to criticism, as exampled by Bergoglio apologizing to Canadian Indians recently, Catholics and Jews have a lot in common, to be sure. They're both "elitist" in a sense. Religious Jews claim they have a special and absolutely one-off relationship with God no one else has, and Trad Catholics claim to be the one, true Church that Our Lord personally founded. (Vatican II Catholics are all over the board on that, and probably most don't believe it. Talk to Bishop Barron if you want more weasel words about Catholic belief in your life.)

So why the age-old fight between Jews and Catholics? An essential parallel between them actually holds the answer:
  1. As Jews claim to be the one and only "Israel of God", so Catholics indeed claim to BE Jews, the "Israel of God", themselves – a claim going back to St. Paul. (Protestants have always hated that, as do the Orthodox. If Ardis is either of those, that might explain a lot.)
  2. That was the origin of the eternal fight between Jews and Catholics, that and the obvious corollary in Catholic thinking that if Jews want to be true Jews, they need to convert.
  3. But the Vatican II Church has absolutely flat-out run away from this ancient dogma...
  4. ...Yet the Church can't. Why? To do so is to deny the point of the Church: to blaspheme the Incarnation, Christ, and His Sacrifice, which establish the Seventh Covenant. And that is because:
  5. The whole point of the religion: i.e. Christianity (Historical, sacrament-based Christianity) is the Seventh Covenant, the capstone Covenant of the Six Old Testament Covenants, and the reason God established them.
  6. To say certain groups need not covert is ipso-facto to damn the Church's entire raison d'être for existence in the first place. And it is that that serves as the kernel of the trouble Modernist Catholicism has – and that ruined the Vat2 Church. As they don't believe the ancient dogma, they can hardly get anyone else to believe it, either.
  7. In any event, the two-millennia-long contention between Jews and orthodox, Catholic Christians is unfortunately just baked into the cake from the beginning. But it need not be – ever – violent. And in any case, of course, Jews born to Jewish mothers – the best possible way to be a Jew – do convert to Catholicism from time to time. Look at the Twelve Apostles. Or Saul of Tarsus, a.k.a. St. Paul. Our Lord Christ Himself, Who was born to a Jewish mother, and it from her he received both His humanity and His Jewishness. It is hardly a new thing, and were the Vatican II Church's 60-year-old "protocols" about converting Jews had been practiced from the beginning, we'd have no Church at all!)

The Nazis and Communists
So, that's the theology behind the fight between Jews and Catholics. It's an exclusivity Protestants have always rejected. Totally unrelated to all that, however, new problems arose in the modern world in the last 100-plus years, such as the Theory of Evolution and the resultant Nazis and the Communists. Nazis want to kill all Jews to improve the evolution of the human race. Literally murder them all. (The original Fascists, like Mussolini or Franco, were not anti-Semitic. Hitler had to order the Italian Fascists to kill Jews.) Communists want to absorb them into new Socialist Man. "A Jew who is a Socialist is a Socialist first", goes an old saying. Same with Catholics, as per the example of Bella Dodd.

Since the Holocaust that the Nazis perpetrated on millions of Jews (and other groups) in their worship of Darwin, however, the Western collective guilt regarding the Jew was – and is today – very powerful, and in this guilt abides a the major reason why modern Israel exists. Had there been no Hitler, there probably wouldn't be a Republic of Israel. Antagonism between Jews and Christians would still have existed, sure, since that seems endemic for the two religions, as explained above.

But the Nazis did exist. Some Jews (by no means all) insist that "Christian Europe" either gave rise to Nazism, that Nazis constituted a form of Christian, or that the Nazis were caused by Christianity's traditional attitudes toward Jews. These want to see Christianity crippled and thus no longer a threat to them. Yet oddly, when it comes to Islam, which from time to time would simply slaughter entire populations of Jews, or force them to convert to Islam en masse, as Muhammad himself did, this sort of query never seems to arise.

