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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Bergoglio Attempts to Use the Blessed Virgin Mary to Brown-nose Muslims

Amici, a Chairde,

You-all may have heard that Jorge Bergoglio (styled Pope Francis by the world's bishops) has come up with an idea to use the Blessed Virgin Mary as a tool to somehow make friendly with Islam. When I first heard of it, I thought yep, another utterly idiotic Bergoglian attempt brown-nose   Muslims, as apparently the Abu Dhabi Declaration a couple of years ago wasn't enough brown-nosing for him. (Bergi's attempts at brown-nosing Rome's Jewish leadership a couple of years ago got him a sharp smack-down for his efforts. They were happy with the photo op, but rebuffed him when he proposed a commission to study religious issues.)

But then I read this important Raymond Ibrahim article linked to above. Yes, I know a lot about Al-Islam, and I know Muhammad is portrayed as a sex-crazed maniac, endlessly copulating in the Islamic carnal "Garden of Allah" afterlife. FYI: formal Muslim teaching: Allah himself is supposed to make the libido of any Muslim man many, many times greater than any non-Muslim man, and if one is admitted to the Garden of Allah, one spends eternity in endless copulation with 72 virgins, as one is helpless to do anything else. (Their virginity is magically renewed while you sleep off your exertions, and the women folk you had in life have to look on your sexual feats all day.)

And I know that, as Ibrahim writes in the article above, "Islam does not treat Biblical characters the way Christianity does." If you ever take the time to read the Koran, trust me, you'll not be impressed, that is if you can make your way through the constant confusion, endless repetitive verbiage and bowdlerized Biblical stories. But even I, Ibn Donud al-Karul, didn't know about Muhammad's sexual boasting regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Any Catholic (or concerned Christian) needs to read Ibrahim's article. Understand: Bergoglio is stressing using the Blessed Virgin Mary to cuddle up to Islam, but Islam teaches Muhammad boasts he'll be (the Arabic word translates as the usual coarse English word for brutal intimate-sexual-relations contact) the B.V.M. in the next life. Yes, this was apparently a Muhammadan boast. This whole idea of Bergoglio's is thus beyond obscene. (N.B. She has been appearing in Muslim lands, esp Egypt, but she's on a Crusade – to coin a term – for conversion, and to support beleaguered Christians.)

And I mean this boast of Muhammad is apparently a well-established Muhammadan hadith. I quote from the article:
Nor is this just some random, obscure hadith.  None other than Dr. Salem Abdul Galil — previously deputy minister of Egypt's religious endowments for preaching — affirmed its canonicity in 2017 during a live televised Arabic-language program.  Among other biblical women (Moses's sister and Pharaoh's wife), "our prophet Muhammad — prayers and be upon him — will be married to Mary in paradise," Galil said.  

If few Christians today know about this Islamic claim, medieval Christians living in Muslim-occupied nations were certainly aware of it.  There, Muslims regularly threw this fantasy in the face of Catholic and Orthodox Christians who venerated Mary as the "Eternal Virgin."  Thus, Eulogius of Cordoba, an indigenous Christian of Muslim-occupied Spain, once wrote, "I will not repeat the sacrilege which that impure dog [Muhammad] dared proffer about the Blessed Virgin, Queen of the World, holy mother of our venerable Lord and Savior. He claimed that in the next world he would deflower her."

"Ibn Donud" again:
Enough is enough. Write your bishop; send him a copy of this article linked to above, if possible, but at least provide the link, etc., and simply demand – for the honor of God and our Notre Dame – that the bishop repudiate this move of Bergoglio's.

And basically, this whole spiel about there being a "dialogue" between the "three Abrahamic faiths" is nonsense because neither Jews nor Muslims (committed ones) WANT such an exchange! Jews loathe Christianity precisely because it is attractive enough to turn Saul of Tarsus into St. Paul! Ditto with Islam. They therefore want to keep Christianity at arm's length, and weak and divided, withered and dwindling.

And that in turn is because Christianity has a much stronger "narrative" (it's called "the Gospel") than either Judaism or Islam has. In Christianity, God is the Absolute Being of the Philosophers, but all absolute love, as well, and the Logos, the Logos – the Word of Creation Who became a human being to elevate, to recreate ("you are a new creation in Christ" as St. Paul continuously writes) humanity, in order to save some of humanity, i.e. those who freely embrace Him and who participate in His New Covenant, the Most Holy Eucharist.

That's infinitely better than Judaism with its 613 laws to follow, it's you-have-to-be-born-of-a-Jewish-mother-to-be-a-Jew, its unique blend of nationalism, tribalism, and religion, and of course the Gospel is a heck of a lot better than Al-Islam, the Submission to a sexual maniac prophet of a chaotic deity that resembles Azathoth, the insane Lovecraftian deity, far more than anything resembling the God of either the Old or New Testaments.

  1. This is "the Kicker" about ecumenicism.
  2. The major teaching, thought, concern, notion, focus of Jews is pure survival.
  3. Their long history is full of people trying to kill them off or convert then to paganism, and now they're sandwiched between Christianity and Islam.
  4. They are NOT going to "dialogue", not remotely.
  5. And of course Islam is Christianity's "kill shot", denying directly the Incarnation and condemning the Jewish/Christian Covenant teaching, that God enters into treaties, contracts, covenants, with creation and humanity. 
Bergoglio is an aging avatar of the '60s, thinking '60s thoughts, praying in the very 60s/70s dated Novus Ordo, and still following the ecumenical will-o-wisp. It's pathetic, really.

A word about the Jews...

