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Saturday, February 6, 2021

My Review of Mike Lindell's Absolute Prood Documentary


As for Mike Lindell's documentary, I had to watch it over time, over the past day or so. How was it? My opinion isn't worth much, but at least I watched all of it.

Well, on the one hand, I think he's produced an amazing video, but on the other hand, probably one too long for short-attention-spanned Americans to watch. It is no longer available where I originally linked to, BTW, but see it now at Rumble, as here. (The fact that it was so quickly taken down and "masked" is proof that it is making big shots very uncomfortable!) This short (14 minute) review at New American has a great review of it. I trust these guys (one of them interviewed Dr. Lee Merrit, after all).

My own thoughts:

Lindell's video is basically a one-stop, one-shop store for all the evidence that we've all heard bits and pieces of over the past few months, but Lindell holds his own court on it. Depending on you, you might find him a great regular guy, or a boorish loudmouth. He's certainly sincere, but he says "wow" even more than I do!

He interviews a number of people either closely involved on election day itself or who were investigating it afterward. Many of these we've seen before if we've been closely following the tale. The accumulation of all this evidence is devastating, but again, it is long, and leaves the staggering question: if cyber security experts KNEW all this within hours of the election itself, what the heck was going on the past few months??? Why is Zhou Xiden president and trashing the country, female sports, the energy sector, the military, and pretty much anyone who is a native-born American citizen?

The docu is almost two full hours long. But it is at 1:36:20 that the big enchilada comes on: Mary Fanning, National Intelligence researcher and author who explains how it all happened. Fanning says that cyber security experts began collecting terabytes of election fraud info from just before the election, on November 1, and on through election day and afterward. Info on 2995 counties in the Untied States, collected in real time. Obviously, this is the must-listen-to part. However, we're not told who the cyber security experts were. Was Col. Phil Waldron (of the "Battle of Gettysburg 2.0" fame and who appears at 13 minutes in), or who? And WHY IN THE WORLD, didn't Trump ACT on it. We should NEVER had had Zhou Xiden inaugurated. What really IS going on?

I'd sure like to know.

Anyway, this cyber security vote-steal section is obviously what Sydney Powell has been talking all this time about, and if this is truly evidence, she should "clean up" the baddies.

You get to see IP addresses, and protocol addresses, and the owners of the IP addresses who were involved. You see the unique addresses of the computers that interfered in our election and also the TARGETs of the interference. All exposed. You can see the method of intrusion. You can see how they broke through the various firewalls.

Again, if they knew this, why is Chairman Zhou reigning over us.

So: Owner source, ID source, IP target, state target, entry point/owner.
There are thousands of pages, thousands, on 2995 counties. It came mainly from China, but also Iran.

Sometimes they have fake administrators or merely broke through firewalls. And it shows whether they were successful or not (if not, they tried again), and then in final column you can see the votes changed/stolen. These are time-stamped and 100 percent truth. This is forensic evidence, where the invader came from and what computer they entered into, the unique ID of that computer, whether they were successful or not.

You get images of the moving lines represent the IP addresses of the hackers coming and going into the U.S.

Over 66 percent of the intrusions come from China.

They knew, the government knew, in 2016, that our election machines were open to such intrusion, Fanning asserts. James Comey was given a full briefing back then.

After this section, General Thomas McInerney comes on at 1:49 for what he usually says (which I've heard innumerable times), then for a few minutes Terry Turchie comes on at 1:53. Turchie is the former deputy assistant director (I'm not making that title up) of the Counter-Terrorism Division of the FBI. Where was the FBI? Lindell asks the question, Turchie asks the question. I certainly ask the question: where were they. Turchie says simply that the FBI is as probably as compromised as the Democratic party. That's the answer. The government agencies have been penetrated. Well, if that's true, then we're sunk already.

So, anyway, that was Mike Lindell's high point.

There is just no question the election was stolen, it was rigged. There was NO security. So I encourage you to watch it when you can even though it is long. As I say, it is a one-stop shop. However, Lindell should have opened, as I have here, the the biggest show stopper and not saved it to the end because probably few people will sit through all of the documentary. In any case, at least please spread it to everyone you know. It's not a problem of there not being evidence, but rather that the Department of Justice and the FBI refused to investigate it and that judges didn't want to look at the evidence. Or in one case, when a government cyber security agency responsible for investigating this, the agents could only go so far, and then "they met a stone wall".