  1. Whether any postwar churchmen believed that Nazi origin tale (it wasn't true; the Nazis were narcissistic, sexually and morally perverted pagans motivated far more by Charles Darwin and self-love), by the early 1960s, Christians certainly felt guilt about what happened, and many Churchmen, (as I keep saying in other posts), felt the impotence of the Church in having positive effect on the world.
  2. Had the Church "declared war" on Nazism, doing continent-wide what the Dutch Christians (Protestant and Catholic) tried to do in 1941-42, the Nazis would have shot every priest and nun they could get their claws on. Staring with Pius XII.
  3. It would have been horrific, and yet afterward, the Church's sacrifice would have elevated its standing in the world tremendously. "The blood of the martyrs would have been the seed of the Church's renaissance." Vatican II would never have been called.
But that's not what happened, and today any criticism of Jews remains taboo; it is immediately condemned as being "anti-Semitic". (Except, of course, when Muslims do it.)
  • But no one and no group is above criticism. It's a mistake to try to single out anyone for being beyond any sort of reproach.
Dr. Bryan Ardis

So Dr. Bryan Ardis avoids accusing the Jews, even though, of all groups of people, they are truly major players in "Big Med", and government, etc. Dr. Ardis is also clearly ignorant of ALL of these modern Catholic problems I've mentioned above. For whatever reason, whether raised anti-Catholic or just burned out after a lifetime of fighting hopelessly against "Big Med" (he was a chiropractor), Ardis comes across as utterly exhausted and a bit crazy.

And he certainly believes the whole Church is evil. He thinks it has always been evil. He refers to dates in the 1850s about the Church trying to take over America – that's pure Know Nothing/American Party (1844-1860) Protestant boilerplate. Yet despite all this, Ardis is a major player in fighting against the deadly Covid tyranny that threatens to enslave us all.
That he thinks the way he does is outrageous and depressing; that it isn't answered is intolerable, but Ardis himself is necessary. That puts us in a non-kosher pickle, doesn't it?

An Préachán

Friday, April 1, 2022

Bergoglio flubs Fatima Russian Consecration. Of course he does...


Bergoglio and Fatima: unfortunately, this isn't an April Fool's joke.

Bergoglio flubbed the Fatima Russia consecration. Of course he did. What else would ye expect?

From a Lifesitenews article here by Michael Haynes. "Why is a leading Vatican theologian rejecting Fatima links to Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia?"

Read the whole article for details of the Bergoglian disaster's non-Fatima Fatima consecration of Russia, Ukraine, and especially the world – oh, wait, it was a consecration of the whole world and especially Russia and Ukraine, or something like that – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Except Fatima wasn't mentioned. The event was, in a word, your basic Modernist mess.

And in to add insult to injury, among all the languages the event was said in, Fr Hunwicke notes that Latin was not one of them. "Clearly, the once 'Good Pope John' has lost his cred in this Age of Bergoglianity ... PF respects his views on the Curia no more than he respects the detailed regulations he laid down in Veterum Sapientia for the reinforcement of Latin (the Vatican recently published texts for the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine in, I think, 32 languages ... which, by failing to include Latin, put it on a level with  Cornish)."

Back to the Lifesite Article by Michael Haynes. Excerpt:
AnP again: one just despairs. So Bergoglio has an anti-Marian as president of the Marian Academy. Makes perfect sense for the heretic. That's exactly what Modernism, the "mother of all heresies", does. It can't help itself. And we're damned if we pretend there's no problem, which many insist on trying to do. I came across the following comment at Fr. Z's blog:
Pope Francis is Pope because the Holy Ghost would not allow otherwise. We may not like it. He has not made any Excathedra statements and if he did they would not be heretical because once again the Holy Ghost would not allow it.

A "Cop-out"
This is both mental and spiritual laziness, what used to be a "cop-out", an excuse rationalization, even blasphemous because it alleges the Holy Ghost has appointed an ecclesiastical murderer. It's a "Don't believe your lying eyes" and we, today, have far, far too much for that. It's drowning us! Basic Reality: A pope, when he opens his mouth in any faith or religion sense, teaches doctrine pretty much with every comment. Why? He does so because he is Christ's Vicar. He's like a grand vizier of any ancient Israelite king. He holds the palace keys and Great Seal, as they did. He doesn't have to "make ex-Cathedra statements"! Those are for special notice and emphasis, usually to settle a long-debated issue. In short, a pope is like a prime minister of a monarch or an American president. When Joe Biden says something stupid off the cuff, he can actually change U.S. policy. He can actually start a war. That's the power a president has, a prime minister – and a pope.