I can't imagine how the Jews (i.e., Jewish religious leadership of the various Jewish sects) would react to this idea of Bergoglio's. As noted above, he tried to get too chummy with the local Roman Jewish leaders and they gave him the shove. And as I detail above, they do NOT want to get too chummy with Christians – they're are ever, always, eternally afraid of conversion.

Also, they have lost respect for Catholicism. That's to be expected when you apologize to someone repeatedly about something you're not guilty of. In Strasbourg in March of 1988, John Paul II issued a massive apology to Jews, despite the fact that on 6 September 1938, Pius XI asserted: "Antisemitism is unacceptable. Spiritually, we are all Semites". ("Spiritually, we are all Semites" was a famous papal statement, indeed.) Then Pius XII, in his very first Encyclical, Summi Pontificatus of 20 October 1939, warned against theories which denied the unity of the human race and against the deification of the State, all of which he saw as leading to a real ‘hour of darkness’.

So John Paul's apology achieved what, exactly? Pretty much it forbade Catholics from witnessing to Jews, something that would have absolutely horrified St. Paul, who clearly taught that Jews who didn't accept Christ would be eternally lost. (Read Paul in Romans or Galatians for that.)

In December 2015 two important religious documents appeared: the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity, which was issued by 25 rabbis, as well as the document about the Christian-Jewish Dialogue that was created by the Papal Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, the latter being issued exactly fifty years after the Vatican II Council’s declaration, starting with the words Nostra Aetate, ‘On the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions’.

The Jewish statement is long, but here is an example; the rabbis write:
2.    We recognize that since the Second Vatican Council the official teachings of the Catholic Church about Judaism have changed fundamentally and irrevocably. The promulgation of Nostra Aetate fifty years ago started the process of reconciliation between our two communities. Nostra Aetate and the later official Church documents it inspired unequivocally reject any form of antisemitism, affirm the eternal Covenant between G-d and the Jewish people, reject deicide and stress the unique relationship between Christians and Jews, who were called ‘our elder brothers’ by Pope John Paul II and ‘our fathers in faith’ by Pope Benedict XVI. On this basis, Catholics and other Christian officials started an honest dialogue with Jews that has grown during the last five decades. We appreciate the Church’s affirmation of Israel’s unique place in sacred history and the ultimate world redemption. Today Jews have experienced sincere love and respect from many Christians that have been expressed in many dialogue initiatives, meetings and conferences around the world.

Oh? Church teaching has changed fundamentally and irrevocably?

Basically, the rabbis deny the entire foundation of Christianity, in that there's no New Covenant, but rather that the old covenant between God and the Jews is eternal. They clearly reject the Christian teaching that the Old Covenant has been transfigured ("transubstantiated", one might say) from the Passover Seder to the Holy Eucharist. The many rabbis who signed this statement clearly understand that the Catholic Church no longer tries to convert Jews (the Vatican had had an office just for the purpose of converting Jews, but that was dissolved after Vatican II). The rabbis wrote:

6.    Our partnership in no way minimizes the ongoing differences between the two communities and two religions. We believe that G-d employs many messengers to reveal His truth, while we affirm the fundamental ethical obligations that all people have before G-d that Judaism has always taught through the universal Noahide covenant.
(N.B. The Noahide covenant is a Jewish interpretation of God's commands to Noah post Flood, which the Jews have developed into a scheme that allows non-Jews some sort of participation in the afterlife. I've been assured by Jews online that we goyim have a place in Heaven if we keep the Noahide covenant, but NOT if we try to convert Jews; I've been told very clearly that any Christian who tries to convert a Jew – whether successful or not – will go to the deepest part of Hell. That's where the former Saul of Tarsus is, per Jewish teaching. Think about it. (Yeah, we can dialogue with these guys. /sarc)

So, we're "partners" now, not adversaries. The same sort of "ecumenicism" permeated all of Vatican II concerning Protestants. But the basic human psychology of it is devastating. Not only does the Church no longer teach that one has to partake of the Most Holy Eucharist to be saved (see St. John's Gospel, chapter 6, or the Institution narratives, or St. Paul in 1 Cor 11, etc., etc.), but the Church has clearly said one doesn't have to even acknowledge Christ to be saved. The Church apparently now formally sees everyone (ultimately, of course, Hindus and Buddhists, etc., as well) as all having their place in the Divine scheme of things, and of course that's the same teaching Bergoglio signed onto with the Abu Dhabi Declaration between the Church and Islam (signed February 4, 2019). 

Psychologically speaking, who wants to belong to a Church (or any institution) that is so hopelessly bowing and scraping to all and sundry? Especially when the all and sundry just laugh at them for being so milquetoast? As a great friend of mine, a classic New York Jew he was, too, taught me: never apologize! His example was if your wife walks in on you and the maid in bed, you stoutly assert that you were looking for the salad fork! :D (When his brother married a "Jewish princess", he told me, the fountains of the Savoy in Manhattan flowed champagne. But he married a Puerto Rican, and his family disowned him.)

Needless to say, none of this is Biblical Christianity as revealed by the Church's teaching for the past two millennia, none of it is Catholicism in all of the Church's teaching (East and West) for the past 2,000 (minus 60) years, and though it is "warm and fuzzy" for aging hippies like Bergi, it results in Christians being mocked by Jews and Muslims. Why? We clearly no longer believe what we've said was absolute dogma for two millennia.

So, finally, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Jews? How's that going to help?

