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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

It isn't just me: many think U.S. foreign policy under Biden is Demented, as is his war against children and girls


Check out this mainstream conservative article at The Federalist: Biden's lack of strategy for Ukraine

The Federalist is pretty "mainstream" as mainstream conservative online publications go. So for them to be as agitated as their top author John Daniel Davidson writes between the lines that they are, well, trouble is coming. (Yes, I know, it is already here.) Davidson writes (boldface mine):
All this suggests Biden has no idea what the American national interest is or what our national security strategy should be — in Ukraine or anywhere else. He seems only to have a vague sense that large and powerful countries should not invade their smaller and weaker neighbors. But when they do, how should America respond? What goals or national interests should guide our response? What should our priorities be? Biden and his advisors don’t seem to know.

Then check out Ambassador M. K. Bhadrakumar's piece here about the Bucha massacre fraud. Bhadrakumar has thirty years of diplomatic and ambassadorial experience for India. What he writes, too, is chilling. He explains many things in detail, and most of it is a complete alternative to the propaganda we get hourly via the Western media. I don't know how correct Bhadrakumar is, but after two years of Covid, I'll never trust the Western MainStream Media again. Remember when the media showed pictures of people falling dead on the streets of Wuhan in early 2020? All fake, all fraud. Remember the daily death tolls? All fake, all fraud. Remember all the garbage about "the Jab" being safe? Al fake, all fraud. The Jab is deadly, as these fully vaccinated tennis players prove

Especially observant is Bhadrakumar's comment:
The alacrity with which Macron and Scholz consumed the fake news is a harbinger of a new phase in the information war. Succinctly put, there is a sober awakening in Paris and Berlin that the Russian operation is successfully meeting the set objectives.

Meanwhile, China has locked down Shanghai to the point you must have food delivered to you there. You are not allowed to leave your flat! And food isn't readily coming. See LifeSiteNews here about the situation, wherein a Westerner living in Shanghai explains how he's tried to get food delivered for two days. And if you cannot pick and choose your own food, how good could the quality of the food they deliver be? Absolute madness.

There's more, my friends, much more. Like this U.S. Army captain's incarceration for speaking the truth: his incarceration in a mental hospital! That's what the Soviets used to do! If you tell the truth now, they lock you up in the loony bin!

And no end in sight seems to exist for the most perverse child abuse governmental ideas in the U.S.! NYC mayor lures Floridians back to NY so their kids can be taught sex stuff. Their kindergarten kids! And also, in Florida itself, Sodom sues to "groom" kids! 

This is truly an abomination before the Lord God and this mayor and these "rapists of childhood" in Florida or anywhere else deserve the hottest parts of Hell. Don't believe me? See this about Colorado and abortion. I guess if they can't rape children, then they'll just kill them at birth. N.B. There's a bill in California that would allow murdering newborns, too.

Bottom Line
God has been very generous in giving us extra time to repent, but that also give us ever more rope to hang ourselves. And we are, because it just goes on and on and on.

I can easily believe, though I hope I'm in tin-foil hat country, that we won't have 2022 Congressional elections, that somehow the Democrats (Demon-rats) will stop it or spoil it. All I can say is, Buíochas le Da the Hungarian people voted to keep Orbán for the next four years. Four years is about right for this Hellish insanity in the world to go long, long past critical mass.

Now is the time, however, to be afraid. Very afraid. The near future will bring some form of Armageddon. That much cannot now be avoided.

An Préachán

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