Our Grim Ecclesiastical Reality
Bergoglio is clearly a heretic, murdering the Faith, and certainly the Church. Look at his whole pontificate.
  1. Take the long view. Don't lose the Bergoglian forest for the (pretty much everyday) Bergoglian tree, wherein he puts his foot in his mouth with quotidian regularity.
  2. In doctrine of every sort, and certainly moral issues (he's pathological about nutty sex stuff), he goes against Scripture and Tradition.
  3. Bergoglio has a pathological hatred of the Traditional Liturgy, the Vetus Ordo.
  4. The traditional Latin liturgies, as they naturally evolved over centuries, are the "form" of the Western Church, like the soul is the form of body. The Eastern Liturgies do the same for those Churches. In contrast, the Novus Ordo was made up by a committee, basically one man, Hannibal Bugnini. It's a sort of Frankenstein's Monster, made with pieces of this and pieces of that.
  5. This lack of actual life in the Novus Ordo was manifest from the beginning, as the Church started shedding members from the N.O.'s inception. Today, churches are empty, seminaries are empty or gay encounter clubs, and the U.S. Church (for one example) survives on Federal money for "refugees", which is why the Church is so strident in advocating for illegal immigrants.
  6. The only growth the Vatican II Church has actually EVER actually seen involves the TLM laity and, possibly, the Charismatic Catholics, although they're not as stable a set as the TLMers. But otherwise, people have been falling away from the Vat II Church since it launched.
  7. Benedict's Summorum Pontificum recognized and blessed the reality that the TLM attracted people, solid folks who started having large families in the Church, and it obviously has transforming power.
  8. Bergoglio hates that and has tried to kill it. He's has done everything possible to destroy the TLM movement! We're as insane as he is if we think God prefers such an ogre to be His vicar on Earth. Old Fr. Hunwicke, a wise man if ever there was one, has a must-read column here about Bergoglio and the Liturgy. 
An excerpt:

In concluding this four-part survey, I remind readers that we have met no examples of liturgically-preoccupied popes hunched over desks in Rome, micromanaging what every insignificant curate anywhere in the World can be allowed to do at the Altar. 

We have met no pope who believed that doctrinal unity could only be secured or expressed by rigid uniformity of worship.

But there is an even broader point to be made than the merely liturgical question: the 'papacy' which at this moment we are so painfully enduring is a Novelty; it is not found in Antiquity and no more is it found in the admirable teaching of Vatican I (or the subsequent clarifications by Blessed Pius IX) nor in the texts of Vatican II. In the sometimes-derided high baroque period of the Roman Primacy, the writings of that admirable pontiff, Prospero Lambertini, Benedict XIV, give no countenance to it. 

It is because this style of papacy is a Novelty that it needs to be unambiguously rejected. 

Catholicism with Novelty is not Catholicism with something exotic added. Once you embark upon nailing alien matter onto the Faith, what you get is not Catholicism-plus. Catholicism, with the authentic Papal Ministry subtracted from it, has ceased to be Catholicism at all.

AnP again:
Bergoglio, and all the Modernists, do precisely that: they add something exotic, like their putrid Pachamama mess; they're nailing alien matter onto the Faith. They keep trying to create a "Catholicism-Plus" because they can't imagine anyone who finds the Holy Ghost calling them from Catholicism-as-God-set-it-up. They themselves don't. Luther couldn't. Calvin didn't try, and Progressive Catholics are just bored of the whole thing and think idiotically, "Gee, if we just make the Church more like the Church of England, everything will be great!"

So, Bergoglio flubbed the Fatima Russia Consecration. And we hover on the edge of nuclear Armageddon, pushed into the Pit by a demented, non compos mentis mannequin and his masters, people like Jacques Attali, the true éminence grise of Globalism, or the infamous Yuval Noah Harari, whom the great Dr. Zelenko has exposed

Bergoglio isn't even a tertiary player among these big shots; and he's certainly NO defense against them. Instead, Bergoglio has turned the Church into a their lickspittle NGO lobby.

An Préachán