The Jews were the Chosen People precisely to be the Womb of the Messiah. The most important Jew who ever lived, and the single most important human being ever born, was a teenage Jewish girl in the backwater town in a backwater province of a backwater of the Roman Empire. It was for that girl that all the generations of Jews – and before them the Israelites, on back to the Hebrews to Abraham, and on back to God promising the Fallen Eve that He would rise up from her seed one who wold crush the serpent's head. For that teenage Jewish girl freely undid the "no" of sinful Eve.

Trying telling the rabbis that, and see how far it gets you.

Finally, with the Jews, so many sects exist today (they had four major ones even in Christ's earthly days, remember: Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, and Essenes), and after all, a large portion of Jews today aren't "religious" (as they themselves say), such that you never know where you are with them. There's an old saying, "You have three Jews; you have four opinions." Any rabbi can say X, another can say Y, and you can chose between them. Really, they're more like Protestants than even the Muslims are. (Well, I suppose that's a toss up.) In general, of course, despite His Mother's status as being a Jew, they deny Christ being even a prophet, which the Muslims have traditionally taught. Still less do they teach He is Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Messiah. In fact, they have traditionally taught the worst sort of things about Yeshua of Nazareth, that he was drunk and a charlatan. The Talmud was created post-70 A.D. in part to argue against Christianity.

So bringing His Mother into that is going to help, how?

All a fevered dream of an old "spirit of Vatican II" hippie. Write your bishop and do not tolerate it. Enough is enough.

An Préachán

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Joe Biden and Jorge Bergoglio, Evil Twins for Our Lamentable Times


Zhou Xiden has cancelled Trump's operation Talon, a program that targeted sex offenders living in the U.S. 

Zhou Xiden. I understand the CCP is loaded with porn, loading the people of China with porn, loaded themselves with porn. The kind of garbage flooding the world internet. Evil. Pure and simple, from the Eighth Dimension. (Only we don't need to be Buckaroo Banzai to see the demons here.)

An Préachán
PS The good Archbishop Viganó has something to say regarding Biden's papal doppelganger. 
An excerpt:
February 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While nations that were once Catholic introduce laws that promote abortion and euthanasia, gender theory and sodomitical “marriages;” while in the United States a legitimately elected President is seen to be usurped in the White House by a corrupt, depraved, and pro-abortion “President” placed in power by a gigantic fraud to the sycophantic applause of Bergoglio and progressive bishops; while the world population is held hostage by plotters and conspirators who profit from the psycho-pandemic and the imposition of ineffective and dangerous pseudo-vaccines, the solicitude of Francis is focused on catechesis, in a monologue staged on January 30 for the selected audience of the National Catechetical Office of the Italian Bishops’ Conference [CEI]. The show was presented on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Catechetical Office, “an indispensable instrument for catechetical renewal after the Second Vatican Council.”
May the reader have the goodness not to dwell on the uncertain prose of our orator, who in his “off the cuff” improvisation combines doctrinal chaos with the slaughter of syntax. The message of the speech to catechists precipitates the merciful words of Fratelli tutti into contradiction, forcing a necessary change of the title of the “encyclical” letter to: “All Brothers, with the exception of Catholics.” And if it is very true and acceptable that the Councils of the Catholic Church are part of the Magisterium, the same cannot be said for the only “council” of the new church, which – as I have stated many times – constitutes the most colossal deception that was ever carried out by the Shepherds of the Lord’s flock; a deception – repetita juvant – which occurred in the moment in which a clique of conspiring experts decided to use the instruments of ecclesiastical governance – authority, magisterial acts, papal discourses, documents of the Congregations, texts of the Liturgy – with a purpose opposed to that which the Divine Founder established when he instituted the Holy Church. In so doing, the subjects were forced to adhere to a new religion, ever more blatantly anti-Catholic and ultimately antichristic, usurping the sacred Authority of the old, despised and deprecated pre-conciliar religion.

An Préachán:
Yep. Pretty much.

An P

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Doctor says U.S. is nearing "Herd Immunity"...


This is the kind of news you won't find the MainStream Media reporting, or the Biden Administration.
(It is from an American Thinker article referencing a WSJ interview.)

An excerpt:
According to Dr. Marty Makary, a health policy expert and surgeon at Johns Hopkins University, the United States is nearing herd immunity, which refers to a situation in a community when enough people are immune to a disease to prevent its spread to others who are not protected.  This immunity can be achieved through vaccines and natural infection. 
In a recent Fox News interview, Makary noted that "[t]here is a 77% reduction in daily cases over the last six weeks.  You, as a scientist, have to ask why.  We cannot explain that by vaccinated immunity.  We can't explain it by a sudden change in behavior.  It is natural immunity, and it's now over 50% of the population."

Instead of celebrating this news, Democratic governors and President Joe Biden among others are doubling down on the COVID mandates.  A recent example is Biden's new executive order requiring the wearing of masks on all federal property.

In a Wall Street Journal article, Makary wrote that the country currently has an "extremely low level of infection."  He predicted that at the "current trajectory, I expect COVID will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life."


Friday, February 19, 2021

Evolutionists Thrilled: Perseverance Landed Successfully on Mars...


Great news from NASA today about the Mars Perseverance Rover landed successfully on Mars. Of course, note the photo showing the Mission Control celebrators are all Whites (and maybe some Asians) clearly demonstrates NASA is a racist organization. (Yes, yes, /sarc)

But before our new rulers and woke superiors drill down on that aspect of this, everyone of good will (any of those folks left?) can ourselves celebrate this great achievement.