Bottom line is this: If China did this, then it is an act of war, whether we treat it that way or not. It has to be – along with Covid, of course – the opening shot of their seizure of the West, or should I just say, the REST of the world. Either way (whether it is this Pearl Harbor or whether loonies are lying loudly), we'll find out. If the former, we're all soon to be slaves of China and there is no more racist people on the planet than the ancient Han Chinese. If not, Zhou Xiden will just destroy the county, turning it all into the now nearly failed state of California. In either case, my friends, don't look forward to the election in 2022. After all, even North Korea has elections.

Earlier in the documentary:
  • Russ Ramsland discusses Antrim County, Michigan, where they had 82 percent of the ballots going into the adjudication box, where the poll workers could count those ballots any way they wanted to. (The norm is less than one percent adjudication, and in Fulton county in Georgia, the people running the voting there admitted to a 93.6 percent adjudication rate, "in some cases.")
  • So a rural Michigan county that usually votes 65 percent Republican to 35 percent Democrat, was flipped, with a reverse tally being logged in. (A man closely involved with the Antrim cases comes on and discusses it in detail at 1:09, and how they did two hand recounts showing the outrageous changes that the machines created.)
  • Ramsland says his team has gone into two other counties and will be publishing their findings there, and in those cases, the same sort of thing occurred.
  • But that's just a drop in the wide sea of the steal.
  • At 41 minutes in, Ramsland discusses what happened in Dallas, Texas, in 2020, and why the bad guys didn't steal the whole state of Texas because of a voter fraud case going back to 2018 revealed too much of their M.O. You just have to see the video.

At 43 minutes in, Ramsland and Lindell discuss a different subject, how the computer systems are corrupt, what Sydney Powell had been talking about. Ramsland discusses the Barcelona connection, via a company called Scytl, and how they own a company called Clarity Election ("Hydrophoric"?), and how Dominion voting and other such report their votes to them. Their server is in Frankfurt, Germany, and a malware called "Q-Snatch" operates in this company, and how it grabs login-in credentials on every county voting system in the U.S., and can therefore look back into those counties and change the votes. (As we later see, they can go down to the precinct. Just incredible.) Out of 15,718 votes in Michigan's small county of Antrim, they flipped 7,060 from Trump to Biden. (This is 100 percent fact, revealed in the hand count.) The MI attorney general is threatening all attorneys who file election lawsuits in favor of Trump or supporting the Voting Fraud story. Challenging elections has gone on for years, across the country, but now, you can't do that any longer in Michigan, not according to the MI A.G. She also threatened criminal charges against state legislators.

Ramsland says one reason why U.S. government sources didn't want to investigate that is because the U.S. government has been changing votes in other countries for years. Revelation of the 2020 steal would reveal those steals, as well. There's also no doubt actual corruption, and of course Chinese influence. Ramsland says, "Why are they going to such incredible links to say there's nothing here when clearly there is. This is almost like Enron. And it's not how these things should work."

At 49 minutes in (till 1:02), Lindell speaks with Dr. Shiva. This is just simply jaw-dropping. You really have to listen to Dr. Shiva, and how he was defrauded out of a win in the Republican primary in Massachusetts by Republicans! The one county that had mostly paper ballots, he won that one by ten percent. Every other one, that had computer voting, he lost (again and again) always by 60 percent to 40 percent against a no-name, hack Republican who didn't campaign (sound familiar, Zhou Xiden?). This testimony by Shiva is important because he emphasizes how it was the Secretary of State in MA who commanded Twitter to close Dr. Shiva down, that government elected officials destroyed Shiva's First Amendment rights. This is a great story, but I wish Lindell let Shiva speak more.

Lindell is a "just regular guy" and will bore or turn off people who might be inclined to watch his report, but who themselves come from a higher social strata and will find Lindell boorish or a "used-car-salesman" type. But that is, of course, just snobbery. And it was just snobbery that made so many despise Trump in the first place.

Also, as I keep saying, if this is true, then the Biden Administration must channel Joe Stalin and create a total police state. They seem to be doing just that. Fox Business has cancelled Lou Dobbs. Dobbs, 75, had the most-watched show on Fox Business. If they can cancel a Lou Dobbs, they can cancel anybody. It makes NO business sense, not remotely, but then, maybe they're not IN business like we think they are. (CNN is probably a CIA front, actually; and the people now running Fox are obviously not interested in making money. Jack Dorsey and Smuckerface and Bozos cost their companies billions. There's clearly something going on beyond "business.")

An Préachán

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