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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter, and will he restore free speech to it?


Massive speculation exists on whether Elon Musk is both sincere and capable of restoring freedom of speech to Twitter. We'll have to see. Doing so would rob the U.S. Government "Deep State" of a titanic portion of its propaganda power. (The world Deep State, as well.) Twitter is actually probably run from U.S. Government servers and is a "Deep State" operation as its server requirements are planetary-scale huge and it can't possibly make money for profit, as does FB, etc. Twitter, FB itself, and so on, were probably set up by the U.S. Intell people to begin with! (If that idea is true, Elon might quickly be compromised, or disappear.)

So, what now? Tucker Carlson talks to Glenn Greenwald about it here. Greenwald, an old-fashioned Leftist-Liberal, lays the options out pretty well, so it is worth listening a couple of minutes to. 

There's a theory, amici, that the moment, the need, the crisis, creates the man. That's where we got Caesar, Constantine, Pope Leo the Great, Pope Gregory the Great, Otto the Great, William Wallace, St. Joan of Arc, and later George Washington, Napoleon, Lincoln, and so on. The idea is that a perilous situation somehow conjures up the guys to fight for its good resolution. If true, this is metaphysical, and of course spiritual, but I think it is often true, but then, those who responded and failed might not be remembered at all.

As we sink – apparently hopelessly drown – in the putrid flood of The Great Reset/Communism Revivus/One-World tyranny that has nearly engulfed us, the need for freedom may have called out across the world. It's a crisis obviously demanding a hero, and Musk might be the one man who heard it and who could also do something about it. (The Church should be doing something about it, but it is not, thanks to the Modernist occupant of the See of Peter.) That has to be an exhilarating feeling. 

We'll see. Honestly, we need to pray Musk is the right man for this and does the right thing, though they will definitely try to destroy him if he does, because we've never been so close to surrendering to Satan and his crumple-brained monkeys (Schwab, Soros, Gates, the occupants of the U.S. Deep State, not to mention Bergoglio and The Homosexualist Anti-Church, etc.). 

Now, we need a Gregory the Great Revivus Restorer Ecclesiam for the Church. 


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