Perseverance and its helicopter, named Ingenuity, are great achievements, and we can only hope that Ingenuity flies as well as they hope it will. Their task is mainly to look for life. Somehow the astrophysicists, brilliant as they are, never took either much biology (why would they?) or certainly not metaphysics. I never cease to be amazed at how they seem to think life just pops up where certain environmental conditions are met, so news reports and interviews and "scientific" essays are just full of talk about "the building blocks of life" and so on, as though living matter was nothing but complicated chemicals and acids, with a little electrical charge thrown in.

On Earth, we know life exists pretty much everywhere on (and in) the planet, from psychrophiles deep in massive sheets of ice to thermophiles deep in the Earth's crust, and various others, incredible life that can manage high pressure or high salt or whatever: mostly microorganisms that are called "Extremophiles" – the highly diversified organisms that basically could be said to make the planet itself alive. But what I never see is the obvious conclusion that life on Earth not only adapts to every condition imaginable, life also adapts Earth for life, "terraforming" the Earth so life can flourish here.

You'll often see it said that more than 99 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. But look at that from another angle. How amazing it is that life keeps producing such variety and abundance that it can afford to let so much of itself "go extinct". Famously, there have been a number of mass extinctions, such as when a piece of comet (likely) created the Chicxulub crater and ended the Cretaceous Period. (Do you realize that we are closer in time to the T-Rex than the T-Rex was to the Stegosaurus? That's an example of how long Dinos "ruled the Earth".) But basically, it has been Earth’s carbon cycle – such as large igneous province eruptions, huge volcanoes flooding vast stretches of the planet with lave flows (Venus is a perfect storm of volcanoes and planet-wide lava flows) that was the major driver of mass extinctions. And yet, regardless of how bad it got for whatever reason, life flourished. It refused to let go, as it were, and as I say, it "terraformed" Earth despite every setback, cosmic or home-grown. 

Astrophysicists seem to think, however, that life just "generates" hither and yon whenever certain basic conditions are met, a lamebrained notion astrophysicists operate from as they "search" for life on Mars, Venus, Jupiter's moons, etc. They're apparently utterly clueless that we have NO clue how life started on Earth, or that life is a different category of being entirely from the basic chemical and acidic elements that constitute it on the molecular level. They're clueless that, as old John Lennox says, DNA is a language, the most complicated, longest word we've ever discovered. ("3.5 billion letters in exactly the right order"; a great discussion from Prof Lennox.) But from what we see of life on Earth, surely it must obvious to any thinking individual that had life ever existed on either Venus or Mars, it would have long ago "terraformed" them as it has terraformed Earth. Life would have prevented Venus from super-heating and Mars from super-cooling. Life is transformative, and, in a real sense, indestructible.

I myself have never read anywhere where any of these Astrophysics guys made this obvious deduction, reasoning from the analogy of how life has completely transformed Earth. Pretty incredible, really. But there it is. Whatever.

So congratulations to the scientists and engineers at NASA for their stupendous achievement. It is simply great news, even though they'll never prove life just sort of self-assembles spontaneously and evolves the DNA necessary for life's myriad functions.

Alas, though, I wonder how long before the Chinese Communists infiltrate NASA as thoroughly as they have Harvard and other of our highest-level academic institutions. And they "do space" for military reasons, my friends. They read their Sun Tzu, believe me.

An P

Sunday, February 14, 2021

English doctor Malcolm Kendricks writes two must-read articles about Covid

 Amici, a Chairde,

As more and more people receive their Covid "vaccines", I shudder at the idea in horror I'm over 60, have COPD, and after a close reading of many of the various issues, arguments, ideas and counter ideas about Covid over the past year, believe me when I say you'd have to literally shoot me to take on of these things, injecting it into me after being shot. Why? I was trained as a journalist, worked off and on in that profession, worked mainly as a textbook writer/researcher, and then nine years as a technical writer, and I can say I do know how to research things, to relook at what the people on top are saying and to ferret out those who are pushed aside, down, and out because they disagree with the grand poobahs. And of course to always and ever weigh the "minority report" evidence.

Over the past year I've tried to pass on some of what I've learned to you. Here are just a few more, for the record.

Regarding a 'minority report' mindset, here's a great debate at an interesting site for lockdown sceptics.
An excerpt:
Lockdown sceptics have made all kinds of important, well-reasoned, fact-based arguments against the lockdowns and other restrictions that have been imposed upon us. The problem of ‘deaths with’ COVID-19; the many issues with the accuracy of PCR tests; the inflation of the IFR; the comparisons to other diseases; the excess death charts; the fact that the NHS is always nearly overwhelmed every year. None of it has cut through, because most people just don’t respond to fact-based argument. They respond to what they consider to be the moral truth. More importantly, they really don’t respond to fact-based argument if that would mean owning up to being immoral and abnormal. If in order to change your mind you have to become a pariah, then human psychology 101 provides a quick answer: you won’t change your mind.

Second – and this is an even bitterer pill, perhaps the bitterest of all – we have the failure of our liberty-based arguments. We have made all kinds of appeals to freedom and civil liberties during the past year. But the brute fact is that most people apparently couldn’t give two hoots about freedom when the chips are down. Security and safety are what matter. The moral truth for our compatriots is not that the Government rode roughshod over our liberties this year. The moral truth for them is that the Government justifiably deprived us of our liberties to keep us safe – and we’re grateful for it. We can bemoan this and debate the reasons for it all we like. But it’s the world in which we live.
An P again:
I highly recommend the whole article. The lockdown problem is especially acute in the UK, which has had the biggest economic collapse in 300 years. Suicides, domestic violence, depression and mental disorders galore must be resulting. It is simply insane.

