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Monday, January 11, 2021

I sense the fear in Nunes' voice...


This is a remarkable interview with Rep. Devin Nunes, for a number of reasons. He's clearly angry, very! But I feel or sense in some way the fear in his voice.

He starts out saying, "The fact is, there is no longer a fee and open social media site for any American to get on any longer." Nunes is talking about how Big Tech crushed Parler, and honestly, from what I'm reading, it will take some doing, if it is possible at all, to get Parler back up. Just today (things are happening so fast), Parler sued the Big Techies for shutting it down. A lot of good that will do, for "the fix is in" – the Supremes have refused to hear the numerous cases Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani and others have brought before it, not till long after the election (meaning, not at all). You can imagine how the lower courts will treat Parler's suit.

In this second interview, Rep. Matt Gaetz comes across much more positively and confidently: 

But listen to what they're discussing! The Democrats are going full-scale war on Donald J. Trump, and on Mo Brooks and a host of others. And notice how the Fox News interviewer calls it "the sacking of the Capitol". C'mon, this is insane. And it is a PURE Reichstag Fire gambit, the best since the original in 1933. For a modern "sacking of cities", look at how Antifa/BLM treated major Democrat strongholds this past year, including New York. To call the events at the Captial a "sacking" is grotesque.

The bad guys gave gone over-the-top into full-scale looney-land. Their rhetoric is far, far beyond anything Trump or Mo Brooks have said – ever. And the Democrat-controlled Congress is pulling out all the stops to "get Trump" AND his supporters.

None of this is America, none of what the Dems are bristling and saber-rattling about has anything to do with America.

Now, I've been seeing and hearing whispers that President Trump is going to pull a counter-coup, and soon (as in this week). I mean, seize control of the government, arrest a host of people (the Biden family, Nancy Pelosi, so forth and so on). Naturally, this sounds like either pure disinformation, or folk sucking on the last ounce of 'hopium', that element the dying and desperate inhale in despair.

Certainly, what the Democrats are now saying is that they will stop at nothing to destroy both Trump and his movement. It is so far nuts that Sen. Durbin and some Congressman will be presenting a bill to make Trump's MAGA rallies illegal! One would think the courts would throw such a law out in a heartbeat, but there is no evidence they won't. We live in an utterly lawless jungle, my friends.

So, I certainly hope that there's going to be a counter-coup. It would need, above all, (dare I say it) unimpeachable evidence that Biden is on China's payroll (if they paid him in dollars, those ought to be traceable) and also, of course, Nancy Pelosi's attempt to lure the military away from Trump (she wanted to grab the nuclear codes) ought to land her in prison. But after all we've been through, who can really believe all this is going to happen?

About Covid, I know what to believe.
About what the Democrats will do if they do succeed to power, as they are raucously telling us they'll do, I know what to believe.
That we're about to enter into a new Dark Age, yep, I can easily believe that (along with the other senses of that phrase, there's literal one wherein we cannot communicate via the internet).
But about all the coup/counter-coup rumors, I don't know what to believe.

Wish I had better news, but all we can do is brush up on our Mandarin.

(I'm being sarcastic, of course; pray, and prepare for martyrdom.)

An Préachán

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