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Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Couple of Recent Articles on Covid


In these darkening days of doom, as Sauron spreads his daylight-destroying mantel of black clouds from Orodruin to cover the western world, we face a lot of strangeness, most of it "psych ops" designed to depress us, get us to "give up" and accept the new dhimmitude (a word referring to how non-Muslims are forced to survive in strict Muslim lands). 

After what I've seen in the past two months –
  • A totally fraudulent election in the U.S., (just for one recent example)
  • An utter Communist takeover of America, as exhibited by their shutting down a huge swath of social media,
  • And exhibited summer of Antifa-BLM lawlessness and the burning down and sacking of the downtowns of major American cities, something applauded by many top Democrats, such as Kamala Harris,
  • All followed by the unspeakable hypocrisy over a few windows knocked out at the Capitol building (in an effort led by Antifa, BTW), which apparently is cause enough to remove President Trump by impeachment (Trump asked people to be peaceful, Kamala Harris egged on the violence in the summer – so Trump is impeached and Harris elevated to the Vice-Presidency!)
  • And an immense public shaming – à la Orwell's 1984 – of a host of Conservative and esp. American Nationist commentators.
Well, friends, after all that, I'll believe anything evil of these people. Just to place it into context: I always knew Global Warming was a hoax designed to instill panic and cement in a One World Government, and I've been very suspicious of Covid.

Now, I know.

Therefore, I present to you here a couple of Covid articles, as the Left who is taking over has every intention of just locking down the world over Covid, we need to consider how huge the lie about it is.

The first article on offer is presented by those who reject the vaccine project completely, and you might find them extreme, but then again, they present some interesting facts we're not getting in the mainstream Covid-questioning people. The second article is from a couple Ph.Ds still considered "mainstream" though the Biden Administration will probably send them to re-education camps; (the doctors in the first article, the anti-vaxers, Biden's people will just have them shot).

One Dr. David Martin is the primary speaker in the first article, and he's in a podcast with some "heavy hitters" in the anti-vaccine world: Dr. Judy Mikovits, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: 
Here's an excerpt (boldface highlights came with the article):

“This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines actually are a legally defined term under public health law; they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards.[1] And the vaccine specifically has to stimulate both the immunity within the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt transmission.

And that is not what this is. They (Moderna and Pfizer) have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop the transmission, it is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say, “What other treatments are there?

The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition and also it is actually the sucker punch to open and free discourse… Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARSCOV2. If we said we are going to give people prophylactic chemotherapy for the cancer they don’t yet have, we’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. That’s exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.

An Préachán again:
Sounds appetizing, doesn't it? Of course, those in favor of the mRNA vaccines are all for it. The problem is, as you can see below, 99.95 percent of anyone under 70 who gets Covid survives it, and 95 percent of those over 70 survive it.

Yes, that's true. (See below for details.)
Nota Bene: Apparently, Hungary is using some Russian vaccine, or maybe not; 7 Those of you residing in Hungary probably know better than I, but we had all better know just what sort of "vaccine" they're giving you – but I will be damned if I take any sort of "vaccine" for a disease that 99.95 people who get it and who are under 70 survive (again, see below for the link to that article).

This second article is amazing, as well – Jay Bhattacharya and Christos A. Makridis (the former an MD and Ph.D in medicine at Standford, and the latter also a Ph.D. and medical research professor) wrote this article

An excerpt The Hill's op-ed by Bhattacharva and Makridis:

The harms from lockdown have been catastrophic. Consider the psychological harm. Reader, since you’re reading this in lockdown, you can undoubtedly relate to the isolation and loneliness that these policies can cause by shutting down typical channels for social interaction. In June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that one in four young adults had seriously considered suicide. Opioid and other drug related deaths are on a sharp and unsurprising upswing.   
An Préachán again:
So, definitely, what with world governments (can we just now say, world government, singular?) getting ready to force these Covid vaccines on us, we need to know this. You-all realize they want you to get vaccinated for a disease that everyone under 70 has a 99.95 percent survival rate, and those over 70 have a 95 percent survival rate!

As "Pedo" Manchurian Candidate "Beijing"Joe Biden becomes president – thanks to voter fraud and lawbreaking on an unprecedented scale, and now the dropping an "iron curtain" (I didn't coin that phrase, BTW /sarc) on America, and as our new socialist rulers may well force all Americans into Lockdowns and eternal mask mandates, you need to know the extent of the fraud being perpetrated on you-all.

Evil times, my friends. Satan rules. Well, technically, Old Hob is in the driver's seat for the moment because God is letting him test us; God Himself is letting our our greatest – and most dangerous – divine gift, free will, play out to the wretched denouement, until we're all groveling about like beasts because, of course, we've allowed abortion in the U.S. since 1973. If you worship Moloch long enough, you turn into a beast, all right. God's allowing us to suffer is a form of "tough love", as they say.

N.B. No devil, from the biggest fallen Cherub to the smallest imp, can do anything to us that God doesn't allow; we don't always know the Divine why of such things, but in the U.S., the richest nation in the world (as usually that's understood), allowing abortions and now sex-change operations, will damn the lot of us to nation-side suffering. And if we let a clearly fraudulent election succeed, we truly deserve what we get.

An Préachán

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