Recently, I've come across an excellent essay on Covid (with many graphs) by an English doctor named Malcolm Kendrick. Kendrick has signed many a death certificate, and insists that one cannot often cannot really be sure of a cause of death (outside of accidents or crime, obviously). It gets murky, particularly with older folks, the population segment most likely to die "of Covid". Kendrick's bottom line, like so many others I have read, is to look at the national mortality rate for the past few years to see when (or if) there's been a "spike" in the death rate. In his essay, Kendrick writes: "Thus, I have tended to look to EuroMOMO. The European Mortality Monitoring project that detects and measures excess number of deaths related to viruses across many countries in Europe."

He documents his research with many graphs, of Europe itself, and then of individual countries. Two things are evident: there's been no spike in average mortality rates except one occurring about April of 2020, when there definitely was one, but otherwise, nothing. This is so crucial for everyone interested in Covid to understand, but few seem to care. The second thing is different countries vary greatly in many details, but again, overall, there's not much difference between the countries (even Sweden) when averaged out.

Then, in a second essay on Kendrick's blog, he looks at the U.S. stats and ten of the countries with the highest death rates. In the U.S. states, states that didn't lockdown have no more "Covid-related" deaths than the national average, while certain heavily locked-down states (NY, NJ) have much higher death rates than the average (which as NY's governor Cuomo seems about to be impeached for "bad Covid behavior", seems to be because of state government actions).

While Kendrick stresses what we don't really know about Covid and the mortality it has caused, the bottom line is he insists all this mass panicking is stupid and will only set the precedent for even worse panic in some future contagion. All-in-all, a "must read" pair of articles if you are interested remotely in Covid.

Unfortunately, the first essay (the one with the graphs) is at the RT site, which many insist is a Russian propaganda site. If you don't mind that, check it out, here

Otherwise, refer to Dr. Kendrick's blog and this essay, "Does Lockdown Work, Or Not?", he writes about his RT article and how the fact-checkers RT employed kept challenging him, but RT published it in the end. Also in his blog, Kendrick discusses two medical ideas that became sacrosanct for decades before being abandoned: i.e., radical mastectomies for breast cancer in women and enforced bed rest for those surviving heart attacks. Both ideas were wrong, but were, for decades, considered self-evident, etc. (This reminds me of the infamous Lysenko in Soviet Russia, whom Stalin decided was the oracle of all things agricultural, and it also reminds me of the Eugenics craze, which was so big in the U.S. in the 1920s – Hitler himself wrote a "fan letter" to an American Eugenicist. Both of these ideas, as were the two Kendrick mentions, false. But it took decades for that to be revealed.)

Finally, in his blog article, Dr. Kendrick's points out a study of the ten countries with the highest death rates all locked down early (March, 2020) and the lockdowns had no effect of the death rate. In his RT article, he says that while he can't know for certain (and no one can), he thinks Covid-19 is "About as deadly as the influenzas of 1957 and 1967, probably."

Anyway, I pass this information along. At least you can't say you weren't informed.

Finally, there's on further essay at RT worth reading (if you dare to read anything at RT) by an Irish writer. The author is Peter Andrews: "Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics." The gist of this one is that as it is obvious the various governmental authorities are going to keep with the lockdowns in the UK, Ireland, and in Europe (in the U.S., Biden is saying masks must be worn through 2021, etc.). Andrews argues references Dr. Kendricks (this is how I found Kendricks, actually) and the failure of logic and reason in dealing with "Covid Inc", and advocates refusing to play along any longer. "But enough is enough. It is time to draw a line in the sand and refuse to comply with their diktats any longer."

But in a world where, as we see in the U.S., utterly illegal actions (Congress trying a man in an "impeachment" when he's out of office, etc., and 57 high officials can vote "guilty" upon no evidence at all) occur with official sanction, nothing might work. But there's always hope. Two governors of U.S. states have fulfilled campaign promises to lift "mask mandates" (i.e. the new governor of Montana and Iowa governor)

If people don't "push back", this is how we'll end up:

An Préachán

PS Here's a heavily science essay on why masks don't work, by Paul E Alexander MSc PhD, McMaster University and GUIDE Research Methods Group, Hamilton, Ontario.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

My Review of Mike Lindell's Absolute Prood Documentary


As for Mike Lindell's documentary, I had to watch it over time, over the past day or so. How was it? My opinion isn't worth much, but at least I watched all of it.

Well, on the one hand, I think he's produced an amazing video, but on the other hand, probably one too long for short-attention-spanned Americans to watch. It is no longer available where I originally linked to, BTW, but see it now at Rumble, as here. (The fact that it was so quickly taken down and "masked" is proof that it is making big shots very uncomfortable!) This short (14 minute) review at New American has a great review of it. I trust these guys (one of them interviewed Dr. Lee Merrit, after all).

My own thoughts:

Lindell's video is basically a one-stop, one-shop store for all the evidence that we've all heard bits and pieces of over the past few months, but Lindell holds his own court on it. Depending on you, you might find him a great regular guy, or a boorish loudmouth. He's certainly sincere, but he says "wow" even more than I do!

He interviews a number of people either closely involved on election day itself or who were investigating it afterward. Many of these we've seen before if we've been closely following the tale. The accumulation of all this evidence is devastating, but again, it is long, and leaves the staggering question: if cyber security experts KNEW all this within hours of the election itself, what the heck was going on the past few months??? Why is Zhou Xiden president and trashing the country, female sports, the energy sector, the military, and pretty much anyone who is a native-born American citizen?

