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Friday, April 1, 2022

Bergoglio flubs Fatima Russian Consecration. Of course he does...


Bergoglio and Fatima: unfortunately, this isn't an April Fool's joke.

Bergoglio flubbed the Fatima Russia consecration. Of course he did. What else would ye expect?

From a Lifesitenews article here by Michael Haynes. "Why is a leading Vatican theologian rejecting Fatima links to Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia?"

Read the whole article for details of the Bergoglian disaster's non-Fatima Fatima consecration of Russia, Ukraine, and especially the world – oh, wait, it was a consecration of the whole world and especially Russia and Ukraine, or something like that – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Except Fatima wasn't mentioned. The event was, in a word, your basic Modernist mess.

And in to add insult to injury, among all the languages the event was said in, Fr Hunwicke notes that Latin was not one of them. "Clearly, the once 'Good Pope John' has lost his cred in this Age of Bergoglianity ... PF respects his views on the Curia no more than he respects the detailed regulations he laid down in Veterum Sapientia for the reinforcement of Latin (the Vatican recently published texts for the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine in, I think, 32 languages ... which, by failing to include Latin, put it on a level with  Cornish)."

Back to the Lifesite Article by Michael Haynes. Excerpt:
AnP again: one just despairs. So Bergoglio has an anti-Marian as president of the Marian Academy. Makes perfect sense for the heretic. That's exactly what Modernism, the "mother of all heresies", does. It can't help itself. And we're damned if we pretend there's no problem, which many insist on trying to do. I came across the following comment at Fr. Z's blog:
Pope Francis is Pope because the Holy Ghost would not allow otherwise. We may not like it. He has not made any Excathedra statements and if he did they would not be heretical because once again the Holy Ghost would not allow it.

A "Cop-out"
This is both mental and spiritual laziness, what used to be a "cop-out", an excuse rationalization, even blasphemous because it alleges the Holy Ghost has appointed an ecclesiastical murderer. It's a "Don't believe your lying eyes" and we, today, have far, far too much for that. It's drowning us! Basic Reality: A pope, when he opens his mouth in any faith or religion sense, teaches doctrine pretty much with every comment. Why? He does so because he is Christ's Vicar. He's like a grand vizier of any ancient Israelite king. He holds the palace keys and Great Seal, as they did. He doesn't have to "make ex-Cathedra statements"! Those are for special notice and emphasis, usually to settle a long-debated issue. In short, a pope is like a prime minister of a monarch or an American president. When Joe Biden says something stupid off the cuff, he can actually change U.S. policy. He can actually start a war. That's the power a president has, a prime minister – and a pope.

Our Grim Ecclesiastical Reality
Bergoglio is clearly a heretic, murdering the Faith, and certainly the Church. Look at his whole pontificate.
  1. Take the long view. Don't lose the Bergoglian forest for the (pretty much everyday) Bergoglian tree, wherein he puts his foot in his mouth with quotidian regularity.
  2. In doctrine of every sort, and certainly moral issues (he's pathological about nutty sex stuff), he goes against Scripture and Tradition.
  3. Bergoglio has a pathological hatred of the Traditional Liturgy, the Vetus Ordo.
  4. The traditional Latin liturgies, as they naturally evolved over centuries, are the "form" of the Western Church, like the soul is the form of body. The Eastern Liturgies do the same for those Churches. In contrast, the Novus Ordo was made up by a committee, basically one man, Hannibal Bugnini. It's a sort of Frankenstein's Monster, made with pieces of this and pieces of that.
  5. This lack of actual life in the Novus Ordo was manifest from the beginning, as the Church started shedding members from the N.O.'s inception. Today, churches are empty, seminaries are empty or gay encounter clubs, and the U.S. Church (for one example) survives on Federal money for "refugees", which is why the Church is so strident in advocating for illegal immigrants.
  6. The only growth the Vatican II Church has actually EVER actually seen involves the TLM laity and, possibly, the Charismatic Catholics, although they're not as stable a set as the TLMers. But otherwise, people have been falling away from the Vat II Church since it launched.
  7. Benedict's Summorum Pontificum recognized and blessed the reality that the TLM attracted people, solid folks who started having large families in the Church, and it obviously has transforming power.
  8. Bergoglio hates that and has tried to kill it. He's has done everything possible to destroy the TLM movement! We're as insane as he is if we think God prefers such an ogre to be His vicar on Earth. Old Fr. Hunwicke, a wise man if ever there was one, has a must-read column here about Bergoglio and the Liturgy. 
An excerpt:

In concluding this four-part survey, I remind readers that we have met no examples of liturgically-preoccupied popes hunched over desks in Rome, micromanaging what every insignificant curate anywhere in the World can be allowed to do at the Altar. 

We have met no pope who believed that doctrinal unity could only be secured or expressed by rigid uniformity of worship.

But there is an even broader point to be made than the merely liturgical question: the 'papacy' which at this moment we are so painfully enduring is a Novelty; it is not found in Antiquity and no more is it found in the admirable teaching of Vatican I (or the subsequent clarifications by Blessed Pius IX) nor in the texts of Vatican II. In the sometimes-derided high baroque period of the Roman Primacy, the writings of that admirable pontiff, Prospero Lambertini, Benedict XIV, give no countenance to it. 

It is because this style of papacy is a Novelty that it needs to be unambiguously rejected. 

Catholicism with Novelty is not Catholicism with something exotic added. Once you embark upon nailing alien matter onto the Faith, what you get is not Catholicism-plus. Catholicism, with the authentic Papal Ministry subtracted from it, has ceased to be Catholicism at all.

AnP again:
Bergoglio, and all the Modernists, do precisely that: they add something exotic, like their putrid Pachamama mess; they're nailing alien matter onto the Faith. They keep trying to create a "Catholicism-Plus" because they can't imagine anyone who finds the Holy Ghost calling them from Catholicism-as-God-set-it-up. They themselves don't. Luther couldn't. Calvin didn't try, and Progressive Catholics are just bored of the whole thing and think idiotically, "Gee, if we just make the Church more like the Church of England, everything will be great!"

So, Bergoglio flubbed the Fatima Russia Consecration. And we hover on the edge of nuclear Armageddon, pushed into the Pit by a demented, non compos mentis mannequin and his masters, people like Jacques Attali, the true éminence grise of Globalism, or the infamous Yuval Noah Harari, whom the great Dr. Zelenko has exposed

Bergoglio isn't even a tertiary player among these big shots; and he's certainly NO defense against them. Instead, Bergoglio has turned the Church into a their lickspittle NGO lobby.

An Préachán

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