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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

More Covid Lies and Madness, Multiplied, and a Little U.S. History


Covid. The news I'm hearing from friends about the "vaccine" distribution sounds like a classic S.N.A.F.U. situation all around, doesn't it? "Hey, we have a big deal, something really super important, so let's let government manage it!"

Yeah, that'll work. /sarc

Consider for a moment Anthony Fauci, who receives the biggest paycheck of anyone in government ($417,608 last year; and his budget is 10 times higher than when he first began), a guy landed in D.C. nearly 40 years ago, with the job to deal with AIDS, a disease still going strong, but just not talked about by the MSM. 2018 saw some 15,820 deaths of individuals having AIDS, although the CDC officiously says "These deaths may be due to any cause."  Oh? Is that true, now? And why doesn't the that say that about the Covid deaths, hmmm? Recent allegations are that the government has lied profusely about those. 

At least here one can sign a petition to force the government from forcing experimental "vaccines" on us.

Anyway, I'm assuming these are the Moderna or Pfizer mRNA "vaccines"? They're not "vaccines" at all, as Dr. Merrit (and others, such as Dr. Theresa Deisher) explained, and won't prevent a person from getting the virus. It doesn't prevent transmission. They actually create that "spike protein" pathogen in your body –  if it does even that. We don't really know that it does, actually. Only a few elites know what is really going on. Anyway, the spike protein is what kills you to begin with. However, we developed vaccines to begin with because we had no treatment for smallpox and polio. However, we have "cures" for Covid and other viruses in the Lysosomotropic drug family such as Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. These work extremely well (if applied early, with no pussyfooting around). But the $69 BILLION vaccine business doesn't want you to know that! So, instead, they're going to rewrite everyone's DNA?

No, thanks.

Honestly, upon reflection, can anyone trust what the government says? My friends, this is a Serious Question. Think about it.

Some History:

  • Early on in our lifetimes, President Eisenhower warned us in his farewell message about the military-industrial complex, or what we'd call today the "Deep State".
  • The 1960 election was almost certainly stolen (people tend to focus on Chicago, but it was probably stolen in Texas, too; but according to the government and most historians, Jack Kennedy won).
  • However, Jack Kennedy in power found out about "the Deep State"; it pushed him around and he was embarrassed by "Deep State" in the Bay of Pigs fiasco and then the assassination of Ngo Dinh Nhu, who was nothing less than the president of South Vietnam, our erstwhile ally). Then soon after that, Jack Kennedy himself was bumped off. And of course the government, about all this, said, "Nothing to see here; move along."
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson then set up the hapless "show trial", the Warren Commission, to investigate the assassination – a murder which Johnson may well have arranged in the first place! – and of course the Warren Commission found "nothing to see here; move on". Then Johnson got us hopelessly "quagmired" in Vietnam – resulting in the strongest country on Earth bound hand and foot in a hopeless mess, a Fiasco SNAFU to beat all Fiasco SNAFUs, one that ended up killing 55,000 of our best young men – for Johnson to make out financially on his defense money kickbacks, according to various investigators.

  • Then we get Nixon, whom they brought down because he ordered a cover-up on a crime he didn't order in the first place.
  • Nixon, the coward, should have gone for a Senate trial and had his lawyers bring out ALL the dirty laundry of the Johnson Administration – which did far worse than Nixon's "plumbers" and, as well, what Vietnam was REALLY all about, and even go back to FDR's days when HE ordered the very stuff Johnson did to be carried out! (This is something Trump should do now, just unload on the Deep State, especially regarding this stolen election, which as I so often has said, will be ever more clearly proved in the coming months.)

  • But no, "Tricky Dick" ran away.

  • Then we got the utterly feckless Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter. Carter had at least been a competent nuclear technician in the Navy, but he was hapless as president.
  • Then when Reagan came in, everyone tried everything to get him out (I'll never believe the assassination attempt on Reagan was what it appeared to be, especially as it would have put the preppy, shallow George H.W. Bush, a "country club" Repub, into the presidential office), and so they tied up Reagan's second four years (he won 49 states, remember???) with the Iran-Contra idiocy. (N.B. The only reason the Republican elites let Reagan run was because he picked G.H.W. Bush as his veep.)
  • Then we FINALLY got the feckless First Bush, "The Preppy One" (amazingly, also a WWII naval fighter pilot; one would never image him to be such) as president. He promptly lost to an empty headed, glad-handling/woman raping dirt bag, name Bill Blythe (oh, wait...).
  • Then the feckless tool Clinton, a sexual clown of clowns, formerly Blythe, or whatever it was – and his harridan Commie wife.
  • Then as if the FIRST Bush wasn't depressing enough, we got the feckless second Bush, eight years of that fiasco, and finally Obama, who literally sold out the country to the ChiComs and the Iranians. (Well, both Bushes and the Clintons were pushing China as well. Remember, only an utter, utter, utter economic IDIOT would move a country's manufacturing base to another country, because manufacturing makes ACTUAL wealth! 'Wealth' isn't money (unless the money is precious metals), 'wealth' is product, material goods that people what, things of value to them. So our high muckety-mucks are unspeakably stupid, or traitorous, or both.

  • Now we've had an election stolen from us right before our eyes, even as we watched it on news shows and later on video, all as we literally watched accumulating tallies suddenly decrease and as we saw on video cameras boxes of ballots pulled out from under tables, etc. Now (as I predicted, I may boast) they're making even discussing the Vote Steal something illegal, trashing the First Amendment. They'll lock you up should you bring it up, but again, as I have said, evidence just keeps mounting and mounting
So, honestly, everyone, Amici, I ask you, in all seriousness: why would ANYONE trust the government?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is on an anti-vax crusade, and has been for years. (I don't agree with all of that, but I'm open to evidence.) He says often that his father, Bobby Kennedy – "RFK" also assassinated way back in '68; he had dared to run against LBJ, of whom Nixon told Roger Stone: "Johnson and I both wanted the presidency, but I wasn't ready to kill for it" – think about that. Anyway, Bobby Kennedy used to tell his son, "Government lies to you."

Truer words were never spoken.

An Préachán

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