The docu is almost two full hours long. But it is at 1:36:20 that the big enchilada comes on: Mary Fanning, National Intelligence researcher and author who explains how it all happened. Fanning says that cyber security experts began collecting terabytes of election fraud info from just before the election, on November 1, and on through election day and afterward. Info on 2995 counties in the Untied States, collected in real time. Obviously, this is the must-listen-to part. However, we're not told who the cyber security experts were. Was Col. Phil Waldron (of the "Battle of Gettysburg 2.0" fame and who appears at 13 minutes in), or who? And WHY IN THE WORLD, didn't Trump ACT on it. We should NEVER had had Zhou Xiden inaugurated. What really IS going on?

I'd sure like to know.

Anyway, this cyber security vote-steal section is obviously what Sydney Powell has been talking all this time about, and if this is truly evidence, she should "clean up" the baddies.

You get to see IP addresses, and protocol addresses, and the owners of the IP addresses who were involved. You see the unique addresses of the computers that interfered in our election and also the TARGETs of the interference. All exposed. You can see the method of intrusion. You can see how they broke through the various firewalls.

Again, if they knew this, why is Chairman Zhou reigning over us.

So: Owner source, ID source, IP target, state target, entry point/owner.
There are thousands of pages, thousands, on 2995 counties. It came mainly from China, but also Iran.

Sometimes they have fake administrators or merely broke through firewalls. And it shows whether they were successful or not (if not, they tried again), and then in final column you can see the votes changed/stolen. These are time-stamped and 100 percent truth. This is forensic evidence, where the invader came from and what computer they entered into, the unique ID of that computer, whether they were successful or not.

You get images of the moving lines represent the IP addresses of the hackers coming and going into the U.S.

Over 66 percent of the intrusions come from China.

They knew, the government knew, in 2016, that our election machines were open to such intrusion, Fanning asserts. James Comey was given a full briefing back then.

After this section, General Thomas McInerney comes on at 1:49 for what he usually says (which I've heard innumerable times), then for a few minutes Terry Turchie comes on at 1:53. Turchie is the former deputy assistant director (I'm not making that title up) of the Counter-Terrorism Division of the FBI. Where was the FBI? Lindell asks the question, Turchie asks the question. I certainly ask the question: where were they. Turchie says simply that the FBI is as probably as compromised as the Democratic party. That's the answer. The government agencies have been penetrated. Well, if that's true, then we're sunk already.

So, anyway, that was Mike Lindell's high point.

There is just no question the election was stolen, it was rigged. There was NO security. So I encourage you to watch it when you can even though it is long. As I say, it is a one-stop shop. However, Lindell should have opened, as I have here, the the biggest show stopper and not saved it to the end because probably few people will sit through all of the documentary. In any case, at least please spread it to everyone you know. It's not a problem of there not being evidence, but rather that the Department of Justice and the FBI refused to investigate it and that judges didn't want to look at the evidence. Or in one case, when a government cyber security agency responsible for investigating this, the agents could only go so far, and then "they met a stone wall".

Bottom line is this: If China did this, then it is an act of war, whether we treat it that way or not. It has to be – along with Covid, of course – the opening shot of their seizure of the West, or should I just say, the REST of the world. Either way (whether it is this Pearl Harbor or whether loonies are lying loudly), we'll find out. If the former, we're all soon to be slaves of China and there is no more racist people on the planet than the ancient Han Chinese. If not, Zhou Xiden will just destroy the county, turning it all into the now nearly failed state of California. In either case, my friends, don't look forward to the election in 2022. After all, even North Korea has elections.

Earlier in the documentary:
  • Russ Ramsland discusses Antrim County, Michigan, where they had 82 percent of the ballots going into the adjudication box, where the poll workers could count those ballots any way they wanted to. (The norm is less than one percent adjudication, and in Fulton county in Georgia, the people running the voting there admitted to a 93.6 percent adjudication rate, "in some cases.")
  • So a rural Michigan county that usually votes 65 percent Republican to 35 percent Democrat, was flipped, with a reverse tally being logged in. (A man closely involved with the Antrim cases comes on and discusses it in detail at 1:09, and how they did two hand recounts showing the outrageous changes that the machines created.)
  • Ramsland says his team has gone into two other counties and will be publishing their findings there, and in those cases, the same sort of thing occurred.
  • But that's just a drop in the wide sea of the steal.
  • At 41 minutes in, Ramsland discusses what happened in Dallas, Texas, in 2020, and why the bad guys didn't steal the whole state of Texas because of a voter fraud case going back to 2018 revealed too much of their M.O. You just have to see the video.

At 43 minutes in, Ramsland and Lindell discuss a different subject, how the computer systems are corrupt, what Sydney Powell had been talking about. Ramsland discusses the Barcelona connection, via a company called Scytl, and how they own a company called Clarity Election ("Hydrophoric"?), and how Dominion voting and other such report their votes to them. Their server is in Frankfurt, Germany, and a malware called "Q-Snatch" operates in this company, and how it grabs login-in credentials on every county voting system in the U.S., and can therefore look back into those counties and change the votes. (As we later see, they can go down to the precinct. Just incredible.) Out of 15,718 votes in Michigan's small county of Antrim, they flipped 7,060 from Trump to Biden. (This is 100 percent fact, revealed in the hand count.) The MI attorney general is threatening all attorneys who file election lawsuits in favor of Trump or supporting the Voting Fraud story. Challenging elections has gone on for years, across the country, but now, you can't do that any longer in Michigan, not according to the MI A.G. She also threatened criminal charges against state legislators.

Ramsland says one reason why U.S. government sources didn't want to investigate that is because the U.S. government has been changing votes in other countries for years. Revelation of the 2020 steal would reveal those steals, as well. There's also no doubt actual corruption, and of course Chinese influence. Ramsland says, "Why are they going to such incredible links to say there's nothing here when clearly there is. This is almost like Enron. And it's not how these things should work."

At 49 minutes in (till 1:02), Lindell speaks with Dr. Shiva. This is just simply jaw-dropping. You really have to listen to Dr. Shiva, and how he was defrauded out of a win in the Republican primary in Massachusetts by Republicans! The one county that had mostly paper ballots, he won that one by ten percent. Every other one, that had computer voting, he lost (again and again) always by 60 percent to 40 percent against a no-name, hack Republican who didn't campaign (sound familiar, Zhou Xiden?). This testimony by Shiva is important because he emphasizes how it was the Secretary of State in MA who commanded Twitter to close Dr. Shiva down, that government elected officials destroyed Shiva's First Amendment rights. This is a great story, but I wish Lindell let Shiva speak more.

Lindell is a "just regular guy" and will bore or turn off people who might be inclined to watch his report, but who themselves come from a higher social strata and will find Lindell boorish or a "used-car-salesman" type. But that is, of course, just snobbery. And it was just snobbery that made so many despise Trump in the first place.

Also, as I keep saying, if this is true, then the Biden Administration must channel Joe Stalin and create a total police state. They seem to be doing just that. Fox Business has cancelled Lou Dobbs. Dobbs, 75, had the most-watched show on Fox Business. If they can cancel a Lou Dobbs, they can cancel anybody. It makes NO business sense, not remotely, but then, maybe they're not IN business like we think they are. (CNN is probably a CIA front, actually; and the people now running Fox are obviously not interested in making money. Jack Dorsey and Smuckerface and Bozos cost their companies billions. There's clearly something going on beyond "business.")

An Préachán

Friday, February 5, 2021

Mike Lindell's Big Exposé About the Election Steal


Have you seen this? Eric Metaxas interview an exuberant Mike Lindell. It is some interview, I hafta say.

Anyway, I went to and it is just up!

I'm watching the video now. It is supposed to be the whole enchilada. So, we'll see. Lindell says he's going to reveal the biggest attack (a cyber attack but an act of war none-the-less) in all history.

He says he has the hard evidence (computer server IDs, computers in U.S. I.D.s, etc.) that China stole the election through direct manipulation.

If Lindell is correct, this is an act of war, most definitely, as in the Pearl Harbor Attack or the Firing on Fort Sumter. If Lindell fails to prove his shocking claims, then it's the end of the "Stolen Vote" narrative – at the very least.

An P

COVID Death Rates Plummet in Weeks Following Biden’s Inauguration, Experts Flabbergasted

COINCIDENCE? COVID Death Rates Plummet in Weeks Following Biden’s Inauguration, Experts Flabbergasted

(A report from National File)

Reported infections are down an astounding 30 to 40 percent now that the political season is over

by Frank Salvato

As only 8 percent of the population in the US has received at least a first dose of any of the vaccines – and this is most healthcare and front line workers, vaccine administration doesn’t appear to play into the decline in cases.

Cases around the world, according to the World Health Organization, appear to corroborate the trend in the US. According to their statistics new infections are also down 30 percent.

According to the London Daily Mail, health experts around the world are theorizing that one reason for the dramatic drop in reported infections could be that herd immunity is finally starting to be achieved, while others remain astonished by the revelation.

An Préachán:
Please read the whole article, but sheesh, c'mon, who didn't expect this?

Brief History of the Kennedy Assassination and U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and BLM nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


The other day, I received a snarky comment about how racist the U.S. is and how Americans killed TWO MILLION Vietnamese. It happens I'm on this other list put out by a old-time Socialist who just-so-hates-Trump that it has made her unhinged. Usually I ignore her, but she had sent around an article about BLM being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize (how double-speak Orwellian can you get???) and though I resisted it, I couldn't resist the snarky Vietnam comment one of her correspondents answered her with. 

I wrote:

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Peruvian Court rules Covid "pandemic" started by Bill Gates, George Soros, and that they are criminally liable


Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of thousands of small businesses and forever changed the world for the worst.

A Peruvian court charged the group with responsibility for creating the coronavirus pandemic.

In its decision, the Chicha and Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber said the pandemic was the invention of a “criminal elite around the world” made up of billionaires such as Soros, Gates and Rockefeller, among others.

Thus, the court justified the delay by issuing a ruling on the appeal of the accused, who sought the abolition of preventive detention and whose permission was postponed due to the pandemic.

For Judges Tito Gallegos, Luis Legia and Tony Changarei, the pandemic was “unpredictable”; for all but the alleged creators, “who have been involved in it and continue to manage it with particular secrecy in their environment.

“No world government, individuals or legal entities, nor the defense of the accused can claim that this pandemic has the quality of ‘foresight’, except for the creators of the new world order, such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, etc.” write the magistrates in a resolution posted on the portal LP Law.

Judges without a shadow of a doubt declared that the coronavirus was “created by a criminal elite that rules the world.”

In particular, the document cites financial investor George Soros, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and the Rockefeller family of billionaires, whom he accuses of “managing” and “continuing to direct” the virus into the “new world order.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

More Covid Lies and Madness, Multiplied, and a Little U.S. History


Covid. The news I'm hearing from friends about the "vaccine" distribution sounds like a classic S.N.A.F.U. situation all around, doesn't it? "Hey, we have a big deal, something really super important, so let's let government manage it!"

Yeah, that'll work. /sarc

Consider for a moment Anthony Fauci, who receives the biggest paycheck of anyone in government ($417,608 last year; and his budget is 10 times higher than when he first began), a guy landed in D.C. nearly 40 years ago, with the job to deal with AIDS, a disease still going strong, but just not talked about by the MSM. 2018 saw some 15,820 deaths of individuals having AIDS, although the CDC officiously says "These deaths may be due to any cause."  Oh? Is that true, now? And why doesn't the that say that about the Covid deaths, hmmm? Recent allegations are that the government has lied profusely about those. 

At least here one can sign a petition to force the government from forcing experimental "vaccines" on us.

Anyway, I'm assuming these are the Moderna or Pfizer mRNA "vaccines"? They're not "vaccines" at all, as Dr. Merrit (and others, such as Dr. Theresa Deisher) explained, and won't prevent a person from getting the virus. It doesn't prevent transmission. They actually create that "spike protein" pathogen in your body –  if it does even that. We don't really know that it does, actually. Only a few elites know what is really going on. Anyway, the spike protein is what kills you to begin with. However, we developed vaccines to begin with because we had no treatment for smallpox and polio. However, we have "cures" for Covid and other viruses in the Lysosomotropic drug family such as Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. These work extremely well (if applied early, with no pussyfooting around). But the $69 BILLION vaccine business doesn't want you to know that! So, instead, they're going to rewrite everyone's DNA?

No, thanks.

Honestly, upon reflection, can anyone trust what the government says? My friends, this is a Serious Question. Think about it.

Some History:

  • Early on in our lifetimes, President Eisenhower warned us in his farewell message about the military-industrial complex, or what we'd call today the "Deep State".
  • The 1960 election was almost certainly stolen (people tend to focus on Chicago, but it was probably stolen in Texas, too; but according to the government and most historians, Jack Kennedy won).
  • However, Jack Kennedy in power found out about "the Deep State"; it pushed him around and he was embarrassed by "Deep State" in the Bay of Pigs fiasco and then the assassination of Ngo Dinh Nhu, who was nothing less than the president of South Vietnam, our erstwhile ally). Then soon after that, Jack Kennedy himself was bumped off. And of course the government, about all this, said, "Nothing to see here; move along."
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson then set up the hapless "show trial", the Warren Commission, to investigate the assassination – a murder which Johnson may well have arranged in the first place! – and of course the Warren Commission found "nothing to see here; move on". Then Johnson got us hopelessly "quagmired" in Vietnam – resulting in the strongest country on Earth bound hand and foot in a hopeless mess, a Fiasco SNAFU to beat all Fiasco SNAFUs, one that ended up killing 55,000 of our best young men – for Johnson to make out financially on his defense money kickbacks, according to various investigators.

  • Then we get Nixon, whom they brought down because he ordered a cover-up on a crime he didn't order in the first place.
  • Nixon, the coward, should have gone for a Senate trial and had his lawyers bring out ALL the dirty laundry of the Johnson Administration – which did far worse than Nixon's "plumbers" and, as well, what Vietnam was REALLY all about, and even go back to FDR's days when HE ordered the very stuff Johnson did to be carried out! (This is something Trump should do now, just unload on the Deep State, especially regarding this stolen election, which as I so often has said, will be ever more clearly proved in the coming months.)

  • But no, "Tricky Dick" ran away.

  • Then we got the utterly feckless Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter. Carter had at least been a competent nuclear technician in the Navy, but he was hapless as president.
  • Then when Reagan came in, everyone tried everything to get him out (I'll never believe the assassination attempt on Reagan was what it appeared to be, especially as it would have put the preppy, shallow George H.W. Bush, a "country club" Repub, into the presidential office), and so they tied up Reagan's second four years (he won 49 states, remember???) with the Iran-Contra idiocy. (N.B. The only reason the Republican elites let Reagan run was because he picked G.H.W. Bush as his veep.)
  • Then we FINALLY got the feckless First Bush, "The Preppy One" (amazingly, also a WWII naval fighter pilot; one would never image him to be such) as president. He promptly lost to an empty headed, glad-handling/woman raping dirt bag, name Bill Blythe (oh, wait...).
  • Then the feckless tool Clinton, a sexual clown of clowns, formerly Blythe, or whatever it was – and his harridan Commie wife.
  • Then as if the FIRST Bush wasn't depressing enough, we got the feckless second Bush, eight years of that fiasco, and finally Obama, who literally sold out the country to the ChiComs and the Iranians. (Well, both Bushes and the Clintons were pushing China as well. Remember, only an utter, utter, utter economic IDIOT would move a country's manufacturing base to another country, because manufacturing makes ACTUAL wealth! 'Wealth' isn't money (unless the money is precious metals), 'wealth' is product, material goods that people what, things of value to them. So our high muckety-mucks are unspeakably stupid, or traitorous, or both.

  • Now we've had an election stolen from us right before our eyes, even as we watched it on news shows and later on video, all as we literally watched accumulating tallies suddenly decrease and as we saw on video cameras boxes of ballots pulled out from under tables, etc. Now (as I predicted, I may boast) they're making even discussing the Vote Steal something illegal, trashing the First Amendment. They'll lock you up should you bring it up, but again, as I have said, evidence just keeps mounting and mounting
So, honestly, everyone, Amici, I ask you, in all seriousness: why would ANYONE trust the government?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is on an anti-vax crusade, and has been for years. (I don't agree with all of that, but I'm open to evidence.) He says often that his father, Bobby Kennedy – "RFK" also assassinated way back in '68; he had dared to run against LBJ, of whom Nixon told Roger Stone: "Johnson and I both wanted the presidency, but I wasn't ready to kill for it" – think about that. Anyway, Bobby Kennedy used to tell his son, "Government lies to you."

Truer words were never spoken.

An Préachán